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Kinky Bet

Page 9

by Maggie Nash

  He laughed. “You did indeed. I can see I’m going to spend a lot more time training you, fire girl.”

  Her heart leapt. Was he talking about after the weekend? She had to know. “Please, Sir, may I ask a question?”

  He slapped her. She turned her head to see him grinning madly. “Hey! What was that for?” He held his hand up, about to strike again. “I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean to say it.”

  The smack didn’t come. Instead he leaned in closer to her and kissed her neck. “Your arse is so cute, I couldn’t help myself.”

  Ha! As if! She shivered as he kissed her with his talented mouth, moving in a trail down to her shoulder.

  “What was it you wanted to ask me?”

  What the hell, like she’d said from the start, in for a penny, in for a pound. “When you said you need to spend more time training me, did you mean tonight or were you talking about after the weekend?”

  “Let go of the rings.”

  Slowly she unfurled her fingers as her hands slid down the wall.

  He turned her around to face him.

  “I see something special in you, fire girl, and I’d like to explore it further. What we’ve done this weekend has barely scratched the surface of what a real D/s relationship should be. I’d like you to think about that.”

  He tilted her chin and moved so close that she could taste his breath on her lips. Just where was he going with this?

  “So, and this is just a hypothetical at this stage, if I was to agree, what would be the next step?”

  His brown eyes sparkled as he grinned at her. “If you agree, that would be entirely up to me, don’t you think?” He leant forward and kissed her again. This one surprised her in its tenderness. Her heart melted after he pulled away and winked. “I do believe you will agree, fire girl.”

  She smiled back at him. “You’re pretty sure of yourself.”

  He turned the tables on her again, flipping her around, pressing her face and chest against the wall. The water cooled rapidly against their skin, but she didn’t notice as he threaded his fingers through her hair, pulling her head back. “You are mine. Get used to it.”

  She smiled as smoothed on a sheath and entered her, filling her completely.

  “Whatever you say, Master.”

  They moved together, the pleasure building higher as Conal drew her tightly against his body and used his powerful hips to bring her to another amazing climax.

  He kissed her neck as he followed her a few minutes later.

  “Just one more thing, fire girl.”

  “You know you only have to ask. I would do anything for you, Master.”

  “No more bets.”

  Also available from Total-E-Bound Publishing:

  The Master’s Prize

  Maggie Nash


  Chapter One

  “Okay ladies and gents, we only have one hour left for you to claim your kiss with our sexy newsreader Elise Blake. Be the first person here with five thousand dollars and you get to smooch with the siren herself live on radio.”

  Mitchell Collins leaned forward and turned the volume up. Did he just hear right? The woman whose voice he’d been lusting after for the past month was finally being offered to him on a platter? No way was he going to pass up this opportunity.

  “Charlie, make a detour to Bondi will you. I want to pay Wolf Radio a visit.”

  Charlie knew better than to make a comment, but Mitch saw the smirk as he flicked on the indicator to change lanes and make the drive across town. Charlie may smirk, but the cat-and-mouse game Ms. Blake had played with Mitchell over the last few weeks had been a bone of contention between the both of them, especially since she seemed to be winning at the moment. Charlie thought it was so hilarious that she’d declined all Mitchell’s invitations, seemed to know where he was going to turn up and managed to leave every time just minutes before his arrival.

  He’d studied her bio, including her photo, many times since the first time he’d noticed her at the Club Fetish training night four weeks ago. Although she’d worn a mask, the sensual energy evident in her eyes as she’d watched the training session from the observation deck was explosive. Her body language screamed intense arousal, and his dick had stiffened painfully just watching her short little breaths and the way her fists opened and closed in response to the sex play she was observing from a distance. When her nipples beaded tightly under her shirt, he nearly lost it right there and then.

  Fuck, she’d made him hot, and he couldn’t even see her face. He’d decided there and then that he would be the one to train her, and by God, he hoped she was a sub because he sure as hell wanted to dominate and care for that luscious body. The rules of the club forbade him from approaching her while she was an observer, so he’d planned to meet up with her in the bar after the session. New members, and those who came to observe usually had many, many questions, and he had been looking forward to answering them all for her in great detail. However, by the time he’d finished checking on the couple in training and given them instructions for their next session, she was gone. It had taken him a few weeks to find out her name, and that was only after some serious bribing of the office manager at the club.

  He hadn’t heard her speak at the club, but since finding out who she was, he listened to her radio show every chance he got. He felt like a lovesick schoolboy with a major crush, not a successful businessman, or a master dominant. What the fuck was happening to him?

  Getting to talk to her in person, however, was proving to be impossible, or so he’d come to believe after all the efforts he’d made. So why was she suddenly making herself available to all and sundry?

  Who cared at this point? He hated to lose, and now it looked like victory was in his sights. She couldn’t outwit him on a national radio program, could she? Not when he was a major advertiser with the pull of money behind him. Although it hadn’t helped him meet her so far…but now he had her in the crosshairs, he couldn’t wait to pull the trigger.

  She would be his.

  * * * *

  Elise Blake stormed into the studio, her blonde ponytail flying from one side of her head to the other as she slammed the door. “Shit, Davo, what the hell were you thinking? You have no right to do this without my permission.”

  Davo Dunne, the current latest craze in shock jocks, smiled up at her, his finger over his lip indicating he was still on air. He counted with his fingers, one, two, three, then pressed the button for the commercial and pulled off his earpiece. “What’s your problem, gorgeous? It’s for a good cause. You wouldn’t want to deprive the sick kiddies of some good money, would you?”

  “That’s not the point…”

  “Besides, the program manager approved it, so you don’t have a choice.”

  “He what? He can’t do that! Nothing in my contract says I have to kiss anyone. No way. I’m not doing it. It could be anyone, I might catch a disease or something.”

  “I think it comes under promotional appearances in your contract, kiddo, so suck it up and enjoy. You never know, some gorgeous hunk might pay the cash. Hey, I might even do it myself.”

  Elise laughed now. “Ha! You wish, lover boy. How many women would that make for the week? Five? Ten?”

  Davo crossed his hands over his heart dramatically. “Oh, I’m so wounded now, girl. I’ll have you know it’s only been two girls so far this week.”

  “It’s only Wednesday.”

  He laughed as he replaced his earpiece. “Good point. Oh, sweet cheeks, I have to go back on air. You better stick around, there’s only thirty minutes left.”

  Elise slumped in the chair usually reserved for on air guests and picked up the phone. “Jim, you’d better bring my news copy in here, I’ll be reading the next bulletin from Davo’s studio. Thanks, mate.” As she put down the phone, it rang again. “Davo’s Dump, how can I help you?”

  “Elise, is that you?”

  “Oh hi, Melanie. What’s up?”

  “Elise, we
have this man in the foyer who wants to donate the money for the…um…kiss. Should I bring him up?”

  Elise placed her hand over the mouthpiece and wrote a note for Davo, who was berating some person on air for their atrocious taste in sporting teams. Seeing the note, he cut the poor listener off and announced the news. “Hoo wee, ladies and gents, we have a winner. A donation is making its way up to the studio as we speak to claim his kiss with the sexy Miss Elise Blake. Stay tuned for this momentous occasion. We’ll be back with the tongue action after these few words from our ever-popular sponsors. Don’t move.”

  Throwing off his earpiece again, he raced out into the corridor to meet the elevator. As the doors opened he stopped in his tracks then moved forward laughing. “Mitch Collins! Bloody great to see you, mate. How’ve you been?”

  “Can’t complain,” said the deep voice belonging to the man coming out of the elevator. “Things will be infinitely better once I get what I came for.”

  Davo shook his hand vigorously. “The kiss, oh yeah, the kiss. Well, you’re a lucky bastard, Mitch. She’s a real looker.”

  “So I believe.”

  Elise almost fainted on the spot. She recognised both the name and the sexiest voice she’d ever heard. It was him, the man from the BDSM club. Shit! The club she’d gone to after her crazy friend Nicole dared her. He was the training master who had the body she’d been having erotic dreams about and somehow he’d found out her name. How had he done that? The memory of how much she’d been turned on by that place freaked her out, and the thought that this gorgeous hunk of man presumed that she would be his willing slave made her fascinated, angry, and scared to death at the same time. And, if she was truly honest with herself, incredibly turned on. However, she still wasn’t quite sure she could go through with the whole dominant–submission thing, so once when he’d called looking for her and told her secretary that they had met at a friend’s club and she realised where he meant. Afraid of what the consequences would be if she gave in to her desires, she’d decided not to return his calls. She’d been avoiding him for weeks. In fact, she’d been trying to forget that night at the club altogether, not that it was easy. The erotic scenes she’d witnessed invaded her dreams every night, and now a consequence of that visit was standing right here in front of her. Holy shit, great predicament, Elise!

  Bloody hell, why did he have to be so damn gorgeous? She’d looked him up on the Internet and the photos she’d found didn’t do him justice at all. The shaggy dark brown hair was the same, but those dark blue eyes rimmed by those incredibly long eyelashes, and that lopsided grin? Oh man, then there was his body. It should be illegal for a man to have shoulders so broad and a bum so muscular you just wanted to sink your teeth into it.

  It doesn’t matter.

  She still didn’t want to go out with him, especially after the arrogant way he’d been pursuing her. He didn’t seem to understand the meaning of the word ‘no’, and she still didn’t understand why he picked her. She was sure they’d never met in person before. In fact, along with the mask, she’d been careful not to interact with anyone at that club. She wasn’t sure she was ready to explore that particular fantasy for real. Not yet.

  Anyway, it was the principle of the thing. She had no time for rich jerks who thought they only had to flash some cash and every woman would jump at being their slave. She’d already done the rich boyfriend thing and it sucked big time. Even if she did fantasise about giving over control of her body to a dominant lover, she always chose her own men on her own terms, and that was the way she liked it. If she kept reminding her self of that fact, she just might believe it too.

  Mitch caught her looking and smiled with that impossibly sexy mouth. Oh man, what a smug smile. Even if he did make her insides shiver, she wasn’t putting up with smug. Standing straight to her full five foot seven in height, she stared him right in the face… around about his chin level actually…and spoke. “And who might you be?”

  The smile didn’t waver even for a millisecond. He was good, but she was better.

  “I take it you have the required money with you, Mr.…? What did you say your name was?”

  Davo stepped in between them, grabbing Elise’s hand. “Elise love, don’t you recognise him? This is Mitchell Collins. He’s the owner of Collins Technology. Of course he has the money, and if he hasn’t got it on him, I know he’s good for it.”

  Throwing Davo’s hand back to him, Elise moved to stand beside him so she could keep an eye on her quarry. “Oh? You sell computers or something?” She knew exactly how much he was worth, but there was no way she was letting him know that. Let him put that in his pipe and smoke it!

  The corners of his mouth kicked up just a touch. “Something like that, Elise. And please call me Mitch. There’s no need to be so formal under the circumstances now is there?” In a few minutes, we’ll be on quite intimate terms.”

  Her mind went into overdrive. Oh shit! This was the man in her fantasy dreams. Oh God, don’t lose it now, Elise. Forcing herself to calm down, she took a deep breath in and blew it out slowly. She could do calm. She was in complete control of herself. And pigs might fly too, but she was sure going to give it a try.

  “Why not, Mr. Collins? In a few minutes, it will be all over and we’ll probably never see each other again. Why bother getting familiar?”

  “Elise! Don’t forget Mitch is donating money to our charity…”

  Mitch laughed. A deep, throaty, sexy laugh. Damn. Why did that sound make her panties dampen of their own accord?

  “I don’t mind calling you Miss Blake if you really want me to. Makes no difference to me. It’s all in a good cause.”

  Great going, Elise. Keep it coming, nice and easy. “So you’ll just give us the money then?”

  There came that laugh again. “Nice try, but no. I always collect on what I’m owed, and make no mistake, I plan on collecting from you, Miss Blake, and the pleasure will be mutual. You can count on that.”


  A spiral of anticipation ran up and down her spine and then made a beeline to her pussy at his last words, but before she had a chance to reply, the studio technician popped his head out the office door in the nick of time.

  “I’ve played four songs and I’m on the third commercial. You guys better get your arses back here and now or we’ll lose the listeners.”

  Davo jumped to attention. “Okay, guys, we’d better get to the studio. Do your lip lumbering exercises, we’re about to broadcast a five thousand dollar lip lock.”




  How the fuck was she going to get out of this?

  Davo showed Mitch in to the studio then turned to Elise, whispering in her ear as he leaned towards her. “You have to do this, Elise. No getting out of it now. Come on, it’ll be fun.” He placed an arm around her shoulder and pulled her towards him, looping his other arm through hers.

  It looked like there was no escaping it. Bloody hell. It was only a kiss. Only a kiss with a practicing dominant who’d finally caught up with her. Sure. Only a kiss. Maybe once he got the kiss from her, he’d leave her alone.

  Yes, hold that thought.

  Did she really believe that?

  Nope, not for a minute. Not after all the trouble he’d gone to. She wouldn’t put it past him to have engineered the whole thing.

  “Elise?” Davo whispered, his hand covering the mike.

  She sucked in a deep breath. “Okay, I’ll do it. But remember, it’s just a show for charity. Nothing more.”

  Davo let out a relieved breath as he reclaimed the microphone. “Okay, listeners, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The Big Kiss! We have computer tycoon, Mitchell Collins, here live in the studio about to lay one on our gorgeous newsreader, Elise Blake. Woo wee, I can feel the heat from here and they haven’t even started yet.”

  The grinning disc jockey pressed a button on the panel in front of him and a sucking sound effect rang throughout the studio. Elise s
tuck her tongue out at him, and blushed from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Just great. ?Thanks to her pale colouring she could always count on her body to embarrass her just at the wrong moment.

  “Take your places, Mitch and Elise.”

  Mitch turned to Elise and placed his hands on either side of her face. “I promise I’ll be gentle.”

  She tried to be nonchalant. She could do it if she tried really hard.

  Only a kiss, remember.

  “Go on. Get it over with. I just hope you cleaned your teeth this morning.”

  He smiled at her.

  Damn, the insult didn’t work.

  There was that sexy, cocky and smug grin again. What was keeping him? Just do it, for God’s sake…oh God, here it comes.

  He nodded at Dano who signalled the thumbs up that the microphone was now live.

  “I’m always ready to kiss a woman who has a voice like sin and a body more beautiful than I ever imagined.”


  The grip of his hands on her face tightened, and even though he wasn’t hurting her, he held her firmly in place. “Shut up and don’t move.”

  What did he say?

  Before she could ask him out loud what the heck he was talking about, he brushed his lips over hers. Once, then once again. Just a light touch, but some major tingles were happening in her chest about now. Without thinking, she slipped her arms around his neck, and buried her hands in his silken hair. Her eyes closed and he went in for the kill, taking complete control.

  Oh my God - the man could kiss!

  The pressure increased as his tongue prodded her lips open, and she almost fainted from the intensity of the intrusion. His breath tasted of something fruity and exotic and his clever tongue was thrusting at just the right speed to cause maximum arousal.

  Slow, slow, fast. Slow, slow, fast.

  Breaths mingled. Tongues tangled and time stood still. Mitch slid his hands from her waist to her buttocks and squeezed. Hot liquid seeped onto her underwear as her whole body tingled with unbelievable sensation and scorching heat.


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