The Last Time (Forever and Always #18)

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The Last Time (Forever and Always #18) Page 7

by E. L. Todd

  “No.” Her eyes looked lost, like she was in thought. “If what you’re saying is true, she wouldn’t be very happy if you hooked up with someone else.”

  “Not gonna happen,” I said immediately. “I’m Hazel’s even if she isn’t mine.”

  “But what if you pretended? What if I acted like I was seeing you? I could get her alone and pull it out of her somehow. If she thinks I’m just a bimbo to you, then she probably wouldn’t hide anything from me. In fact, she would use the truth to intimidate me.”

  This plan sounded stupid, but I was desperate. “I think this is a waste of time, but I’m willing to do anything and everything to get my girl back. Honestly, I’m pissed she doesn’t trust me. She should see through all this bullshit and know something isn’t adding up. If she were any other girlfriend, I wouldn’t chase her. But I love her so damn much that I’ll go to the ends of the earth to get her back.”

  Scarlet nodded. “Okay. We can do this.”

  I knew she was sticking her neck out for me. She didn’t owe me a damn thing but she was still willing to help me. “Thank you so much.”

  She nodded.

  “Sean’s a lucky guy.”

  She smiled. “I’m a lucky lady too.”

  “Thank you for helping me. You have no idea how much I’m drowning right now…” I didn’t want to break down in front of Scarlet so I held back my emotions.

  She placed her hand on top of mine. “If you’re telling the truth, it will work out. Love always finds away.”

  I nodded. “Thanks.”

  The door burst open with a loud slam.

  We both flinched, and Scarlet released a small scream. Unsure what was going on, I moved in front of Scarlet to protect her from whatever the hell was going on.

  Sean came around the corner, a look of bloodlust in his eyes. “Get. Away. From. Her.”

  I raised my hands and backed away.

  “You come to my office and ask for help then you come to my home? Where my wife is alone?” His nostrils flared like his head would explode. “You fucking piece of shit. You just made an enemy you can’t afford.”

  I kept backing away. “I just came to talk.”

  “I hardly even know you! Who do you think you are?” Sean was totally out of his mind. “How dare you come to my house and harass my wife!”

  “I’m not harassing her.”

  Sean charged me and threw me to the ground. My body slammed into the tile. I wanted to fight back but I knew that would make it worse.

  “Sean, knock it off!” Scarlet voice cut through the air.

  Sean gripped my neck and squeezed, choking me.

  “Sean!” Scarlet’s voice was louder. “Release him or I will divorce you.”

  His hand relaxed immediately.

  I sat up and coughed, trying to get air into my lungs. I’d attack Sean with everything I had if he weren’t important to Hazel.

  “He wasn’t bothering me,” Scarlet said.

  “He didn’t ask my permission to come here,” Sean yelled.

  “Permission?” Scarlet snapped. “I was the one who opened the door.”

  “He still had no right coming here. Only the gang can come here, and as far as I’m concerned, he isn’t a member of it.” Sean’s vein was popping in his forehead.

  I sat up and leaned against the cabinet, not want to rise from the floor just in case he saw me as a threat.

  He looked back at me. “My wife needs to relax and rest. She doesn’t need any drama right now.” If he had a gun, I knew he would shoot me.

  “And you’re aren’t helping with that,” Scarlet snapped.

  Sean still held his gaze to me. “Come here again and I’ll kill you. I’m not kidding.”

  I knew he meant it.

  “Sean, calm down,” Scarlet demanded.

  He turned to his wife then cupped her face. “You’re okay?”

  “I’m fine, Sean. The only thing that stressed me out was when you barged in here like a maniac.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m very protective of you.”

  “I noticed,” she said sarcastically.

  Sean guided her to the seat then set her down. “I’m sorry, okay? I had to make sure you were okay.”

  “How did you even know he was here?”

  “Olga called me. I told her to tell me when anyone comes to the house. She said some thug with a tattoo was in the kitchen. Naturally, I panicked.”

  She shook her head. “You’re fucking crazy, you know that?”

  “Yeah, I know,” he said without shame.

  “Now help Flynn up and apologize.”

  “I’ll help him up but I’m not apologizing.”

  Scarlet didn’t press him.

  Sean extended his hand and pulled me to my feet. But he still glared at me. “Let’s get something straight. Don’t ever come here without my permission.”

  “I live here too,” Scarlet said. “I can have anyone over that I want.”

  I didn’t want them to fight. “I’m sorry, Sean. I meant well. I swear. I didn’t mean to bother her.”

  Sean grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the room. “You know my wife had a miscarriage, right?”

  Hazel told me about it. I nodded.

  “I can’t stress her out. Don’t come here and drop your problems on her like a garbage can. She doesn’t need that right now.”

  “I’m sorry.” I meant it. “I’m just desperate.”

  Sean threatened me with his eyes again. “My wife is off limits. You can bug me all you want, not her.”


  We walked back into the kitchen.

  “I offered to help Flynn,” Scarlet said.

  “How?” Sean asked.

  “I’m going to pretend to be his girlfriend and hope his ex spills the beans.”

  Sean’s eyes were wide. “Absolutely not.”

  “It’ll just be for a few hours,” Scarlet said. “If it works and Flynn is telling the truth, we can get them back together.”

  “No.” Sean looked at me, a crazed look in his eye. “You’ll have to find someone else.”

  “Sean,” Scarlet interrupted. “It’s really not a big deal. I offered to do it.”

  Sean still looked pissed. “You need to stay home and relax.”

  “I’ll be sitting in a booth with Flynn’s arm around my shoulders. It’s nothing substantial.”

  Sean shook his head. “That’s too much affection.”

  “I’ll hold his hand then,” Scarlet said.

  “Get someone else to do it,” Sean said.

  “Who?” I asked. “Janice won’t. Ryan already wants to rip my head off.”

  “That makes two of us,” Sean threatened.

  Scarlet crossed her arms over her chest. “This is my decision and I’m doing it. I think Flynn is telling the truth, but I need to know for sure before I go to Hazel.”

  Sean ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

  “This is my decision, Sean,” she said. “You may as well accept it.”

  Scarlet was a strong woman. Sean tried to control her, to get her to relax and do nothing, but she couldn’t be tamed. She reminded me of Hazel. She always put others before herself for the greater good.

  Sean sighed. “Fine. You’re only doing this once.” He turned to me, giving me a death stare. “If this doesn’t work, you’re on your own.”

  I nodded. “I understand.”



  “Baby, you’re sure you’ll be okay?” I asked. I didn’t feel good about leaving her alone. I hardly left her side. I was by her side every night, being the protective Neanderthal she constantly teased me about.

  “Yes,” she said firmly. “I want you to have fun.”

  “How about I take you to Scarlet’s?”

  “No. I’ll be fine.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I’m making blueberry muffins then getting into bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “How about you just come with me?” I
was desperate not to leave her.

  She smiled. “Mike, I’ll be fine, really. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Leave the alarm on when you’re home.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Okay.”

  “I mean it.”

  A honk sounded outside.

  “Get out here, asshole!” It was Sean’s voice.

  Cassandra smirked. “They’re waiting.”

  I stared at my fiancé, the most wonderful girl in the world. “Why is it so hard for me to leave you?”

  Her eyes softened. “You love me.”

  I held her in my arms and savored the moment. I didn’t want to sleep without her. She was my closest friend, my confidant, and my everything. I liked staying home with her every night and watching TV. Doing anything with her was exhilarating.

  “Put it back in your pants and get the hell out here!” Ryan yelled.

  I rolled my eyes then pulled away. “Call me if you need anything.”

  “I know.” She kissed the corner of my mouth. “Now go have a good time and don’t think about us.”

  “Impossible.” My hand moved to her stomach. “I’ll miss you.”

  “For one night, don’t.” A slight smile was on her lips.

  I lifted her dress then kneeled, pressing my lips to her stomach. The bigger she got, the more I realized that her body contained my child. He was real and alive. He’d be here in a few months, and just because he was tucked away inside her didn’t mean he wasn’t already a presence in our lives.

  Cassandra smiled at me then rubbed my shoulder. “They are waiting for you.”

  “I’m going to key your car if you don’t get your ass out here,” Sean threatened.

  I stood up and kissed my fiancé again. “Call me for anything. Anything at all. And remember, Scarlet is just right down the road.”

  “I know, Mike. Now go get drunk and gamble your money away.” She gave me a playful look.

  “I have such a cool wife.”

  “Fiancé—I’m not your wife yet.”

  “You are to me.” With one more kiss, I walked out the door then locked it behind me.

  “Damn, that took forever,” Ryan snapped.

  “Like you didn’t spend an hour saying goodbye to your women,” I said.

  “I didn’t,” Sean said. “She threw me out of the house.”

  Ryan laughed. “Sometimes I wonder if she really loves you.”

  Sean glared at him. “Sometimes I wonder if Janice just sticks around for your money.”

  Ryan glared back.

  We took Scarlet’s BMW so we all could fit. I sat in the backseat while we drove to the city. It felt odd not having Cortland there, but I knew his crisis was far more important than my bachelor party.

  When we arrived, Sean gave the car to a valet and we headed inside. There was a line that wrapped all the way around the sidewalk, but we didn’t head to the back. Instead, Sean walked right up to the bouncer and host. “Reservations for Preston.”

  The man looked at the list. “Party of five?”



  Wow, they were hardcore.

  Sean pulled it out and showed them.

  He nodded then guided us inside. We took an elevator to the top floor. Splashes of color were everywhere. Everyone was dressed in their finest attire. Women wore heels with short dresses, and every guy was wearing a suit. Sean and I dressed up, but Ryan only wore slacks and a buttoned shirt. But for him, that was fancy.

  We sat at our table then ordered the rounds.

  “This place is cool,” Ryan said. “But I feel like I’m inside a bucket of tie dye paint.”

  “The food is good too, apparently,” Sean said.

  I leaned back in my chair then scanned the room. A group of girls were staring at our table. Feeling like a cheater for just glancing at them, I looked away and focused on my brother. “Nice suit.”

  “Thanks. The wife picked it out.”

  “The wife?” I asked. “Is that her name now?”

  “Well, she is my wife,” Sean said irritably.

  “I don’t call Cassandra ‘the fiancé’.”

  “Well, that just sounds weird,” Ryan said.

  A different waitress returned with our drinks. She wore a tight black skirt and a black top that showed her noticeable cleavage. She had dark hair and a small nose piercing. “Celebrating a special occasion?”

  “I’m getting married,” I said.

  “Oooh.” She smiled. “Congratulations. We’ll show you a good time.”

  “Thank you,” I said.

  Cameron and Kirk approached our table.

  “Hey,” Cameron said. “Almost didn’t get in because they didn’t think we could ever be associated with a Preston.” He rolled his eyes.

  “They are too pretentious anyway,” Kirk said. “Who would want to be a Preston?”

  “Hello to you too,” I said darkly.

  Cameron patted my shoulder. “You know we’re messing with you.”

  “Let’s get this party started.” Kirk sat down then noticed the waitress. “Damn…”

  She smiled. “Drink?”

  “And your phone number.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That wasn’t smooth at all.”

  The waitress played it cool. “How about the drink instead?”

  Kirk leaned in, ready to give her another line.

  “He’ll have a scotch,” I answered for him.

  “Good choice.” She walked off.

  Kirk glared at me. “What the hell, man? Just because you can’t have fun doesn’t mean we can’t.”

  “She’s working,” I said. “Leave her alone. Everyone else is fair game.”

  “Whatever,” Kirk said.

  Sean already knew my friends so there was no need for introduction.

  “Hey. I’m Ryan.” He extended his hand and shook theirs. “It’s a pleasure.”

  “You’re Scarlet’s brother?” Cameron asked.

  “Yep,” Ryan answered. “Unfortunately.”

  Kirk nodded. “She’s hot.”

  Sean’s eyes widened like they might pop out of his head.

  “You know she’s married to Sean, right?” I intervened.

  “Oh yeah,” Kirk said quickly. “I forgot.”

  I leaned toward my brother. “He’s already drunk.”

  “I don’t care,” Sean hissed. “If he mentions my wife again, I’ll kill him. I don’t give a damn if it’s your bachelor party.”

  The waitress returned with more drinks. “I’ll check on you in a little bit.” She winked at me then walked off.

  “The waitress likes you,” Ryan noted.

  “Because I saved her from the wolves,” I said.

  “Or maybe because she feels bad for you,” Kirk noted.

  Cameron raised his glass then tapped it against mine. “To Mike, for throwing away his dog days.”

  I smiled. “I’ll drink to that.”

  We all downed our shots and waited for the waitress to bring more.

  Cameron noticed the table of girls. “They’re checking us out.”

  “Who isn’t?” Ryan said.

  “Cocky much?” Sean asked.

  “What?” Ryan asked. “I’m hit on everywhere I go. I’m used to it.”

  “Where’s Cortland?” Cameron asked. “That guy is cool.”

  “He couldn’t make it,” I said sadly. “It doesn’t feel right without him.”

  “It must have been something important,” Cameron said.

  I nodded. “It was.”

  Sean turned to me and Ryan. “Flynn came to the office and asked me to help him with Hazel. He claims he’s being set up. Then he went to Scarlet’s house and asked her to help him too. I almost busted his skull in.”

  Ryan’s eyes darkened. “I could kill that bastard.”

  “He’s determined,” Sean said. “Scarlet believes him.”

  “She does?” Ryan asked incredulously. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

nbsp; “She says she needs proof first,” Sean said. “So, she and Flynn have a plan to get his ex to confess. If she does, Scarlet will talk to Hazel for him and be his witness.”

  Ryan shook his head. “He’s a fucking dog. Scarlet always feeds the strays. The problem is, they keep coming back.” He was really pissed about this.

  “We’ll see what happens,” Sean said.

  “Do you think he’s telling the truth?” I asked.

  Sean shrugged. “I don’t know. For someone who cheated, he seems to be working really hard to get her back. Why bother if he was caught red handed? He’s desperate. Honestly, it doesn’t make much sense. Why would he ask her to move in if he was sneaking around? It’s so much harder to do when you live with your partner.”

  He had a point. “Well, for Hazel’s sake, I hope Flynn is telling the truth.”

  “Me too,” Sean said.

  Ryan said nothing.

  “So, is this girl single?” Kirk asked with a smile. “Because, I could show her a good time.”

  “No,” Ryan snapped.

  “Whatever,” Kirk said.

  The table of girls kept eyeing us. The reason why I noticed was because they weren’t being discreet about it. They all wore dazzling dresses that sparkled under the multicolored lights. Their hair was perfectly styled, and their six-inch heels made them as tall as models. I kept my eyes and hands to myself, not wanting to invite them over here.

  Cameron kept looking at them. “I’m swooping in but I need a wing man.”

  “Me,” Kirk said immediately.

  Ryan looked past them. “No need. They are coming over here.”

  “What?” Sean panicked. “To our table? Why?”

  “Dude, chill,” Ryan said. “They’re just girls.”

  Sean absentmindedly played with his wedding band.

  I kept my eyes glued on my drink, ignoring them.

  “Hey.” Their leader approached our table and smiled at us. She wore a silver dress with matching heels. Her breasts were popping out, and her blonde hair framed her face. “You guys look a little lonely over here.”

  “So lonely,” Kirk said. “Thanks for saving us.”

  She gave him a forced smile then turned back to the group. “We’re a little low on drinks. Care to help us out?”

  “Definitely.” Cameron threw his credit card on the table.

  A brunette was eyeing me. Based on the whispering she shared with her friend, she picked me as hers. Not gonna happen.


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