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Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4)

Page 12

by T. E. Ridener

  “Natalie?” He repeated in a softer voice. “Are you okay?”

  “No,” she said quietly with a shake of her head. “I am so beyond okay right now, Greg. Is your mother around?”

  “ She had to go do some Christmas shopping and probably won’t be back here until around nine tonight. Is there anything I can help you with?”

  “No,” Natalie shook her head fervently as she sucked in a trembling breath. “I just needed to talk to somebody and Mrs. Bamey isn’t home either. I guess everybody’s out doing that last minute Christmas shopping.”

  He heard the bitter laugh she released and for some reason, he knew he could relate to it. How many times had he needed someone but everyone was too busy going about their normal routine? He swiped his tongue over his bottom lip before shrugging his shoulders.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “With you?” Natalie stared at him as if he were crazy. “No offense, Gregory but you’re just a boy.”

  A boy? Who is she calling a boy?! Gregory stood to his full height and stared down at her, arching a single eyebrow.

  “I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant,” she frowned. “It’s just very personal and it’s a girl thing, okay? When your mother gets back will you ask her to call me?”


  “Okay. Thanks, Greg. I’ll see you later then. Bye.”

  He watched as the pretty brunette took her leave and shook his head slowly. Boy? HA. He was going to be nineteen soon. What did age have to do with it anyway? He easily passed off as a twenty-something. Even the fire department gave him a hard time over his age.....

  He was lost in his thoughts for a few moments and then the sweetest scent filled his nostrils. He inhaled as much of that smell as he could and felt his heart flutter. Louisa was nearby. This was his chance. He needed to talk to her.

  His diner duties were soon forgotten as he jogged out into the winter air with nothing more than a t-shirt on. He glanced one way and then the other. Where was she?


  “How stupid.” Louisa mumbled as she stomped her boots, or rather Presley’s boots, into the deep snow as she made her way down the empty sidewalk. Was Davey Berdine insane? How could it be so easy for him to avoid what had happened? How was she supposed to ignore the fact a young woman was dead and her killers were getting away with it?

  I –have- to do something.

  But what? She’d promised him she wouldn’t go to the sheriff until after the New Year. Kadenburg was a very small town and surely to goodness someone would report the girl missing before Christmas morning. Was she even from Kadenburg?

  I need answers.

  Boy did she ever need answers. She was surprised that Davey didn’t want to help her more. Yes, she understood that they needed to protect both Dimitri and Rutley from Sheriff Holter, but couldn’t they find a way to do so and still report the murder of an innocent girl?


  Oh my Urseth, why? Louisa felt her heart drop into her stomach and float helplessly around atop a shamble of nerves as she bit hard at her lower lip. She knew that voice and she knew he was following her.

  “Louisa,” Greg repeated as he jogged up beside her and stopped. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” She said flatly. If he expected her to speak to him then he definitely had another thing coming; she had nothing to say to the likes of an idiot-head such as Gregory Kress.

  “You’re in a hurry, huh?” He laughed. “Where’s the fire?”

  Ugh. Firefighter humor. She rolled her eyes and then glanced up at him, noting how stupidly handsome his stupid face looked. It would be so much easier to hate him if he were a smidge less attractive.

  “There isn’t a fire,” she promised as she hugged her arms around herself and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “I am in the middle of something quite important.”

  “Important, huh?” He raked his long fingers through his blonde hair and offered her a gentle smile. It was a smile that said ‘please forgive me’, but she wasn’t going to. It wouldn’t be that easy. “Anything I can help you with?”

  “No. Go away, Greg.” She forced herself to take a step forward. And then another. She quickened her pace to put distance between them but she wasn’t foolish enough to think Greg couldn’t catch her.

  “Please give me a chance to explain myself to you,” Greg pleaded as his hot fingers curled around the sleeve of her coat. “Please, Louisa.”

  Ugh. I want to punch him in the face. She narrowed her eyes and turned her head to stare up at him. Her anger was already subsiding as his sad blue eyes burrowed their way into her aching heart. Damn him.

  “I’m quite skilled with a bow and arrow.” Louisa said lowly.

  Greg’s eyebrows shot up on his forehead as he blinked. “Um.....are you threatening me?”

  You’re absolutely correct. She nodded firmly.

  “I’d prefer if you didn’t try to shoot me, Lou. I just want five minutes. Will you give me that?” He tipped his head to the side and licked his lips. She watched the movement of his tongue before it disappeared into his mouth once more. Stupid man.

  “Two minutes,” she shrugged. “And then you have to swear you’ll leave me alone so I can get back to what I need to do. Do we have a deal?”

  “Deal.” He replied eagerly as he thrust his hand out for her to shake.

  Oh no. Did she really want to shake his hand? Did she want to touch him? Touching him meant feeling things and feeling things would only lead to premature forgiveness; Greg hadn’t earned any forgiveness from her yet.

  She hesitantly lifted her gloved hand and placed it in his. Louisa felt the liquid heat surging through her veins as his fingers wrapped around hers. She met his gaze and watched his eyes become tender. Did he have to look at her like that?

  “I didn’t kiss her.” Greg promised as he kept his fingers locked tighter around hers. Even if she wanted to pull away from him it wouldn’t work out well in her favor. She didn’t believe Greg was the type of man who would force her to do anything she didn’t want to, but Greg was also the kind of man who fought for what he wanted in life. Deep down Louisa knew he wanted her just as much as she wanted him. That’s why everything had hurt so much. Didn’t he see that?

  “My eyes beg to differ,” Louisa mumbled as she dropped her gaze to the snow covered sidewalk. “It looked like you were sucking her face off.”

  “What?” There was a tone of disgust in Greg’s voice as he stepped closer. His masculine scent hit her like a ton of bricks and Louisa’s heart went haywire. “I wasn’t kissing her, Lou. She kissed me-you have to believe me on that. We broke up ages ago. I don’t want anything to do with her, I promise. She just laid a big one on me and you saw it before I had a chance to explain.”

  “So that was Amber, huh?” Louisa felt jealousy flaring in her abdomen and it was one of the most uncomfortable sensations she’d ever experienced. She really did like Greg a lot and seeing him with another woman was almost more devastating than learning of her mate-to-be’s fate. Almost.

  “How do you know about Amber?” Greg frowned and shook his head. “Never mind. Lou, she’s my past. That’s all she’s been for a very long time. But you...” He released her hand and lifted both of his to cup her cheeks. He tilted her head back enough for their eyes to meet and there was that damned smile again. He needed to stop doing that.

  She felt dizzy as he leaned in and brushed the tip of his nose against hers. His close proximity was enough to kill her, let alone the affection he always displayed towards her. She desperately wanted to believe he was telling the truth......was he?

  “Lou, listen to me,” Greg murmured as his fingers traced through her long dark hair. His blunt nails touched against her scalp and shivers ran up her spine as she sighed. Everything Greg did was capable of melting her; everything Greg said could make her knees turn to jelly. “I only care about you like that. Do you understand?”

  “But y
ou were kissing her....” Louisa said weakly as tears welled up in her eyes. Even the bitter cold couldn’t snuff out the heat of her tears as they began to slide down her cheeks. Her fingers touched the hem of his t-shirt and she sighed. “It’s so hard to erase that from my mind, Greg. I can’t seem to forget it.”

  “I’m sorry,” he nuzzled his nose against her cheek and judging by his deep intake of breath-he was sniffing her. “I would never hurt you on purpose, Louisa. You have saved me so many times and I can never repay you for that. I wouldn’t do anything to make you cry....” He pulled back to wipe at her tears, frowning. “Please don’t cry.”

  “I don’t mean to cry,” she insisted with a small sniffle. “It just hurt me. I thought that we had something special and then to see you with her-and I get it-she kissed you,” that witch! “But I feel like my heart broke all over again......I care so much for you.”

  “And I care so much for you,” Greg stated huskily as he cupped the back of her neck and pulled her closer. “Louisa, I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my entire life. You are the most beautiful, perfect being I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing and I’d be a damned idiot if I ever threw away the chance of having you.”

  Oh, Urseth. He was definitely trying to kill her. Louisa’s entire body seemed to go numb and on high alert at the same time. Greg’s chiseled chest was crushing against hers and his muscular arms kept her as close as possible as their gazes locked. The heat, desire, and affection he harbored for her was more than evident in his sapphire hues as he spoke in a lower voice.

  “I’m in love with you. I think I’ve been in love with you since you found me in the woods. I don’t want anyone else the world has to offer because they aren’t you. The only person I want to kiss is you. Do you understand that?”

  “Oh.” Was all she could find to say as her breath escaped between them in a light puff of smoke. Her cheeks were on fire and her heart was pounding faster than a horse’s hooves against the ground during the Kentucky Derby. Did Greg really just say what she thought he said?

  “Say something,” Greg laughed nervously as he searched her face. “I just told you I’m in love with you, Lou and all you can say is ‘oh’? Did she really ruin my chances with you? Is there no future for us?”

  He wants a future with me? Louisa’s chest fluttered and tightened as her innards coiled and tangled together. This was all she could ever hope for, really. When her mate-to-be died she was certain a second chance at happiness would never find her, but when she met Greg he gave her that small sliver of hope back. He was telling her the truth about Amber-she could feel that in the very depths of her soul. If only she’d listened sooner.

  “Lou, please....”

  Louisa tiptoed to press her lips against his in a forgiving kiss but it quickly turned into something much more. Greg’s lips claimed hers in a thrilling manner as his arms locked around her. She felt as he lifted her off the ground and the world disappeared around them. All that existed was Gregory Kress and the world shattering kiss he was giving to her, the woman he wanted to be with for the rest of his life.

  “I love you,” he murmured as he pulled away to breathe. “And no woman will ever have me the way you do, Lou. I swear it on my life these lips will never kiss anyone else ever again. I promise.”

  “I love you too,” Louisa nearly sobbed as she hugged her arms around his neck. “I choose you, Greg. Be my mate.”

  “I was your mate before you even asked,” he chuckled happily. He pressed a noisy kiss against her jaw and sighed. “My Lou.”

  Nothing could ruin the happiness that Louisa felt in that moment. Greg’s arms stayed securely around her as they held onto one another in the middle of a snowy sidewalk in sleepy little Kadenburg. For a split second everything seemed to be normal. She forgot about the danger they would surely face in the near future; she didn’t think about everything they’d been through in the last few months; the pain her heart felt over losing her mate-to-be even lessened.....but when a familiar scent hit her nose, she was pulled out of her sweet fantasy.

  “Greg.” She pulled away and stared at him with wide eyes.

  “What’s wrong, Lou? What is it?”

  She inhaled deeply and the stench burned her lungs as she swallowed hard. She looked one way and then the other before meeting his eyes again.

  “Greg, I saw something earlier and told Davey Berdine, but he says-”

  “Wait.” Greg’s body visibly tensed as his nostrils flared. He could smell it too. As his eyebrows drew together and his lips curved into a frown, something twisted in Louisa’s chest. She was afraid of what he was about to say but she somehow knew the words he spoke were coming. “Amber’s still here,” he whispered. “And she’s hurt.”


  “Stay quiet.” Greg whispered as he pulled Louisa against the nearest building wall and watched the two men pass by. They were merely human-their scents said that much. However, the stench on their skin infuriated Greg. They reeked of dead blood and that blood happened to belong to Amber. It was really weird how he could decipher blood by its owner.

  He could hear Louisa’s heartbeat loud and clear as he attempted to keep his ears focused on the conversation happening between the two men. He needed to know what they were saying.

  “I’ll be glad to go home for a few days.” The taller male said to the shorter one as they crossed the street and stopped near a light blue Escort. It was one of the junkiest cars Greg had ever seen in his life-but it would be easier to remember, now wouldn’t it?

  “My old woman will beat my ass if I’m not home in time for turkey and the whole shebang. I sure do hope Mr. C lets us have a few days off to be with our families.”

  Mr. C? Greg glanced at Louisa and gave her a questioning look. Did the C stand for what he thought it stood for?

  “Damn, man. I tell you what,” the shorter male snickered. “I just can’t wait to get me some fine ass. I haven’t gotten laid since this job started and it’s high time Murray has a Merry Christmas, if you know what I mean?”

  They shared a laugh and Greg rolled his eyes. He didn’t care about their personal business. He just wanted to know what they’d done to Amber and how they were involved with this ‘Mr. C’. Nausea made itself known as it bubbled up his throat and he swallowed it back down. Just because he wasn’t interested in dating Amber didn’t mean he wanted her to die.

  “Get in the car, Ray. Let’s go get this over with so we can get outta here and get paid. I’m ready to go home.” Murray muttered as he opened the driver’s door and got in.

  Murray and Ray. Those sounded like perfect names for two morons. Greg’s nostrils flared as he felt Louisa nudge his arm. He glanced at her again and she nodded her head in their direction.

  He quirked an eyebrow.

  ‘Let’s follow them’. She mouthed.

  Greg could’ve said no. He could’ve told her that it was insane to do and way too dangerous, but this was Louisa and she was just as stubborn as any other she-bear he’d met in his lifetime. When a she-bear decided to do something she would do it; the plain and simple facts of life.

  She was fast as she moved through the woods and they easily kept up with the clunker of a car as it sputtered and backfired while making its way down the icy main road of Kadenburg. Greg could still smell Amber’s scent and no matter what she’d done or how close she came to costing him Louisa, he prayed he would pick up on her heartbeat. Even if she was his ex-girlfriend and a little on the crazy obsessive side, she still had a family that cared about her and Greg knew how devastating it could be for a family to think something bad had happened to their loved one. His own family came to mind as he imagined his mother anticipating a funeral rather than a reunion. He wouldn’t put anybody else through that if he could help it.

  “Slow down!” Greg called out through clenched teeth as he leapt over a fallen log and dashed after Louisa. Even with his added wolf abilities she was still as fast as lightning. He dodged around a tree and fina
lly made it to her side. “What are we going to do if she’s still alive, huh?”

  “I haven’t really thought that far ahead,” Louisa replied as she glanced at him briefly. “Hey, watch out!” She shoved him to the side and Greg stumbled awkwardly. He barely missed the tree branch that was weighted down by snow.

  “Thanks, Lou.” He grinned. And then they were off again, leaving nothing but a high tail of snow in their wake as they chased after the two men who worked for ‘Mr. C.’

  “You heard what they said, right?” Greg asked as they stopped near the river and watched the men observantly as they parked near the guardrail. “Some guy named Mr. C.”

  “I heard that,” Louisa nodded as she placed a hand against the tree she was standing behind and peered around it. “Do you think it’s him?”

  Greg released a low growl as his skin tingled. He hated the thought of Breslin Connor being behind something like this but it made sense. Maybe that’s why they couldn’t smell any other wolves in the area as of late; they had humans working for them and it was throwing everybody off their trail. What clever bastards.

  “Look,” Louisa turned around to peer up at him. “Even if it is him we won’t let him hurt Amber, okay? If she’s still alive...” she bit her lower lip. “We’ll save her from this.”

  Just when Greg didn’t think it was possible to fall more in love with Louisa, she proved him wrong; she was willing to save the girl she’d seen kissing him. She was definitely different from all the females he’d met in his lifetime. She was beautiful, perfect, and selfless. She made him want to be the best man he could possibly be.

  “You’re amazing.” Greg observed as he leaned down to press a kiss against her full lips. He couldn’t help himself. He could hear the men’s boots crunching in the snow as they made their way down the hill, but all he could think about doing at the moment was tasting the honey flavored lips of his girl. His Louisa.


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