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Page 13

by D. D. Lorenzo

  “I hope that’s a good ‘wow’ and not a bad one,” she laughed.

  “No, n-no. Not at all,” he stammered, still staring.

  “Soooo… it’s not a good one, or it’s not a bad one,” she teased.

  He looked at her helplessly. It had been a long time since he had a date, and he was at a loss for words.

  “I’m just playing with you,” she laughed, and gave him a light-hearted peck on the cheek. “Are those for me?” she asked, pointing to the flowers.

  He looked down, almost forgetting he was holding them.

  “Yeah… um, yes. They’re for you.” He held out a beautiful, over-stuffed bouquet of fresh fall flowers. She took them and inhaled deeply.

  “They smell so good! Thank you,” she said as she brought her lips to his cheek. When she backed away she reached her hand up to rub at the tell-tale spot.

  “Lipstick,” she explained, removing the smudge.

  She walked the flowers into the kitchen. “I’ll be ready in a minute. I want to put these in water before we go,” she called over her shoulder.

  He heard glass clinking and water running. “What time are the reservations?” she called to him.

  He unbuttoned his jacket, a bit more relaxed now. His hands disappeared into his pockets as he followed her, leaning in the doorway.

  “Seven-thirty,” he answered. “It’s six-fifteen now. We have a few minutes until we have to go.”

  She smiled, walking toward him with the flowers now neatly tucked into a vase. She leaned into him for a moment. “I’m looking forward to tonight. Thank you for taking me.”

  To a starved libido, she was too tempting. Even her fragrance tested him. All he noticed when she thanked him was how luscious her mouth was. He felt an urge to lean down and kiss her, but was torn between desire and decorum. Tonight was definitely going to test his mettle.

  She grabbed her coat. “I know I’ll need this.”

  “You’re probably right. It gets cold up here at night,” he answered. “Ready?”

  He was determined to enjoy this evening and the first thing he’d decided was to enjoy the company of his beautiful companion. It wasn’t difficult, because he could hardly take his eyes off of her. She was such a breath of fresh air in his stale life. He’d given himself permission to completely enjoy her company tonight. Aimee was the total package, sweet, beautiful, and so bubbly it seemed like she took a bite out of life and it tasted happy.

  “Yep. Ready,” she answered.

  As they arrived at the restaurant, he pulled up to the valet station and handed over the keys. Offering his arm to her, she slipped her petite hand through, resting just below his bicep.

  “Thank you, kind sir,” she playfully teased.

  He couldn’t help but smile as they walked in.

  She stood quietly by while he checked on their reservations. He’d chosen well. As she looked around the room, she admired what she saw. It was perfect for a first date.

  They were shown to their table and given a few minutes to peruse the wine list.

  “I think you might like the ‘Tasting and Pairing Experience’”, he offered.

  She peeked at him over the wine list in her hand. “Good?”

  “Excellent,” he replied.

  She placed the list on the table. “I think I’d like you to order for me this evening, if you don’t mind.”

  The corner of his mouth turned up as he grinned. “Adventurous much?”

  “No, not at all,” she laughed. “I have a good appetite and there isn’t much I don’t like.”

  “I don’t know about that,” he replied. “Aren’t models supposed to exist on crackers and water?”

  “Oh, that,” she said, suddenly serious. “Yes, mostly crackers and water. If I get caught eating real food they might call the fashion police.”

  He chuckled low and deep at her wit and she fell head first into the rich sound of his laugh. Once he’d put in their order, he relaxed. “I have a question. Why’d you agree to go out with me tonight?” he asked.

  “Well,” she teased, “Why not?”

  He enjoyed her playfulness.

  She leaned in close, as if she were going to share a secret, and he leaned in as well. The first thing he noticed was how the candlelight played with her eyes.

  “Here’s the truth,” she confessed in a whisper. “I really came out with you because you promised me a good meal. We girls on crackers and water can’t pass up a man who offers us real food. That would simply be asinine.”

  Although she teased, her smile was genuine and her tone sultry and seductive. She didn’t know it, but her behavior pushed his buttons in a good way—and his body was responding in a bad way. There are some things men possess over which they have no control. One of them is a part of their body which has a mind of its own. It also has the ability to give them utmost pleasure, or agonizing pain. At the moment he had no control over that particular portion of his anatomy—but she certainly did. It was the combination of her appearance and the spicy tone in her voice which was almost explosive to his long starved urges. He decided not to overthink and just go with it; let it happen. He was out of practice and she was putting him back in the game. His conscience was left at home tonight. Choosing instead to not psychoanalyze every move he made, he was having fun. It seemed he’d made the right choice because she was enjoying herself as well.

  She reached across the table and laid her hand gingerly on top of his. The sensation sent a pleasant spark through him and made him shift to find a more comfortable position.

  “The truth is, even though we had a rocky start, you promised to take me to dinner…” she said as she opened his fingers and began to brush over his palm with her thumb.

  He wondered if she knew how sexy she was. She was bewitching and any reservations he had were slipping away because he was losing himself in her. Her voice seduced like liquid velvet as it warmed him.

  As she spoke, her gaze enticed him, reawakening him as she spoke through the soft light.

  “…and if there is one thing you should know about me, Carter,” she continued, “…I take promises very, very seriously.”

  Their evening was enjoyable as they made small talk, ate, and laughed, but the drive back to Aimee’s was quiet. They had discovered an easiness between them. Neither wanted to disrupt the atmosphere which had enveloped the evening. Once they arrived at her house, Carter parked and went around to the other side of the car to assist her. She took the hand that was offered, enjoying his touch.

  “Why don’t you come in for a little while?” she asked.

  He nodded, following her inside.

  Pouring herself some wine, she handed him a beer. He noticed it was the brand he favored. Apparently, she had made some mental notes about his preferences. He sat at one end of the sofa after having removed his suit jacket, while she slipped off her heels and got comfortable at the other end. She tucked her feet under her, as he noticed she often did.

  She raised her wine glass to him. “To new relationships,” she toasted. He tapped her glass with the bottle.

  “New relationships,” he repeated.

  She watched as he loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt. His biceps strained the sleeves, making her appreciate the view. She spoke softly. “Was it as bad as you thought it would be?”

  He wondered if they were on the same wave length because he had just been thinking the same thing. “No, it wasn’t.” He reached across the back of the sofa resting his arm there. “As a matter of fact, it was better.”

  She paused. “Hmmm… were you hesitant because of Lacey? You thought she might not approve of me?”

  The question surprised him. She got right to the point, and he found himself appreciating her candor.

  “Not that she wouldn’t approve of you,” he answered honestly. “Just that she might not approve in general.”

  “Of you dating?” she asked. “Carter, I want you to feel good about spending time with me.
I have to ask, does this feel wrong to you? I mean, I know she’s not really here, but I can imagine you feel her influence. I honestly don’t think she would mind you having a life.” She smiled sweetly at him. “I know this is kind of personal, but… do you sometimes feel like you died when she did?”

  If she had asked that question in anything other than the sympathetic tone she used he would think she was mocking him, but she was truly sincere. “No. At least not all of me, but there were parts of me that became numb after her death,” he confessed.

  She reached for his hand. “I’m not a girl to pussyfoot around or play games, so bear with me. I enjoyed tonight—really enjoyed it, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to you.”

  He gave her hand a gentle squeeze as he interjected. “It’s mutual sweetheart. You’re a kind and beautiful woman.”

  She smiled at the compliment. “It’s just that if we decide to do this again, I don’t want you to think I would ever try to take her place, because I wouldn’t, and I know I can’t… but we don’t know where this is will go. It’s one date, and if you feel the same way I do right now it will be more. I know I might sound a little forward talking about her, but I’m not one to mince words. Why don’t we not try to figure it out and just take it as it comes?”

  Her understanding was making this very easy. “I do want to do this again, and I think that’s a great idea,” he answered.

  She rewarded him with a bright smile. “Good!”

  They spent the remainder of the evening laughing and talking cars, sports, and renovations. When it was time for him to leave he hugged her, giving her a kiss on her head as she held him around the waist. He was surprised to find it didn’t feel at all awkward. He tilted her chin up, looking into eyes filled with compassion. “How about next weekend? Want to do this again for lunch, and maybe even dinner again?” he asked.

  She nodded her reply as he pressed his lips to hers. They briefly lingered there, rewarding them both with the spark they’d anticipated. When he pulled back, she felt his hands in her hair gently cupping her head.

  “Yes,” she whispered against his lips. “We have to do this again.”

  She closed her eyes… and he kissed her again.

  Over the next few months, Carter and Aimee got to know each other better. A few walks and hikes accompanied a few lunches and dinners and eventually they saw each other almost every day. She appreciated his serious side, and he enjoyed her carefree personality.

  The renovation continued at her house boat, and she extended her vacation. She was working on the kitchen, having found a space which would house a cozy corner. It was a cute little nook which would be perfect for eating and for the view. As she finished the built-in seating, she enlisted the services of a local seamstress for the thick cushions. Having made a few friends in town, she felt more at ease with the area. The gentleman who worked at the hardware store, the seamstress, and the kids who worked at the ice cream shop all called her by her first name. The seamstress, Bernie, had just dropped off the custom cushion and Aimee was hoping to put it all together tomorrow. She had just put the final coat on the benches when Carter stopped in.

  Instinct told her it was him. She’d become accustomed to the sound of his footsteps on the hardwood. His boots made a clicking and shuffling sound when he walked. Even more importantly, she heard the sound she’d grown to love the most—the panting. Cody visited each time Carter did. She’d encouraged him to bring her by.

  He wasn’t quite on board with it at first, thinking the big girl would only get in the way or eat something she wasn’t supposed to. Berners had one flaw; they liked to eat things such as a paint brush or a remote control and he was afraid she might do that with all the tools and rags that were scattered around Aimee’s house, but she wouldn’t hear of it, insisting he bring her over.

  After the first visit, if she wasn’t in Carter’s company when he came by, Aimee would playfully push him out the door, making him go back home to get her. Before long, Cody not only came with him, she would stay with Aimee while he went about his business. She insisted it was better for the dog to have company than to stay at home alone. He debated the issue, but she said she had done her research. Berners were social animals, preferring to be with their humans. They went back and forth over the issue, though not seriously, with Carter finally giving in. One night when he left her house, he stood at the door calling for the dog to “come on, let’s go for a ride.” It was an invitation Cody never refused—until then. Retreating into typical, stubborn Berner behavior she ignored him. She looked up, to the side, and down as he called her, as if she didn’t understand him. She had a whole “who me?” look on her face. Aimee laughed, throwing her arms around Cody in victory. As the dog responded to the affection, her whole hind end vigorously wiggled. Truth be told, he liked them together. Cody was a permanent fixture in his life… and Aimee was becoming one as well.

  As he came up behind her, she was in the midst of cleaning up her project. She knelt down to pick up the paint can and was unceremoniously rear-ended by a cold, fuzzy snout.

  “Hey!” she cried. “What’s up with you, pretty girl?”

  Cody pushed Aimee so that she fell on her butt, then laid her furry self across her legs as if she wasn’t aware of her size.

  “Some lap dog, huh?” Carter laughed in the doorway.

  She responded by throwing her arms around the dog as she laid her head in the soft, thick fur. She murmured and cooed sweet words as Cody made herself at home. Carter reached down to offer her a hand up, but Aimee shrugged, helpless because Cody wasn’t moving. He shook his head at the both of them.

  “You spoil her, you know?” he said as he assisted Aimee with one hand and pushed the big, fuzzy butt out of the way.

  As he pulled her to her feet, she fell into his chest giving him the opportunity to wrap his other arm around her low back.

  “Hi,” he said as he pulled her close.

  She gazed into his warm eyes. “Hi, yourself.”

  He tipped her chin up and kissed her. “I brought coffee and a couple donuts.”

  She laughed as he held her. “YOU are going to get me into trouble! I have about five months left until I go back to work, and you’re making me gain weight.”

  He pulled her even closer, placing both hands around her waist so that his fingers touched. “I think you’re perfect,” he said, and kissed her on the nose.

  She threw her head back, laughing. “Yeah! Perfectly plump for the modeling industry!” She let her hands slide down his chest and wrapped them around him as well. “You’re going to make me go into plus- size modeling if you keep this up.”

  “What can I say? I like curves,” he shrugged, making her laugh again.

  Cody wiggled her way in between the two of them, breaking their hold. Carter backed up at her intrusion and went to get the coffee. She followed him.

  “So, what do you think?” she asked nodding her head in the direction of the breakfast nook.

  “I like it. What are you going to do with this table?” he asked patting the surface.

  “I’ll probably donate it,” she said. “I’d like to see somebody get some use out of it.”

  He sat his cup down. “I can check around, if you want. See if somebody needs one, but if not, I have the truck. I can take it to a thrift store or Goodwill for you.”

  She nodded. “That would be good. It’ll save me some time.”

  He then opened the box he’d brought and held it out to her.

  “Boston Crème!” She smiled at him. “Did you know these were my favorite?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact,” he answered proudly. “I pay attention. I know a lot of what you like.” His voice dropped low as he teased.

  She watched him. His eyes narrowed and his tone was suggestive. Two could play this game.

  She took the treat out of the box and teased the crème suggestively with her tongue. She was getting to him and she liked it, so she licked at the chocolate on top.
She seduced in the most innocent way. One look at his lap proved that her actions were appreciated. His face might show composure, but there was no hiding the strain in the front of his jeans.

  He said nothing as he watched her, enjoying the show. When she’d finished, she reached across to clear the paper plate. She swung her hips from side to side as she walked across the room and to the refrigerator. He silently came up behind her and took her hand. “You’re such a tease.”

  She threw her head back with a wicked giggle as he lifted her fingers to his lips. He pushed the fridge door closed with his elbow then kissed and teased her fingers one by one. An almost inaudible moan escaped her as he rolled his tongue around them, licking the residual chocolate that was there. Her breath quickened and she dropped her head to the side, exposing her neck. He kissed the small hollow just behind her earlobe, then traveled down her neck with kisses. He licked, sucked, and scraped his teeth against the tender spots until she whimpered. Carefully, he pulled the ties on her peasant blouse, pushing it off her shoulders.

  He sank his hands into her thick waves, pulling her close until her lips were at the perfect angle. He pressed them firmly to his as his tongue probed and searched. Pulling away slightly he enjoyed himself as she took his lower lip between her teeth, biting with soft pressure. It was an effective move. Her response made him rock hard. He ran his hand down her side until she trembled, and once he reached the bottom of her shirt his one hand explored while the other fisted in her hair. He kissed her hard and long, his hand sliding down into the back of her jeans and cupped a firm cheek. She shivered with pleasure.

  “Carter…” she pleaded.

  His lips traced her jaw, slowly making their way down her throat and into the soft division of her breasts. His palm slid up her back until he came to her bra strap and unlatched it. Moving it out of his way he enjoyed the soft bounce as her breast filled his hand. He dipped his head for a taste, and stayed there until she was lost in the sensations. Her eyes closed as she fell into pleasure. His fingers then traced along her ribs until he brought them up to once again enjoy the feel of her in his hands . He grazed the sensitive tips with his thumbs and they hardened in response. He licked the very tips until she cried softly with pleasure.


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