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Ruthless Perfection (The Rosa Legacy #1)

Page 8

by Susie Warren

  Glancing out the window, Isabel felt inexplicably pleased. Maybe it was starting her first solo project and being free from the small community in which she lived. She didn’t have to worry about bumping into a previous co-worker or someone from her ex-fiancé’s family. She was completely free.

  The driver pointed out the sights on the way to Carrara. At first Isabel thought snowcapped mountains framed the horizon, but as they got closer, she realized that they were in fact marble-bearing quarries that dotted the landscape. The car hummed along the roadway until they left the major road to climb a steep slope. Slowly the estate came into view. After passing through wrought iron gates, the car approached the villa by circling around a magnificent marble fountain.

  Alda awoke when the car stopped. The wide door of the villa swung open, and Isabel caught sight of Marc.

  As she helped Alda from the car, Isabel noticed that a glamorous woman had come forward and placed a hand on Marc’s arm.

  “Isabel, I would like you to meet Adrienne and, Adrienne, this is Isabel. She has come to produce a film about the quarries.”

  Isabel politely acknowledged the other woman, but Alda ignored her completely and began walking slowly towards the house. Marc followed at a leisurely pace with Adrienne, while Isabel lagged behind to avoid the coming confrontation. Without saying a word, Alda had made it clear that she did not welcome the visitor.

  Isabel could see the stiffness of Alda’s entire body, but as she glanced over at Marc he seemed to be completely at ease, as if there weren’t an ounce of tension anywhere.

  When they all assembled in the foyer, Adrienne said, “I am happy to see that you are doing well, Ms. Santoro. I just dropped by to extend an open invitation for you to visit the Forte dei Marmi when you are feeling rested.”

  Alda nodded her head in acknowledgement, and Adrienne turned to Isabel. “The Forte dei Marmi is a landmark resort along the Versilia. Please come as well.”

  Isabel smiled but wasn’t certain how to respond. Somehow the conversation seemed to take on undercurrents that left Isabel feeling bereft.

  “A few days of enjoying the ocean may speed your recovery,” Marc said to his aunt.

  A slight panic flooded Isabel when it occurred to her that the Versilia meant beach and that she would be expected to wear a swimsuit. Drawing in a deep breath, Isabel glanced at Alda.

  “Not quite yet. The thought of the heat and sand doesn’t appeal to me,” Alda told them.

  “Well, I should get back. It was lovely meeting you and hopefully we will see each other again.” With that, Adrienne shook Isabel’s hand and graciously kissed Alda on the cheek before returning to Marc’s side.

  Isabel couldn’t help but like Adrienne. She seemed genuinely friendly and welcoming. And she was rather striking with a mass of golden curls that cascaded over her shoulders to the lithe, tan body that seemed to belong on the beach. The short white sundress she wore was simple and elegant in design, and the stylish high heels made her tower over both Isabel and Alda. Isabel watched her walk out the door with Marc and immediately recognized they were a couple.

  “She’s very … nice,” Isabel said quietly after the front door closed.

  “I think the word you are searching for is ambitious,” Alda said in a scathing tone.

  Isabel hid a smile by turning to examine marble columns framing a doorway that led to a formal sitting room. As she ran her hand down the fluted column, she was impressed by the beauty of the white marble.

  “My father designed the columns many years ago when he was first married. The quarry was in his blood and he never wanted to be far from it.”

  “It is absolutely beautiful,” Isabel said as she watched Alda, adding, “He must have been very talented.”

  “Marc is very much his grandfather in many ways. He loved working with marble and his designs were very popular. But he drew his inspiration from the quarry while Marc tends to find his inspiration out in the world.”

  They made their way into the formal sitting area, and Isabel found herself drawn to the other side of the room and the expansive view of the marble quarry. It was late in the day and the way the sun was setting made it seem as if the entire valley gleamed white.

  “It is beautiful, isn’t it?” Alda asked her. “I have seen this same view for almost sixty years and yet I never tire of it. But then, it is always changing and evolving.”

  “Before starting my research for this project, I somehow thought marble only came from a mine underground not the side of a mountain.”

  A quiet, middle-aged woman was waiting in the wings for their conversation to end and as they both turned towards her, she rushed forward and kissed Alda on both cheeks.

  “Isabel, this is Maria, our long-time housekeeper and family friend.”

  Maria immediately embraced Isabel and said, “Benvenuto, I can see you are a good nurse.”

  Pleased with the compliment and warmness that was evident in Maria’s voice, Isabel said, “Thank you. These days, I’m more of a filmmaker than a nurse. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  They spoke about their travels for a few minutes until Alda stifled a yawn.

  “I need to rest for a while.” Alda smiled at them. “Would you show Isabel the house?”

  Isabel watched Alda disappear down a long hallway.

  “Would you like tea or coffee?” Maria politely asked her.

  “Maybe a little later. I’m anxious to get settled and check on the equipment that Marc brought over for me.”

  Maria gave her a complete tour that ended in a large kitchen. Isabel spent a few minutes speaking with her, then tried to retrace her steps to find the room she would be staying in. There were numerous doors off the spacious hallway and most were closed.

  Isabel decided to take a guess. She quietly knocked and then opened the door to a beautiful suite that was clearly not her guest room. As she hastily retreated, a familiar masculine voice behind her said, “Looking for me?”

  Turning in confusion, she shook her head. “No, I was trying to find my room.”

  Marc merely nodded as he studied her. Isabel couldn’t avoid his eyes and felt a rush of heat emanate from deep within her.

  “Conveniently, Maria was asked to get the room ready across from mine.” Marc’s tone was difficult to interpret.

  Isabel turned and followed his outstretched hand to the door opposite the room she just entered. Her spine stiffened, but she was careful to keep her voice neutral. “I can’t imagine Alda has any hidden agenda.”

  “Evidently, you don’t know her well enough. She is always plotting and planning something.”

  Isabel thought about Alda for a moment. Was it possible the older woman was trying to encourage a relationship?

  “I have plans this evening so I’ll see you at breakfast.”

  Isabel was careful to hide her surprise. When Alda had her mild heart attack, his concern for his aunt was palpable every time he visited. Now that they had arrived in Italy, he seemed aloof and his thoughts seemed to be elsewhere.

  While his tone seemed conversational, almost friendly, the challenge in his eyes was unmistakable. He was planning to continue his life without interference from his aunt, or from her for that matter.

  “Fine,” Isabel said, and when he didn’t reply immediately, she added, “Good night”.

  Opening the door to her room, Isabel momentarily forgot the tension she felt each time she was alone with Marc. The view from her bedroom was magnificent and it drew her toward the large windows. The peaks and valleys of Carrara were laid out magnificently in front of her. The white-tipped mountains had hairpin turns carved into them, while the valleys had thick green vegetation sprawling into the far distance where another mountain began.

  “I’ll see you at breakfast and if you are ready to start work, I’ll give you a tour of the quarry.”

  Isabel turned in surprise and found Marc within inches of her, he met her gaze and she could feel a response deep in her core. He had already c
hanged his shirt into a crisp, deep blue dress shirt and was in the process of buttoning the cuffs. Her eyes traveled towards his room and she could see he had left the door open.

  “I can’t wait to see it firsthand.” Isabel turned back to the view and waited for him to make his exit. She could feel the tension building in her core. Why did he cause this reaction to her whenever he was close?

  She pointed to an area with smooth, expansive white surfaces exposed to the sunlight. “The marble cliffs are breathtaking. I think that’s a hawk.” Her words came out more animated then she intended and her nerves felt prickly.

  “There is a nest not far from there. Often bird watchers will descend upon the quarry,” Marc told her.

  Isabel worried about living in close proximity to him for weeks, already her body seemed drawn to him. “It’ll be interesting to see what I can capture on film.”

  “You need to subtly discourage Alda from thinking that she is soon to have a niece.” As Marc spoke he turned his gaze from the view at the window and looked directly at her.

  Isabel could feel the intensity of his words and without thinking said, “Alda is intractable when she sets her mind on something.”

  Marc caught her arm and said, “I’d rather not have you encourage her…”

  Isabel could feel the warmth of his hand penetrating the thin cotton covering her arm and became aware of his breath moving his chest. She avoided his eyes.

  Realizing her mistake, Isabel quickly said, “Marc, I have no intention of——”

  “Unless you want the next few weeks to become quite awkward, to say the least, then we should gently diffuse the situation. For my part, I intend to encourage Adrienne to become a regular guest. You need to convince my aunt you have no intention of falling in love and can’t wait to return to Boston.”

  “Fine,” was her only response. She stayed very still waiting for him to release her arm, but he maintained his hold on her. Not until she glanced up at him with a challenging look did he release her. She took an abrupt step backwards. There was something in his eyes, something she couldn’t quite identify.

  “Ciao, Isabel.”

  After he left, Isabel forced herself to unpack and explore the room. A carved mahogany four-poster bed anchored the room, and off to the side was a sitting area with two pink-and-gold-striped chairs. Set in front of the massive window was a beautiful antique writing desk, intricately carved and exquisitely feminine. The room reminded her of Alda.

  A small carved statue on the desk caught Isabel’s attention. As she picked up the piece, the weight and coolness of the marble surprised her. It was a carving of a horse, but it strangely lacked the perfection normally found in marble sculptures. She ran her hands over the smooth surfaces and wondered who had carved the piece. Something about the work of art made her think of Marc. Could this statue be an early work of his?

  For a fleeting moment, as she appreciated the smooth contours of the statue, she thought about gliding her hands over Marc’s bare chest. Would Marc stand still, allowing her to explore his body? Isabel imagined his intensity would require that he return the exploration in kind.

  The pleasure washing over her was quickly followed by pain as she realized Marc would be repulsed once he knew what she looked like underneath the clothing she cloaked herself in. Suddenly it was her body she saw vividly instead of his: the deep scars and rippled contours instead of bronzed skin covering hard, masculine muscle.

  Isabel put the statue down and wrapped her arms protectively around herself. No, she would never let Marc see her naked. She knew his perfection-seeking ideals would be repulsed by her flaws.

  Chapter 9

  On her first full day in Carrara, Isabel rose early to find a quiet, peaceful house. Alda must still be asleep, and except for muted noises coming from the kitchen, she could sense no activity. Presumably Marc hadn’t returned to the villa, leaving her on her own to explore the grounds.

  Slipping out one of the large French doors onto a stone patio, Isabel breathed in the cool morning air. She followed a path with a beautiful arbor and was surprised to find a terraced marble pool. It was beautiful. The deep blue water seemed to float majestically out to the mountains. The white marble surrounding the pool glistened in the sunlight while the rectangular marble planters housed lush, cascading flowers that added blue, orange and yellows to the landscape.

  There was no way she was going to swim while in Carrara. The scarring on her arm and leg and torso would be impossible to conceal. She had been warned to stay out of the sun in the year following the surgery, but what would the plastic surgeon advise now? At her last check-up, he had said, considering the severity of her injuries, he was pleased with the results.

  How could anyone be pleased with the results? It was true her skin had healed, but the discoloration and raised puckered marks from her arm to her knee were repulsive.

  “You are up early but you don’t look ready to swim.”

  Isabel froze as she realized Marc was standing beside her wearing only black swim trunks. She quickly looked back to the pool, but the image of his mostly naked body was already imprinted on her mind. His masculine frame was well proportioned with broad shoulders, well-defined muscles and smooth bronze skin. He was absolutely flawless.

  “No, I don’t like to swim. But the pool is beautiful.”

  Marc walked to the edge of the pool and looked back. “Do you know how to swim?”

  “Yes, of course. I just don’t like the water,” Isabel said awkwardly as she tried to come up with a plausible reason. It was true since the accident she didn’t like the thought of exposing her body.

  “It is heated so it can be used even if it’s cool outside.”

  Isabel remained silent and Marc dived into the pool.

  Escaping to the office wing of the villa, Isabel spent an hour unpacking and going over her equipment. As promised, Marc had a computer with a large screen set up for her work. She pulled herself away from the work when her stomach growled and she realized she was famished.

  Maria had set out an elaborate breakfast on the terrace. When she sat down, Marc offered to pour her coffee.

  “Enjoy breakfast because lunch will be bagged and eaten on the go.”

  Isabel added fruit, eggs, and freshly baked bread to her plate.

  “I don’t know if Alda is ready to be left on her own today.” Since the procedure, she had been a constant companion to the older woman and it felt odd to go off filming today.

  “Maria will keep a close watch on her and hopefully she will rest.”

  After they finished their meal, Isabel went to gather her camera and equipment while Marc went to speak with Maria.

  Meeting him in the foyer, she balanced her pack loaded with equipment along with a water bottle and map to the area.

  “You won’t need a map. I’ll show you the area.”

  “I don’t want you to spend your entire day taking care of me. I’m sure I can explore on my own.”

  “At some point, you can begin to explore on your own, but in the beginning I’ll accompany you or I can assign a guide.”

  Marc took the map from her and left it on the hall table. She followed him out to a small truck.

  Driving around the hairpin turns, Marc downshifted and maneuvered the truck around a stopped vehicle. Isabel smiled as she noticed tourists out photographing the mountains.

  Within minutes, they were on the private road to the quarry. Isabel watched in fascination as they passed through an opening and the entire quarry appeared around them. Getting out of the truck, she didn’t know where to look first.

  Marc came over to her and said, “Welcome to the Santoro Quarry.”

  “It’s breathtaking.” Isabel tried to absorb all of the view at once.

  It was difficult to talk outside, as the equipment being used to cut the marble was quite loud. She followed Marc to a modular office near the parking lot. A foreman greeted them and he seemed to welcome her presence. He showed her the office and
the sparse bathroom and then told her she could leave her equipment on a spare desk.

  When she stepped outside, the foreman handed her a hard hat and ear protection. She used the strap on her camera to put in on her shoulder as he adjusted on the hard hat and then the ear protection on her. It allowed her to relax slightly as her body was no longer overwhelmed by the sound.

  Marc used hand signals to show her around the quarry. Within a few hours, she had taken hundreds of photographs and the muscles in her legs began to cramp from all of the climbing.

  When a whistle blew for lunch, she felt grateful to be able to remove her ear protection and sit down. The dozen or so men assembled near the office at an outside table and began to unpack lunches and thermoses with coffee.

  Marc joined her and gave her a packed lunched that Maria had sent. Instead of eating at first, she took a few more photographs of the men. It was obvious from the dust and sweat, that the men worked exceptionally hard.

  When she finally took a break to eat, Marc said he would take her to the village for the afternoon. Nodding, she listened as the men talked with the foreman about the progress of the work. There were a few jokes made about the best place to photograph, but in general the workers seemed open to having her there over the next few weeks.

  Marc met with the foreman as she gathered her equipment and took a few more shots of the quarry. As the men went back to work, Marc directed her back to the truck.

  As she climbed into the small truck, she said “Thank you for making this possible.”

  She noticed he seemed guarded and merely nodded. He took her to a series of villages in the area and pointed out landmarks. He stopped at a local coffee shop and they were both greeted warmly. It was evident that Marc was highly regarded wherever they went. She snapped a few photographs of him speaking with the locals. He introduced her to many people and she was able to give out her business cards, asking for anyone who wanted to be interviewed to call her.

  When they returned to the villa in the late afternoon, Alda was resting and Marc told Maria that he was going out and would return the next day.


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