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Kinky Bet

Page 5

by Maggie Nash

“You should be kneeling,” he said as he stalked over to her.

  “I’m sorry, Sir, I was just about to,” she said, scrambling to her knees and trying to remember all the instructions Ione had given her.

  “Silence. I didn’t give you permission to speak.”

  Darn. She almost apologised again, but stopped herself in time, nodding slightly before she lowered her head.

  Something cold tapped against her shoulders. “Straighten your back, subbie,” he said as he circled around her. He stood in front of her for a few minutes, his breathing deep and even. She held her breath while she waited for his next correction, and almost squealed when he reached forward with both hands and tweaked on her nipples, pulling them towards him.

  As the tension on her tender skin increased she couldn’t stop the moan of pain escaping her as he continued to twist and pull.

  “You must thrust your tits out so just a look from your Master has your tits primed and ready for him,” he said as he finally let go.

  The pain as the blood returned was excruciating but at the same time the sizzle in her clit came as a surprise. Who knew?

  The giant leaned towards her and slid his fingers along her slit, rubbing in her juices. What she didn’t expect was more arousal, considering the pain he’d caused her and the fact that she’d never laid eyes on him until less than a minute ago. She might be a stranger to Conal, but his hands felt like they belonged on her. This man was nothing to her, and here she was getting all wet and slick. It was a sobering thought, and it almost took away her excitement.

  “You really are a slut, aren’t you, subbie?” he said as he stood back.

  She closed her eyes and nearly died of embarrassment listening to him licking his fingers.

  “You shouldn’t be disconcerted,” the blond giant said. “Your Master decides who touches you, and he sent me to teach you.”

  She thought about it, and realised he was doing nothing more than what Conal had told her would happen. A good sub wishes to please her Master, and if it pleased him to allow this man to help in her training and to touch her, then so be it.

  “Do you wish to use your safe word?”

  She shook her head. Although it certainly wasn’t something she was entirely comfortable with, and she didn’t know if she would ever get used to it, she’d try to do what Conal wanted. For now.

  “Good,” he said as he poked the small of her back with his flogger. “Straighten up and we’ll continue.”

  * * * *

  A few hours later Erica lay in a hot bath and questioned her decision to continue her training. Every muscle, tendon and ligament in her body ached, and if she’d ever been this exhausted before, she couldn’t remember. The posture training session had only been the beginning. After that sadistic blond giant had finished with her, Ione had taken over and she’d practised kneeling and standing for over two hours. Who knew there was a specific order in which to stand? At least she’d been given a two-hour reprieve before the afternoon session started.

  She looked at the tray of food she’d taken from her bedroom and placed near the bath. She knew she really should eat, but she didn’t have the energy. The thought of lifting her arms out of the warm, soothing water was the last thing she wanted to do, though if she didn’t eat something, she might not make it out of the bath. That presupposed that she was meant to do it under her own steam, of course. Thus far she hadn’t had to do all that much for her own comfort, as every time she’d returned to her room, someone had been there tending to her. She wasn’t all that comfortable with it, but it was beginning to grow on her. The steamy water she lay in must have had some special ingredient because she felt like a dozen or so pairs of hands were soothing all the hurts, and if she closed her eyes, she could imagine just who teased her breasts, and whose fingers stroked her nipples. Oh God. She had her answer.

  Yes indeed, she needed energy. Especially if she wanted a full tank to take everything Conal planned to dish out over the next day and a half. She smiled as she reached over to pick up a leg of chicken before taking a bite into the juicy flesh.

  “So do you have someone in mind when you bite into that leg, Enya? Or are you just hungry?”

  Erica jumped, splashing a significant amount of water. She struggled to right herself but the offending chicken piece slipped through her fingers as she grabbed for the side of the bath, almost rolling over in the process.

  Conal wrapped his strong hands around her upper arms, stopping her slippery body’s trajectory. As her movement stopped she crossed her hands against her breasts.

  “You should not be covering yourself, my Enya.”

  Erica looked down at her breasts and sighed. She shrugged, and lay her arms down by her sides in the warm water.

  “That’s much better. A sub never covers what belongs to her master. You will need to remember that should you wish to pursue this life after the weekend.”

  Erica’s knees moved closer to her chest. Was that what she wanted? She hadn’t thought much further than Sunday night at this stage.

  “Don’t think too much about it for now. There’ll be plenty of time to sort that out after you get home.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl. Now stand up.”

  She hesitated, leaning forward to pull the plug.

  “The instruction was to stand up. Did I ask you to empty the bathwater?” He hadn’t raised the volume of his voice, but the temperature had decidedly cooled.

  “No, Sir.”

  He stood back. “Then obey the order.”

  She trembled, contemplating the most graceful way to stand in a bath full of soapy water.


  She rolled over in the water to comply but her knee slipped, increasing her trajectory and landing her farther into the warm bubbles, splashing water far and wide. The soft chuckle she heard from behind her didn’t help relieve the embarrassment that broadcasted itself through her red cheeks. Once she’d righted herself enough to get out of the bath she stole a look at Conal from beneath her lowered eyes. He remained where he had been before, but now leaned against the doorjamb, his arms crossed and grinning at her predicament.

  Finally she managed to stand up in front of him, lifting her eyes to his and daring him to laugh. “Thank you so much for your help, Sir.”

  He smirked. “You seemed to be doing all right on your own there. I wasn’t seeing a need to step in.”

  “Was that before or after I fell over?”

  He pushed himself off from the wall and stood in front of her, so close she could feel the heat of his body warming her rapidly cooling skin. “That will be enough of that bratty behaviour.” He reached over and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Kneel.”

  The weight of his hand made sure she complied, although she would have liked a towel to dry off first. She shivered as the cold tiled floor made contact with her knees. From the ice in his voice she figured she was in deep doo-doo. She’d forgotten why she was there again, and unless she wanted to be sent home she’d better get with the programme and follow the rules. She bowed her head, staring at a chip in the tiles. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  He circled around her, moving slowly in an uncomfortable silence. Erica bit her lip and waited for him to go through her very long list of indiscretions, and quite possibly she would find out how he planned to deal with them. When he stopped in front of her face she held her breath.

  “Are you a pain slut?”

  She gasped, and started coughing. “Nn…no!”

  He crossed the room and poured a glass of water, then returned and held it to her mouth. “Drink.”

  She shook her head as control returned. “I’m fine, thank you, Sir. Why did you ask if I’m a pain slut? If you don’t mind me asking the question?”

  His eyebrow lifted. “Have you heard of a bratty sub?”

  “No, not really, Sir.”

  “Not really? Or not at all?”

  “I’ve heard the term, but I’m not sure of the meaning.” She loo
ked up into his face and realised she’d forgotten something. “Sir. Sorry, Sir. I meant to say I’m not sure of the meaning, Sir.”

  She thought she saw a hint of laughter in his eyes, plus his lips seemed to twitch just a little, but she couldn’t be sure.

  “A brat is a sub who deliberately plays her Master up, so she will be punished.”

  Oh crap. Was that what she was doing?

  “I didn’t mean to, Sir. I’m just having trouble remembering the rules every now and then.”

  His face didn’t move, except for a small tic in his left cheek. “Then perhaps I’ll give you something to help you remember.”

  “Whatever you think will help, Sir.”

  “Good answer. Now get into your bed and sleep well. Be ready in the morning for a day of new challenges.”

  Chapter Five

  At precisely seven the next morning, Erica found herself again walking naked through the hallways of the old mansion. This time her companion on the journey was the blond hunk from the previous afternoon. She was very careful to keep her eyes lowered and her hands behind her back while she walked. Her sleepless night had been filled with waking dreams of the worst kind. Not punishment in the physical sense. No, not her weird mind. She saw herself being closed out of the mansion and sent home. No chance to experience her fantasies. No Conal. Nothing. Just a cold, lonely trip home and it was all her own fault. So despite the fact that she hadn’t as yet made up her mind if this submission thing was for her, she wanted to give it a chance. Besides, Nicole would kill her if she quit before the end of the weekend. So there she was, as naked as the day she was born, blindly following a man she didn’t know, to be involved in some activity she had no idea about. Was she out of her mind? Probably, but she’d kick herself if she didn’t give it at least a good shot.

  The blond hottie, who apparently went by the name of Master Jacob, walked confidently, expecting her to follow without question. Since she’d decided to take the whole thing seriously, she was doing just that. Today was her last day of the adventure, and she needed to get her act together or it would be a wasted weekend, and she might not get the chance again.

  Master Jacob finally stopped outside a closed door and turned to her. In his raised hands he held a mask, which he placed on her face, completely covering her eyes. The black lamb’s wool was soft, but it blocked out all light, leaving her disoriented. She moved to touch it, and toyed with pulling it off, but she stopped herself mid-flight.

  “Good decision, subbie. I’d hate to add to your list of indiscretions with you fighting what Master Conal has ordered for you.”

  Deciding silence was probably the best option, Erica lowered her head and waited for whatever came next.

  She shivered as a breeze brushed across her skin. Someone pressed into the small of her back, urging her forward. She tripped on her foot, but straightened in time to prevent an embarrassing fall. Someone grasped her hands, and she was pulled farther into the room.

  “I trust you slept well, Enya,” said a familiar Irish accent.

  “Well enough, thank you, Sir.”

  “That’s good, because I have a busy day planned for you.”

  He stopped moving and touched her shoulder, his unique spicy scent playing havoc with her brain. “Lean down and feel the special chair I have ready for you.”

  She tentatively reached downwards and found a padded platform similar to one of the kneelers in church.

  “That’s right. Keep moving your hand and feel what you will be kneeling on for the next little while.”

  As she continued her exploration she found several sections to the apparatus, with padded rests, hooks, some higher steps, and some lower. “May I ask a question, Sir?”

  “You may.”

  “What sort of chair is it, Sir?”

  He chuckled. “It’s not like any chair you’ve probably seen before. I designed it myself. Don’t worry, you will be quite safe and you may even enjoy the experience.”

  She smiled. “That doesn’t really matter. I am here to learn, and that includes doing what you feel is best, Sir.”

  “Wow. You did have a good sleep. That’s a much better attitude since yesterday. Let’s see if you’re still so eager to please after this session.”

  She jumped as several people took hold of her and pressed her forward onto the strange chair. Her knees landed on cushioned steps and she was encouraged to lean forward. Her elbows found higher platforms and her breasts hung free. Soft leather cuffs were attached to her ankles and her wrists, and a wide belt was wrapped around her waist, holding her in place. In her mind she could see her body kneeling forward with her arse in the air. If the mask wasn’t covering over half of her face, her blush would be obvious to everyone.

  “How are the straps? Not too tight?” asked Conal, as he a slid a finger under each of them.

  She tried moving, but the restraints held her firmly in place. It felt strange, but it wasn’t too uncomfortable. “No, not too tight, Sir,” came her muffled reply.

  “Good. Now that you’re in place, there are a few more rules for you to follow. If at any time you forget the rules, you will be reminded. Do you understand?”

  She trembled, wondering what the reminders would comprise. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Let’s get started.”

  What? He hadn’t given her any rules, had he? Or had she been so overwhelmed by the chair that she hadn’t heard him?

  “May I be having all your attention, folks,” she heard him say to the room.

  Folks? There were more than just the people who had tied her in the chair?

  “Enya here is having trouble remembering what’s expected of a sub. We’re going to help her, aren’t we?”

  She heard lots of laughter and several calls of “You betcha,” and “Absolutely,” and a scary “Give her to me for an hour and she’ll never forget,” which was followed by even louder laughter. Including a sexy Irish laugh. She sucked in a breath and her whole body tensed.

  “I appreciate the offer of help, my friend, but I don’t think that will be necessary.”

  Relieved, she blew out the breath. Although she couldn’t think straight, the thought of someone else training her made her very uncomfortable.

  “Now that I’ve got your attention, here are the rules.”

  Someone, probably Conal, smoothed a warm hand over her buttocks, reminding her that she was very much on display.

  “Enya here is not allowed to speak. If she utters even one sound, she will earn one slap. Sound fair to you all?”

  She heard several titters of laughter and lots of agreement. Of course she didn’t think it sounded that difficult. She could be quiet. She was good at keeping her mouth shut.


  Someone had hold of one of her nipples and was twisting it painfully. She hadn’t been expecting that.

  “Oh dear. She’s failed already. Do your best, my friend.”

  A few seconds later someone else slapped her bare behind. She bit her lip, but it was too soon after the last surprise and a squeak slipped out.

  “Not good, Enya. I thought you were better than that.”

  She felt the sting of a second swat across her behind, but this time she was ready for it. She closed her eyes behind the mask and slammed her lips together tightly.

  Warm breath tickled her ear as Conal whispered to her. “Don’t forget to breathe, love.”

  She let out a small breath but sucked it in again as someone rubbed the skin of her stinging behind with a warm hand. The soft caress sent shivers across her skin, and more surprising was the fact that it also started a tingling in her clit. Now that was a surprise.

  Another audience member slid a finger inside her, totally taking her unawares. It was a struggle not to cry out, this time not in pain, but in arousal. Time stood still while she was prodded, pinched, caressed and poked. Several times she couldn’t hold back a sigh or a moan, and sometimes the spanking caught her by surprise and she squealed, but by the time Co
nal called a halt to the proceedings, she’d learnt to keep her mouth closed and make no sound.

  “What should you be saying now, Enya?”

  Her body was both sore and sizzling at the same time. Her limbs felt boneless and her brain was fuzzy and she needed an orgasm so badly she thought she might die of her unrelieved tension. Meanwhile what was that he had asked? Oh yes, she had it now. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Do you think she’s earned an orgasm before breakfast, ladies and gents?”

  Oh God, he wouldn’t! Not here in front of everyone. She wasn’t sure she was ready for this. She struggled against her bonds and she opened her mouth to speak, but his sexy Irish accent stopped her.

  “Have you changed your mind about being a submissive, Enya?”

  Her mind was in a whirl. Once again she questioned whether this was what she wanted.

  He tilted her chin upwards. “It’s all about trust. You have to let everything go and trust that your Master will help you explore your submissive side. That’s all we are doing here—exploring your fantasies. Nod your head if you understand.”

  Her heart pounded against her chest and her breathing came in short, shallow puffs as she made her decision.

  “Don’t think too much, just go with your gut. Do you want to continue? Or will you give up and use your safe word?”


  “No, what? You must be very clear here. Everything is consensual. If you’re not sure, everything stops and you go home. So what are you saying?”

  She ran her tongue over her dry lips. “I don’t want to use my safe word, Sir.”

  There. She’d said it, and she suddenly felt lighter and more relaxed than she had in a long time.

  The murmur from the crowd got louder and some even clapped their hands.

  “I’m glad to hear it, girl, because I’ve got a room full of friends here just dying to see you come.” He traced a finger along the centre of her spine, warming her cool skin. “And trust me, fire girl, you’re going to come like a freight train,” he whispered for her ears only.

  Oh God. Just hearing his sexy voice talk about orgasms made her sweat. His shoes scuffed across the floor as he moved away from her head. The room went silent and she found herself once again breathing in short and sharp inspirations. A pulse in her head thrummed in unison to the beats of her heart against her chest while she waited for whatever came next.


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