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The Zoran's Kiss_Barbarian Brides

Page 9

by Luna Hunter

  “I can not.”

  “You don’t know who that is, don’t you?”

  “Not a clue.”

  “She’s famous. The scholarship I won, the whole reason I was in that ship and got abducted in the first place, was called the Sarah Granger Scholarship. That’s the kind of famous I’m talking about.”

  “It sounds like you admire her.”

  “I do. Now more than ever. She’s raising her child, and leading a vigilante group at the same time, assisting Zorans and humans where needed, staying out of the Federation’s way… that’s something.”

  I kiss the top of her head. “Sounds like we’re in good company then.”

  “The best,” Piper sighs blissfully.

  “So all the Zorans have their own mates, correct?” I say, my hand resting on her lower back protectively.

  And possessively.

  Piper chuckles. “Don’t worry. They’re mated alright! You’ll hear it for yourself. The sounds that take over this ship every night… well, as my mom would say, it would make a whore blush. Don’t tell her I told you that, by the way. She’d never forgive me!”

  “I can’t wait to meet your parents.”

  Piper looks at me. “Never thought I’d hear a guy say that.”

  “Why? What are they like?”


  “I like them already.”

  Piper smirks. “I’m not sure how well they’d react to a seven foot tall, alien warrior on their doorstep… I’d have to ease it in, for sure. Massage them a bit first, you know.”

  “I don’t remember who my parents are,” I say.

  My mate nuzzles my neck. “It’ll come back to you. And if it doesn’t, well… you have everything you need right here.”

  That’s the damn truth.

  Chapter Thirteen


  After five days of recovery, I’m finally well enough to get out of bed. I need Piper’s help and a pair of crutches, but I can walk. My mate hasn’t left my side for a moment. I can never even begin to repay the debt I owe her. Every time I look at her, I’m filled with warmth.

  We enter the main hall.

  “Welcome back!”

  A chorus greets us. Zorans of all colors, red, green, blue, and their mates, and little ones, so many names it’s hard to keep track of it all. I can’t help but get emotional. I’ve known nothing but pain and hate, and these people welcome me into their very home…

  Egon hugs me tightly.

  “It’s okay, brother,” he says.

  “Thank you,” I say. “Thank you. All of you. I don’t know how to ever thank you.”

  “Join our fight,” Sarah Granger says. “We need your help.”

  “Can’t he recover first?” Piper chimes in.

  “Of course,” she laughs.

  That must be the Sarah Granger my mate told me about. The leader of this pack. The blue Zoran standing to her side must be her mate; and the baby-blue boy peering at me from behind her legs must be their kid.

  “We have much to talk about,” Egon says.

  “Can’t it wait?” Miah says. “He just got up!”

  “It cannot,” Egon growls. He places his arm on my shoulder and guides me to a different room. We sit down across from each other, and he pours us both some cuhla.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Okay,” I say. “Again, I feel I must tha—”

  “Stop,” Egon says. “You never have to thank me, Kane. Never again. You’re family”

  I gotta ask. “Do you mean, literally?”

  Egon throws his head back and laughs. “No, not literally, though I wouldn’t have minded that at all. No. What do you remember?”

  “Bits and pieces. I remember seeing you. In a battle. With blood everywhere. And… human bodies.”

  I look over my shoulder. In the other room, our mates are enjoying a cake. If they knew what crimes I’ve committed, would they still want me here?

  “You remember correctly,” Egon sighs. “But it is not your fault.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Egon looks like he’s in a great deal of pain, and it takes me by surprise. My heart is racing, and my palms feel sweaty. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. I want to hear about my past, I want to know who I really am. And yet, at the same time, I’ve never felt more frightened. What if I was better off not knowing?

  “I’ll try to clear it up for you,” Egon says. “There were four of us. You, me, Torin and Marcas. We were elite soldiers, serving the Zoran Admiralty.”

  “That explains it.”

  “Explains what?”

  “Why I’m such a good fighter.”

  Egon smirks. “You’re not just good, Kane. You’re the very best. Even among us four, you were always the greatest.”

  “I wish I wasn’t,” I growl. “It’s only gotten me into trouble.”

  The emerald green Zoran nods. “Yes, Piper explained to me what happened on Vagreon… once again, you mustn’t blame yourself.”

  “How can I not? I did those things. Willingly.”

  “You were misled. Believe me, I know what that feels like. Here, you’ll need another drink before I continue.”

  I knock the cuhla back. The sweet drink warms my insides, and dulls the pain.

  “It all started when we landed on Deasun II, one of our training sites,” Egon continues. “We discovered a massacre. The entire planet had been poisoned by the Onyx Corporation, a human company that mines planets for their resources. The indigenous population had been decimated.”

  “That’s horrible,” I say.

  “I haven’t even gotten to the horrible part yet,” Egon sighs. “The four of us, we were unsure of what to do. You wanted to take this public straight away, but I thought that there must be some kind of explanation for this. The human must have made some kind of mistake. I couldn’t imagine they’d commit such crimes willingly…”

  Egon looks up and smiles wistfully. “I was hopelessly naive. I contacted the Onyx leadership, and we arranged to meet them at Pazar, a space-station. Does that name ring a bell?”

  I shake my head.

  The green Zoran pours himself two more drinks and knocks them both back. When he looks up at me, his eyes are filled with pain.

  “They gassed us, Kane. We got there, and were in a waiting room, and they pumped some kind of chemical in there, some kind of… rage-inducing experimental biological weapon. All four of us… we lost our minds.”

  He needs a moment to collect himself before he can continue. I’m too stunned to say a single word.

  “When it was all said and done, we killed dozens of humans with our bare hands in our blind rage. The humans arrested us, we were sentenced for crimes against humanity, and all Zorans were banned from Earth. They used as proof that Zorans were wild animals, and a danger to the galaxy. That, my friend, is what you remember.”

  I sink back into my chair, dumbfounded. It’s even worse than I imagined.

  “These people,” he says, gesturing at Zorans and humans in the other room, “these beautiful people, they saved us. They fight, they resist, because they believe in us. They rescued me, and now they rescued you. It’s our fault — no, it’s my fault that all of this is happening. If I had listened to you, all of this tragedy could have been averted.”

  “No,” I say, shaking my head. “It’s not your fault. Onyx did this. To you. To me. They should be feeling guilty. Not us.”

  “You are right,” Egon says. “But it doesn’t feel that way. The guilt…”

  I nod. “I feel it too. We should use that guilt to drive us, to let us strike at our enemies.”

  Egon reaches out and grabs my hand.

  “You haven’t changed one bit, Kane. Not a single bit. It’s good to have you back.”

  “It’s good to be back, Egon. I still have one question, though…”

  Actually, I have a million questions, but one at a time.

  “How did I end up on Vagreon if we were capt
ured by the humans?”

  Egon smiles mysteriously. “You’re going to have to ask Kazim that.”

  I get up and walk into the other room. “Kazim,” I say, “Why was I on Vagreon?”

  He looks up in surprise, his mouth full of cake. “You should ask Daruk.”

  I turn to the golden Zoran. “Daruk?”

  He nods at Turnon. “Ask him.”

  Turnon points the finger at Dost. “He’s your guy.”

  “What the hell?” I growl, growing frustrated.

  “I’ll tell him,” the woman called Ava Payne sighs. Her belly is round; I wonder how Piper would look like if she were to carry my child…

  “We tried to free you, but we failed. We damaged your transport ship, but also took enough damage that we had to abort our rescue mission. Your ship crashed. We nearly killed you. We’re sorry, Kane. We feared we may have lost you… and so we’re extremely happy that you’re alive and well.”

  I nod slowly and let this information sink in. “So the crash, the fire…”

  “That was our fault. Collectively,” Ava says, eying everyone in the room.

  “And my memory loss…”

  “Also our fault,” Kazim says. “It was never our intention, of course.”

  “If you hate us, we understand,” Turnon says.

  I shake my head. Hate? How could I hate them after all the love they’ve shown me?

  “I don’t blame you,” I say. “Not one bit. You tried to help. That’s all that matters to me.”

  “We do feel guilty, though,” Dost chimes in. “Life on Vagreon can’t have been easy.”

  “It wasn’t,” I say. “Not by a long shot. However, I did meet Piper there, and that makes it all worth it.”

  All the women in the room ooh collectively.

  “Why can’t you ever say something that sweet?” Aria says, softly hitting her red husband on the shoulder.

  “I have other talents,” Dost grumbles.

  “I need a moment to take this all in,” I say.

  “Take all the time you need,” Kazim says. “You are our guest here.”

  “I don’t want to be a guest. I want to be part of the team. I want to help. I want to make things right.”

  “Right now you’ll help us most by resting, Kane. I mean that. Rest. Recover. You need it. Consider that an order.”

  That’s one order I can follow.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I gently nuzzle Kane’s naked chest. Night has fallen, and the sounds of lovemaking have taken over the ship. I try not to listen it, but sometimes it can be hard to ignore the thumping of a bed, or a heartfelt cry.

  It all makes me laugh. If my parents could see me now they’d have a heart attack. I’m sure they’d call it an alien-orgy-ship.

  No orgies, though. Just a few couples that love each other dearly. And a ship that could use better insulation.

  “What are you thinking about?” Kane whispers.

  We’re both naked, lying in our bed, while he plays with my hair. We’ve only just arrived, but this place already feels like home to me.

  “My parents,” I say. “I hope they’re okay.”

  “We can send them a message.”

  “Do you think so?”

  Kane nods. “There must be a way. I’ll talk to Kazim first thing in the morning.”

  He holds me tightly.

  “If you want to go back home, that’s okay,” he whispers. “My place is here. I have to join their fight. And I want to have you by my side, but if you want to return home, I understand…”

  I look up. Kane’s fighting back tears — I’ve never seen him so vulnerable.

  “I don’t want to keep you against your will, Piper.”

  “How can you say that?” I gasp. “I’m here because I want to be!”

  “Don’t you want to be back on Earth?”

  I shrug. “Maybe? No? I don’t know! All I know is that I want to be by your side. Here, with this group, we’ve got a purpose. That’s more than I ever had!”

  And I have you, you silly silver man. I have you!

  “What about your parents?”

  “Of course I miss them,” I say. “But I need to fly. I need to be my own person. Here, I can make a difference. A real difference in the universe. Do you believe me?”

  Kane smiles. “I do. I do.”

  “Then don’t ask me something as stupid as that ever again,” I laugh. “The moment I don’t want to be around you anymore, you better believe I’ll let you know!”


  “I don’t think that day will ever come, though.”

  Kane kisses me deeply. “Likewise.”

  My hand slides down Kane’s naked body, my fingers slipping around his manhood. He’s already hard, which doesn’t surprise me one bit. Whenever we’re both naked, he’s always hard.

  “Besides, not like I could go a day without this,” I whisper as I squeeze the base of his Zoran cock.

  Kane chuckles. “You’re an addict, you know that?” he jokes. “You’re insatiable.”

  “It’s your fault!” I say. “If you didn’t fuck me so good, I wouldn’t crave it every day.”

  “Every hour,” he corrects me. “I’ll try to be a worse lover, deal?”

  “Hell no,” I laugh.

  Kane climbs on top of me, pinning me down, and he kisses me roughly. His manhood rests on my belly, my fingers stroking the top of it. I can feel his hardness throb, and I’m already wet.

  Who am I kidding, I was already wet the moment I climbed into bed with him.

  Kane looks into my eyes, and his amethyst gaze has got my heart racing.

  “I love you,” I blurt out.

  “I love you, too,” he says.

  I reach down and place his throbbing cock at my entrance. “Fuck me,” I whisper.

  “I can’t hear you.”

  “Fuck me!” I plead. “Please.”

  “That’s more like it,” Kane growls. He kisses me hard, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth as he thrusts his hips forward, his big cock entering me. I moan his name, my hands moving to the back of his neck as we make passionate love.

  We’ve gotten quite good at it, actually. I may not have been very experienced going into this adventure, but I’m catching up real fast. Our hips move in tandem, the temperature in the room rising as we fuck ourselves into a frenzy.

  “Do you want my baby?”

  Those few words send a massive jolt straight through my frame. I stop in an instant, my mind swimming with thoughts. “Are you… are you sure?”

  Kane looks up at me, and I can tell he means every word. “I’ve never been more sure in my life,” he growls, his voice dripping with lust. He pulls out and pushes my legs right up, so that I’m folded in half like a pretzel.

  His expert tongue dives into my exposed wetness, tasting me.

  My hands grip the covers as the pleasure overwhelms me.

  “But we just—”

  “I love your taste,” he growls. “I can’t get enough of it!”

  His tongue finds my swollen clit, and within seconds he’s got my writhing in pleasure, another explosive orgasm upon me. The silver Zoran knows my body like the back of his hand.

  I tremble with pleasure, and before my orgasm has even begun to subside, Kane buries himself back inside of me, every last inch of his purple manhood filling me up. His mouth covers mine and I kiss him back passionately.

  “I want your baby,” I groan. “Please!”

  “I’m going to fill you up,” he says. “Fill you with my seed!”

  “Yes, do it, baby,” I pant. “I’m yours to use, yours to fill! Give me all of your cum!”

  With a deafening roar he cums inside of me. His entire silver body trembles, and I can feel every throb, every pulse, every bit of his seed filling me up. I wrap my arms and legs tightly around his massive frame.

  I want every last drop.

  He lies down on top of me, and I enjoy the feeling of be
ing pinned down beneath his strong frame. Nothing can hurt me here. It’s just me and him.

  And in nine months, a little baby boy or girl…



  “Good morning,” Egon says as I stumble into the kitchen, still sleep-drunk. I barely slept at all last night. Once I uttered those magical words — I want to have a baby with you — Piper’s been insatiable.

  More than normal. And that’s saying something. We must have gone at it four times last night, and I need some protein before I can go again.

  “Busy night?”

  “You can say that,” I growl as I rummage through the fridge. This yogurt will do for now. I bring the container to my lips and knock it all back in one go.

  That reminds me.

  “Can we send a message to Earth?” I ask Egon. “Piper’s parents deserve to know she’s alive and well.”

  The emerald-green Zoran nods slowly. “It’ll be risky, but… she certainly deserves it. If she can record a message, I’ll make sure it reaches them.”

  “It’ll have to wait ‘till midday, then.”

  Right now, Piper is laying on her back, naked, her legs up in the air because ‘this helps me with getting pregnant’, or so she says. To me it just looks like an invitation — one I can’t wait to accept.

  “Sure thing. Oh, before you go, one more thing — we’re headed to Blackgate. We should arrive there in a week or so.”

  “Blackgate?” I growl. “Isn’t that the prison planet?”

  “It is, and that’s where Torin is locked up, unfortunately. They got him in solitary confinement. We have to bust him out of there. One way or another.”

  “Do we have a plan? Or are we just going to attack an entire planet headfirst?”

  “You were our main strategist,” Egon says. “I was hoping you’d help us come up with a plan.”

  “Hm,” I say. “Busting someone out of the the universe’s largest, most well-protected prison. I like the sound of that. I’ll take a look, as soon as I… take care of some business.”

  Egon smirks, as if to say, human women, tell me about ‘em.


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