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Dare to Surrender

Page 8

by Jeanne St. James

  Liv’s heart began to race. Was this really going to happen? The men letting her join them? This was way beyond her wildest imagination.

  “In your bedroom?” Her voice trembled with... excitement. Anticipation. And a little bit of fear of the unknown.

  Her limited sexual encounters in her past had never been anything worth repeating. And there’d been no one she wanted to continue any kind of relationship with. She never had that “spark” that she read about in so many of the romance novels she devoured with anyone. She’d always wanted that connection, that special something. And at thirty-two she was beginning to wonder if she’d ever find it.

  Not that she had looked very hard. Again, her cautiousness with meeting new people tended to hold her back when it came to socializing and meeting men. She always figured if it was meant to be, it would happen. Like fate would intervene...

  “Yes, in our bedroom. If that’s what you want, Olivia. Make sure it is first. If it isn’t, go to your room instead. We’ll understand completely if you don’t join us. You’ll still be welcome to stay here as long as necessary. So, please, don’t feel pressured.”

  She didn’t feel pressured at all. And she had no doubt what she wanted. She didn’t need to think about it at all. She wasn’t going to change her mind. Hell no, she wasn’t.

  “I’ll be upstairs,” she whispered. Heat licked up her chest and into her cheeks, her pussy clenched hard at the thought of climbing into their bed, waiting for them to come join her. And not the other way around.

  She glanced down at the large T-shirt she’d worn to lounge in her bed while reading. It wouldn’t do at all. She needed to hurry upstairs and change. With a last look toward the couch at the two men who looked poised to move once she left, she did just that.

  Having cleaned up in the downstairs bathroom, and after Eli pulled on his shorts and Grant his PJ bottoms, they moved down the hall toward their open bedroom door. Eli grabbed Grant’s arm and pulled him to a halt.

  “Mon amour,” he began. With a little shove, he pushed Grant’s back against the wall and stepped close, both hands gripping his face, and he pressed his forehead to his husband’s.

  Grant blinked slowly. “Yeah?”

  “I know I keep asking this, but this is your last chance to back out. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Eli...” Grant breathed, then reached a hand between their pinned bodies to run fingers over Eli’s erection. “You’re looking forward to this. Your body doesn’t lie.” Then he grabbed Eli’s wrist, pulled his hand from his face and pushed it between the two of them until he pressed it against his own erection. “Mine doesn’t, either.”

  “It’s not our bodies’ reaction I’m worried about.” Eli tapped a finger against Grant’s temple. “It’s up here.”

  “Have you had a threesome before? I can’t believe I’ve never asked you that before.”

  “Yes, a long time before I met you, but it wasn’t with anyone I loved.”

  “Do you think that will make a difference?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Are you worried about my reaction or your own?” Grant asked.

  The man was way too intuitive. Eli hardly ever got away with hiding his feelings and Grant never hesitated to call him out on them.

  When Eli didn’t answer, Grant continued, “Let’s treat this as just sex. One night with someone who will soon extract herself from our lives. Let’s just enjoy the brief time we have. I mean, maybe it’ll be awkward and won’t work at all and we’ll all end up laughing about it in the morning.”

  Eli highly doubted that. If they stepped into that room together and they find Olivia in their bed, Eli had this feeling it was going to become more than just sex. He still had this weird pull toward the woman that he couldn’t explain.

  Maybe after spending more time with her, he’d find out it was nothing, that he’d only imagined it.

  “Okay then,” Eli finally said. He dropped his mouth to Grant’s and kissed him long and deep. His tongue swirled around finding Grant’s and when the other man groaned he swallowed it, combining it with his own.

  They were certainly both primed again in anticipation for who was waiting in their bed. And they knew she was in there since the spare bedroom door was wide open and the room was dark. While in contrast, the light was on in theirs. A good sign.

  “Ready, mon amour?” Eli tried to keep the quiver from his voice.

  “Yes, baby, I’m ready.”

  Eli grabbed his hand and tugged Grant away from the wall. He didn’t release it until they stepped into the bedroom and were greeted by something they hadn’t quite expected.

  Olivia sat up in the center of their bed, her back to the headboard, her dark blonde hair loose around her shoulders. Her cheeks were flushed, and her nipples were as hard as diamonds beneath what she wore.

  And that’s what caught him off guard: what she wore. It was a maroon silky nightgown, long enough to cover her legs down to her ankles. But even with her sitting on the bed, he could see it clung to every one of her curves. The neckline plunged, emphasizing the smooth, milky white skin of her breasts. They filled the silk and lace triangle shaped cups perfectly. Spaghetti straps held up the weight of those breasts and Eli had a difficult time ripping his gaze away from the rapid rise and fall of her chest.

  She was either very excited or very nervous.

  Or perhaps a bit of both.

  “Baby,” Grant breathed next to him.

  Yes, he felt the same way. He swallowed down the lump in his throat before asking, “What are you wearing?” Like he couldn’t see it with his own two eyes.

  She ran a finger over one of the thin straps and down over the fabric covering her breast. “Rayne sent this over.”

  He would have to thank Rayne tomorrow for the perfect gift. Not the gift to Olivia, but to him and Grant. Because what waited for them in their bed certainly was one. “You were wearing Grant’s T-shirt earlier.”

  His brain must be addled. He was asking stupid questions. He was surprised he wasn’t stuttering or tongue-tied.

  Her hand continued on a path down her side and smoothed the silky fabric over her hip and thigh. “I normally don’t wear anything like this. His T-shirt was comfortable. This is... not really made for comfort. But I thought you might appreciate it more than a worn tee.”

  Eli definitely appreciated it. He snuck a glance at Grant. No doubt he did, too.

  “We do. You look stunning in it. It’s not only perfect for your coloring, it emphasizes your curves perfectly. Rayne did well picking out your size.”

  “Well, Rayne certainly knows how to dress for attention,” Grant murmured.

  “That she does, mon amour.”

  His own attention was drawn to Olivia’s fingers trailing back up her thigh, back up her belly and then it blazed a path between her full breasts.

  Eli wondered if she even knew what she was doing, if she had skills of seduction. Then it hit him, maybe she had been a prostitute.


  He finally released Grant’s hand and approached the bed. “Olivia, have you had a threesome before?”

  Grant moved up to him, placing a warm hand on his lower back.

  Her blue eyes widened. “No. Is that going to make a difference?”

  Oh, hell no, it wasn’t.

  “No, I just...” Fuck. How did he approach this issue? “I’m not sure how experienced you are...” He trailed off before he stuck his foot in his mouth. Last thing he wanted right now was to piss her off and watch her storm back to her room. “Have you...”

  “I think what my husband’s trying to ask you, Liv, is if you ever sold yourself to men.”

  Olivia’s mouth dropped open.

  Grant quickly lifted a hand. “Sorry for being so blunt. But we’re well aware of some of the things teenage runaways have to do to survive living on their own. We understand it’s out of desperation and would never hold that against you. I’m going to safely assume he’s asking out o
f concern for you, rather than us. He wants to make sure that you having two men at the same time isn’t going to overwhelm you. Because, having two at once can be. Believe me, I’ve done it myself. I was young and thought it’d be exciting. It actually turned out to be a nightmare. But then, I just wasn’t with the right people and that makes all the difference. We simply don’t want this to turn into something uncomfortable for you. We want this to be a beautiful experience for you. And for us,” he added.

  “Jesus, counselor, this isn’t a closing argument.” Though, Eli was relieved that Grant turned Eli’s concern with Olivia’s past into something more positive than negative.

  “And this is no time to beat around the bush, Elliott,” Grant said sharply, and turned his gaze back to Olivia. “So, how much experience with men have you had?”

  The flush in Olivia’s cheeks darkened and Eli braced himself for the worst possible answer.

  “I never sold myself,” she whispered. “I’ve only been with three men.”

  “In your entire life?” Grant asked, clearly surprised.

  Her hand, formerly seductive, now covered her throat. Probably in horror at their lack of manners. “Yes, is that going to make a difference?”

  Eli felt Grant’s body relax next to him. And so did his. “No,” Eli jumped in. “Not at all. Like Grant so bluntly put it, we were just more concerned for you.” That was the story Grant told, so Eli was sticking to it.

  Eli plucked the bag from the pharmacy out of Grant’s hand and placed it on the nightstand. Turning his back to Olivia, he whispered fiercely, “Bien joué. J’aurai pu tout gâcher.” Because Grant could have messed this all up for sure.

  Grant surprised him when he answered in French, “Tu voulais le savoir.”

  Of course Eli wanted to know. He was sure Grant did, too. But at least he was trying to be more tactful about it.

  No matter what, it was water under the bridge and Olivia hadn’t stormed out of their room insulted or in anger.

  “So now what?” she asked, drawing their attention back to her.

  “Now,” Grant began, moving around to his side of the bed, “we make you forget that you’ve even been with those three men. Now, we make it so you only remember your time with us.”

  “Is that possible?” Olivia asked, her eyes getting heated, her hand back in motion, running over the maroon silk of her long nightgown.

  “I don’t know,” Grant said with a grin. “But it sounded good.”

  “That it did, mon amour.” Eli yanked off his shorts and climbed onto the bed. “But we will try our best for that to happen. That I promise you, ma chérie.”

  The mattress dipped as Grant climbed onto the bed after stripping off his loose cotton pants. While both naked and on their knees, their gaze met above Olivia.

  “Come here, big man. Kiss me.” Grant’s voice was gruff, his erection long and hard, a drop of precum glistening on the end.

  Eli wanted to lick it away. But instead, he did what his lover asked and leaned forward to let Grant take his mouth. Eli took charge by taking the kiss deeper, digging his hands into Grant’s hair, holding him close, tangling their tongues.

  They only broke the kiss when they both had to gasp for breath. Who knew having a woman in their bed watching them would be such an aphrodisiac. When he finally broke Grant’s intense gaze, he looked over at Olivia, who was still pressed against the headboard. But now the flush in her cheeks raged due to excitement and nothing else. Her eyes, hidden partially by heavy eyelids, sparkled. Her thumbs circled her nipples. Not only were the tips visible through the silky fabric but so were the outlines of her areolas.

  “Does us kissing make you wet, Olivia?” Eli asked, his breath a bit ragged. They hardly started, and he was already struggling to keep himself under control.

  “Yes,” she hissed, her eyes dropping to where their cocks met over top of her.

  “We’re going to kiss again, and this time please do what you will. Join us, touch us. Whatever you’d like to do. We’ll let you make the first move. But we want you to only do what you feel comfortable with.”

  “If there’s anything you want from us, ask. If you want us to stop, tell us,” Grant added.

  “I want to touch you,” she whispered.

  Eli smiled and turned to Grant. “Kiss me, mon amour. Laisse-la nous explorer comme elle veut.” Yes, let her explore us as she wants. Her pace, her will.

  “Fuck, baby. With Liv in our bed and you speaking French, I think I may very well implode."

  “Not yet,” Eli chuckled, wrapped a hand around the back of Grant’s neck and pulled him close, taking his husband’s mouth as if he owned it. Because he did. Grant’s mouth was his.

  But he was willing to share.

  Chapter 8

  Grant started when a hand wrapped around his cock, a thumb brushing over the crown to spread the bead of precum that had been hanging precariously from the tip. They were not Eli’s fingers that held him. Hell no, they weren’t. Liv’s hands were smaller, softer, and it made him groan again into Eli’s mouth as she stroked him from root to tip.

  It had been a long, long time since a woman had touched him. Even before meeting Eli, it had been a while. He’d always preferred men, but he had always found himself attracted to some women, too. And he loved fucking both. Sinking into a woman’s wet heat or sliding into a tight ass, either way, it all felt good—and right—to him.

  But, of course, he hadn’t been with anybody else since the day he met Eli. The moment he met him, he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this man. He thought it crazy at the time, and, when he thought back, he still considered it crazy. But he’d seen Eli sitting outside of a courtroom that Grant had been about to enter with his client. Their eyes had met, and Eli gave him a broad smile that shot lightning down his spine. He’d been caught so off guard at his reaction that he almost screwed up his opening argument.

  The whole time he was defending his client, he cursed himself for not getting the man’s number since he’d probably never see him again.

  But he was wrong. When he left the courtroom, Elliott Stone, Certified Private Investigator and one premium hot piece of ass, was leaning against the wall opposite the courtroom doors, his arms crossed across his broad chest, his eyes dark and intense, his smile turned wicked in the sense that it held a promise of things to come.

  The man did not move a muscle. Instead, he made Grant approach him. Which he did, asked the handsome dark man to join him for a drink and then...

  Later that night he had the best sex of his life.

  Within two weeks, they were living together and not even a month later, he talked Gryff into poaching Eli from the firm he worked for.

  Though it didn’t take much convincing.

  Just like it didn’t take much convincing from Eli to have Liv join them in bed.

  And now the woman was stroking not only his cock, but Eli’s, too. When a warm, wet mouth sucked on his sac, he jerked and broke the deep kiss he shared with his husband.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, pressing his forehead to Eli’s.

  They needed a game plan. They should have discussed it when they were cleaning up earlier in the bathroom, but they weren’t sure if Liv would change her mind.

  She didn’t and now he had no idea who got to fuck whom.

  The last time Grant had a threesome, he felt like the third wheel. The two other men had spent more time on each other and Grant ended up feeling excluded. It was not a fun or pleasant experience and then he found out later that the two ended up dating afterward. So their attraction to each other had been stronger than their attraction to Grant. He didn’t want anyone to feel left out tonight. Because with a threesome, it could easily happen.

  Liv shifted so her head was between them and, pressing both of their cocks together length to length, she began to lick the crowns as if she was enjoying a chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream cone.

  His eyes met Eli’s. “Holy fuck,” he mouthed.

nbsp; Eli’s lips twitched but he said nothing, only reached down to dig his hand into her dark blonde hair. Grant did the same, entwining his fingers into her long tresses as she ran the tip of her tongue over their lengths and in between them.

  Holy fuck.

  Tipping his eyes down to her was a mistake on his part. Seeing all of her hair between them, her being dressed in that sexy nightgown, and then her mouth on them both took him right to the edge.

  He closed his eyes and tried to think other thoughts. Anything that would help make him last longer. He wanted to fuck her and if he came now, he might not get that chance.

  This might be a once and done thing and it would kill him if Eli got to fuck her and he didn’t. He didn’t want to miss the opportunity to sink himself into a wet, soft woman.

  With permission from his husband, of course.

  That was the most important part. And he was sure it was the same for Eli. They were getting to do something neither had done in a long time and each had a pass to do it.

  Liv would get to benefit, too. Or at least he hoped so. He did consider Eli and himself to be good lovers. He could only hope she thought so, too.

  But right now, he had to think of anything but what Liv was doing with her lips and tongue.

  “Mon amour.” Eli’s voice was strained, broken. And Grant could understand why. “D'un côté, elle est tellement innocente. Mais d’un autre, pas de tout.”

  In one way, she’s quite innocent. In another, she’s so very not.

  He was quite right. Grant was glad for his brain having to work at translating Eli’s French. Doing so had pulled him back from that dangerous edge enough so that he could gather his wits.

  Eli had taught him enough French that he understood most of what he said. But to speak it, Grant wasn’t the best. They rarely had a conversation in French, unless they were somewhere where they wanted to keep what they were saying private. Like at work.

  It didn’t help that Eli’s French turned him on. He could listen to his husband’s deep, rich voice speaking that beautiful, romantic language all day.


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