Wife Tries Oral at a Party (First Cuckolding Book 4)
Page 4
After a while a man approaches from behind and clears his throat. Mia and Dale turn to meet the smile of Mister Jenkins. “Very nice,” he says, his bushy grey brows lifting.
Mia has just gotten used to being ogled but her blush rises again. She accepts a cold can of soda, as does Dale.
“I noticed you young folks had no drinks,” Mister Jenkins says.
“Oh thank you!” Mia replies sweetly.
He lowers to his knees and rests there behind them. They both turn to include him. His eyes lower to Mia’s tits again. “Plus I was hoping for a peep,” he adds with a wink. “Yes – very nice indeed…. Those are by far the cutest little boobs on the beach today.”
Mia arches forward proudly. Her nipples are tight. “I’m pleased you like them,” she says, meeting his grin.
He glances at Dale and winks again. Then he tilts his head and looks up Mia’s crumpled dress. “Are you sure you don’t want to come for a walk around to the inlet – take off those little nickers as well?”
“No, man. Sorry – maybe next time,” Dale tells him.
The older man chuckles. “Well I’m in the phonebook if you want to let me know when ‘next time’ happens.” He looks up from Mia’s tits again. “It would be amazing to see you all grown up and fully nude, love. Remember when you used to visit with your parents, we had that old swimming pool?”
Mia just blushes deeper and rakes her hair back, arching her chest forward again. Mister Jenkins settles in for a chat, asking her how she’s been and what she’s been up to the past eight years since her parents moved her out to the suburbs. Mia keeps checking with Dale while letting the old guy view her little pink panties. She remains facing him and resting back on her hands. The skirt of her dress is bunched up. She catches Dale’s glance once more and tugs her hem a little higher, exposing the soft cotton fabric between her legs and a hint of the lace front of her panties.
“And since I’ve retired….” Mister Jenkins is saying but stops in mid-sentence. “Ooh yeah, that’s nice…. And you young girls all shave nowadays, don’t you?”
“Not fully,” Mia tells him, and she edges her skirt up a bit more to show all of her panties. She meets Dale’s eyes again. “I keep a landing strip,” she says to Mister Jenkins. “Can you see it?” She touches the dark little strip of hair visible through the lace.
Dale quickly checks around then nods to Mia. She knows what he’s thinking. She glances around herself then stretches the front of her panties down to show Mister Jenkins properly.
“Yes, I see now,” the older man says, looking closely. “But shaved down lower, huh?”
“Uh huh,” Mia utters, and she stretches the front of her underwear down further and shows her bare pussy lips. She checks around again but no one’s watching, and she meets Dale’s eyes. “Should I just take them off?”
“Okay,” Dale says. He turns to Mister Jenkins. “We might get going. Do you want to walk back to the ladder with us?”
Mia’s blush swarms as she sneakily slips her panties off and hides them in the bag. She fixes the skirt of her dress to keep herself covered and pulls the top up as well. They head off up the sand to the trail, her heart thumping as she clings to her husband’s sweaty hand.
“So this is what you young folks had in mind today – to try a bit of good old flashing?” Mister Jenkins asks.
“Yeah – pretty much,” Dale tells him.
Mia can’t talk right now. She’s about to show some old ex-neighbour her pussy and everything else. They slow and let a man and woman pass. When they get to the ladder there’s no one behind them. Mia is in a total trance as she’s guided first. She climbs up a bit then peers back down at her husband as the older man leans right underneath her and has a look up her dress.
“Yeah that’s nice shaved like that.”
“Uh huh,” Mia utters, and she waits while he inspects her. His head is at the level of her feet. He touches her calf and she parts her legs a little for him, holding her husband’s gaze again as she does that.
“We’ll definitely come with you to the nude area next time,” Dale tells Mister Jenkins. There are other people approaching. He climbs up behind Mia and she breaks out of her trance and climbs to the top of the ladder. Mister Jenkins is waving and she waves and smiles back.
They hurry to the car. Once safely inside, Mia punches Dale’s arm. “I can’t believe you made me do that!” She giggles excitedly. “That was more than flashing. That was full-on exhibitionism.”
Dale grabs her around the back of the neck and pulls her into a kiss. His other hand searches between her legs, his fingers entering her. Mia is sopping wet. She squirms down against his hand while he plunders her mouth with his tongue. After she has her orgasm, he pulls her down to his lap and she sucks him off, his load spurting strongly into her throat.
Mia sits up and fixes her mussed hair in the vanity mirror on the sun visor. Dale pulls up his pants and checks around. “Thanks, baby,” he says with a satisfied grin.
“You’re welcome…. You finished so fast.”
“So did you…. You were so wet already.”
Mia applies lip gloss.
“I think we might have found something new and exciting. I think we need to do more of this,” Dale goes on.
“I do too, Dale. I loved all those men looking at me down there at the beach. I would definitely do that again!”
“Awesome! Let’s come back next weekend if it’s sunny?”
“Okay….” Mia claims her husband’s hand and intertwines fingers. “And what about your other idea – about me going on a date? I still don’t feel negative about it. I’ve been thinking about it and I’m still not sure…. I wonder what it would be like to be with another guy again.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure about that either yet, baby. It might be okay as long as you don’t end up pregnant to the guy. I think it would be more exciting if he had you without protection, though…. I mean, as long as he was unprotected and could cum in you.”
“Well maybe I should go back on the pill,” Mia suggests softly. “Just in case we decide to…. I definitely agree it would be more exciting if he’s not wearing a condom. I don’t know about the whole idea, but I know I’d prefer a new guy to cum inside me.”
Dale backs out of their parking spot and drives onto the road. He glances and smiles. “Did you notice how huge Teddy’s cock is when we were stroking off? Is size important at all?”
“Yeah I noticed. And yes, size does matter if it’s just for physical pleasure. The same as if a girl’s pussy is really tight for the guy, I suppose. Although a guy’s cock can be too big.”
Dale nods. “I’ve noticed Teddy’s before while getting changed and that, but that was the first time I’d seen it hard. It must have been two inches longer than mine and a lot thicker.”
“Yes, but yours isn’t small, Dale. Yours would be about average. It’s bigger than Ross’s.”
Dale chuckles. “Really? That’s good.”
They drive through the shopping area and turn onto the expressway.
“Teddy’s would certainly be interesting, though,” Mia says after a while. “I mean, I’m not necessarily interested in HIM exactly, but if we were to do something, I wouldn’t mind if it was a guy with a really huge cock.”
Dale gulps. “I know…. I was wondering about that. It’s why I suggested Teddy in the first place. Plus because he’s sort of okay – not like guys who get with lots of different chicks all the time.”
Mia smiles through her blush. “Hmm – so you would prefer that too – for the guy fucking me to have a huge cock?”
Dale’s face reddens. He glances. “I know it’s strange, but I think I’d want it to be good for you physically, like you said about size. Plus maybe with libido too – like if the guy wanted it a lot and you had to give it up for him.”
“Dale! Oh my god!”
“I know, but it’s like what you were saying about Jeff – and how it usually
is when everything’s new.”
Mia giggles. “Well Teddy certainly proved his libido with his two shots one almost straight after the other…. I think he covers that requirement.”
“But he’s also a bit fat, isn’t he, baby? How would that work with someone that physically heavy on top of you?”
“Um, I don’t know – other girls seem to manage. Geez, Dale, you’ve really thought about this, haven’t you?”
“No! Never once before we started talking. I wouldn’t have frigging dreamed about anything like this a week ago. No way!”
“Hmm – okay then, this is just talk. That’s not so bad, I suppose.” Mia takes a breath. “Well for the sake of discussing possibilities I would say yes – having a guy as big and heavy as Teddy on top of me would be fine. He looks really strong too, so he would be able to hold his weight off me a little bit so I could breathe at least while he was fucking me…. And yes – I agree it would be best if the guy wanted sex a lot. I loved that with Jeff and Ross. I think if you’re going to let another man get with me I’d want him to fuck me every chance he got….” Mia puts her feet up on the set and opens her legs wide. Her husband looks at her. “Like that any time he wanted me,” she teases through her blush. “Would that be okay by you, Dale?”
“Aw fuck, baby,” Dale groans, squeezing his cock to one side as he glances at the road then rolls his eyes for another look.
Mia giggles, clasping her hands between her legs and closing them. “Mmm – it’s such an exciting idea, isn’t it? I know I’ve been a bit boring lately, but I’d definitely spark up with a new man. I’d be completely submissive and so easy for him.”
“Yeah? You’d be easy, huh?” Dale squeezes Mia’s thigh. “My wife as an easy fuck for some other dude.”
“Uh huh….” Mia opens her legs again. “I just love spreading for a lover – offering myself…. Offering my pussy whenever he feels like getting off.” She meets her husband’s gaze. “It’s exciting to think of being a sex toy for another man, Dale. Especially since you’d know about it and be waiting somewhere while it was happening.”
Mia and Dale make no further mention of their new sexy ideas the next day. It’s lunch with Dale’s parents, so a completely different mood prevails. Mia has shifts at the restaurant from Monday. She visits her doctor on Tuesday.
“So when do you start taking the pill again, baby?”
“I took it today. The doctor said I need to wait a week to be safe.”
“Well it’s our usual careful time now so I should use a condom, huh?”
“Uh huh…. Unless you want to try and get me pregnant yourself.”
They both laugh and kiss goodbye. Kay is rostered on that night as well and she corners Mia when they have a minute.
“Come over tomorrow? We’ll go shopping!”
“Okay,” Mia agrees excitedly, but work is busy and it’s not until after her shift that Kay catches her and arranges to meet at the mall at ten the next morning.
Dale is asleep when she gets home but rolls over and cuddles her to his chest when she gets into bed. She feels his cock. It firms and she reaches for the condoms and rolls one on. She then straddles her husband and gets herself off while thinking of being fucked by some stranger instead.
Mia cooks breakfast for Dale in the morning. He smiles up from the plate she places in front of him. “Thanks, sexy baby.”
Mia sits with her coffee. “You’re welcome, horny husband.”
“I know but you were so wet last night and I never even touched you.”
“I couldn’t help it,” Mia says through a blush. “It was all that talk about dating the other day. It’s just the thought of it.”
Dale nods. “Yeah – for me too…. I think I’m cooling off on the idea of actually doing it, but fantasising about it is mind-blowing.”
“Hmm – I think I feel exactly the same way…. The thought of it – yes – but maybe not to actually do it.”
Dale gulps a mouthful of eggs. “Yeah, but the other stuff is still okay by me. The Point and that other stuff that happened at Kay and Andrews place – I’m still cool with that. Are you, baby?”
“Yes…. I still want to go back to The Point this weekend, and if we do that sexy playing again, I wouldn’t mind.”
“Okay cool. Has Kay said anything about going out together yet?”
“We’re going shopping today. If she asks, should I say yes?”
“Yeah – if it sounds good to you, it’s fine by me.”
Mia sees Dale off to work then dresses and walks to the mall, which is just across the road and along a bit. Kay turns up and they hit the shops. It’s late in the summer so there are plenty of specials. Mia picks out a few tops and skirts. She buys a particularly short stretch cotton tube dress, the thought of sitting on the floor with the guys again in mind. She also finds a new dress for the beach, also very short, but cool and breezy.
“Come on – let’s go to my place and try stuff on properly,” Kay enthuses, and she leads the way to her car.
Mia is a bit nervous about Andy possibly being home, but his car isn’t there and the house is locked up. Kay puts on music and they go to her room and model their new purchases for each other.
“Ooh – that’s short,” Kay teases about Mia’s beach dress.
“I know…. I’m going to wear it this weekend. We’re going to The Point again.”
“Oh no! This weekend? I wanted to come next time but we’re going away.”
“I know. You said. But we could all go together the weekend after, couldn’t we?”
“Okay – deal. Plus we should get together again this week. That was fun last time…. What about coming over for a swim again on Friday night?”
“Sure! We’d love to,” Mia replies excitedly. “We could even bring swimmers this time.”
“Or not,” Kay says with a grin. “It’s quite private here. We could make the guys swim in their jocks again. That was fun.”
“Hmm – definitely. That WAS fun!”
“The whole night was fun,” Kay adds pointedly. “Don’t you think?”
Mia nods, her blush firing up.
Kay looks over her shoulder in the mirror. “So should I invite Teddy again? He’ll cancel any other plans if he knows you’re going to be here.”
“Um…. But isn’t it strange for you, being related to him?”
“Yes, you’d have to take care of that part of things again if things got sticky…. Would you be okay with that?”
Mia’s blush deepens but the phone rings in the kitchen and she’s left alone. She pulls off her dress and drops it in the shopping bag. The sundress she wore is inside out on the bed. She’s fixing that when Andy appears in the doorway smiling huge. Mia quickly covers her bare breasts with the dress.
“Hello there, sexy,” Andy greets her, his gaze touring her body. “Don’t mind me,” he goes on and walks into the room stripping his shirt.
Mia just hugs her dress to her chest and watches him get a clean shirt from a drawer. He pulls it on then drops onto the bed propped on his side, still smiling huge at her. She fiddles her dress the right way and wiggles her arms into it. “Aw don’t be a spoil sport,” he groans, making her smile through her blush and turn her head away. She then lifts the dress over her head, allowing him to see her breasts. “Aw yeah – that’s better,” he groans again.
Mia tugs the skirt down. There are buttons up the front which are undone. Andy hooks a finger into the garment and tugs her closer as he sits up. Kay can be heard still talking on the phone. Mia sits on the bed beside Andy. He looks at her exposed chest, her dress open to her waist. He adjusts his erection in his pants. “You’re so fucking hot,” he whispers.
Mia pulls her dress closed and grips it there. “Thank you,” she utters softly, her lips involuntarily parting as he looks at them.
Kay approaches and kneels behind Mia, taking her shoulders. Mia peers back at her. Kay kisses her lips, just softly, then turns her to her husband.
Andy kisses Mia too, his lips parting hers and his tongue present. Mia is turned back to Kay, who kisses her wetly this time, moaning into her mouth. She guides Mia down onto the bed and Andy lies down on his side. He takes Mia’s lips again, extending his tongue further this time.
Mia is completely entranced as they take turns with her. “This is nice,” Kay whispers into one of her kisses. “Do you like it?”
Mia nods. “Uh huh. But I don’t want to do anything right now….”
Andy takes her mouth firmly once more. She can feel his hand bumping against her hip. She’s clutching the hem of her dress, keeping it pulled down to cover herself.
Kay takes over kissing again, her action softer and more sensual. It’s making Mia’s head light—her mind whirl. She’s also feeling Mia’s breast. Andy lifts from beside Mia and watches. Kay opens Mia’s dress away from both breasts, and Andy’s gaze settles there, his face set sternly as his hand continues jerking. His breathing becomes ragged and his expression twists. “Fuck yeah,” he groans. “Ready for a dose of medicine?” he asks Mia.
Kay lifts from kissing Mia and watches her husband. He leans over, squeezing his cock in a fist. Mia opens for him and he positions the swollen head and grunts his release, his cum spurting into Mia’s mouth as she clutches her dress closed again. There are a number of heavy gushes that cover her tongue and flood her throat. She swallows to avoid gagging, the strong taste making her eyes water.
Mia swallows a second time before Kay kisses her again. Andy gets up and fixes his pants. He’s standing there smiling down at Mia. “Was that nice medicine?”
“Uh huh,” Mia utters, meeting her girlfriends eyes.
“That was so hot,” Kay says. “Your mouth is so yummy now…. I’d love to kiss you down below after sex sometime.”
Mia’s blush rises. “After sex?”
“Yes – with Dale of course!”
“Oh…. Um, that might be nice.”
“Damn straight!” Andy agrees.
“Oh – you can go now if you want,” Kay says to him. “You’ve done your deed, so we don’t need you in here while we’re doing girl stuff anymore.”