Hot Property [Discretions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
Page 6
“I know you do, sweetheart. You’re so fucking responsive. But, here’s the thing. Have you ever been Dominated before?”
Her eyes flew open. “What do you mean?”
“I think you know.” He pinched her nipple again, even harder, and pulled it away from her body until her skin stopped stretching. She barely flinched. “You enjoy pain and know how to control it.”
“Do I? I’ve never really thought about it. I just go with my reactions.”
“Which makes you a natural.”
“A natural for what?” She was getting impatient and didn’t seem to mind if he knew it. Unfortunately, Jared couldn’t chastise her for that since he hadn’t yet explained the ground rules. “Talking is all very well, but personally I’d prefer some action. I can’t wait to have that great throbbing cock of yours buried deep inside me.”
He chuckled. “Oh, you will, darling. Count on it. But first, you need to know a few basic facts about Kent and me.”
“Why? Kent isn’t here.”
“Not right now, but…well, the two of us are sexual Doms.”
She opened her eyes wide in frank astonishment, or disgust—Jared was unsure which. Until he noticed those eyes were hazy with passion. He had aroused her curiosity, excited her, and wanted to punch the air in triumph. He’d known from her reactions that she was a player—or could be. He had a sixth-sense that drew him to like-minded females and was seldom turned on by women who weren’t into the lifestyle, no matter how attractive they were or how available they made themselves.
She tilted her head to one side and cast him a long, considering look. “You are?”
“Uh-huh. You know what that means?”
“That you hunt as a pack?”
Chapter Five
“Yeah, as a rule,” Jared replied casually. “You okay with that?”
Was she? Just for a moment Naomi considered calling the whole thing off. When she made her impulsive move on Jared, she hadn’t realized he and Kent were a package deal. Hmm. Two for one? She had sensed there was something different about them, but hadn’t figured them for sexual deviants. If that’s what they were. One person’s kinky was another’s normal. They were consenting adults and her body was having a much easier time of adapting to the idea than her mind appeared to be. Perhaps she was overthinking the situation.
Jared had said she liked pain and knew how to handle it. Well, if she did, no one had taught her. Nor had she ever been tied up, or flogged, or any of that other stuff she thought Doms got off on. On the plus side, Jared had magical hands, she was desperate to feel alive, and, face it, she’d fancied the pants off the pair of them the moment she laid eyes on them. She would just as happily have thrown herself at Kent if he’d been the one to find her snooping in Saul’s room.
But still, fantasizing was one thing. Acting out those fantasies, especially at such a time, was entirely another. She glanced up at Jared, aware of his unwavering gaze fixed on her profile as she pondered the problem and her body took control of her mind.
“If it’s the only way I can get laid,” she said in response to Jared’s question. Where did that come from? Naomi had no recollection of reaching a conscious decision. It was a big deal from her perspective that required more than a moment’s reflection. He probably sensed that instinct had prompted her reaction and found it amusing, damn him! His rich, deep chuckle reverberated through his chest. A chest that was still covered by a shirt, whereas she was all but naked. It didn’t seem fair. She impulsively pushed her hands beneath his top and ran them across the solid planes of his chest, circling his nipples with her forefinger until he groaned.
“Hey, pay attention,” he said, tapping her butt hard. “This is important.”
“Ouch! So is what I’m doing.”
“Yeah, but the problem is, you weren’t given permission to do it.”
“Oh, so I’m your sex slave now, am I?” She tossed her head and fixed him with an accusatory glower. “You give the orders and I scamper to do as I’m told?”
His enticingly heated grin joined forces with the hot intentions shimmering in his eyes, exciting her, making it impossible for her to continue occupying the moral high ground. She wanted whatever he planned to dish out just as much as he did, and they both knew it.
“If you think you’d enjoy that and, I don’t mean to sound arrogant here, but something tells me you’re already creaming your panties at the prospect, then yeah, that’s what you need to do.” A sinful smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Although, personally speaking, I prefer sensual movement to scampering.”
“You seem to think you’ve got me, and given how I threw myself at you, I guess I can’t blame you for that.” She was damned if she’d simply fall in with his plans without making him work for what he wanted. Problem was, she wanted it too, probably way more urgently than he did. Men who looked like him and Kent must have hot and cold women on tap, but for her it had been a while. A long while. Even so, Mr. God’s Gift needed bringing down a peg or two. “But just so you know, I’ve never been good at accepting authority. When someone tells me to do something, I have an annoying habit of doing precisely the opposite.”
“Oh, you’ll do as I tell you, darling. And you’ll love every minute of it.” He leaned back but still held her captive with a heavy-lidded, seductive gaze. “But no one’s forcing you to do anything you don’t want to. I agreed we’d fuck, and if you just want missionary position sex, then I’m happy to oblige. All I’m saying is, we can make this way more fun, but only if you give me the green light.”
Hell, why couldn’t he just tell her what to do, and she’d do it? In spite of her puny protestations, he had to know that. But instead, he kept giving her choices. This was no time to be considerate!
“Okay, since you’re forcing me to spell it out, I want to have fun. Mindless, mind-blowing sex. I’ll do whatever it takes to get there, I’m happy to experiment and I’ll even try and do as I’m told.” It was her turn to try out a heated smile. “Just don’t expect blind obedience, is all I’m saying.”
“Okay. We’ll take it real slow, and…”
“Er, slow might be a problem. I’m kinda steamed up already.”
“Baby, we’ve hardly begun.” He shook his head and flashed another unholy smile. “I’ll teach you to be patient and help you explore your body’s extremes.”
She rolled her eyes. “Patient will take some work, too. And do I…er, have to let you spank me, and stuff?”
“I’d like that very much,” he replied in a soft, sexy voice. “If you’re good with it.”
“And you’ll want to tie me up.”
“And blindfold you. Trust me, if you can’t see what I’m going do to you, all your other senses will become enhanced.”
He was playing with her tits while he spoke to her in a lazy, hypnotic tone that had her pussy leaking through her panties, straight onto his denim-clad thighs. Served him right, she thought, for talking dirty and getting her all steamed up.
“All right.”
“That’s my good girl.” He nuzzled her neck, gently at first, but the nuzzling soon turned to playful nipping. “That’s it, darling, roll with the pain and see what it does for you.”
She didn’t need to wait. She already felt ambiguous pleasure spiraling through her, pooling in the pit of her belly.
“You ever had anal sex, sweetheart?” he asked in a smoky, provocative tone.
She shook her head, afraid suddenly, not sure she wanted to go that far.
“Then you don’t know what you’ve been missing.”
He lifted her from his lap and gently circled her anus with a slick finger. She instinctively flinched but he held her in a one-handed grip that it would have been hard to escape from. But it occurred to her then that she didn’t want to escape. Doing whatever he wanted her to in order to please him suddenly seemed vitally important, sweeping away her momentary uncertainty.
“That’s it, sugar. Feels good, right?”
�Hmm. Do I have to take you and Kent at the same time?”
“Oh yeah!” She could hear the sexy smile in his voice. “But only if you want to. I have to tell you, if Kent knew what we were doing right now, he’d blow a fuse. He’s been walking around with a hard on ever since you got here, but I told him you were off limits. He won’t be happy when he knows I’ve broken my own rule.”
Jared chuckled. “I’ll have to make it up to him.”
“He’ll be real grateful.”
Without giving her any warning, Jared lifted her from his lap and then laid her face down over his muscular thighs. She felt cool air peppering her buttocks and shivered when she sensed Jared’s hair tickling her ass as he breathed over it, taking gentle little nips. Jared was clearly into biting but knew how to do it so she got the full pleasure quotient. Perhaps he was right about her. She was into all the stuff but just didn’t know it.
“Very nice! Now, sugar, listen up. I’m going to spank your buttocks lightly with the flat of my hand, because that will give me a whole ton of pleasure. And you want to give me pleasure, don’t you, sweet thing?”
She nodded vigorously.
“Answer me, Naomi. I need you to always answer me verbally, just so I’m sure I’m not pushing you too far. Oh, and you need to call me Sir or Master. Are we clear?”
She giggled. “Yes, Master,” she said. “I want you to spank me because I want for you to get pleasure from it.”
“That’s a good girl. And good girls get a reward.”
She gasped when she felt the lace of her thong being pulled away from her pussy. He slid it down so it was halfway along her thighs. Then he rubbed the globes of her ass with the flat of one hand, while the other played with her sopping cunt. She instinctively pushed against those fingers, desperate to feel them inside of her. Her actions earned her a sharp slap on the backside that made her cry out.
“No taking matters into your own hands, darling. I’m in charge here.”
“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”
“That’s better.”
He brought his hand down again and the sound of it striking her skin echoed like a gunshot in a room that was absolutely quiet, apart from the dog’s soft snores. It tingled painfully, but Jared was playing with her nub with his other hand and the exquisite sensations he sent spiraling through her seemed to war with the pain, making it pleasurable. She heard him grunt, as though he understood what she felt. He probably did since his experience in this field was obviously epic. A moment’s jealousy gripped Naomi when she considered all the other victims he must have put through this torture. But when he repeated the process again, and then again, sending a climax chasing through her body, as intense as it was unexpected, she forgot about everything other than the exquisite shards of intense pleasure that gripped her. She cried out on a fractured breath as his fingers on her sweet spot sent pulsating warmth spreading to her extremities, thinking perhaps now he would appreciate she’d been telling the truth about patience not being her strong point.
“Now, that was naughty,” he said, the satisfaction in his tone belying the chastisement. “No one gave you permission to come.”
He righted her on his lap and then sat her on the edge of the bed. Already her body missed the attention it had gotten from his wonderfully skilled hands. He stood up, stripped off his shirt in one fluid movement to reveal a ripped torso—all taut muscle and raw power. Oh my! He winked at her, then unbuckled his belt. His jeans slid down his thighs and his rigid cock, unfettered by underwear, sprang free, jutting aggressively from the juncture of tapering hips and strong thighs. Naomi moistened her lips and simply gaped at him, much as he had gaped at her when he’d caught her snooping in Saul’s room earlier.
“Is that for me?” she asked, suppressing a giggle at the ridiculous question, feeling empowered because she’d aroused him to such exceptional heights. If they were exceptional, of course. He was obviously very well endowed. Perhaps this was normal for him.
“You have to earn it,” he said, grasping his prick at its base and sliding it through his clenched fist. “Think you can accommodate it?”
“You looking for compliments? Master,” she added as an afterthought.
“Just checking.” He sent her a devastating smile that made her already overstimulated heart kick up another notch. “Okay, baby, lose the thong for me.”
She stood up and recklessly threw her sodden underwear aside. Then, instinctively, she remained standing where she was, eyes downcast, hands neatly folded over her pussy, as she waited to be told what to do next.
“You’re a fast learner, darling. Are you sure you’ve not played these games before?”
“Not once.”
“Turn around.”
She did so and sensed him prowling around behind her, looking. Looking for what? She panicked when he didn’t speak, wondering if she’d disappointed him in some way.
“Your backside is all pink from where I spanked you,” he said, touching her buttocks with surprising gentleness. “It looks as pretty as a picture. Now then, go and lie on the bed, face down, and get up on your hands and knees for me.”
“Are you going to…” Her words trailed off when he delivered a sharp blow to her ass.
“Who’s in charge?”
“You are, Sir,” Naomi replied, excited by his dictatorial attitude.
The moment she had got herself into position she felt the bed dip behind her as he climbed onto it. Then something dark covered her eyes and again she panicked.
“Shush, it’s okay,” he said in a soothing tone, running a finger lightly down her spinal column. “I’ll take good care of you. I promise you that.”
His skin gave off the addictive scent of arousal as he leaned over her from behind and his hands moved to play with her tits. Except it wasn’t his hands, she quickly realized, but something sharp that bit into her nipples. Too sharp to be his fingers.
“Nipple clamps,” he murmured in answer to her unasked question. “You like?”
She nodded vigorously, belatedly remembering she was supposed to vocalize her reactions. “Yes, Sir. I like. Especially when you tug on…what is that—”
“They’re linked by a chain. The clamps stop the flow of blood to your nipples, which makes them extra-sensitive, so when I tug on the chain, you get the benefit.”
“The blindfold, the clamps…they make me feel uninhibited.”
“That’s kinda the idea.” He tugged on the chain and bit at the back of her neck. “You’re really responsive, darling. I knew you would be, and that makes me very happy.”
He patted her butt, then ran something down the crack between her cheeks. Something hot and pulsating. His cock! The desire to push back and take it in whichever orifice he chose to deposit it was almost overwhelming, but Naomi somehow resisted. She sensed there would be much better to come, if only she could manage to wait that long.
But her body had other ideas and pulsated with desperate need as Jared continued to arouse her every cell, sending delicious shivers up and down her spine as he alternately kissed different parts of her, interspersing those kisses with increasingly hard slaps to her backside. The combination was cataclysmic, blowing her senses and her mind. How had she lived all these years without experiencing anything like this before?
“Now you’re getting it,” he muttered softly, and Naomi was delighted to hear approval in his tone. Pleasing him was desperately important to her, more important than coming again herself. More important than anything. “You really were designed for this, darling. You’re a natural.”
His finger circled her anus again, but it was slick with something alien.
“Lube,” he said, as though sensing her unasked question. “Just relax and let me in. Come on, don’t make me punish you, darling. I’m not going to fuck your arse, at least not today, but you have to let me examine every inch of you. Can you do that for me?”
“Yes, Sir. I want to try.”
The desire to please him superseded Naomi’s anx
ieties, and she relaxed muscles she had been unaware she had any control over. His finger slipped inside and the slight discomfort was quickly replaced by a sharp, tangible need. Unable to remain passive, she circled her hips, inviting him to delve deeper, and a low, animalistic sound echoed around the room. It took Naomi a moment to realize it had come from her. Her lack of restraint appeared to amuse Jared and he chuckled.
“Can’t get enough, can you? Just imagine me fucking your backside while Kent sinks his cock into your pussy. Think you could handle that?”
His words were almost enough to make her come again.
“Perhaps but, Sir, please!”
“Please what, darling? What do you need?”
“Please!” She shook her head, the anguish in her voice reflecting her desperate need. “I’ll do anything you want, but please, just fuck me. Please, Master. I’m in agony.”
“Yeah, you are, aren’t you. Oh, and just for the record, you’ll do anything I want anyway, because you like being fucked too much to object.”
“Yes, Sir. Yes, I will, but please…Oh, God, please!”
“Okay, sugar. Just this once I’ll let you call the shots.”
She heard a drawer open and then the sound of a foil packet being torn open. At last! He grabbed her hips in a tight hold, parted her thighs and then her pussy lips. He clearly didn’t need a map to find his way around a woman’s body and, with one powerful thrust of his hips, he filled her to capacity with that glorious cock of his. She cried out, doubting now whether she could actually take it all. In tune with her thoughts, as always, Jared chuckled.
“This what you wanted?”
Without waiting for a response, he drove a little deeper, a little harder, and groaned, depositing a sizzling line of damp kisses down her spine as he leaned forward. Naomi couldn’t recall a time when her cunt had been stretched to such extremes, but the feel of Jared’s cock rubbing abrasively against its sensitized walls made it all the more glorious. She moved with him as he plundered her body like a man on a mission, alternately tugging on the chain that connected the nipple clamps, kissing her spine and tapping her butt.