Duncan Smith, Iain 66, 227, 343, 399
Iraq 102–3, 111, 116, 168, 185
Dunfermline and West Fife by-election 362
Dunwoody, Gwynneth 298, 541
Dunwoody, Tamsin 541
DUP see Democratic Unionist Party
Dyke, Greg 210, 220, 240
Eastham, Paul 218
Eatwell, John 487, 576, 590
Ecclestone affair 4, 127, 128, 309
Economist 529
economy 479
deficit 479, 601, 602–3, 623, 641, 654, 679–80, 683, 710, 711, 753
leaders’ television debate 734
recession 611–13, 615–16, 647, 672, 680–1, 711; recovery 710–11 see also credit crunch
Eden, Anthony 28, 443, 463
Edmonds, John 17
education 9, 10, 295
party conference (2005) 348–9
schools 350–6, 438–9
tuition fees 229, 230–4, 313
Egypt 141, 143, 182, 297
Eisenhower, President Dwight 28
Elder, Murray 58
and Sarah Brown 560
Brown’s nocturnal habits 472
Brown’s Prime Ministerial style 522, 523, 524
foot and mouth disease 474
general election speculation 499
by-elections see by-elections
Euro see Euro-elections
general see general elections
local see local elections
Northern Ireland Assembly 419–20, 429
Elections and Referendums Act 2000 359
electoral reform 451, 746, 747, 752, 754–5
Elizabeth, Queen 36, 125, 137, 244, 247, 305, 543, 627, 757, 761
Elizabeth, Queen Mother 94, 131
Ellam, Michael 632
Emanuel, Rahm 619
The End of the Party extract serialisation by the Observer 700–3
England, Lynndie 259
Errera, Gérard 160
euro 7, 74, 189–97, 224, 446
2004 267–8, 421
2009 652, 658
European Central Bank (ECB) 487, 488
European Convention on Human Rights 338–9
European Parliament 325, 623
European Union 446
Blair and Brown 188–9
Blair’s legacy 446
Commission President 268–9
constitution 257–9, 325
European Council presidency 675–6
High Representative 676–8
rebate 361–2
treaty referendum 525
Evans, Sir Christopher 372
Evans, Huw
and Blunkett 285, 286
contingency planning 90
education reforms 353
general election (2005) 300–1, 304
Lebanon crisis 385
Evans, John 158
Evans, Michael 211–12
Evening Standard 119, 568, 702
Everitt, Paul 480, 611–12
Exchange Rare Mechanism (ERM) 191
expenses scandal 639–40, 642, 644, 645–52, 707–8
extraordinary rendition 260, 261
Eyjafjallajoekull erruption 724–6
Fahrenheit 9/11 22
Falconer, Charlie
on Blair 56, 256
Blair’s religion 449
Blair’s support for 455
Blair’s Wobble 265, 266
and Brown 61, 64
Camp X-Ray 246
on Cherie Blair 133
Cheriegate 136, 137
children’s education 351
coup against Blair 396
on The End of the Party revelations 702
forty-two day detention 548
Goldsmith’s legal opinion 164
and Harman 361
Kelly’s death 215, 216
as Lord Chancellor 201, 202
ninety-day detention 340
peace talks suggestion 391
planned coups against Brown 567, 656
Fallujah 252, 253
Fannie Mae 575
Ferguson, Nicholas 482
Fernández de Kirchner, Cristina 629
Field, Frank
10p income tax band 440, 534, 537–9
and Blair 288
Blair and Brown 62, 63, 64, 402
Brown as Mrs Rochester 399
Brown premiership 474
general election speculation 504
planned coup against Brown 558, 567, 569
religion 448
VAT cut 602
financial crisis see credit crunch
financial sector 480, 481
Brown 476–9
Conservative Party 477
credit crunch 531–2
New Labour 477, 481–2
regulation 482–6
warnings 481 see also banks
Financial Services Authority (FSA)
bank recapitalisation plan 580, 583–4, 586, 598, 604
Crosby’s resignation 611
Northern Rock 490–1
regulation 12, 482, 483, 484, 485
Financial Times 480
Brown 653
credit crunch 487
Darling’s Pre-Budget Report 683
Darling’s reputation 710
EU President and High Representative 678
G20 summit 635
general election (2005) 311
Kelly outing 212
Mandelson’s return to Cabinet 573
Finkelstein, Daniel 502–3
firefighters 294
Fletcher, Tom 551, 617, 618, 631, 669, 750, 753, 758, 759
Fletcher, Yvonne 251
Flint, Caroline 656–7
flooding 470–2, 475, 497
Foot, Michael 739
foot and mouth disease 3–4, 21, 474, 475, 498
Foreign Affairs select committee 207, 212
Foreign Office 29, 33, 115, 149, 164, 183, 186, 246, 249, 251, 261, 678
Forsyth, Justin 382, 384, 455, 467, 634, 712, 757
Brown’s departure 758, 760
general election (2010) 717, 718–19, 720, 723, 728, 733; and Gillian Duffy 730–1; post-election negotiations 747, 751, 758
Fortier, Kimberly (aka Quinn) 10, 283–4, 792n5
Foster, Peter 133–5, 136, 137, 257
foundation hospitals 77–81, 229, 232, 295, 353
Fox, Liam 754
Fox, Vincente 152
France 597
9/11 37
credit crunch 603
European constitution referendum 325
G20 summit 626–7, 629, 631
Iraq 142, 143, 150, 151, 152, 160–1, 187
Olympic Games 327, 328, 329–30
Franks, Tommy 51, 159, 175, 180, 444
Freddie Mac 575
Freedman, Sir Lawrence 696
freedom of information 337
Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 536
Frost, David 447
Frostrup, Mariella 503–4, 536, 560
Fry, Stephen 481
FSA see Financial Services Authority
fuel protests 4, 6, 21
Fuld, Dick 576
G8 summits
Gleneagles 327, 328, 329, 330–2, 333, 334–5
Heiligendamm 446
Italy 17, 660
Japan 537
St Petersburg 380–2
Sea Island 267
G20 summit 619, 621–36, 637, 644
Gaddafi, Colonel Muammar 250, 251–2, 660–1, 662, 663
Gaddafi, Saif 660, 661
Galloway, George 318
Garbo, Greta 684
Garden Girls 520, 759
Gardiner, Alex 718, 720
Gardiner, Barry 567
Garner, Jay 181, 182, 183
Garrard, Sir David 360, 372
Gates, Bill 126
Gaza 45
Geidt, Christopher 757–8
general elections
1997 8, 449
2001 10–11, 274, 281, 416, 449
2005: campaign 298–313; ‘cash-for-coronets’ affair 357–61; media 449; Northern Ireland 424; results 317–21, 796n11
2010: announcement 714–15; Conservative campaign 705–6, 709, 714–15, 716, 717–24, 727–8, 733–5; Labour campaign 686, 699–700, 715–37; leaders’ television debate 717–24, 727–8, 733–5; post-election negotiations 743–59; prospect of a hung parliament 723, 726; question of Brown’s premiership 687–92, 692; results 738–9, 744; voting day 737–9
speculation (2007) 496–514
George, Eddie 12, 482, 487
Afghanistan 377
banks 487, 492, 581, 597
fiscal stimulus 603
G20 summit 626–7, 629
Iraq 151, 152, 187
Obama 617
Gibb, Robin (Bee Gees) 127, 429
Gibbons, Jo 395
Gibson, Ian 652
Gieve, Sir John
Bank of England 484
bank recapitalisation plan 584, 587, 591, 594, 597
Blair and Brown 482
and Brown 70
credit crunch 488
Lehman Brothers 575
Nannygate 284
ninety-day detention 340
Northern Rock 492, 494
Treasury 69
war gaming 486
Gilbert, Sir Martin 696
Gillan, Cheryl 648
Gilligan, Andrew
broadcast 203–4, 207, 210
and Alastair Campbell 206, 213, 219
Hutton Inquiry 220
Mail on Sunday article 204
source 209, 210, 211, 212
Giuliani, Rudolph 37
Gladstone, William 7, 49, 78, 280, 433, 439, 447, 513, 810n105
Glasgow Airport 467
Glasgow East by-election 555, 556–7, 558, 674
Gleneagles 321, 327, 329, 330–2, 333, 334–5
Glenrothes by-election 599
Goldsmith, Jack 84
Goldsmith, Peter
Camp X-Ray 246
forty-two day detention 548–9
Iraq 108, 163–5, 309
ninety-day detention 340
Goldsmith, Zac 707
Gompertz, Jeremy 219
Good Friday Agreement 7, 412–13, 415, 416, 420, 423, 426, 432
Goodwin, Sir Fred 490, 581, 582, 584, 587, 589, 627–8
pension 594–5, 609–11
Gore, Al 26, 453, 502–3
Gould, Philip
on Blair 289
Blair and Brown 60, 62, 274, 298, 312, 362, 436
Blair reading Koran 36
Blair’s departure date 389–90
Blair’s final weeks 454
Blair’s Wobble 262, 265
and Brown 67, 263, 300, 304, 615, 674–5
coup against Blair 395, 402
desirability of leadership contest 436
euro 190
G20 summit 635
general election (2005) 301, 302, 305, 311, 320
general election (2010) 711–12, 728
Iraq 149, 224, 249
Kelly’s death 218
local elections (2006) 367–8
and Mandelson 554, 674–5
reshuffle 321
sleaze 129
Gove, Michael 149, 497–8, 511, 648, 704
Government of All the Talents (GOATS) 464–5
Gowers, Andrew 478, 480
Granita agreement 59–62, 281, 303
Gray, Sir Paul 516
Grayling, Chris 754
Greece 710
Green, Damian 650, 719
Green, Stephen 478
Greenberg, Stan
Blair and Bush 26, 28, 93–4, 99
Blair’s approval ratings 5
Blair’s Wobble 263
euro 190
general election speculation 500, 507–8
Iraq 107, 148, 169–70
Greenspan, Alan 478–9, 485, 487, 614
Greenstock, Sir Jeremy
Iraq: aftermath of war 186, 242, 243, 788n32; Blair and Bush 145, 156; Blair’s visit 248–9; final briefing 254; prisoner abuse and torture 262; troop numbers 249; UN second resolution 152, 161
Kosovo 92
Gregory, Maundy 372
Grice, Andy 278
Griffith, Nia 533
Grocott, Bruce 56–7, 303, 313
Guantanamo 246, 260, 261
April Fool ‘Step Outside Posh Boy’ story 704
Ashcroft Affair 707
Blair and Brown 281
Brown: and Blair 281; call for resignation 653; and Gillian Duffy 733; profile 275
Brown’s departure 758
Cleggmania 723, 726
coup against Blair 396
Darling interview 562–3
Darling’s Pre-Budget Report 683
Darling’s reputation 710
on The End of the Party revelations 701–2
fiscal stimulus 602
general election (2005) 319–20, 321
general election (2010) 735; leaders’ debate 723; post-election negotiations 753
Kelly outing 211
Mandelson’s return to Cabinet 572–3
parliamentary expenses 649
party conference (2006) 405
planned coup against Brown 568
Short’s resignation 158
Guinea 152
Gulf War 39, 84–5
Gurkhas 643–4, 645
Guthrie, General Sir Charles
Afghanistan 42, 665
on Blair 95
and Brown 63, 664
intelligence 115
Iraq 178, 699
nuclear deterrent 174
torture 261
Haas, Richard 99, 145, 179–80, 252, 410
Hague, William 5–6, 66, 306, 343, 383, 400, 706–7, 748, 755, 761
Hain, Peter
10p income tax band 540
Blair’s departure date 279, 390
Blair’s Wobble 262
Brown premiership 441, 466, 475
Cabinet meetings under Brown 463
coup against Blair 400
donations 519
general election (2005) 310
The End of the Party Page 132