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Big Bad Wolf

Page 15

by Jayne Hawke

  "At least we'll have a bit of comfort," I said.

  Ash had driven us out to a beautiful quiet spot right on the coast. He pulled a large paper bag out from a hidden nook in the back of the car.

  "I promised we'd celebrate your birthday," he said earnestly.

  A warm happiness spread through me. It was such a sweet gesture, even if the bag only contained cheap sandwiches. I appreciated the fact that he was so clearly trying to give me a special moment.

  We got out of the car and walked across the short coarse grass to sit near the edge of the cliff. The waves crashed against the rock some eighty feet below us. Pale grey clouds lined up on the horizon, bringing rain with them. The waves further out were being whipped up into a frenzy. The wild hippocampoi were leaping out and riding the rising waves. Their beautiful blue and silvery bodies glinted in the afternoon sun, forming a memorable image.

  Ash opened up the paper bag and pulled out four scones, a small pot of clotted cream, raspberry jam, and a beautifully decorated cake. The thin swirling lines of icing were in my favourite shade of electric blue, which popped against the thick white icing. I put my hand to my mouth. It must have an absolute fortune for such extravagance.

  He gently pulled my hand away from my mouth.

  "Aoife gave me all of this. She felt so bad about what had happened to those shifters that she insisted."

  He caressed the palm of my hand with his thumb, smiling gently at me. I was overwhelmed. Birthdays had never really been celebrated while we were growing up. There were too many things to be learning to be worrying about something as frivolous as a birthday. Still, Ash had made an effort every year. Even if he only had twenty minutes to spare to give me a quiet moment away from it all.

  "Thank you," I said softly.

  He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him and took my time enjoying the exquisite cakes while we gazed out over the ocean. The pale grey clouds were moving in towards us far quicker than I originally realised. The breeze began to pick up, taking the warmth from the air and leaving behind a slight chill.

  Once we had finished eating Ash pulled a box from his jacket. It was a simple black box the size of the palm of my hand. He handed the box to me and watched me closely as I slowly inched the lid off. I didn't know what I expected, perhaps a nice flat stone to store some of my magic in.

  The box held a beautiful charm bracelet. I carefully lifted it out of the box and held it up to look at each disk. They were each half as wide as my wrist with Ash's magic touching the elegant engravings. The charms all contained some magic, every one within a metal that was ideal for keeping that individual magic potent and clean. The lightning magic was coiled within copper, the earth magic in steel, ocean waves captured in titanium.

  "It must have taken you months," I whispered.

  The metal disks that formed the charms were far from cheap, and the engravings must have taken hours per engraving. Then he had to collect the magic and take his time pushing it into the engravings. That bracelet represented hundreds of hours of work. My chest tightened as I looked it over. No one had ever given me something so incredibly thoughtful or precious.

  Ash gently took the bracelet from me and slowly wound it around my wrist. He caressed the inside of my wrist with his thumb as he did the clasp.

  "You're worth every second and more," he whispered.

  Happiness and affection swelled up within me. I didn't know what I had done to deserve such a kind, thoughtful, and wonderful man as him.

  Ash cupped my cheek in his hand and slowly leaned in. My breath caught in my throat as the moment formed between us. The world slipped away. Nothing else existed but us. I couldn't take my gaze away from his soft pink lips, the way they were ever so slightly parted, waiting. I leaned in agonisingly slowly.

  His lips brushed against mine, stealing my breath away. My heart skipped a beat as I gave myself over to him and the kiss. He was gentle as he pulled me closer, holding me near to him as we kissed, a slow and tender kiss. Something I would never forget.

  Continue Rowan and Ash’s adventures with Nine Magpies!

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  Urban Fantasy in this world (the god touched world).

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