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Defiant: The POWs Who Endured Vietnam's Most Infamous Prison, the Women Who Fought for Them, and the One Who Never Returned

Page 48

by Alvin Townley

  release from Hanoi Hilton

  solitary confinement of

  televised interview (1966)

  torture of

  Denton, Jerry, Jr.

  Denton, Jimmy

  Denton, Michael

  Denton Program

  Denver, USS (amphibious transport)

  Dipshit (guard)

  Dirty Bird (Yên Phú)

  Dole, Bob

  Đồng Hői

  Dornan, Bob

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

  Douglas A-4 Skyhawk

  Dramesi, John

  Dunn, Maureen


  Eagle (lieutenant colonel)

  Early release policy

  Easter Offensive

  8th Tactical Fighter Wing

  Eisenhower, Dwight

  Ely, Eugene

  Enemy Proselytizing Department (EPD)

  Enterprise, USS (aircraft carrier)


  F-4 Phantom II

  F-8 Crusader

  F-86 Sabre

  F-100 Super Sabre

  Fellowes, Jack

  Feminist movement

  Fighter Squadron 51 (Screaming Eagles)

  Fighter Squadron 154 (Black Knights)

  Fink Release Program

  Flag, POW/MIA

  Flynn, John

  Ford, Gerald R.

  4th Allied POW Wing

  433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron (Satan’s Angels)

  463rd Tactical Fighter Squadron

  Fox (N. Vietnamese officer)


  colonial control of Vietnam

  construction of Hoa Lò Prison

  Frenchy (prison commandant)

  Fulbright, William

  Galanti, Phyllis

  Gallagher, Father

  Gayler, Noel

  Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War

  Gia Lâm Airport

  “Give Peace a Chance” (song)

  Goldwater, Barry

  Good Housekeeping

  Go Public campaign

  Greasy (supervisor)

  Green Berets

  Grigsby, Melvin

  Grubb, Evelyn

  Grubb, Wilmer “Newk”

  Grumman A-6 Intruder

  Guarino, Larry

  Gulf of Tonkin incident

  Gunsmoke (TV series)

  Haig, Alexander

  Haiphong Harbor

  Hàng Đẫy Stadium

  Hanoi Hannah (Trịnh Thị Ngọ)

  Hanoi Hilton

  Alcatraz POWs return to

  Camp Unity (Room Seven)

  communication among POWs

  Desert Inn

  early release policy

  Heartbreak Hotel

  honey buckets

  leadership among POWs

  Little Vegas


  the Mint

  new arrivals

  origin of name

  Rawhide (Building Zero)



  Stockdale Purge (1967)


  war ends

  Hanoi March (July 1966)

  Hanoi Opera House

  Hanoi Shuffle

  Harriman, Averell

  Harris, Carlyle “Smitty”

  Hatcher, Dave

  Hawk (guard)

  Hegdahl, Doug

  Heisley, Newt

  Henley, William Ernest

  Herrick, John

  Heymann, Philip

  Hill, Clarence A. “Mark”

  Hỏa Lò Prison. See also Hanoi Hilton

  history of


  as a museum

  Hồ Chí Minh

  illness and death

  liberation from Japan and

  war crimes trials

  Hoff, Mary Helen

  Hoff, Michael

  Honey buckets

  Hope, Bob

  Hopper, Dennis

  Humphrey, Hubert

  Hunger strikes

  Independence, USS (aircraft carrier)

  Indochina War

  Interagency POW Intelligence Working Group

  International Red Cross

  “Invictus” (Henley)

  JC (N. Vietnamese officer)

  Jenkins, Bobby Tom

  Jenkins, Chris

  Jenkins, Clistie

  Jenkins, Harry

  aboard Oriskany

  air crash of

  at Alcatraz

  background of

  communications among POWs

  at Hanoi Hilton

  Hanoi March and

  interrogations of

  postwar update

  release from Hanoi Hilton

  torture of

  Jenkins, Marj

  Job, Book of

  Johnson, Beverly

  Johnson, Bobby

  Johnson, Gini

  Johnson, Lyndon

  antiwar protests and

  containment policy of

  decision not to seek reelection

  Gulf of Tonkin incident

  Hanoi March and

  Operation Flaming Dart

  Operation Rolling Thunder

  Paris negotiations

  POW/MIAs and

  privately questions war

  Johnson, Sam

  air combat missions

  air crash of

  at Alcatraz

  background of

  capture of

  communications among POWs

  at Cu Loc (the Zoo)

  forced confession of

  at Hanoi Hilton

  homecoming of

  hunger strike of

  interrogations of


  postwar update

  release from Hanoi Hilton

  religious faith of

  solitary confinement of

  Stockdale and

  Tết Offensive and

  torture of

  Johnson, Shirley

  husband’s homecoming

  husband’s POW status


  POW/MIA advocacy

  Keep Quiet policy

  Kennedy, Edward M.

  Kennedy, Robert F.

  Kent State shootings (May 4, 1970)

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  Kid, the (guard)

  Kimball, Joyce

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Kiss (Don’t kiss up or kiss them good-bye)

  Kissinger, Henry

  Kittinger, Joe

  Kitty Hawk, USS (supercarrier)

  Knutson, Rod

  Koestler, Arthur

  Laird, Melvin

  Lakenheath Air Force Base

  Lakewood Rats

  Lamar, Jim

  Langley Air Force Base

  Lawrence, Billy

  League of Families of American Prisoners. See National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia

  League of Wives of American Vietnam Prisoners of War

  Lê Duẩn

  Lê Đức Thọ

  Leg irons/stocks

  Lemoore Naval Air Station

  Lennon, John

  Ligon, Vern

  Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird

  Long Biên Bridge (Paul Doumer Bridge)

  Look (magazine)

  Lord Jim (Conrad)

  Lovell, Jim

  Lump (officer)

  Lynn, Al

  McCain, Jack

  McCain, John

  McCarthy, Eugene

  McDaniel, Eugene “Red”

  McFarland, Billy

  McGovern, George

  McKamey, John

  McKnight, George

  at Alcatraz

  background of

  at Briar Patch

  communications among POWs

  escape attempt of

  forced confession of

  at Hanoi Hilton

  homecoming of

  postwar update

  release from Hanoi Hilton

  religious faith of

  Storz and

  torture of

  at Yên Phú (Dirty Bird)

  McKnight, Suzanne Sexton

  McNamara, Robert

  Maddox, USS (destroyer)

  Make Your Choice campaign

  Makowski, Lou

  “Mandalay” (Kipling)

  Mansfield, Michael

  Mao Zedong

  Marrott, Jim

  Marshall Plan

  Martini code

  Mary Poppins (film)

  Mary Washington College

  Miami Dolphins

  Mickey Mouse (prison commandant)

  arrival at Alcatraz

  Coker and

  Denton and

  Hanoi March and

  Johnson and

  Mulligan and

  Shumaker and

  Stockdale and

  Storz and

  Midway, USS (aircraft carrier)

  Ministry of National Defense

  Ministry of Public Safety

  Miramar Naval Air Station

  Moorer, Tom

  Morrison, Norman

  Morse code

  Denton’s televised interview (1966)

  Mulligan, Jim

  aboard Enterprise

  air crash of

  at Alcatraz

  background of

  communications among POWs

  at Cu Loc (the Zoo)

  forced confessions of

  at Hanoi Hilton

  homecoming of

  hunger strike of

  interrogations of


  postwar update

  release from Hanoi Hilton

  religious faith of

  at St. Joseph’s Cathedral

  torture of

  Mulligan, Louise

  background of

  husband’s homecoming

  husband’s POW status

  League of Families activities


  postwar update

  White House meeting

  Muskie, Edmund

  Muste, A. J.


  Nasmyth, Virginia

  National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia

  letter-writing campaign

  North Vietnamese Embassy meeting (Paris)

  telegram-writing campaign

  Washington, D.C., conference (1970)

  White House meetings

  National Liberation Front (NLF)

  Naval Academy, U.S.

  Denton at

  Shumaker at

  Stockdale at

  Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership

  Naval aviation, death statistics

  Naval Intelligence Office

  Naval Postgraduate School

  Navy Blue and Gold (film)

  Nellis Air Force Base

  Nelson, Barbara

  Nelson, Stu

  New Outlook

  New York Times

  Ngô Đình Diệm

  Nguyễn Ngọc Loan

  Nguyễn Văn Thiệu

  Nixon, Pat

  Nixon, Richard

  Cambodia bombing campaign

  POW/MIA issue

  Vietnamization policy

  Nolan, McKinley

  North by Northwest (film)

  North Vietnamese Embassy (Paris)

  Note-drop procedures

  Notes from Underground (Dostoyevsky)

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

  Ohio National Guardsmen

  Operation Flaming Dart

  Operation Homecoming

  Operation Ivory Coast

  Operation Linebacker

  Operation Linebacker II

  Operation Rolling Thunder

  Oriskany, USS (aircraft carrier)

  Owl (guard)

  Paris peace negotiations

  Parrot (guard)

  Patuxent River Naval Air Station

  Pease Air Force Base

  Peel, Bob

  Pensacola Naval Air Station

  People’s Army of Vietnam

  People’s Liberation Armed Forces (PLAF)

  Perot, Ross

  Phạm Văn Đồng

  Pigeye (guard)

  Denton and

  Hanoi March and

  Jenkins and

  Mulligan and

  Rutledge and

  Stockdale and

  Tanner and Terry

  Pilots in Pajamas (film)

  Pimples (guard)

  Plumb, Charlie

  Portsmouth Naval Hospital

  Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

  Powers, Gary

  POW/MIA bracelets

  POW/MIA flag

  POW/MIA Recognition Day

  POW/MIA wives and families


  Rabbit (N. Vietnamese officer)

  Denton and

  early release policy

  Hanoi March and

  Johnson and

  Mulligan and

  Shumaker and

  Stockdale and

  Tanner and Terry confession

  Radio Hanoi (Voice of Vietnam)

  Ranger, USS (aircraft carrier)

  Rat (N. Vietnamese officer)

  Reader’s Digest

  Reagan, Ronald

  Red River

  “Repentant Five”

  Reynolds, Jon

  Rhinelander, Philip

  Risner, Robinson “Robbie”

  at Cu Loc (the Zoo)

  at Hanoi Hilton

  homecoming of

  Rogers, William

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

  Ruffin, Jim

  Russell, Richard

  Rutledge, Howie

  at Alcatraz

  background of

  capture of

  communications among POWs

  at Hanoi Hilton

  Hanoi March and

  homecoming of

  interrogations of

  postwar update

  release from Hanoi Hilton

  solitary confinement of

  torture of

  Rutledge, Johnny

  Rutledge, Phyllis

  League of Families activities


  postwar update

  Rutledge, Sondra

  Sad Sack (guard)

  St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Hanoi

  Salsig, Budd

  Salsig, Doyen

  San Diego Union

  San Fernando Valley State College

  Schierman, Wes

  at Briar Patch

  at Hanoi Hilton

  Hanoi March and

  Storz and

  torture of

  SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) training

  Service, Robert W.

  Sheppard Air Force Base

  Shumaker, Alvah

  Shumaker, Bob

  aboard Coral Sea

  air combat missions

  air crash of

  at Alcatraz

  background of

  capture of

  communications among POWs

  at Cu Loc (the Zoo)

  at Hanoi Hilton

  Hanoi March and

  homecoming of

  interrogations of


  postwar update

  release from Hanoi Hilton

  solitary confinement of

  torture of

  Shumaker, Grant

  Shumaker, Lorraine

  husband’s homecoming

  postwar update

  Sieverts, Frank

  Simons, Arthur “Bull”

  63rd Military Airlift Wing

  602nd Special Operations Squadron


  Slugger (guard)

  Smoked Yank, The (Grigsby)

  Softsoap (N. Vietnamese officer)

  Son Tây Raid

  Spring Hill College
r />   Stanford University

  Stars and Stripes

  State Department, U.S.

  Stennis, John

  Stevenson, Adlai

  Stewart, Jimmy

  Stockdale, Jim

  aboard Ticonderoga

  air combat missions

  air crash of

  at Alcatraz

  background of

  BACK US directives

  Camp Authority blackmail attempt against

  communications among POWs

  at Cu Loc (the Zoo)

  forced confessions of

  Gulf of Tonkin incident and

  at Hanoi Hilton

  homecoming of

  interrogations of

  leadership of

  lessons of Epictetus and Job


  postwar update

  release from Hanoi Hilton

  religious faith of

  self-inflicted wounding of

  solitary confinement of

  torture of

  Stockdale, Jim, Jr.

  Stockdale, Sid

  Stockdale, Stanford

  Stockdale, Sybil

  covert intelligence of

  husband’s homecoming

  husband’s POW status

  League of Families activities


  North Vietnamese Embassy meeting (Paris)

  postwar update

  San Diego Union article

  White House meeting

  Stockdale, Taylor

  Stockdale, USS (destroyer)

  Stockdale, Vernon

  Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership

  Storz, Mark

  Storz, Max

  Storz, Monica

  Storz, Ronald E.

  at Alcatraz

  Arlington National Cemetery memorial service for

  background of

  at Briar Patch

  capture of

  communications among POWs

  at Cu Loc (the Zoo)

  death of

  at Hanoi Hilton

  Hanoi March and

  hunger strike of

  interrogations of

  religious faith of

  solitary confinement of

  torture of

  Storz, Sandra

  Arlington National Cemetery memorial service

  husband’s death

  husband’s MIA status


  Stratton, Dick

  Super Bowl VII

  Swindle, Orson

  Tanner, Charles “Nels”

  aboard Coral Sea

  air crash of

  at Alcatraz

  background of

  at Hanoi Hilton

  homecoming of

  interrogations of

  postwar update

  solitary confinement of

  Superman confession

  torture of

  Tanner, Cyndi

  Tanner, Sara Ann

  Tanner, Totsie

  Tap code

  Taylor, Polly

  Terry, Ross

  air crash of

  at Hanoi Hilton

  interrogations of

  Superman confession

  Tết Offensive

  Thanh Hóa Bridge

  31st Tactical Fighter Wing

  Thompson, Jim

  Thompson, Ronald

  Thornton, John

  Ticonderoga, USS (aircraft carrier)

  Time (magazine)

  Today (TV show)

  Travis Air Force Base

  Truman, Harry

  Tschudy, Bill

  Tschudy, Janie

  Turner Joy, USS (destroyer)

  Ubon Royal Thai Air Force Base

  Unity over Self edict

  University of South Carolina’s Naval Aviation Cadet program


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