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Diamond Dust tw-3

Page 10

by Vivian Arend

  “Let’s try the blue set first, then, with the full-length gown. That will give you time for adjustments if needed.”

  Her mouth tightened slightly as Stephan stepped in front of her and slipped off one bra strap. Then, damn it, there were too many bodies between Tyler and her for more than momentary glimpses. Flashes of naked skin that did more to tantalize than satisfy.

  When the proprietor of the shop finally stepped away, Tyler found himself on the edge of his chair, a mere second away from bolting to his feet.

  The view was beyond spectacular.

  Caroline had been eased into a one-piece outfit with a corset-like top that emphasized the flare of her hips. The cups that held her breasts—he’d never been envious of a piece of fabric before. Only he was, the gentle swells of flesh rising above the shimmering silk moving slowly as she breathed.

  Her blonde hair fell around her shoulders like she’d just crawled out of his bed, all soft and warm and satisfied, and damn it—

  His bear was really working the imagery.

  Tyler cleared his throat. Fought to use his vocal cords. “Lovely.”

  It shouldn’t have come out so growly and lust-filled, not if he’d been in control, but that was the issue. He wasn’t in control. Not since he’d met Caroline.

  He moved his gaze to the proprietor, catching his eye before flicking a glance toward the door. This probably wasn’t the first time Stephan had been silently ordered out of his own shop. The owner dipped his chin before gesturing to his assistants.

  “We will be back in a moment,” Stephan declared.

  Once the room was down to just Caroline and Tyler, the classical music playing in the background was softer than his panting, damn it.

  Caroline shifted her stance. When she spoke, her words came out low and lusty, teasing his eardrums like they were erogenous zones. “I take it there’s a reason I need to have a fancy dress?”

  He didn’t stop appreciating the view. “Next week Tuesday. There’s an event for the heads of the clans every few evenings beginning tonight, concluding in a formal dance.”

  She glanced at the door the shop workers had vanished behind, then stepped off the platform and paced toward him. Slowly. Hips swaying as she moved, breasts wiggling just right, her naked flesh pale peach-coloured in the soft lighting. “So this assistant position you need me for. You want me to take notes?”

  She was nearly close enough to touch. “No notes. There’s a secretary who does that. I need you to help me impress those clans who think I’m too impulsive because I’m single.”

  Caroline planted her hands on her hips before easing her palms upward. He watched, mesmerized, as she caressed her rib cage, along the sides of her breasts, not stopping until she’d threaded her fingers through her hair.

  He was going to die of a lack of oxygen. He seemed to have forgotten how to breathe.

  When she pressed her fingers to his chest, he swore his heart stopped as well. Yes, he was going to die here and now, one body system shutting down after the other.

  His cock would be the last thing to succumb.

  Tyler shoved himself back as she wordlessly demanded until he was fully seated on the couch. Then, hallelujah, she climbed on top, her shins resting on the leather on either side of his legs.

  “So, this is a date?” she asked.

  Tyler attempted to focus on her face. “What’s that?”

  “A date. You asking me to join you for the conclave isn’t a political arrangement, it’s a date.”

  He’d swallowed his tongue. A second earlier he’d glanced down far enough to notice the material of her outfit, when she was in that knees-spread-wide position, barely covered her pussy. “Not a date. Political. Necessity.”

  The words surprised him as they slipped past his lips.


  Caroline eased herself closer. Closer. Until her torso rested right against his.

  Their faces were only inches apart, the rest of them touching. The warmth of her sex centered squarely over the erection that bulged the front of his trousers. He was unable to resist sliding his hands onto her hips.

  She licked her lips. “Political necessity. Good to know.”

  He wasn’t sure what he wanted to touch next. Taste next. Her lips were so close. The scent of her attraction rose like a siren call. She undulated her hips, only a fraction of an inch, but it was enough to drag a groan from him as she rubbed his cock.

  Caroline brushed her fingers lightly over his forehead, careful to avoid the cut. “Dangerous business, getting involved with bears.”

  “I warned you.” He held her hips tighter and ground her over his aching length. So good, yet a million miles from what it was going to be like to sink into her warmth.

  She thrust her fingers into his hair, her cheek against his. Her breasts crushed to his chest, intimately close but for the scrap of material she wore and his clothing.

  He’d never wished for the magical ability to strip so hard before in his life. Not even the time he’d woken as a teen choking on his own T-shirt after accidentally having shifted in the night.

  He moved her again. And again. This throaty little noise escaped her, and lust flared like a white-hot poker. One second more, and he’d forget all decorum and have her naked and bent over the back of the chair. He’d take her and make her scream.

  She nibbled on his earlobe, and he fretted perhaps he wouldn’t even make it to the strip them down part. He was about to come right there, right then.

  Her regretful sigh surprised him.

  “Too bad we’re only getting involved for political reasons.” Another sigh, air brushing his cheek as she sat back, opening a space between them.

  His bear screamed nooooooooo. His human mind boggled and attempted to make sense of her comment.

  She cupped his cheek. “I understand though. Politics are very important, and you can trust me to do everything I can to help you.”

  When she would have wiggled off his lap, he held her immobile. “Where are you going?”

  She rolled her eyes. “To try on the gowns and stuff that I need to be a pretty political assistant to you. D-uh.”

  Somewhere this had taken a wrong turn. “Wait…”

  He couldn’t hold her in position without hurting her, so he released his grip, her warmth fading as she stepped back, hands folded demurely in front of her.

  “See, if we were actually dating? Then we might have a few other things to discuss, but since this is all political, well. I’ll just have to keep my disappointment to myself.”

  Oh fuck. “It’s not that I don’t—”

  “What? Find me attractive? Of course it’s not. We did kiss yesterday, and it was kind of fun, but I find mixing work and play isn’t a great idea. No problem. Glad to have that all straightened up. I’ll be the very best political assistant you could wish for.”

  She stepped onto the platform. Tyler dragged a hand through his hair feeling a little as if a train had just hit him. Especially when she squatted, knees wide, finger raised to her lips. Every part of her open to him, her breasts nearly spilling from the corset top.

  “And Tyler?”

  “Yes?” He somehow dragged his gaze back up to hers.

  “Don’t think you can take any liberties while I’m assisting you. No kisses out of the blue, no secret groping. I’m the one in charge of this, and unless I decide I want you, hands off the goods.”

  She rose to her feet, one hand presenting herself like the treasure she was. The sexy display ended when she planted her fists on her hips again. The bold move at the finish was racier than she probably realized.

  Well, hell. That hadn’t gone nearly the way he’d expected.

  The limo brought them up the winding mountain road toward their destination for the evening. The windows of the distant manor glowed amber and gold in flashes through the trees.

  On the bench seat to her right, Tyler had remained silent for the past twenty minutes of the ride. After helping her in
to the limo, Justin had taken the seat across from them, and alternately grinned or fought to keep his amusement from showing.

  Caroline ignored them both and folded her fingers together to stop from fidgeting. The dress she wore had a slit up one side that kept falling open if she didn’t keep her knees pinned to the leather seat. The dress itself was gorgeous. Soft silvery silk that clung to her curves, the deep V of the neckline magically staying in position over the bra Monsieur Stephan had fit her in, and she had to admit, the man knew how to make the girls look the best they ever had.

  From the elaborate hairdo one of the shop assistants had created for her unruly blonde hair to the tips of her freshly manicured toes, Caroline was a fancy woman. A soft shawl lay over her shoulders to keep the chill in the air at bay. The three-inch heels on her feet were frighteningly comfortable—she would have sworn they were old and broken in, and not brand new from the box.

  Yes, in an hour and a half flat she’d been packaged prettily for the evening. Still had no bloody idea what was coming next, though.

  After her little ultimatum in the lingerie shop, Tyler had nodded curtly then vanished with a final comment he’d be back for her at six thirty. Even the fact he’d walked out with an obvious erection hadn’t been enough to satisfy the frustration raging through her.

  Shifters didn’t think of intimacy the same way most humans did. She understood that. She really did.

  Easier attitudes toward sex she could handle. But totally ignoring attraction and making it all about a job? Fuck that noise. Even when she’d gotten involved with Evan, the relationship hadn’t been completely about what they could do for each other outside the bedroom. There’d been an honest attraction between them.

  Caroline resisted the urge to swing a fist and thump Tyler on the chest. She’d thought there was an honest attraction between her and the bear as well, but it seemed Mister High and Mighty couldn’t even confess to that.

  No. She wasn’t about to become some kind of political advantage and hand over sexual treats on the side. Not if Tyler didn’t man up and admit he wanted both her and her help.

  Why couldn’t someone want her for her?

  She kept her woe-is-me sighing to a minimum, but the truth remained. After spending so long around shifters, after knowing how she had to act to impress them, she was tired of being taken for granted.

  Evan suggested she trust her gut instincts. Right now her instincts told her there was a big big game about to go down, and she wasn’t sure she was up for more playing.

  The realization should have scared her out of her mind.

  They were still about ten minutes from their destination when Justin broke the silence. “Tyler updated you on all the clans you’ll see tonight?”

  Caroline twisted to stare at Tyler. “Gee, no. Was he supposed to?”

  Tyler’s gaze narrowed in warning. The rampant who-gives-a-shit rising inside made her glare back.

  Justin cleared his throat. “Well, yes. But—”

  “Tell her,” Tyler cut in.

  Justin held up his hands, eight fingers raised. “The vote today was between eight clans. Four go on to the next round, and it’s almost a given which they will be when the count is completed tonight.”

  He dropped one hand and flicked fingertips as he named names. “Harrison, Ainsworth, Nakusp and Halcyon. Each time we vote, the clans who are eliminated become a bigger factor. It makes a difference who they rally behind. Tyler has his supporters, but unfortunately so does Ainsworth.”

  “Makes sense. Who will be here tonight?”

  “All eight clans from today’s vote.”

  Caroline tossed her mad away and focused on Tyler. “You hope to convince some of Ainsworth’s followers to switch sides?”

  Tyler shook his head. “Unlikely. Even if they wanted to, he’s got a tight-fisted grip on most of their lives. No one will attempt to rock his boat from the inside.”

  She wasn’t getting this. “We are talking Canadian shifters, right? You make it sound as if he’s got his clan in slavery.”

  “You think people have to live in foreign countries to be cruel tyrants?” Tyler snapped, and Caroline blanched.

  “Gently, Tyler,” Justin admonished. “She’s used to dealing with wolves.”

  Wolves who, it appeared, were some of the best controlled in the land. Evan had been doing a wonderful job—she had to remember to let him know that.

  Caroline’s doubts rose, yet there was no time to turn the boat around and retreat as the car passed through enormous rock-hewn gates. “Top three people we want to impress?”

  Tyler spoke softer than a moment ago. “Definitely Nakusp. He’ll be part of the final four, but chances are high we’ll end up going for a final two, and we’ll need Nakusp on our side. Talk to his wife, get close to her, and see what topics she’s heard him mention as key interests.”

  “Liard is a loose cannon—they tend to switch votes in every round and play games until even they don’t know what they’ll do next.” Justin touched the fading bruise on his temple. “They can get rough while playing, so be extra careful around them.”

  Tyler nodded. “Also, Halcyon already mentioned he’d support me. I’d like confirmation the offer is still in place.”

  The limo pulled to a stop as Caroline tucked the names into her brain. Justin slipped out the door, but when she would have followed Tyler held her back.

  “I hope we avoid any wild antics tonight, but in case things go wrong, retreat to a safe corner and I’ll be there as fast as I can to help you. Understand?”

  Goodie. They would keep this totally on the professional level. Her disappointment was complete. “Yes, sir.”

  Tyler caught her fingers in his, stroking her knuckles with his free hand. “Caroline, I’m sorry for upsetting you.”

  Whoa. A guy who apologized? Hope rose slightly that the evening wouldn’t end up a total fail in the personal department. “Really?”

  He nodded. “I should have explained ahead of time what was going on. You need to know who to talk to. Who to gather information from.”


  Well, yes, that was another place where he’d gone wrong, but the shadow of sadness inside her grew as she stomped her attraction into a tiny little box and duct-taped the lid shut. “I might have good instincts, but information helps.”

  She wiggled, heading for the door. He refused to release her fingers.

  “Wait.” Tyler paused until she faced him again.

  Damn, why did his eyes have to have that mesmerizing quality to them? “What?”

  There was no smile on his face, just full-out commanding concentration. “I expect you will behave properly in public.”

  Oh no. He did not go there. “Excuse me?”

  “As far as any of the clans know, you are here as my date. As such, I expect you to remain by my side when appropriate. If I take you by the hand or embrace you, there will be no negative responses on your part.”

  His words rattled in her brain as she attempted to line this up with his earlier comments. The ones he’d pantingly got out about Political Necessity etc. etc. “Are you serious? You do realize I got invitations from damn near every one of the other clans to join them. Are you telling me they expected me to be their dates?”

  “I have no idea what their intentions were. These are mine. You will be introduced as my date.”

  Caroline caught herself growling. “You didn’t think this was important to tell me back when you were ogling me at the lingerie shop? When you specifically told me this was business?”

  “I was…distracted.”

  “You were an asshole,” she snapped.

  He frowned. “That’s exactly what cannot happen. Do not speak disrespectfully to me while in clan presence.”

  “How about I get it out of my system, then?” Temper flaring, she yanked her hand free then poked him in the chest, once for each word. “Make. Up. Your. Bloody. Mind. We’re not dating, but you expect me to, what? Fawn over you like I�
��m some kind of arm candy for you to show off? You say you want my help and then you basically insult me with your warnings? You’re a jerk, Tyler Harrison.”

  He folded his arms and stared her down.

  “Justin is waiting outside.” She pointed out. “We should go.”

  “You’re deliberately misunderstanding me…” he pulled a box off the back window ledge, “…and we don’t have time for more discussion. Put these on.”

  She jerked open the slim case to discover a set of dazzling diamond jewelry. “What in the world?”

  “Family workmanship. You will, of course, wear a sample of our craft any time we are in public.” She was still staring at the earrings and ring even as Tyler pulled the necklace free. “Turn your back so I can put this on you.”

  Whoa. “Diamonds?”

  “I’m the head of Dzinsen Diamonds. I assumed you knew.”

  “You assume a lot of things.” Migrating moose on a pogo stick. She couldn’t even begin to estimate the value of what he’d so casually tossed her direction.

  The cool weight of the stones landed on her chest, and again Caroline was caught off guard. She ignored the warnings, and the words of frustration she wanted to speak, instead removing her plain pearl earrings and replacing them with the dangling falls of diamonds, long enough they brushed her neck when she twisted her head.

  Tyler had her hand, and before she could protest, he slipped on the immense ring that was part of the set. The motion made her uncomfortable for so many reasons.

  Tyler’s face was unreadable. When he brushed her cheek she twitched before deliberately relaxing with a long exhale. He nodded in approval, his finger continuing down the side of her neck then along the cluster of shimmering diamonds. The end of the cascade nestled between her breasts, and she skipped a breath as his touch lingered there.

  Why did she have to be so attracted to the damn beast when it was obvious he wasn’t a good match for her future?

  He lifted his gaze to meet hers, and for a moment, just a moment, there was something there other than professionalism. Then a shadow rolled in, like he’d lowered a curtain, and the cool, collected man without a trace of humour was back.


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