Hot Property [Discretions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
Page 12
“She might not take to it.”
“Come on!”
They’re enjoying this, Naomi thought, as she listened to the banter flowing between them, relieved to see an unholy light reflected in their eyes that implied they were no longer mad at her. And, more specifically, there was nothing in that room she needed to worry about. Well, there probably was, but it had nothing to do with Saul’s death. She glanced at the pair of them again, their casual stances a compelling mix of power, strength and an irresistible danger. They were relaxed now, Jared’s irritation forgotten, and she could sense her insecurities were turning them on. How dare they!
“She is in the room,” Naomi snapped, sounding pompous and probably as disadvantaged as she felt.
“Okay, Naomi Redford,” Jared said, reaching out a hand and pulling her to her feet. “We’ll take a chance on you.”
“Don’t do me any favors,” she sniffed.
“We rather thought it might be the other way around, seeing as how you were so rude to us when you had no cause to be,” Kent said, taking her other hand as she walked up the stairs between them, suddenly excited and a little wary at the same time. Trafford followed immediately behind, claws clacking on the wooden stairs. But when they reached the locked room and he realized that was their destination, he gave the canine equivalent of a sigh and took himself off elsewhere. What does the dog know that I don’t, Naomi wondered, curious, excited and just a little fearful all at the same time.
Jared reached into his pocket for a key and unlocked the door that so fascinated Naomi. He stepped back and allowed her to walk through it first, flicking on a light switch as he did so. Naomi blinked when she crossed the threshold and stopped dead in her tracks.
“What the hell is this?” she asked, suddenly beset by nervous anticipation.
Neither of the guys answered her, but stood back watching her take it all in. The walls were painted a deep crimson, lit by sconces with low lighting, decorated by graphically erotic artwork and a huge number of full-length mirrors. The space was dominated by an enormous circular bed and there were all sorts of weird and wonderful contraptions dotted about, as well as whips, chains and a large selection of sex toys. Her eyes watered when she saw the size of one particular dildo, standing upright in the center of a shelf like a phallic fertility symbol.
“A dungeon,” she breathed, sharing an astonished look between them. “This is where you play your serious games.”
“This is where you play your serious games, Sirs,” Jared corrected her. “And just so you know, we take them deadly seriously, so if you’d prefer not to involve yourself, now’s the time to say so.”
“Oh no.” She moistened her lower lip as she shared a look between them, seduced by her heightened sense of awareness and the privilege she felt at their offering to share their sacred sanctum with someone like her who knew nothing about the things they did. “I always finish what I start.”
“In that case, do you have something to say to us, Naomi?” Kent asked.
“Yes, Sirs. I’m sorry I doubted you.” She dropped her eyes and then, instinctively, fell to her knees in front of them and bowed her head until her forehead touched the thick carpet. “Please forgive me. It won’t happen again.”
“Damned straight it won’t,” Jared said. “No one takes us to task and gets away with it without being severely punished.”
“Then you must punish me, Masters. I am not worthy of your respect.” She chanced a glance up at them and saw surprise and approval reflected in their expressions. She’d obviously gotten her response spot on. Hell, this was fun!
“You want us to whip obedience into you, Naomi? Is that what you’re saying?”
“Yes, Master Kent, I believe I am.”
“Undress,” Jared said, as he and Kent perched together on the end of the bed.
She rose slowly to her feet, self-conscious even though she wasn’t ashamed of her body and knew they both liked what they saw. They’d told her so individually when she’d gotten it on with them and she figured they didn’t throw around false praise. But two of them…together? What if they wanted to…no, she wouldn’t try and second guess them. They wouldn’t force her to do anything against her will, would they? They couldn’t, she decided. She was no doormat. If she didn’t like what they did she would tell them to stop.
“We need a safe word,” Jared said, as though reading her thoughts. “If you need us to stop, use the safe word and that’s what we’ll do. What’s it to be?”
“Double fault,” she replied without hesitation.
Kent chuckled. “That’s two words, but I guess they’re appropriate.”
“I notice you still have all your clothes on,” Jared said in a tone that had her scurrying to remove them because the overwhelming desire to please them both drove aside her hesitation and fledgling doubts.
She pulled her top over her head and threw it on the floor. Then she grasped her breasts with both hands and pinched the nipples hard through the fabric of her bra. Her actions caused a sharp intake of breath from both men.
“No one told you to play with yourself, Naomi,” Jared said, in a deep, arresting voice that sent liquid dripping from her pussy. “But if you’d prefer to do it yourself, we’ll leave you to it. It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve brought yourself off since you arrived in this house, would it?”
“No!” She dropped her hands immediately, worried that they might actually make good on Jared’s threat. Unlike her, they gave every appearance of having sufficient willpower to do just that, and she wasn’t prepared to take any chances. She’d never been in a room like this one before, didn’t have a clue what half the stuff in it was for, and was filled with a nervous determination to find out. There would be pain involved, that much was obvious, but so far the only pain these two studs had caused her had turned out to be pleasurable beyond imagination. “Sorry, Sirs.”
She unsnapped her jeans, sat on the edge of a weird-looking bench and pulled them over her feet. Now what? She stood again, wearing just her bra and panties, and wondered if she was supposed to remove them herself as well. She felt a tad vulnerable, being near naked while the two of them were still fully clothed, albeit with impressive bulges testing the strength of their zippers. She probably wasn’t supposed to look at them but, hey, even at a glance the evidence was impossible to miss. And it gave her confidence to know she was responsible for what had to be causing them both considerable discomfort.
With a reckless toss of her head that sent her hair tumbling all over the place, she reached back and unsnapped her bra. She threw it at Kent, who caught it one-handed. Then she slid her thong down and hurled it at Jared. Okay, she thought, that’s the limit of my expertise when it comes to stripping for men. The rest was up to them. She crossed her hands demurely over her shaved pussy and lowered her eyes.
“Go and crouch on your hands and knees in the corner, over there,” Jared said, pointing. “Keep your back to us and your head lowered until we’re ready for you.”
“Yes, Master.”
Naomi who, thanks to her career, knew precisely how to walk in order to attract maximum attention, was not prepared to obey without making her mark. She placed one foot directly in front of the other so her hips swayed naturally and her ass moved provocatively with them.
Kent’s exclamation was accompanied by a sharp intake of breath from Jared. She crouched down on her knees, lowered her head and bit her lower lip to prevent herself from laughing aloud. She heard the sound of drawers opening and closing, of the guys talking so quietly that she couldn’t hear what they said. She flinched when she heard something crack—a whip against an open palm, perhaps? But there was no mistaking the sound of them ripping their own clothes off.
Naomi’s body thrummed with anticipation as she waited to see what would come next.
Chapter Ten
Jared and Kent deliberately left Naomi crouching in the corner for a good ten minutes, watching the trembl
es passing through her glorious body becoming progressively stronger and more prolonged. The anticipation was killing her and she was more than ready to get it on. That was their intention in ignoring her. Jared wasn’t sure what it was about corner punishments that was such a turn-on, but it had worked like a charm with every sub they’d ever had in that room.
But Naomi was no ordinary sub. Not only was she new to all this, but she was also grieving and vulnerable. They needed to be effective in making her see life was still worth living without pushing her too far. Jared had never doubted his abilities as a Dom, but then he’d never dealt with a sub in Naomi’s position before, and the responsibility hung heavily on his shoulders.
“Think she’s ready?” Kent asked sotto voce.
“She doesn’t do patience well and might try and take matters into her own hands again if we leave her any longer.”
“I wouldn’t mind watching her masturbate.”
“Nor me, but she only gets to do it when we tell her to.”
“Naturally.” Kent grinned. “What’ll we do with her first?”
“Let’s get a collar and some clamps on her, then we’ll do a little light flogging.”
“I’m on it.” Kent let out a low moan that exactly reflected Jared’s feelings as he searched through a drawer for butterfly clamps. “Shit, she’s killing me!”
Jared went to another drawer and produced a soft leather collar studded with small diamonds and waved it toward Kent, a question in his eyes. “I heard you, mate. Come on, let’s do this.”
Kent raised a brow at the sight of the collar they’d had specially made but which so far hadn’t seen the light of day and nodded his agreement. Jared didn’t know what his determination to use it on an uninitiated sub signified. All he did know was that Naomi’s slender neck deserved the very best—as did the rest of her—and he and Kent were the guys who would give it to her, over and over again until she begged for mercy.
To Naomi’s credit, she barely flinched when Jared leaned over her from behind and circled her neck with one hand.
“Once you get used to our games,” he told her in a soft, hypnotic tone, “we’ll teach you about breath control, I’ll squeeze a little tighter, and you’ll think all your birthdays have come at once. Trust me on this.”
His rigid cock pushed against the base of her spine as he moved closer and replaced his fingers with the collar. He fastened it in place, making sure it wasn’t too tight.
“Stand up.”
She did so but remained facing the wall, trembling, waiting to be told what to do next. That she was willing to be subservient so early on confirmed Jared’s conviction that she was a natural. In her day-to-day activities Naomi was anything but subservient. Saul had told them about several arguments she’d had with major players in the modelling business—people she ought to stay on the right side of if she wanted the best bookings—but didn’t seem to care about upsetting them. She publicly took them to task for employing size-zero models which encouraged impressionable young girls to aspire to the wrong body image, leading to anorexia and all sorts of other problems.
Apparently she blew a fuse if drugs were openly offered at the parties she attended. He admired her courage in taking a stance that wouldn’t have made her popular, indicating the depths of her opposition to the drugs culture that swamped her profession. How she must have felt when she was told Saul had died from a drugs overdose he couldn’t begin to imagine. All he did know was that he and Kent would make her forget all about that for the next couple of hours or give up all claims to Dom status.
He placed his hands on her shoulders and told her to look in one of the many full-length mirrors. She did so and reached up a hand to touch the collar.
“It’s pretty,” she said. “What does it signify?”
“That you’re our property,” Jared said. “That you’re spoken for and that we have a responsibility to take good care of you.”
“I am?” She looked over her shoulder at him, rich brown eyes alight with a combination of surprise and anticipation. “You will?”
“It’s tough being a Dom. You get to be spanked, and fucked and all the rest of it, but we have to know precisely how far to take you to give you the ultimate ride without crossing boundaries. Will you trust us to do that?” he asked, pushing her hair aside and nipping gently at her earlobe.
“Yes, you know I will, Sir.” She fingered the collar again. “I’ve seen another one, not as nice, but similar somewhere. Recently.”
“Alice,” Kent said, grinning.
“Oh, but I thought…” She frowned. “I don’t understand. I thought you locked this door to keep her and Connor away from…well, from all of this.”
Jared chuckled. “Have you met Pete who looks after our gardens here?”
“I think I saw Alice talking to him earlier. I thought it was Connor at first. He’s just as big.”
“Connor, Alice and Pete are a permanent item.”
“They’re what!” She widened her eyes, incredulous. “But they’re huge men. They’d split poor Alice in two.”
“Poor Alice lives for her punishments.” Jared caressed her shoulders from behind, speaking softly, seductively, knowing he was turning her on. “They live together in the flat over the garage and Alice takes them both at the same time, as well as receiving regular whippings and all sorts of other punishments if she transgresses their rules. You’ll find out about those yourself if you stick around.”
Whoa, why did I say that? Kent and I don’t do permanent.
“She does all that and enjoys it? How do you know?”
“We first met them at a BDSM club some years back,” Kent explained, carefully applying lube to Naomi’s nipples. “And I remember Connor from school. We’ve seen them in action, which is the whole point of going to a club. Some exponents of the lifestyle like to be watched. When Jared and I are away, they’re free to use this room, and who do you think will clean it when we’ve finished in here?”
Naomi clapped a hand over her mouth. “They’ll know that I’ve…that I’ve—”
Jared and Kent both laughed.
“They’ll take one look at you in the morning and they’ll know,” Kent said. “Those three have forgotten more about BDSM than we’ll ever know.”
“Oh.” Jared could see Naomi wasn’t too sure how she felt about that. He and Kent would just have to get her so wild for them that she forgot all about being embarrassed. He sighed and chuckled simultaneously. The sacrifices he made! “Alice wears her collar all the time. Kinda like a badge of honor.”
“And you can wear yours as well, if you want to, at least while you’re in the house. If you wear it outside, anyone in this game will take one look at it and know you’re a player currently under ownership. It depends if you want the world to know, or not.”
“Most of the world wouldn’t know just from a collar, would they?” she asked, fingering the collar in question, looking a little alarmed.
The side of Jared’s mouth hitched into a lopsided smile. “If you care whether they do or not then you’re not ready to wear it in public, darling. First off, you have to learn not to give a fuck what anyone else thinks of you, which will take time.”
“You have so much to learn that you might need to take notes,” Kent quipped. “There will be a test at the end of your lessons and, just so you know, we’re hard taskmasters. There will be severe punishments if you flunk any part of the course.”
She bit her lip, looking as though containing a smile. “Oh “I’m not ashamed of you. Masters,” she added hastily when Jared tapped her backside with considerable force. “But I need to know a lot more about what goes on in rooms like this one before I’m ready to make a public declaration.”
“Good to know,” Kent said, carefully attaching the clamps to her solidified nipples. “Okay, sweetheart, we’re not finished with these babies yet. Spread your legs for me.”
She looked surprised but did as Kent asked. He slid a couple of fingers into a pu
ssy that Jared could see was already seeping moisture. No additional lube required. He attached the third clamp to her labia and tugged gently at the chain, while Jared attached the one remaining link that dangled from the center onto a detachable hook on the front of her collar.
“Now look at yourself and tell us what you see.”
“That’s not me,” she said, shaking her head and sending her hair tumbling over her shoulders as she stared, wide-eyed, at her image. “The woman in the mirror looks wild, sexy, seductive, uninhibited…self-assured—all the things that I’m not. All those clamps and chains. I look…well, I don’t know how to describe it, but I like the way it makes me feel. It’s like I’ve been given permission to be someone I’m not.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” Jared replied assertively. “This is who you were always supposed to be.”
“Then I’m glad, Sir.”
“Good, because we’re not finished yet,” Kent said. “Sit on the edge of the bed.”
She did so, wincing when she moved her head back too far and sent, literally, a chain reaction spiraling through the most sensitive parts of her body. Jared could tell that once she got over the shock, she rather enjoyed it. Her face flushed, her eyes darkened with passion and she repeatedly moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. Giveaway signs that she was going to be a responsive student, but then they’d already known that much.
Kent lifted one of her feet and gently pushed it into a soft leather boot which, when zipped up would come to mid-thigh.
“I reckon these are your size, darling.”
That proved to be the case. She stood up on their command, wobbling slightly on the four-inch heels but, even the professional model, soon gaining her balance and poise.
“Now you look just right,” Jared said. “There’s only one thing missing. Open your mouth for me.”
She did so and Jared fastened a ball gag in place.
“We’re taking away a different sense this time,” he told her. “Obviously you won’t be able to speak, or safe word us. So, if it gets too much, slap your thigh three times. Okay with that?”