The Last Time (Forever and Always #18)

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The Last Time (Forever and Always #18) Page 3

by E. L. Todd

  “Well, that’s a relief,” Johnny said. “That’s better than you expected, right?”

  “Yeah,” I admitted. “Hazel is still wounded from her last boyfriend. It’ll be a while before she can completely trust me. It used to offend me but now I try not to let it bother me.”

  “Did she freak when you told her about Zahara?” Ian asked. He was on his third beer.

  “I didn’t tell her…” After her reaction to Carly, I knew Hazel would be a million times worse if I told her about my ex.

  “Seriously?” Johnny asked. “Why?”

  “I know she would run out on me again. I just don’t want to dump two big things on her at one time. I’ll tell her, but I’ll wait a while. I don’t want her to panic. That’s enough to give her a heart attack.”

  Johnny nodded. “I guess I see what you mean. And you didn’t do anything wrong anyway. You told Zahara to fuck off, right?”

  “In so many words,” I said.

  He shrugged. “I wouldn’t tell her at all. There’s nothing really to tell anyway. Women are always going to want you. You really think she wants to hear about every single interaction?”

  “Well, I’m trying to gain her trust right now. I thought if I was honest about everything, she would slowly start feeling secure.”

  “But, that applies to you doing something, right?” Ian asked. “Now if you kissed a girl, that’s something you should fess up to.”

  I glared at him. “Never gonna happen.”

  “It’s just an example,” Ian said quickly.

  “So, I’ll keep it to myself for a while. After I tell her, I’ll ask if she wants me to keep everything to myself from now on,” I said.

  “It’s your funeral,” Johnny said with a shrug. “Where is she anyway?”

  “Rehearsal,” I said. “It went late tonight.”

  “You don’t have to stay?”

  “No,” I said with a sigh. “That’s the director’s job, which is why my job is so much better.” I picked up a slice out of the box then scarfed it down. We settled back into watching the game.

  A knock on the door interrupted us.

  “Expecting someone?” Johnny asked.

  “No.” I left the couch then headed to the door. When I looked through the peephole, I stilled. “What the hell?”

  Both of the guys turned around.

  “Who is it?” Johnny asked.

  I turned back to them, eyes wide. “Zahara.”

  Ian did a double take. “How does she know where you live?”

  “I have no fucking idea.” I turned back to the door. “What do I do?”

  Johnny shrugged. “Don’t answer it?”

  She knocked again. “Flynn, please open the door.”

  “Shit.” I ran my fingers through my hair.

  Ian gave me a sympathetic look. “Just tell her to leave and never come back.”

  Why the fuck was this happening to me? Thank god Hazel wasn’t here. I opened the door, a pissed look on my face. “What the fuck are you doing? It’s one thing to speak to me at a bar, but it’s an entirely different matter to come to my home. Get the fuck out of here or I swear to god I’ll call the cops.”

  She stilled at the venom in my voice. “I’m sorry…I just need help.”

  “Help with what?” My suspicion would never die.

  “I got into a fight with my…friend. He broke my phone and took my keys. Now I have no way to call my roommate.” She looked like she was about to burst into tears.

  Oh. I wasn’t expecting that at all. “I’m sorry…”

  “I’ll just call her really quickly then be out of your hair.” She was breathing deeply and her face was slightly blushing.

  Now I felt like an ass. “Sure. Come in.”

  She came inside then nodded to my two friends. I grabbed my phone and handed it to her.

  “Can I take this in the other room?” she asked.


  She walked down the hall and disappeared. Her heels echoed against the ground then stopped.

  I came back to the guys. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Well, at least she didn’t want to start any drama,” Johnny said. “That’s a relief.”

  “Phew,” Ian said. “Now if Hazel were here she couldn’t get mad at you. If you threw Zahara on her ass, you’d be a jerk.”

  “Yeah,” I said in agreement.

  The game was over so both of the guys stood up.

  “We’re going to head out,” Johnny said.

  “Could you stay until she leaves?” I asked. “You know, as witnesses.”

  “Sure,” Ian said with a laugh.

  We moved to the door and waited for Zahara to return. She was only gone for a minute.

  She came back to me and handed me the phone. “Thank you so much. I’m meeting her at our apartment.”

  “I’m glad it worked out.”

  She nodded then stepped out of the door.


  She turned around. “Hmm?”

  “That friend of yours…he isn’t hurting you, right?” I felt protective of all women. It had nothing to do with her being my ex.

  “No. It was just a fight.”

  “Okay.” That made me feel better. “Bye.”

  “Bye.” She walked off.

  Johnny and Ian waited until she was out of sight. “Looks like we’re clear,” Johnny said.

  “Yeah.” I opened the door wider and let them walk out. “I’ll see you guys later.”

  “Sure thing,” Ian said. “Tell your woman we said hi.”

  “Her name is Hazel,” I snapped. “She’s not my woman.”

  Ian rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

  They left the apartment and I started cleaning up. I was fairly tidy in general, but now that I lived with a girl, I tried to be better at cleaning up messes. Hazel didn’t seem like she cared, especially after living with a bunch of cockroaches, but I still gave my best effort.

  I settled back onto the couch and drank a beer, watching TV until my girl came home.



  Days like these made me question why I was a dancer. My feet were killing me, all the girls were bitches, and Vanessa was threatening to murder me with just her eyes. It was well known that she and I were mortal enemies. As a result, I had few allies. But that fact my boyfriend was the writer and assistant director of the production really saved my ass. Because of that, I was invincible. It was the one time I took advantage of Flynn’s power and esteem.

  It was almost ten at night when we finally ended the session. Every one was tired so our practice runs were terrible. The instructor made us stay afterwards until we got it right, just like school children in kindergarten who were learning how to form a single line.

  By the time I reached my bag, I kicked off my dance shoes and put on sandals. I knew Flynn would give me a foot rub when I got home because he did it every night after practice. I didn’t even need to ask him to. That’s just how great he was.

  The idea of his producer hitting on him made me sick with jealousy and hurt, but I knew Flynn was a good-looking guy and a smooth talker. I couldn’t be upset with him for being attractive to all women. That was wrong. Now I felt terrible for overreacting and kicking him out of his own apartment. I really needed to be better at trusting him. The relationship would never work unless I really gave my effort.

  I was starving, so I pulled out my phone to text him. He better have something ready for me to eat at home. He usually did, but I had to make sure. I was about to eat a bear.

  I already had a text message from Flynn.

  Thanks for the wonderful time tonight. You really rocked my world, Zahara. I’ll let you know next time Hazel isn’t home. I’ll break up with her soon.

  What. The. Fuck.

  I read the message ten times, still unable to breathe. I read it again. And again. He must have sent this to me by mistake. Kyle used to do the exact same thing with Hannah…and every time it broke m
y heart.

  Tears sprang to my eyes quicker than I could process my emotions. Knowing Kyle cheated on me broke my heart, but this was a million times worse. Flynn was my whole world. I thought we were happy together. As soon as I went to practice, he was fucking his ex. And he was planning on dumping me for her…

  Every one left the auditorium, and I knew I needed to get out before they forced me to leave. But I was so numb that I couldn’t feel a damn thing. I finally grabbed my things and landed on the street.

  People passed by me, living out their lives like nothing was wrong. My world was crashing and burning. I just couldn’t believe Flynn would do this to me. I thought we were happy. What did I do wrong? I don’t understand.

  What the hell is wrong with me? Why couldn’t a guy just treat me right?

  Should I go back to the apartment? Should I confront him? What was the point? I had clear evidence he cheated on me. He wouldn’t send this to me on purpose. It was clearly a mistake, no room for misinterpretation.

  My heart was beating so fast I thought it would give out.

  Someone bumped into me as they passed but I barely noticed.

  Was this a dream? God, I wished it were. I wish this wasn’t happening. Why did this have to happen? Why? Why?

  I gripped my skull and screamed.

  The New Yorkers glanced at me then kept walking. No one asked if I was okay. I started to sob, unable to accept the fact that everything with Flynn was a lie. He wanted to move in with me, but he got bored of me so quickly. He was the player I always thought he was. I needed to get my shit and get the hell out of there. I didn’t have any shoes, clothes, or anything I needed. I had to go.

  Still sobbing, I walked to the apartment. The despair quickly turned to anger. He played me like a fool, and he did a damn good job of it. I kept picturing him with his ex over and over again, wanting to stop. It made me tremble and shake. I wanted to gag. The idea of him being with anyone else but me was sickening.

  I finally reached the door but just stared at it. It wasn’t my door. It was his. I never belonged here. This wasn’t my home. I took a deep breath then got the door open.

  “Hey, baby.” He stood up from the couch then turned to me. He froze when he saw my expression. “What’s wrong?”

  “Fuck you.”

  He flinched. “What…?”

  “You’re such a damn liar and a piece of shit. You made me trust you and then you took advantage of me. You’re sick!”

  “Hazel, what are you talking about?” He came closer to me, concern in his eyes.

  I slapped him hard across the face. I never slapped someone before, but that’s how pissed I was.

  Flynn took the hit and his eyes burned in irritation. “Why did I deserve that?”

  “When you texted Zahara, you accidentally texted me.” Spit was flying out of my mouth because I was so angry.

  “What?” His eyes were wide. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Look at your damn phone. If you’re going to cheat on me, at least don’t make rookie mistakes.” I marched to the bedroom, ready to grab my things and get the hell out of dodge.

  He followed behind me while he pulled his phone out of his jeans. “Fuck…”

  I knew he saw the message. “Go to hell, Flynn.”

  “Fuck,” he yelled. He sounded pissed.

  I ignored him then approached our room. His room.

  He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall. “Look, that wasn’t me. I can explain what happen. Just give me a second.”

  I kneed him in the crotch. “I don’t want to hear your lies, Flynn.”

  He hissed then bent at the waist. After he recovered himself, he pushed me against the wall again, his body stopping me from kicking him again. “Just listen to me. I didn’t send that message. Zahara did.”

  “Oh, that makes it so much better.”

  “Shut up!” He glared at me. “She came by the apartment and asked to use my phone because hers was broken. I thought it was a harmless request. She obviously took it and sent you that message so you would dump me. Ian and Johnny were here the whole time. They can prove it.”

  “Your best friends?” I asked incredulously. “Of course they’ll say whatever you want.” I moved out of his arms but he pushed me back.

  “She’s doing this so you’ll break up with me. She’s manipulating you.”


  “Because she wants me back.”

  “And you know that how…?”

  The anger disappeared for a moment. “I didn’t tell you this because you went off the wall about Carly, and I didn’t want to drop too much on you. But Zahara sought me out and asked if we could get back together. Obviously, I said no. She thinks if she can break us up, she’ll have me.”

  “So she came all the way here just to send me a message from your phone?” I asked incredulously.

  “Did you read the message?” he snapped. “It doesn’t even sound like something I would say. Think logically for a moment. I’m home every night with you. And if I could have her whenever I wanted her, why would I even bother cheating? Based on our relationship, it makes no sense. Come on, Hazel.” He stared me down. “Please believe me. You claimed you trusted me. Now prove it.”

  He made some good points. The message wasn’t written in his usual style. But I still felt uneasy, especially being pinned to the wall. “Let me go.”

  “No.” He held me firmly. “Let me call the guys and they’ll come over and explain what they saw. They aren’t good liars, so you’ll know immediately if they are.”

  “I said get off me,” I hissed.

  He stepped back but blocked the hallway so I couldn’t move back to the living room. It was obviously an attempt to stop me from leaving.

  I went into the bedroom and stilled at what I saw. The perfectly made bed was messy with sheets all over the place. A pair of underwear that didn’t belong to me was on the floor. A bra was on the pillow. I turned back to Flynn and glared at him.

  He was seething. “Zahara did this. Not me.”

  I slapped him again. “Fuck you, Flynn.”

  He took the hit then clenched his knuckles.

  I grabbed a bag and stuffed everything that would fit inside of it.

  “You aren’t leaving.” He grabbed the bag and ripped it from my grasp.

  “I’ll hit you again. Give me back my stuff.”

  “No.” He tossed it behind him. “I’m not lying about this. Don’t do this, Hazel. She’s tricking you.”

  “When Kyle cheated on me, he gave me every excuse he could think of. Since I loved him, I wanted to believe him, but I’m so glad I didn’t. Your explanation doesn’t even have solid fact. If it really was her, she was in your apartment which is just inexcusable.” I pushed him away then grabbed my bag.

  He grabbed my arm. “Hazel, please.” The desperation was in his voice. His eyes looked dark, like they’d never see the sun. “I’ll swear on anything that I’m not lying. I love you and only you. I don’t want anyone else. Please.”

  Even after what he did to me, I melted. I loved him so much, but I couldn’t settle for this. I’d experienced too much heartache. I deserved something better. I needed something better. “No.” I grabbed the bag and headed back into the hallway.

  Flynn yanked it back. “Please trust me, Hazel. I can prove it to you. Let’s talk to my friends. Let’s even talk to Zahara. If we confront her together, she’ll admit what she did.”

  “Give me the bag.” I was blocking him out. I just needed to get out of here.

  “No. Let’s talk about this.” He was growing desperate, his eye starting to redden.

  “If you don’t give me the bag and let me leave, I will call Cortland and all the guys and ask them to help me. When I tell them what you did to me, every bone in your body will be broken. I suggest you hand it over.”

  Flynn dropped the bag and gripped his skull. “I can’t believe this is happening…”

  I grabbed the handle then p
ut it over my shoulder.

  When Flynn looked at me again, his eyes were heavy with tears. I’d never seen him cry before. “Hazel, please. You’re making a mistake.”

  I couldn’t look at him anymore.

  “Please.” He reached for me but I stepped out of his way. “I love you so much. You know how much I love you.”

  “I have to go.”

  The tears fell down his face. “You know I would never do this to you. Come on, Hazel. That’s not me. I’m not a cheater.”

  I opened the door and walked out. “Don’t call me.”

  He followed me, desperation on his face. “I’ll beg.” He fell to his knees. “Please. I’m being set up. You have to believe me.”

  I didn’t look at him. This was too hard. The past few months were the best of my life, but they were built on lies. Flynn didn’t love me. He never did. “I’ll get the rest of my stuff tomorrow. If you don’t want to be jumped, I suggest you don’t be here.” Without looking back, I left the hallway and took the stairs.



  Less than a year ago, Monnique lost her mother to a fatal car accident. It happened so quickly and so suddenly Monnique couldn’t grieve properly. I was there for the funeral and the weeks and months afterwards, standing by her side and letting her cry in my arms. I hated seeing the pain she was in.

  And now her father passed away. Two parents in one year…

  There was no question where I should be. I would stand by her side because that’s where I belonged. I never loved anyone so much in my life. I would do everything and anything for her.

  I drove to her apartment and almost slammed into a car. I was in such a hurry that I was reckless. After Scarlet told me the truth, I couldn’t believe Monnique didn’t tell me herself. But after the way I screamed at her and made her cry, it wasn’t that surprising.

  I ran all the way to her floor then pounded on the door harder than I meant to. My adrenaline was still strong and I was desperate for her. When she didn’t answer, I pounded again. I hoped she didn’t leave on an early flight.

  She finally opened the door, her cheeks puffy and her eyes wet. “Cortland?”

  I stepped inside then wrapped my arms around her, making a blanket with my body and keeping her safe. I couldn’t make the pain go away, but I could comfort her as much as I could. “I’m so sorry….”


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