general election (2010) 713
general election speculation 499, 501, 511
Lebanon crisis 385
Northern Ireland 409, 414, 426–7, 428, 430, 431
reshuffles 321, 371
Severn Barrage 438
Hannan, Daniel 623
Hannigan, Robert 430
Harman, Harriet
Abrahams donation 518–19
bank bonuses 607, 608
and Brown 523, 569, 685, 686–7
Cabinet meetings 463
‘cash-for-coronets’ affair 361, 364
communications strategy 674
as deputy leader 454
G20 summit 622
general election speculation 498
Goodwin pension 610
and the Hoon–Hewitt plot 688–9, 691, 692
parliamentary expenses 640, 647
post-election negotiations (2010) 749, 755
Harper, Stephen 630
Harris, Robert 5, 14, 61–2, 168
Hartlepool by-election 274, 791n43
Hastings, Sir Max 239
Hattersley, Roy 60, 324
HBOS 478, 577–8, 583–4, 586, 591, 594, 595, 596, 608, 609, 611
Healey, Anna 504
health see NHS
Heaney, Seamus 432
Heath, Ted 188, 433, 541
Heathrow 337, 615
Heffer, Simon 707
Heiligendamm summit 446
Helm, Sarah 157, 373
Henderson, Doug 398
Henley by-election 549–50, 556
Hennessy, Peter 164
Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) 515–16, 649
Heseltine, Michael 228, 400, 571, 658
Hester, Stephen 607
Hewitt, Patricia
7/7 332
Blair’s Wobble 265
and Blunkett 285
health reforms 365, 367
Hoon–Hewitt plot 688–92
Iraq 82, 98, 117, 165, 166
secret video recording scandal 708
smoking ban 349
suspension from Labour Party 708
Heywood, Jeremy
9/11 19
10p income tax band 538
al-Megrahi case 661
bank bail-outs 607
banks 580
Blair e-mails 547
Brown’s departure 758, 760
euro 193, 194, 195, 196
fiscal stimulus 602
G20 summit 631
and Geidt 758
IFS figures 680, 683
and Mandelson 552
and McBride 564, 638
as Permanent Secretary 544–5, 680, 682
planned coups against Brown 654
and Purnell 656
summer barbecue 551
VAT proposal 681
Hezbollah 380, 381–5
Hill, David
7/7 331
Blair and Brown 225, 273, 298, 304
Blair and the Iraq inquiry 698
Blair’s departure date 270, 278, 279, 387, 389, 390
Blair’s heart condition 256
Blair’s third term 348
Blair’s Wobble 263, 266
and Blunkett 286
Brown premiership 454
Bush’s British visit 244, 245
‘cash-for-coronets’ affair 372
Cherie Blair’s remark about Brown 405, 406
coup against Blair 395
general election (2005) 320
Hutton Inquiry report 237, 238
local and euro-elections (2004) 268
Olympic Games 327, 329
Pacific tour 364
Prescott’s affair 366
Saturday Night Takeaway 307
spin 225
Hill, Keith 383, 390, 393–4, 397, 399
Hill, Robert 18, 19, 21, 113, 449
Hillsborough Castle 177, 419, 694
Hilton, Steve 497, 704
Hirst, Damien 482
Hogg, Douglas 648
Hoggart, Simon 792n5
Holmes, Sir John 411, 416
Home Office 365–6, 516
Honours (Prevention of Abuse) Act 1925 372
Hoon, Geoff
9/11 20, 24, 25
10p income tax band 538
Afghanistan 50
on Blair 64
and Brown 56, 523, 677; Hoon–Hewitt plot 688–92
as Chief Whip 463
general election speculation 499
Heathrow 615
Hutton Inquiry report 238
Iraq: Cabinet meeting 82; dossier 115, 120; parliamentary vote 159, 166; war 100, 143, 175, 177; WMD 141
Kelly outing 209, 211, 212
Kelly’s death 216
planned coup against Brown 557–8, 566, 568
PMQs prep 521–2
removed as Leader of the House 369–70
replaced as Chief Whip 573
reshuffle 198
resignation 656, 657
and Rumsfeld 185–6
sacked as adviser to Nato 708
secret video recording scandal 708
suspension from Labour Party 708
Hopkins, Harry 28
Hornby, Andy 586, 594, 608, 609
Hotmail Plot 653
House of Lords
‘cash-for-coronets’ affair 360, 371–4
reform 7, 200, 201, 717
House of Lords Appointments Commission 360
Howard, John 364
Howard, Martin 219
Howard, Michael becomes leader 227
Blair’s Congress address 214
Blair’s Libyan visit 252
and Blunkett 285
European constitution 258
European elections (2004) 268
general election (2005) 299, 305, 306, 308, 309, 311–12
Hutton Inquiry report 239
leadership election 227
local elections (2004) 67
resignation as leader 319, 343
tuition fees 234
Howarth, George 567
Howe, Sir Geoffrey 114
HSBC 487, 587
Hu Jintao 628, 631
Hughes, Beverley 292–3, 652
Huhne, Chris 748
Human Rights Act 199, 337
Hume, Cardinal Basil 448
Hume, John 416
Humphrys, John 207
Hunt, Jeremy 719
Hunter, Anji
9/11 18, 19
and Cherie Blair 125–6
and Brown 14
Pakistan visit 46
hunting 224
Hurd, Douglas 115
Hurricane Katrina 378
Hussein, Saddam see Saddam Hussein
Hutton, John
Afghanistan 668
bank bonuses 608
and Brown 403
as Business Secretary 461
Gurkhas 643
intended as Chief Treasury Secretary 322
planned coup against Brown 568
resignation 656, 657
as Work and Pensions Secretary 363
Hutton, Lord 216, 219, 220, 238
Hutton Inquiry 120, 207, 219–20, 222, 234, 269
Blair’s testimony 204, 220–1
report 237–40
Hyman, Peter
on Blair 57, 288
euro 189–90
Iraq vote 169
party conference speeches 226
public service reform 295
religion 173, 446–7
resignation 197
spin 9
Iannucci, Armando 638
Iceland 590
Eyjafjallajoekull erruption 724–6
ID cards 338, 548
IFS see Institute for Fiscal Studies
immigration 293–4, 306, 502, 730, 733
leaders’ television debate 721, 733
In the Loop 638
Independent 450, 702
Blair’s departure date 390
fiscal stimulus 602
al election (2010) leaders’ debate 723
Iraq 170
recession 607
Independent on Sunday 350, 360
Inge, Field Marshal Lord 665
Inglish, Sue 717, 718
inheritance tax 505–6, 513, 684
Innocent 715
Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) 641, 680, 683
intelligence services
anti-terrorism 338
Blair’s reliance on 42–3
Butler Inquiry 241, 269
cold feet 155
dodgy dossier 146
Iraq dossier 107–21, 149, 203–4, 207 see also MI5; MI6
International Herald Tribune 93
International Monetary Fund (IMF) 590, 607, 624, 625, 628, 631, 632, 634, 641
International Olympic Committee (IOC) 327–9
interventionism 43–6, 88–9, 379–80, 446
Colombian arrests 417
decommissioning 412–13, 415–16, 417, 418–19, 421, 422
end of armed struggle 424–5, 427
McCartney murder 423–4
Northern Bank robbery 422–3
and power-sharing 432
prisoner releases 416
and Sinn Féin 413, 414
spy ring 417, 806–7n55
Iran 445
9/11 37, 42
Axis of Evil 83
and Iraq 376
nuclear programme 90
Iraq 445–6
and 7/7 335–6
and 9/11 39
aftermath of war 178–87, 241–3, 254, 257
Anglo-French summit 139–40
Bigley kidnap 274–5
Blair and Bush admit mistakes 379
Blair’s support for Bush 98–101
Blair’s support for war 82–3, 84, 86–92, 102–3
Blair’s visits 203, 248–9, 375–6
Blair’s Wobble 262, 263, 265
British forces 376–7
Brown’s visit 506
Bush’s desire for regime change 83–8
Bush’s offer to Blair 154–7
Butler Inquiry 109, 112, 121, 241, 269
Cabinet meetings 82–3, 98, 102, 160–1, 163, 164, 165–7, 780n99
Chilcot inquiry 695–9
Cook’s resignation 157, 159, 164–5, 166, 169
Crawford summit 93–8, 101
deaths 455
demonstrations 147–8, 695
dodgy dossier 146
dossier 102, 107–21, 149, 169
elections 375
Fallujah 252, 253
general election (2005) 309–10, 311, 313, 317–18
Gilligan broadcast 203–4, 207
Goldsmith’s legal opinions 163–5
handover of civilian power 269
interim constitution 252
invasion plans 122, 140–1, 143, 144–5
parliamentary vote 162, 167–71
party conference (2002) 121
party conference (2003) 224, 226
party conference (2004) 275–6
post-war planning 94, 96, 100, 145, 176, 177, 184–5, 187
prisoner abuse and torture 259–62
public opinion 144
Saddam’s capture 247–8
Short’s resignation 157–9
Spanish troops 250
UN 102, 103–7
UN inspectors’ report 143
UN Resolution 1441 140
UN second resolution 144, 149–50, 151–3, 160, 161
war 172–9
War Cabinet 175
WMDs 141–2, 187, 204, 209, 224, 240–1
Irvine, Derry 199–202
Israel 97, 98, 253
Lebanon invasion 380, 381–5
Istanbul bombing 245
Ivens, Martin 601
J. P. Morgan 532
Jackson, Glenda 324
Jackson, General Sir Mike
9/11 20
Afghanistan 42
Iraq 89; aftermath of war 180, 183; Bush’s offer to Blair 155–6; Goldsmith’s legal opinion 164; sectarian violence 377; torture 261; US forces 241; war 175, 176, 178; war planning 98, 143
Jagger, Bianca 148
Janes, Jacqui 673–4
Japan 217, 592
Jay, Margaret 57, 133, 289
Jay, Sir Michael 104, 142, 145, 164, 261
G8 summit 330, 333, 334
Jeffrey, Sir Bill 414, 699
Jenkins, Roy 63, 230
John Paul II 448, 449
Johnson, Alan
Abrahams donation 519
and Blair 401
Brown on 398
as challenger to Brown 434, 435
Department for Productivity, Energy and Industry 321
deputy leadership contest 454
general election speculation 499
and Hewitt 365
as Home Secretary 657
and the Hoon–Hewitt plot 690–93
and Lewis 564
Mandelson’s opinion of 693
planned coups against Brown 566, 655, 658, 690, 691, 692
tuition fees 233
Johnson, Boris 540
Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC)
9/11 23, 24, 89
Blair’s relationship with 42
Iraq 155
Iraq dossier 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 118
Jones, Barney 509, 510
Jones, Brian 114
Jones, Digby 464–5, 473–4, 602, 608–9
Jordan 49, 143
Journey’s End (Sheriff) 174
Jowell, Tessa
BBC 240
Blair’s departure date 279
Blair’s support for 455
Blair’s Wobble 262, 265
and Blunkett 285
and Brown 56, 687
and Brown succession 347
coup against Blair 396
Euro-elections (2009) 658
and the Hoon–Hewitt plot 690
and husband 362
Iraq 91, 257, 445
Iraq dossier 115
Lebanon crisis 384
The End of the Party Page 133