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Fool Me Twice_a Cartwright Brother Romance

Page 2

by Lilliana Anderson

  Oh no. Stop talking.

  I laughed as if it was a joke and pulled her closer to me so he wouldn’t be able to hear anything else she said over the music. I loved the girl, but she really needed to learn how to talk to men. She’d grown up in a strict religious family with an overprotective father, which meant no access to boys until she left school. The result was the quivering mess spouting random facts beside me.

  “A funeral home, you say? Is that how you two know each other?” He was playing a good game, completely nonplussed. Very smooth. I liked him.

  “Nooo,” I responded, my eyes wide as I shook my head. “I work at an all-girls high school in the eastern suburbs. We grew up next door to each other.”

  He lifted his head in acknowledgement, taking a sip of his drink as his blue eyes assessed us. “A teacher?” I nodded. “Let me guess—you teach music or choir?”

  “Physical education, actually.” My lips pulled at the corner as I watched the smallest reaction cross his features and then fade away. This guy was amazing at keeping a straight face; I’d been expecting him to choke on his rum and Coke like most people did. PE was the last thing anyone expected me to be teaching.

  “She teaches drama,” Alesha put in, her voice surprisingly even, perhaps borrowing strength from having her arm looped in mine. Seemed I was her confidence conductor.


  Alesha nodded. “She wanted to be an actor growing up. She was always pretending to be someone else. Once, I was banned from going to her house because Holland told my dad she was possessed by a spirit called Anniki. She would go into weird trances and start rambling incoherently. My dad freaked out and called our priest for help. Then Holland started laughing and he got very upset.”

  Ben grinned that gorgeous grin of his and met my eyes. My stomach was tight from all the flip-flopping it was doing. “Is that true?”

  “Guilty as charged,” I said with a shrug. “It was one of my best performances.”

  Ben’s eyes shone with mirth as he continued to study me, a smile lifting his cheeks. I desperately wanted to lean into him and run my nails over those cheeks, feel the scruff press against my fingertips. Then I wanted to pull on that full bottom lip with my teeth.

  His tongue poked out just a touch, wetting the seam of his lips. I was fairly sure that I groaned out loud while watching the action and tightened my grip on Alesha’s arm.

  “She was a riot growing up. You know, sometimes she sings at weddings on the weekends. And she just tells that physical education joke to everyone to see how they react. She thinks everyone is always judging her size.”

  I let go of Alesha immediately, pushing her to arm’s length and cutting off her confidence supply. Next she’d be telling him about the time I tried to see-saw with her nephew and shot him off the end of the damn thing. He only got a grazed knee, but still, the whole incident made it very clear that I was not to be trusted around children without supervision.

  “No filter on this one,” I joked, taking a large gulp of my margarita and draining the glass. “Maybe the bride-to-be would like her cousin back?” I smiled sweetly and she winked at me. Cheeky bugger.

  “The bride-to-be is actually why I’m here. She’d like you to sing ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’. She says it’s her jam.” She laughed, then shrugged.

  I pushed away from the bar, more than a little disappointed that I couldn’t continue talking to beautiful Ben. “Guess I shouldn’t keep the woman of the night waiting.” I turned to him. “Thanks for the drink. Don’t judge me on a couple of crazy stories from my best friend.”

  As I stepped away, he wrapped his hand around my upper arm, stopping me as he lowered his head to speak into my ear. “The only thing I’m judging you on is the size of those gorgeous-looking tits and those full, incredibly fuckable lips.”

  I gasped, a bolt of lust heading straight for my nether region. Did I hear that right? Do I seriously have fuckable lips? I turned to meet his eyes.

  “Too forward?” He smiled unapologetically.

  “Not at all.” My lips curved in return. I liked a man who was direct about what he wanted. It saved any complications later.

  “Then come back to me when you’re done. I haven’t finished talking my way into your bed yet.”




  This was going to be the best night ever.

  Chapter Two

  I Didn’t Come Here to Talk

  “This is it.” I opened the front door to my apartment and set my keys on the table with my purse. Nerves danced in my belly as Ben lowered his head slightly and stepped through the door, looking too big for my tiny Malvern apartment.

  Moving in a slow circle, he took in his surroundings, hands on his hips. My décor was mostly shabby chic. I loved finding old pieces of furniture and doing them up, mismatching them to create a fun yet homey feel. Some things were antiques, others were bought new, but it all blended together nicely, mixing with technology in an unobtrusive manner. I was very proud of the home I’d created.

  “Yours?” he asked when he finished his perusal, his eyes landing on mine. I felt like giggling. I couldn’t believe I’d attracted a man so beautiful into my home.

  “It’s the bank’s right now. Ask me again in twenty years.”

  His brow rose, and I realised I’d just made an incredible faux pas—talking about a time in the future when we’d only just met. The problem was I felt incredibly comfortable around Ben. We’d talked non-stop in the cab on the way here. He had an easy laugh and asked a lot of questions, seeming genuinely interested in me. I liked that he was forward, liked it even more that when my song was finished back at the club, I was able to walk right up to him and say, “Your place or mine?” He’d grinned, held out his hand for me to take and said, “Yours.”

  And now here we are.

  “I didn’t mean that this was anything more than it is. I mean, if by some random chance you run into me in twenty years’ time on the street, ask me then and I’ll be able to say, ‘Wait, who are you again, and why are you asking me if I own my apartment?’”

  He chuckled as he stepped towards me. “You think I’ll be that forgettable?”

  My chest tightened and my uterus started waving those little arm bits in the air like the kid in the Home Alone movies. Oh God. He’s about to kiss me.

  I looked up into his eyes, breathing in his scent as he crowded my space. I could smell the rum he’d had, sweet on his breath, but mostly I could smell the sea, and that wonderful manly scent that only the most attractive of men seemed to exude. If I was a dog, my nose would be permanently shoved in his neck and I’d lick him all over.

  “Well, twenty years is a long way away, and there’ll be so many men between then and now. I can’t guarantee I’d recognise you.” I tried to remain coy but was unable to stop my mouth from curving at the corners.

  His grin broadened as he slid his hands over my hips and down to my bottom, pulling me flush against him. “Then I guess I’d better bring my A game.”

  I could feel the size of his ‘A game’ pressing into my stomach. Holy shit!

  “Um… please tell me that’s a tube of tennis balls you’re carrying in your pants.”

  His chest bounced with laughter. “That’s all me. Think you can take it?” He grinned, pressing himself into me even harder. I almost passed out. How on earth is that going to fit?

  I moved my head from side to side. “It seems—” I gulped. “—big.”

  He chuckled. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m big all over.”

  A nervous giggle burst from my lips. “So am I.”

  Shaking his head, he brought his face closer to mine, his breath washing over my face as he spoke. “Tiny compared to me.” He was right—he dwarfed me. He was an easy six-six, broad-shouldered, with thighs that rivalled tree trunks. I wondered if he needed to have his clothes specially made. I liked big muscular men, loved the way their hulking frame made me feel. Still, I’d neve
r been with a man who was quite as endowed as Ben was. Women’s bodies were made to deliver babies, so we stretched, but I was worried about my ability to welcome such a… er… mammoth cock into my body.

  “M-m-maybe we should have a drink first?”

  “I don’t want a drink.”

  “O-or maybe a sandwich? I make a mean ham and cheese toastie.” I pressed my hands against his chest, pushing him away.

  Tightening his hold on my arse, he shook his head slowly, his eyes locked on mine, dancing with mirth. “Are you frightened it’ll hurt?”

  I gulped, then nodded.

  He brushed his mouth across my cheek before speaking close to my ear. “I promise I’ll make you nice and wet first. I have a feeling we’ll fit together in all the right ways.”

  “Oh,” I gasped, my knees shaking and my clit pulsing from the promise in his words.

  He moved his mouth, lips brushing lightly over my skin, teasingly moving past my lips and to my other ear. “Still think you’re going to forget me?” I shook my head and he chuckled, pulling back slightly to meet my eyes. “Good. Because I didn’t come here to talk. My intention is to fuck you senseless, Holland.” I loved hearing him say my name.

  “Senseless?” I didn’t know if I’d survive the night, but what a way to go.

  Here lies Holland Williams, beloved teacher, awesome friend, plundered to death by a giant cock. At least she went out smiling.

  He did this slow and sexy nod where his eyes held the assurance of a thousand orgasms. “Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes.” I swallowed and then parted my lips, waiting as I watched his handsome face inch closer, closer until our lips touched and ignited, need coiling tight in my body as his tongue sought entry and slid against mine. My heart pounded as I struggled to keep my knees locked to remain standing. I’d never been kissed so thoroughly, never felt the entire world still the moment a mouth was on mine. It was transcendent.

  As the kiss intensified, he groaned, the sound vibrating through my body, pebbling my nipples as he slid a hand into my hair, pulling my head back to force the exact angle he wanted to aggressively ravage my mouth. Oh God. Everything about him was over-the-top fantastic, and more than I could take.

  “Bedroom?” His voice was a soft rumble against my lips as he undid the zip on my dress and pushed it to the floor.

  Unable to speak, I just moved my head in the general direction, then let out a yelp when he lifted me off the floor as if I weighed nothing at all.

  Wow. I could totally fall for a guy like this.

  Careful, Holland. Men who look like Ben don’t do long-term.

  But he’s so beautiful. I want to keep him.

  You know he’ll be gone in the morning. And if he isn’t, it’ll be an awkward goodbye.

  Shut up and let me enjoy this.

  I shut the argument I was having with myself off and focused on the here and now as he lowered me to my feet at the foot of my bed. His hands rested on my waist as he stepped back and drank me in, his eyes widening in amazement. “What even?” His fingers moved over the red silk and black lace that spanned my midsection and held up my stockings.

  “A corset. It gives me a sexy shape.” I bounced my hips from side to side to prove my point.

  Sliding one hand lower, he hooked a finger into the elastic suspender, then flicked it against my thigh with a snap. “I like. A lot. We’re going to keep this on. But this”—he placed both hands on my shoulders, then pushed at my bra straps— “is going to have to come off. I need to see these babies with my own eyes.” My double Ds spilled out of the black lace that had been containing them as he dragged the cups down and undid the clasp. “Oh. Fuck. Yes.” His eyes darkened as he palmed my flesh, thumbs and forefingers working my nipples, sending shots of electricity coursing through me.

  “Ohhh.” Fuck yes, indeed.

  “These are beautiful.” He fondled, pushed, pulled, and tested their weight in his palms. When it came to women’s bodies, there were two types of men in this world: tit men and arse men. Fifty bucks said Ben was the former.

  “Thank you.” My voice was all breathy as I enjoyed his exploration. “I grew them myself.”

  Looking up from the flesh he played with, his eyes met mine and he smiled. “The rest of you is beautiful too,” he said with all sincerity.

  I just about melted where I stood and fell against him, sliding my arms up and over his massive shoulders as he captured my mouth with his. I was lost in a cloud of lust, wanting nothing more than for him to do dirty things to my body.

  “Hmmm. Do you know what I want to do to you?”

  Dirty things to my body? Was he reading my mind?

  I shook my head, my eyes feasting when he reached one hand behind his head and dragged his shirt off, giving me my first look at that deliciously hard body. Wow. This guy was ripped and tanned a delicious toffee brown. I didn’t think I’d ever seen that many abs in real life before. I salivated at the idea of covering them in chocolate sauce and licking them clean. I had to swallow before I drooled.

  “I want you”—he pushed me back on the bed and pulled my black heels off my feet, flinging them to the side—“to sit on my face and ride me until I almost drown in your juices.”

  “What?” I almost laughed. Who said stuff like that?

  He undid the snap on my suspenders, pulling the stocking down my left leg. “I. Want. Your. Pussy. In my mouth, and you”—he did the same on the right side—“sitting on my face while I eat it.”

  That was a crazy idea. What if I squashed his head? I wasn’t as feather-light as his biceps had indicated. I’d be up for manslaughter.

  “I don’t know,” I hesitated. “What if you can’t breathe?”

  He hooked his fingers in either side of my panties and dragged them down my legs, pausing for a moment to run his fingers over my mound. “Then I’ll lift you off.”

  I thought for a second. “I suppose that could work.”

  He grinned and then climbed over my almost-naked body, rubbing his smooth chest against mine. “Your skin is so soft,” he murmured, pulling at my bottom lip with his teeth. “Like velvet. And you taste like vanilla ice cream.”

  My God, I was on fire.

  “Is that a good thing?”

  He gripped my hips and rolled so I was on top. “It’s my favourite kind.” His strong hands urged me to move up his body. “Now, give me what I want.”

  “Do you always get what you want?”

  “I find a way.”

  I placed a finger against his forehead and ran it slowly down the centre of his face, smiling when he bit it after I touched his lips. “I’ll bet you do.” Positioning my knees on the pillow above his shoulders, I held myself above him, gripping my headboard. “Like this?” As confident as was, I’d honestly never done this position before, so I could use some pointers.

  “Exactly like that.”

  With his hands at my hips, he guided me towards his mouth. The moment his tongue swept through my arousal, my bones went liquid.

  “Oh God.”

  At first, I was frozen, my mouth open as his tongue dove into my depths, sucking and then teasing at my clit. Then, as my orgasm swelled in my body, my hips began to move of their own accord, back and forth, fucking his sexy, scruffy face. It felt amazing.

  When he moaned, I could feel the rumble vibrate in my core, my insides tightening, so ready to burst.

  “Oh, Ben! I’m going to come.”

  He made a sound that indicated he wanted nothing more than for me to come all over his face, then increased his suction on my clit. I tipped over the edge, cascading down, down as my hips bucked and a howl of ecstasy tore out of my throat.

  “Good God,” I gasped as the waves calmed. Ben continued to lap at my juices, drinking me greedily as his hands held firm onto my hips. “Oh my. Oh God. Ben.” He pushed me almost to the point of torment; then, just when I thought I couldn’t stand any more, he flipped me backwards and held himself over me, wiping his mouth.

  “You taste so fucking incredible. I could eat you all night,” he murmured, bringing his mouth to mine before kissing me deeply, sharing my flavour. What stood out most to me wasn’t my taste but the taste of him, the texture—smooth, silken. Addictive.

  He moved his hand down and cupped between my legs, sliding his fingers through my juices, pushing inside as I gasped and keened. One finger. Two. In and out. Three fingers.

  Holy fuck.

  “Feel good?”

  I nodded, words simply not existing in that moment. He was filling me, stretching me, pushing his fingers gloriously deeper as he added a fourth. I felt him to his knuckles and surprised myself by wanting more, curving my hips to urge him on.

  “Mmm, she’s greedy. Do you want more, Holland?”

  I nodded, gasping.

  “I didn’t hear any words. How do I know what you want if you don’t speak?”

  I attempted to answer but could barely make my tongue move from what he was doing to me.

  “More?” he asked.

  “More,” I parroted, needing to force out the word as I squirmed against him. “Please, more.” I wasn’t too proud to beg.

  He withdrew his hand and his body, and I whimpered at the loss, but was quickly rewarded with the scintillating view of him unbuckling his belt, then his fly. I licked my lips, focused on the muscular V that pointed to the monster cock I knew he hid inside his jeans. As he shoved them to the ground and stood before me in all his naked glory, I honestly wasn’t prepared for the sight. I’d felt it, imagined it, but I wasn’t quite ready for the reality of it. It was huge. Bigger than anything I’d ever seen—in real life or in porn. My mouth fell open and I sat forwards, inspecting it closer to make sure it was real.

  “I, uh… think a baby elephant is missing a trunk somewhere,” I commented as I stared at it and tried to imagine how that was going to get inside me. I’d taken four fingers, but they were tapered and easy to insert. This was long, thick all over and slightly curved. I didn’t think it would even fit in my mouth if I wanted to suck it—and I had a pretty big mouth.


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