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What Happens in Vegas…After Dark

Page 6

by Jodi Lynn Copeland, Anya Bast, Lauren Dane

  “How long have you and Ry been an item?” Carinna tossed over her shoulder. Bypassing a ceramic-tiled island, she went to a double-wide, stainless-steel refrigerator and pulled open the right-side door.

  “A few weeks. He seems great.” Frowning at my automatic and irritatingly adoring-sounding reply, I came to a stop behind the fridge door.

  Ryan was charming. He made it seem like he cared about me until I had moments where I was convinced that he really did. But he’d made Jada feel the same. She’d been head over heels for him when he dumped her cold. He’d cared about her so little he’d allowed her to die in order to save some guy he’d never even met. Given the opportunity, the odds were favorable he would let me die as easily as he had Jada.

  Except, he hadn’t let me die in the basement of the processing plant.

  He’d silently vowed to save me and had been attempting to do just that before I knocked him unconscious.

  Carinna reached around the side of the refrigerator door, two longnecks of Bud dangling from her fingertips. “He used to be a cocky little shit. But yeah, he’s really come around.”

  My relaxed feeling a thing of the past, I accepted the beer. I hadn’t been able to see her face when she’d spoken, or now, as she reached back into the fridge for another set of beers, but the honest affection in her voice knotted my belly with guilt. It wasn’t a sensation I knew a lot about, and it also wasn’t one that I planned to hold on to.

  Moving back to the island, I set Ryan’s beer down, and uncapped my own. “Have you known him long?”

  The affection was evident in Carinna’s nearly smoke-gray eyes now, as well, as she joined me at the island. Smiling, she repeated my move, setting down one beer and uncapping the other. “Pretty much his whole life. The three of us grew up together.”

  I pulled back a long, cold drink as the information settled. Just because she knew him, didn’t have to mean she really knew him. After all, she hadn’t seemed to know how long Ryan and I had been screwing. “Any notable skeletons?”

  “Since you work at the firehouse, you must know that he has a reputation for getting around.” I nodded, and she continued, “He can also be pretty narrow-minded, though he hasn’t acted that way in months.” A thoughtful frown formed on her lips. “Actually, he hasn’t mentioned sleeping with anyone in months, either. Maybe it’s just because Jack and I are together and we don’t share our sex stories with him for obvious reasons, but we used to hash on the details of our love lives as part of our Wednesday-night poker routine.”

  So he’d broadened his horizons and potentially quit sleeping around. Damn, so much for skeletons, not to mention obliterating my guilt.

  “Has he changed in any other way?” I pressed, all but hanging on the hope of a negative find.

  Carinna took a pull from her beer as she considered the question. She set the bottle back on the island. “He is more affectionate with Jack. They’ve always been close, with their dad dying young and Jack basically being a surrogate dad for Ryan, but you know how guys can be about their fear of getting too touchy-feely with other guys?”

  Not to mention their fear of butt plugs.

  I nodded. “I do.”

  A conspiratorial smile returned to her lips. My guilt finally ebbed, and I gave in to my own smile over thoughts of the night that lay ahead.

  As soon as we got home, I was seeing that Ryan made good on his promise from the hospital. If only because it meant showing him the best of pleasure tonight before I doled out the worst of pain someday in the near future, he was going to experience a G-spot orgasm like nothing but a butt plug and a woman who knew how to use it on her man could deliver.

  “Well, Ry seems to have gotten over his fears,” Carinna continued. “He’ll actually hug Jack goodbye when he takes off now, or if they talk on the phone, he’ll say that he loves him before he hangs up.”

  My smile had quavered a bit with the thought of Ryan as my man. It quavered a bit more as Carinna’s words sank in and my guilt once again flowed freely. I could see him acting a fraud to a woman he hoped to fuck, or keep fucking. But he had no reason to act that way around his brother.

  Did he truly feel remorse over what had happened with Jada and was shaping himself into a nicer guy for it? And, if so, did his regret haunt him enough that I should let him off the hook?

  Wanting my mind off thoughts of Ryan and my mood back to relaxed, I took in the expansive kitchen done in all-natural hardwoods and trimmed with a deep shade of green that would be a perfect complement for Ryan’s eyes. “This place is gorgeous.”

  Carinna beamed with pride. “It’s a work in progress, but it is coming along a little more every day.”

  Apparently, getting my mind off Ryan was also a work in progress, that checking out something as routine as kitchen trim could make me think of him. Whatever my plans for the guy, I had to get them figured out pronto and my mushy, moony ass back to Hell.

  Chapter Six


  “Ready to suffer?” Deitre asked the instant we cleared the garage door and stepped into the kitchen.

  Today with Jack and Carinna couldn’t have gone better. For all her claims that she didn’t do families, Deitre had meshed with mine from word one. She’d admitted to what a great time she had when I pulled out of the B and B, and both my brother and Carinna commented on how much they liked her while she was out of the room. Somehow, I’d managed to keep from commenting on how much I loved her, in return.

  I let those three words become a mantra in my head now, as my anus clenched its anxiety. Not bothering to hide my grimace, I turned around midway through the kitchen. “Could you make my ass pucker a little harder?”

  Amusement gleamed in her eyes with her laughter. She stopped laughing then to cross the few feet to me. Pressing her bountiful breasts against my chest, she wrapped her arms around my neck and met my lips with a soft, sweet openmouthed kiss.

  A tender smile curved her lips as she eased her head back a couple inches. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist. Seriously, though, if you can trust me enough to relax and do as I say, you’re going to love it.”

  If I didn’t trust Deitre, I would never have agreed to be in this position in the first place. And if I didn’t love her already, I would have fallen for her the second that tender smile emerged. Her kiss had been just as gentle. Both seemed packed with affection.

  I let that thought warm me as I accepted my fate. “Where do you want me?”

  Approval flashing over her face, she unroped her arms from my neck. “Get naked and lay on the couch. I’ll be in to join you in a minute or two.”

  The one time I would expect to hear command in her voice, there was none. Just more of that gentle persuasion that managed to soothe my frayed nerves, if only partway.

  I started to backstep toward the living room, then stalled to ask, “Do you want me on my front or back?”

  “It’s up to you. The element of surprise can be nice.”

  My nerves reared up full steam as I stripped off my clothes and lay naked on the couch. Folding my arms beneath me, I tucked my face into their opening. I wasn’t convinced the element of surprise would be a reward for lying on my front, but I knew I didn’t want her seeing my face when she jammed that plug up my ass and I started bawling like a baby.

  Closing my eyes, I pulled in a few deep breaths and attempted to relax. A half minute later, the flat of a hand swatted across my ass, jarring my eyes back open and jerking the air from my throat.

  With her voice once more dripping Southern seduction, Deitre remarked, “Stellar view, bad boy.”

  Stifling a cry, I squeezed my butt cheeks as a sting raised on their surface and dull ache shot through my groin. Ache that was just going to grow increasingly worse. Fuck me.

  My voice muff led against my arms, I said, “Where’s my lube?”

  “Tonight, I’m in total control, Ryan.” Her hand contacted with my butt again, this time as a warm caress. “All you’re going to feel is ecstasy.”

/>   Ecstasy was about as far removed from my mind as possible. Or so I thought until she kept up with softly petting my ass. Her fingers dipped down to push between my thighs and stroke along my perineum. By rote, my legs spread farther apart and my hips canted an inch off the couch as a zing of awareness rocketed to my cock.

  Her breasts rubbed against my bare back. The press of her warm, hard nipples suggested she was naked, as well, at least from the waist up. My shaft roused a little more with the thought. Then more still, as she purred, hot and husky, in my ear, “Just relax, Ry. This is going to feel sooo good.”

  Ry. She’d never called me that before. It wasn’t exactly an endearment. But it felt that way as she lifted her breasts from my back and slipped her fingers to my balls. She fondled the sac with the skill of a woman long in the know about pleasuring a man. Cupped and massaged my testicles until my cock was rock-solid and damned uncomfortable wedged beneath me on the couch cushion.

  I groaned with the tension against my dick, and Deitre released my balls to nudge the tip of something tiny almost to the point of being undetectable into my anus.

  All thought of my aching cock ceased as liquid squirted hard against the inner walls of my rectum. I contracted my sphincter against the invasion. And then felt the muscles soften with my shocked gasp over how damned good that liquid felt. Not like an invasion at all, but totally erotic in a way that had my blood heating and my thoughts snapping right back to my near painfully trapped shaft.

  “If either of us ever plans to use my cock again, I should turn over,” I suggested in a rough voice.

  “You’re fine. Perfect. Stay right there and relax.”

  Relax, right. Obviously a woman who’d never experienced the discomfort of an all-but-crushed erection was making that proposal.

  Lifting my head from my arms, I glanced over my shoulder. I could see just enough of Deitre to make out a portion of the right side of her body—fully nude so far as I could tell—and the butt plug in her right hand. It wasn’t the small, tapered silver-sparkled plug I’d expected. Instead, she held something that resembled a deformed gray hot dog with a handle on the narrower end.

  I was guessing it was a handle, anyway. One side curved up at a ninety-degree angle while the other curved down in a tight, almost flat semicircle. Both had round, flat tabs at their ends. “That’s not the plug I bought for you.”

  “Of course not.” She sounded amused. “This one’s made for a man.”

  “What kind of man?” And how the hell did she get so educated?

  I had no room to talk when it came to having a thoroughly notched bedpost. But for Deitre’s incredible appetite and all that she knew about sex, she’d obviously done more than her fair share of men. I also had no right to feel jealousy—hell, I’d slept with her best friend a year before—but a part of me did.

  “One who’s in touch with his sexuality.” Her right hand moved out of view. An instant later, her fingers returned to stroking my perineum. “Put down your head, close your eyes and focus on the area my finger is petting. You do that, and I might refrain from paddling your ass, good and hard, once the plug’s inside.”

  The emergence of Jada in my mind couldn’t have come at a worse time. I hadn’t wanted to tell Deitre about our shared past before we spent today with Jack and Carinna. Still, I should have told her immediately thereafter.

  Or maybe somehow she already knew. Maybe effectively taking me in the ass and making me feel about as unmanly as possible, in the process, was my penance.

  If it was and, after this, I would be off the hook from the mountain-size load of guilt and, God help me, be able to get the nasty shit out of my head, once and for all, then it would be worth every second of pain and humiliation.

  With a quick prayer to above to help me endure this without crying, I tucked my face back against my arms and shut my eyes.

  Deitre’s fingers retained that soft caress along my perineum as the tiny tip of whatever she was lubing me up with nudged deeper inside my anus and ejected another squirt of the fluid.

  The first squirt hadn’t been heinous like I’d expected. The second squirt knocked all other thought from my head as it felt like it somehow shot directly up the center of my cock. Unable to contain a whimper, I squirmed against the couch. Mind-numbing sensation vibrated through my ass and shook deep into my groin, almost cutting the circulation off in my powerfully hard dick in the process.

  “Remember, relax and focus down here.” She pressed hard against my perineum, and I bit back my wail over the intense pressure that felt anything but bad. “Not up here.” Her hand shoved beneath me to stroke the root of my constrained shaft, and the vibrations zeroed from my butt to my cock.

  I barely had a second to take the change in, let alone draw a wheezing breath, before the tip of something new pressed against my anus. This time it wasn’t small, but closer to an inch around and wet with fluid. The amazingly good vibrations quit as my pulse roared between my ears and panicked tension mounted in my gut.

  I wanted to do this for Deitre. I wanted to show her ultimate trust. I wanted to earn her forgiveness over the part I played in Jada’s death, if that was what this was about.

  But, Christ, I couldn’t handle being taken in the ass.

  Unwrapping my arms from beneath my head, I tightened my butt cheeks, in the hopes of barring entry, and pushed off from the couch. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”

  She placed two hands at the top of my back and shoved my face down hard against the cushion. “Of course you can. You’re going to love it.”

  How could she have two hands on my back, one stroking my perineum, and another guiding the butt plug up my ass?

  The question flitted through my spinning mind as the tension in my gut fanned out to every limb and orifice.

  Then the question was forgotten as the rounded head of the plug pierced my anal canal. For the space of a heartbeat, pain zinged through me, rendering my body rope-tight and screeching every nerve ending to standing attention as the breath hissed ice-cold from my mouth. Wickedly clever fingers found my balls then, kneading the heavy sac as more of the lube fluid gushed up and around the plug.

  The pain became a shallow ache. And then that ache became something else as the plug glided past my sphincter muscle and the vibrations started back up in my ass. These ones came from the plug itself. They quivered through my anal canal, hot, carnal and astonishingly pleasurable.

  The tension sucked back into my lower abdomen as a quivering, pleasing kind of tightness. Fisting my hands next to my head, I smiled without even trying. Then I laughed, thick and coarse, against my crooked arms for no known reason at all.

  Damn, it just felt so remarkable. Like nothing I’d ever experienced.

  The plug moved deeper inside my canal and that awesome tension moved from my stomach to my butt. Quakes shook through my ass and shot down my legs. Waves of pleasure rippled through my body, sizzling my blood while somehow managing to miss my cock altogether.

  Or maybe it hadn’t. I couldn’t focus on my shaft anymore. Every thought in my head was on the feel of the butt plug vibrating inside my asshole.

  “Good, huh?” Deitre’s thready voice came from next to my ear. “You might not ejaculate. You will experience orgasm like never before.”

  I couldn’t feel her breasts pressing against my back, but I also couldn’t feel her hands on my ass. And I also couldn’t find the energy to open my eyes and locate her whereabouts.

  The plug traveled another quarter inch inside me. The vibrations grew stronger. Pleasure built to an intensity where my only response was a desperate hum.

  Warmth tingled from my head to toe. The heat increased from steamy to scalding, and my entire body spasmed. I moaned without trying. Groaned to the point I was nearly screaming as the plug must have reached its limits and the inward-facing round, flat tab swiped across the hypersensitive area south of my balls.

  Goddamn, how could I have ever doubted her when she swore this would be incredible?

  The tab below my balls pressed harder and vibrated faster. Sweat broke out on my body, soaking my chest and rolling from my upper lip into my mouth.

  “Open your eyes and look at me, Ryan!” Deitre commanded.

  The order came from beside my head this time. It took every ounce of my waning strength, but I opened my eyes and turned my head. She sat on the floor a foot away, eyes drenched with sensual hunger and her swollen lips that captivating shade of rich cherry-red. The length of her hair twined around one stunning breast while she worked its mate in her hand. Her other hand was buried between her succulently parted thighs, fingers ravenously stroking the cream-slicked folds of her labia.

  “Tonight, we come together.” She shoved two fingers into her passage with the words that were a command no matter how softly spoken.

  Her pussy ground against her hand, and a keening cry spilled from her lips. My eyes slammed closed again, and I mimicked that cry as the butt plug mimicked her fingers, driving hard up inside my anal canal, vibrating tremors of red-hot sizzling sensation like nothing I’d ever known into my ass and throughout my entire body.

  I could all but feel the cum shoot from my constrained dick as orgasm crashed over me as a long and continuous wave that felt like it could go on and on and on.

  Past a blinding haze of rapture, I was distantly aware of Deitre shouting with her climax. Even more distantly aware of time passing and the continual shudders that coursed through my butt. A minute might have passed, or maybe ten or twenty, when fingers stroked against my anus and then slowly eased the plug out. Another round of minivibrations started off with the move, and I sucked in a gasp with my disbelief.

  Orgasms with Deitre had always felt spiritual, but this felt like I was as close to Heaven as I could go without dying. Even as some part of me ached for another climax, I felt at complete bliss and like I might never find the strength to move again.


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