Lady Bird and Lyndon
Page 48
“presidential”: Robert Hardesty, “With Lyndon Johnson in Texas,” in Richard Norton Smith and Timothy Walch, eds., Farewell to the Chief: Former Presidents in American Public Life (Worland, WY: High Plains Publishing, 1990), p. 104.
“For Christ’s sake get that vulgar language of mine out of there”: Doris Kearns Goodwin, Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (New York: St. Martin’s, 1991), p. 355.
“would have been more exciting”: Transcript, Jewell Malechek Scott, Oral History Interview II, May 30, 1990, by Michael L. Gillette, Internet Copy, LBJ Library, p. 12.
“as a study in political psychopathology”: David Halberstam, New York Times Book Review, October 31, 1971, p. 1.
“a kid kicking off his shoes”: Bill Porterfield, “Back Home Again in Johnson City,” New York Times Magazine, March 2, 1969.
“deep depression”: Robert Dallek, Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), p. 605. Dallek interviewed Elizabeth Wickenden December 20, 1986.
“normal manic depressive self”: Dallek, Flawed Giant, p. 605.
“one great adventure”: Robert Hardesty, “With Lyndon Johnson in Texas,” in Smith and Walch, eds., Farewell to the Chief, p. 99.
“quieted right down”: Russell, Lady Bird, p. 306.
“Dr. Schles-ing-er” . . . “crazy”: Merle Miller, Lyndon: An Oral Biography (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1980), pp. 545–46.
“psychopathic”: H. R. Haldeman, The Haldeman Diaries: Inside the Nixon White House (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1994), pp. 82–83, quoted in Dallek, Flawed Giant, p. 606.
“The only thing more impotent than a former president”: Robert Hardesty, “With Lyndon Johnson in Texas,” in Smith and Walch, eds., Farewell to the Chief, p. 106.
“freeze out”: Tom Johnson to author, March 15, 2012.
“The fact that Tom is loyal to Bill Moyers”: Ibid. Edwina Johnson participated in the interview and substantiated this account.
“It must be for one of your lady friends”: Russell, Lady Bird, p. 307.
“Too late now, Lyndon”: Libby Cater Halaby to author, December14, 2010.
“a holy terror”: Russell, Lady Bird, p. 307.
“My mother never let me do anything like this before”: Charlotte Curtis, “Bustling Summer Capital of International Society,” New York Times, August 24, 1969, p. 74.
“I thought the President was really a virile man”: Transcript, Gordon Bunshaft, Oral History Interview I, June 25, 1969, by Paige E. Mulhollan, Internet Copy, LBJ Library, p. 27.
“we felt like she could sell”: Transcript, William W. Heath, Oral History Interview II, May 20, 1970, by Joe B. Frantz, Internet Copy, LBJ Library, p. 20. Two interviews were done same day but pagination is separate for each one.
“sheer beauty”: WHD, April 2, 1967, Box 5.
“with the bark off”: Frank Cormier, LBJ: The Way He Was (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1976), Preface quotes LBJ at library opening as saying: “It is all here; the story of our time—with the bark off.” Luci Baines Johnson used a similar phrase in her introductory remarks at the conference, “Revisiting the Great Society,” Hunter College, New York City, March 15, 2012.
“just stare at the ceiling”: Jan Jarboe Russell, interview with David Gergen, PBS NewsHour, November 17, 1999.
“hard to imagine life without”: Lady Bird Johnson said of A.W. Moursund, “We’d be lonesome without him.” LBJ Library Video, Lady Bird Johnson’s Home Movies, HM30, LBJ Ranch, 1965.
“We decided to split the blanket”: Leo Janos, “The Last Days of the President,” Atlantic Monthly, July 1973, p. 40.
“As the Days Dwindle Down”: New York Times, September 21, 1972, p. 47.
“where the best years of my life were spent”: Lady Bird Johnson, interview with Houston Post, in undated clipping, Reference File on Lady Bird Johnson, Post Presidential folder, LBJ Library.
“at utter peace”: “Johnson Still a Man of Contrasts,” New York Times, October 10, 1971, p. 51.
“so clearly in charge of the day-to-day management of his life” . . . “impossible: depressed one minute, raging the next”: Russell, Lady Bird, p. 306.
“I don’t know what he would have done without her”: Russell, Lady Bird, quotes George Christian, p. 307.
“I’m kind of ashamed of myself”: John Herbers, “Johnson Mediates a Rights Dispute,” New York Times, December 13, 1972, p. 1.
“He very much loved her”: Sharon Francis to author, March 20, 2013.
“he loved her”: Helen Thomas to author, November 1, 2011.
“Don’t think a day doesn’t pass”: Transcript, Russell M. Brown, Oral History Interview I, January 10, 1978, by Michael L. Gillette, Internet Copy, LBJ Library, p. 72.
“very much”: Mrs. Johnson’s interview with Brian Lamb, November 11, 1999, on C-Span.
“This time we didn’t make it”: Dallek, Flawed Giant, p. 623.
“end the war and bring peace with honor in Vietnam”: New York Times, transcript, January 24, 1973.
“I know that somewhere, sometime”: Dallek, Flawed Giant, p. 623.
“Both the glory and the tragedy”: New York Times, January 24, 1973.
“human puzzle”: Dallek, Lone Star Rising, p. 6.
“thirteen of the most exasperating men I ever met”: Bill Moyers, Conference on the Great Society, Hunter College, March 15, 2012.
“Ah, but didn’t he live well”: Roy Reed, “Thousands at Johnson Bier,” New York Times, January 24, 1973, p. 1
“Lyndon pushed me”: PBS documentary, Lady Bird Johnson, produced by MacNeil/Lehrer Productions and KLRU, Austin, 2001, Transcript, Part 1.
“The Lord knew what he was doing”: PBS documentary, Lady Bird Johnson, Transcript, Part 5. Access at
“She tempered his rashness”: Robert Hardesty, “With Lyndon Johnson in Texas,” in Smith and Walch, eds., Farewell to the Chief, p. 99.
20: Flying Solo
“impertinent” . . . “hand and foot”: Barbara Walters, Audition: How to Talk with Practically Anybody About Practically Anything (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2008), p. 402.
“Politics was Lyndon’s life”: Barbara Klaw, “Lady Bird Remembers,” American Heritage, December 1980, p. 17.
“When it gets as close as your son-in-law”: Ibid., p. 7.
“What was the name of that film?”: University of Texas professor to author, Austin, Texas, April 23, 2009.
“Well, I wonder if we just made the cover”: Harry Middleton’s eulogy at funeral service of Mrs. Johnson, July 14, 2007. Access at
“last hurrah”: Lewis L. Gould, Lady Bird Johnson and the Environment (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1988), p. 242.
“rent for the space”: Lewis L. Gould, Lady Bird Johnson: Our Environmental First Lady (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1999), p. 124.
“redbud, crepe myrtle”: Gould, Lady Bird and the Environment, p. 241.
“grandchildren proof”: Lady Bird Johnson to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, June 11, 1982, in Reference File for Lady Bird Johnson, Folder on Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, LBJ Library. Same folder has Jacqueline Onassis’s reply.
“delicious meal, your guests”: Lady Bird Johnson to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, August 18, 1993, in Reference File for Lady Bird Johnson, Folder on Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, LBJ Library.
“But I thought we agreed”: Clipping, Austin American-Statesman, August 2, 2009, in Reference File on Lady Bird Johnson, Post Presidential folder, LBJ Library.
The Johnson daughters produced a total of seven children: The Nugents had Patrick Lyndon, born June 21, 1967; Nicole Marie, born January 11, 1970; Rebekah Johnson, born July 10, 1974; and Claudia Taylor, born March 17, 1976. The Robbs had Lucinda Desha, born October 25, 1968; Catherine Lewis, born June 5, 1970; and Jennifer Wickliffe, born June 20, 1978.
“mild stroke in a bad place”: Shirley James to au
thor, June 3, 2010.
“the least needy, quietly confident person”: Lucinda Robb Florio, speaking at funeral service of Mrs. Johnson, July 14, 2007. Access at
“whale of fun”: Harry Middleton’s eulogy at funeral service of Mrs. Johnson, July 14, 2007. Access at
A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
Abell, Bess Clements, 209, 211, 270, 271, 275, 283, 313, 357, 359
Abell, Tyler, 209, 359
Abilene, Tex., 32
Adams, Charles Francis, 240
Adams, John, 354
Adenauer, Konrad, 206
Adolphus Hotel, 195–96
African Americans, 138
as ambassadors, 337
LBJ’s support for, 188, 251, 290
1964 Civil Rights Act and, 252
segregation and, 169
T.J. and, 17
voting rights for, 106–7, 189, 275
in Washington, 293
Agnew, Spiro, 374
Ahoskie, N.C., 255
Air Force One, 220, 274, 325, 336
Air Force Two, 274
Alabama, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19, 25, 26, 35, 78, 88, 105, 125, 126, 200, 204, 251, 252, 256
Bloody Sunday confrontation in, 287–88
Lady Bird’s property in, 248–49
Alamo Purchase Bill, 40
Alaska, 297
Alemán, Miguel, 377
Alexander, Lucia Johnson, 100, 169
Alexandria, Va., 87, 254
Alford, Mimi Beardsley, 332
American Psychiatric Association, 309
Among Those Present (Dickerson), 344
Andersen, Hans Christian, 24
Anderson, Claudia, 370
Anderson, Clinton, 163–64, 176
Anderson, Marian, 242
Anderson, Robert B., 135–36
Andrews Air Force Base, 244
Anti-Nazi League, 150
anti-Semitism, 149
Apollo 11, 374
Appalachia, 150, 216, 241
Arizona, 248, 260
Arkansas, University of, 330
Arlington, Va., 382
arms control, 274
Armstrong-Jones, Antony, 328
Army, U.S., 362
Asher, Aaron, 323–24
“As I See Our First Lady” (Lindbergh), 217–18, 224
Associated Press, 50, 60, 182
Atlanta, Ga., 253, 384
Atlantic City, N.J., 235–37, 250–51
atomic weapons, 273–74
August 4, 1964, 306
Austin, Tex., 30, 38–39, 56, 58, 75, 76, 78, 88, 89, 91, 92, 107, 112, 119, 126, 145, 157, 164, 166, 171, 213, 225, 260, 355, 374, 375, 378, 382, 393, 394, 396, 399
KTBC in, 135, 136–37
military base at, 131–32
Austin-American, 147
Austin Civic Center, 261
Austin Statesman, 111
Austin Women’s Club, 53
Australia, 316, 358
Austria, 113, 149, 282
Autauga, Ala., 19, 27
Autauga County, 10, 125, 248
Autry, Gene, 144
Ava (LBJ’s cousin), see Cox, Ava Johnson
Azores, 212, 359
Baalbek, 211
“Back in the Saddle Again,” 144
Bailey, Oriole, 230
Baines, Josefa, 33–34
Baines, Joseph William, 30–33
Baines, Ruth, 30
Baker, Bobby, 213, 230, 278
Baker, Russell, 389
Baldridge, Earl, 337
Baldwell, Malcolm, 64, 81
Baldwin, Dr. Benjamin, 15, 18
Baltimore, Md., 374
King assassination rioting in, 362, 363
Baptists, 30, 163
Barnard College, 108
Battle Creek, Mich., 12, 13
Baylor University, 29, 30
beautification, poor neighborhoods and, 297
Beene, Geoffrey, 1–2
Beirut, 211
Bergstrom Air Force Base, 132
Beschloss, Michael, 426n
Bethesda Naval Medical Center, 176, 181, 265, 302
Biddle, James, 240
big government, 111
billboards, 293, 298, 300–303
Birdwell, Sherman, 86, 138
Black, Hugo, 105–6, 114
Black, Zephyr, see Wright, Zephyr Black
Blanco, Tex., 30, 32
blind trust, Johnsons’ broadcasting holdings and, 221–22
Bloody Sunday, 287–88
Blue Sky Law, 40
Bobbitt, Oscar Price “O.P.,” 169
Bobbitt, Philip Chase, 169
Bobbitt, Rebekah Johnson, 35, 100, 169
Boehringer, Emma, 22, 49–50
Boehringer, Eugenia “Gene,” see Lasseter, Eugenia “Gene” Boehringer
Boozer, Yolanda, 367
Boston Symphony, 282
Brandeis, Louis, 114
Brick House, 15, 23, 49, 69, 95, 133, 316
Lady Bird’s renovation of, 57–58, 74
LBJ at, 63–64
T.J.’s restoration of, 14
Brinkley, Ann, 335
Brinkley, David, 335
Britton, Nan, 333
Brooke Medical Center, 384–85, 387
Brooks, Marietta, 120, 144, 156–57, 335
Brooks, Max, 164, 377
Brown, Alice, 99–100, 320
Brown, George, 99–100, 176–77, 320
Brown, Herman, 99–100
Brown, Madeleine Duncan, 340–41, 434n
Brown, Margaret, 99–100
Brown, Steven, 341
Brownell, Herbert, 189
Brown v. Board of Education, 189
Bryan, William Jennings, 33, 36
Bryn Mawr College, 104
Bullion, Billie, 116, 140
Bullion, John, 115, 222
Bundy, McGeorge, 306
Bundy, Michael, 102, 103
Bundy, William, 102
Bunshaft, Gordon, 377–78, 379
Burkley, George, 267
Busby, Horace, 186, 210, 212, 276, 330–31, 338, 360
Bush, Barbara, 303, 368
Bush, Laura, 303, 368
Byrd, Harry F., 204, 232
Caddo Lake, 22–23
Cain, Ida May Wirtz, 107, 183
Cain, James, 107, 183, 191, 244–46, 267
Calder, Alexander, 299
Califano, Joseph, Jr., 264, 278, 280, 316
California, 42, 126, 148, 328
Camp David, 265, 276, 340, 343, 347
cancer, 290
Cape Cod, Mass., 198–99
Carmody, John, 98–99
Carpenter, Elizabeth “Liz” Sutherland, 201, 208–9, 212, 319, 331, 344, 353
Lady Bird’s campaigning and, 201, 208–9, 212, 253–54, 256
Lady Bird’s friendship with, 130, 185, 313, 359
as Lady Bird’s press secretary, 217, 219, 228, 279, 283, 295–96, 301, 350
Carpenter, Les, 185, 359
Carpenter, Scott, 208
Carson, Rachel, 292, 294
Carter, Cliff, 249
Carter, Jimmy, 260
Carter, Rosalynn, 260, 303, 368
Castro, Nash, 296, 357
CBS, 137, 344
Chaney, Patsy, 294
Charlottesville, Va., 382, 384
Chavchavadze, Helen, 332–33
Cheshire, Maxine, 317, 347
Chevy Chase, Md., 151
Chiarodo, Marie Fehmer, 433n. See also Fehmer, Marie
Chicago, Ill., 50, 290, 348
King assassination rioting in, 362
Chilton Country, 248
Christian, George, 350, 385
Christy Minstrels, 231
Church, Frank, 307
civil rights, 111, 187
Democratic filibuster against 1949 bill on, 160–62
LBJ’s support for, 103, 160–62, 188–89, 196, 200, 226, 243–44, 252–53, 266, 290–91, 371, 386
protests for, 287–88, 303
Virginia Durr and, 105–7, 215
Civil Rights Act of 1957, 189–90, 200, 244
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 226, 243–44, 246, 252–53
Civil Rights Act of 1968, 362–63
Civil War, 9, 32
Clark, Ramsey, 118
Clark, Tom, 118
Cleveland Plain Dealer, 188
Clifford, Clark, 163, 249, 258, 361, 364
Clifford, Marjorie “Marny,” 163, 219, 288, 361, 365
Clinton, Bill, 333, 392
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 303, 368, 392
coal mining, 216
Cochran, Jacqueline, 154–55
Cohen, Ben, 115
Cohen, Sheldon, 220–21
College Station, Tex., 167
Colorado, 25
Colorado River, 52, 98
Columbia, S.C., 255, 427n
Columbia University, 112, 114, 337
Comfort, Tex., 319
Committee for a More Beautiful Capital, 293
Committee for the Preservation of the White House, 240
communism, 306
Conference on National Beauty, 298
Congress, U.S., Vietnam War and, 306
Congressional Club, 148, 219
Congressional Record, 339
Connally, John, 86, 116–17, 134, 138, 158, 345–46
Connally, Nellie, 86, 127, 128, 129, 158
Lady Bird and, 7, 104–5, 108, 287–304, 312, 357, 381–82, 394, 399
LBJ and, 289, 293, 360
Constitution, U.S., 110
separation of powers in, 208
strict interpretation of, 83
Coolidge, Calvin, 354
Corcoran, Thomas “Tommy the Cork,” 115
Corpus Christi, Tex., 62, 78
Cotulla, Tex., 47, 268
Cousins, Margaret “Maggie,” 370
Covert, Nicole Marie Nugent, 400
Cox, Ava Johnson, 43, 47
Crawford, Joan, 149, 382, 439n
Crider, Ben, 42, 46
Cronkite, Walter, 344, 371
Crow, Emily, 75
C-Span, 259
Cuba, 113
Curtis, Charlotte, 376–77
Daily Texan, 55
Dallas, Tex., 11, 52, 58, 75–76, 154, 195–96, 214
JFK assassinated in, 215–16, 233, 351