Hot Property [Discretions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
Page 14
She sent him a sensuous smile. “I like your way of fitting around me.”
Jared chuckled. “Glad you approve.”
Kent pulled the covers up to her chin and took his turn to kiss her. “You performed well tonight,” he said. “We’re pleased with your progress and we especially approved of the way you took to being spanked. That gave us a lot of pleasure which, just so you don’t forget, is your purpose while you’re here with us. Fall asleep thinking of new ways to please us and you can tell us what you’ve come up with tomorrow.”
“I’ll do my best to please you both,” she said demurely, her eyes closing again.
As they left the room, she was already almost asleep.
Chapter Eleven
When Naomi woke the next morning, she knew she’d slept far later than usual. There were distant sounds of activity within the house that she hadn’t heard the previous day when she’d gotten up with the dawn. She sat up and yawned, feeling rested, sore and very pleased with herself. She stretched her arms above her head and felt something tug on her neck. Her fingers made contact with the diamond collar and a smile simultaneously graced lips bruised from the guys’ demanding kisses.
What had she done? Was it kinky, deviant? Should she be ashamed? Hell, no! It was fun and she felt more alive than she could ever before recall being. Nothing that felt so good could possibly be wrong. They were consenting adults and what they got up to in private was no one’s business other than their own.
She threw back the covers and headed for the shower, all sorts of muscles she was unaware she possessed making their presence felt. Her backside was sore, and so was her anus, but not unpleasantly so. Her nipples tingled and her pussy did what it hadn’t stopped doing since she set foot in this house and clapped eyes on its owners.
It throbbed.
She smiled as she stood beneath the hot jets of water, defiantly leaving the collar in place. When she’d dried off, she pulled on clean underwear, jeans and a top and made her way barefoot downstairs. The first person she encountered was Alice, who took one look at her, presumably noticed the collar, and beamed.
“Welcome to the life,” she said, engulfing Naomi in an expansive hug. “I knew you were the one for those boys the moment I saw you. They’re in the conservatory. I’ll bring you coffee and some breakfast.”
“There’s no need. I can do it myself.”
“Yes, but I want to look after you. Therein lies the difference.”
Naomi smiled her thanks and headed for the conservatory. Alice’s causal acceptance of her activities helped her shut out the little voice inside of her brain that kept asking her what the hell she thought she was doing. Naomi was self-sufficient and had learned the hard way never to lean on anyone else. With a family like hers, with the notable exception of Saul, it had been the only way to survive. But now she was starting to rely upon Jared and Kent. She reminded herself it could only be a temporary state of affairs and that she shouldn’t get too comfortable.
Both guys looked up when she walked in and smiled at her. Those smiles broadened when they saw her still wearing the collar, but they made no comment about her decision to do so, or what it implied. They had papers covering half the table and the cursor on Jared’s laptop blinked at her.
Kent was still kissing her good morning when Alice came in with coffee, juice, fruit, and cereal on a tray.
“Let the poor girl eat before you maul her, Kent,” she chided, putting the tray down and winking at Naomi. “Honestly,” she said, speaking to Naomi as though the boys weren’t in the room. “You have to start the way you mean to go on, sweetheart. We all love sex, but sometimes men can be too demanding.”
“Er, yes, quite.”
“Don’t let Connor hear you talk like that,” Kent told her. “Or you won’t be able to sit down for a week.”
Alice’s eyes sparkled. “A girl can but hope.”
Jared laughed. “You’re incorrigible.”
“Don’t mind Alice,” Kent said as the housekeeper left the room. “Connor and Peter are her Doms but we all know who’s really in charge of that relationship.”
“You’d better believe it.” Alice chuckled as she closed the door behind herself.
As Jared poured Naomi’s coffee, she sensed the full weight of his assessing gaze upon her profile.
“What is it?” she asked, embarrassed by his scrutiny.
“Just reassuring myself that you’re okay. We’ve never had a sub who wasn’t experienced before and we were worried we’d taken you too far, too fast.”
“I think I might have a few bruises on my backside, but I rather like the feel of them. They remind me of…well, of what you made me feel.”
“You liked taking it up your arse as well, didn’t you, darling?” Jared sent her a sexy smile. “Tell me the truth. If you didn’t we don’t need to do that again.”
“Hey, I didn’t have you two pegged as quitters.”
Jared laughed as he stood behind her chair and ran his large hand beneath her top, covering her tits with them and tweaking her sore nipples. She felt the clasp at the back of her bra fall undone and then his hands were on her bare skin.
“I’m very glad you feel that way.” To her intense disappointment he removed his hands and resumed his seat. “If you feel ready for it, tonight we’ll spank you with something a little more rewarding. Then we have a big treat in store for you. Oh, and while we’re in the house, it’s a no-bra zone. We want to see your lovely fat nipples pressing against whatever you’re wearing. Are we clear?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Lift up your arms.”
She did as she was told. He pulled her top over her head, threw her bra aside and then replaced her top. She glanced down and could see her nipples clearly through the thin fabric. Kent and Jared nodded their approval.
“That’s much better,” Kent said, smacking his lips together.
“Am I allowed to ask what my treat is going to be?”
“No!” they said together.
Naomi contented herself with a smug little smile, aware that whatever it was it would be worth waiting for, and applied herself to her breakfast. She was ravenous and cleared everything that Alice had given her.
“What are we going to do today?” she asked.
“First off, we ought to visit Frank again,” Kent replied. “We just phoned the hospital. He’s out of intensive care and in a private room. He’s also more lucid now the pain medication has been reduced. We’ll have to break the news about Saul before he hears it elsewhere and then see if he can remember anything about the people who attacked him.”
Such sobering thoughts chased away Naomi’s salacious anticipation of the night to come.
“I’ve also got chapter and verse on your father’s financials,” Jared said, pointing to the pile of papers on the table. “It doesn’t make for pleasant reading. The bar is failing and he took out a mortgage on the house Saul bought for him to shore it up. He’s hemorrhaging money. He either doesn’t know how to run a business, is being robbed blind by his employees, or spending it faster than it comes in. Whatever, he needs an injection of cash fast or he’ll lose the bar and his home.”
“That doesn’t surprise me, but it does mean he badly needed Saul to stay alive and earning.”
“Yeah,” Kent agreed. “It would also explain why he came to England to see him in person. If Saul had stopping bailing him out from a distance, from what we know of Saul’s easy-going character, it would be harder for him to do so face to face.”
Naomi ground her jaw. “Quite.”
“Okay, darling, as soon as you’re ready we’ll have Connor drive us to the hospital.”
“Just give me a minute.”
Naomi snatched up her discarded bra and ran up the stairs. She put it back on again and dressed in nicer pants and a silk blouse. She looked at the collar for several minutes, then carefully removed it. She wasn’t ready to show herself in public wearing a symbol that a l
ot of people would recognize for what it was.
The guys were waiting for her when she went back downstairs. She could see they noticed the absence of the collar but neither of them commented upon it. Jared took her arm and this time all three of them sat in the back of the Bentley, Naomi in between the guys, each of whom rested a large hand on one of her thighs. Don’t lean on them. The hell with that! Their hands felt too damned good to even think about asking them to remove them.
“One day,” Jared said in that softly persuasive upper-class drawl of his that usually signaled he was about to talk dirty to her, “the three of us will get it on in the back of this car while Connor drives us.”
“I don’t know about that,” Naomi replied dubiously.
“The windows are tinted and we can put up the privacy screen between us and Connor so he won’t get to see,” Kent assured her. “You want to please your Masters, don’t you, honey?”
“Yes, Sir, of course I do.”
“Well then, there’s no time like the present,” Jared said. He pressed a button and the privacy screen slid smoothly into place. “Undo your trousers, Naomi, and slide them down your legs. Your panties, too.”
Kent pulled the pants and her thong free of one leg. “Now bring your knees up, spread them wide and balance your feet on the seat.”
She did as she was told, excited, bearing her sex for their scrutiny, no longer worrying about the upcoming visit to Frank and how they would break the devastating news to a man already suffering from such a terrible injury. All she cared about was what her two hunks intended to do to her next. Whatever it was, they’d obviously planned it.
“Show us how you’d use this on yourself,” Jared said, producing the huge phallic dildo she’d seen on a shelf in their playroom the night before. She blinked at it, barely conscious of Kent’s hands unbuttoning her blouse and relieving her of her bra. “Look upon it as research. We want you to show us just how flexible your body is by demonstrating how much of it you can get up that tight cunt of yours.”
“But it’s huge. Way bigger than either of you, and wider. I’m not sure…I don’t know if I can—”
“But you want to try for us, don’t you?” Jared said in a tone that brooked no argument, handing her the sex toy, having turned it on to a low speed.
“Yes, Masters.”
She closed her eyes and relived in her mind the things they’d done to her the night before. The recollection caused her hips to move as she parted her slick folds and pushed the tip of the dildo inside her pussy. It slid in with surprising ease and she found she wanted more. So much more. She fumbled for the switch, turned it on to a faster speed, and pushed it deeper.
“Christ!” she heard Kent say. “She’s already taken more than half of it.”
“She can do better than that,” Jared said, sounding mildly disappointed by her puny effort.
She so didn’t want to disappoint him. With one hand she pinched a nipple as hard as she could, hoping one of them would assume that duty for her. They didn’t. This was clearly her show. She sensed a flash of light behind her closed eyelids and presumed one or the other of them had photographed her with the massive vibrator half in and out of her cunt. As a professional, who never settled for anything less than perfection when it came to photographic evidence, she pushed the vibrator deeper, bucking her hips to take it as far as it would go, spurred on by their exclamations of encouragement and, finally, approval.
“She’s taken a good ten inches,” Kent said. “Oh, God, this wasn’t such a good idea. My cock’s gone into orbit.”
Jerad chuckled. “Is that the best you can do for us, Naomi?”
He was goading her. Shit, her cunt was bursting with rubber cock. What more did he expect her to do? She opened her eyes and looked him directly in the eye.
“I’m waiting for your permission to come, Master,” she said in a provocative tone.
Jared ripped the vibrator from her pussy and threw it on the floor. She was about to protest, then noticed that both of them had their zippers open, rigid cocks hanging out.
“Straddle me,” Jared said curtly.
Naomi did so and Jared thrust into her harshly, already giving her way more satisfaction with his throbbing prick then she would ever have gotten from the toy. He grasped her hips and drove into her with a strong, circular gyrating movement as he held her tightly down on him. He hadn’t told her to hold back, and she couldn’t, even if that was what he wanted. She knew it wasn’t when Kent slapped her bare buttocks hard and told her to let it go.
She and Jared came together in a firestorm of passionate release that left them both smiling yet breathless. Jared lifted her from him and wiped her clean. They’d clearly come prepared for this. Then she felt Kent’s strong hands lifting her across the seat, and across his thighs. He wanted her, too, and she was more than ready to oblige him. It seemed only fair. Jared’s fingers played with her anus as Kent drummed into her, hard, relentlessly. It was over again in seconds and she collapsed against the solidity of Kent’s chest, a broad smile on her lips.
“There’s something about doing it in a moving vehicle that gets to me every time,” Jared said as he wiped her clean and helped her to dress.
“Feeling better?” Kent asked her.
“How did you know I needed that?” she demanded.
“Lucky guess.” Jared chuckled, lowering the privacy screen again. Connor turned his head sideways and winked at her before returning his attention to the road.
“You feel better able to face Frank now?” Kent asked.
“Way better.” She slipped one of her hands into each of theirs. “Thanks, guys.”
“Our pleasure,” Jared replied. “We don’t usually indulge in quickies. It’s a sin to hurry such pleasure, but sometimes a quick fix does the job.”
Naomi had only just gotten her breath back when Connor pulled into the hospital parking lot. With Jared and Kent flanking her, they found their way to the private wing of the hospital.
“I thought everything was free,” Naomi said, glancing at the far better equipped, much less populated corridor they entered.
“It is, but people still have the option to purchase private insurance, which means they get to jump the queue,” Jared explained. “Some interest groups say that’s unfair, but I see it as freedom of choice. Okay, you get quicker treatment if you pay for it, but not necessarily better. And if you opt for the private route, it’s one name less on the NHS waiting list.”
“Here we are,” Kent said, stopping at the reception desk.
They asked for Frank and were told to wait. A senior nurse approached them, apparently aware of Frank’s circumstances and the fact that he didn’t yet know about Saul.
“I gather you’re going to break the news,” she said. “I don’t envy you that one. Ring the bell if he gets agitated and we’ll be right there. He’s had a scan and there’s no neurological damage, which is why we felt it safe to remove him from ICU, but he still ought not to get upset, although I don’t see how that can be helped. He might get survivor’s guilt if he thinks Saul died instead of him, or something equally foolish.”
“Why would he think that?” Naomi asked.
The nurse shrugged. “There’re still people who don’t like gays and openly attack them. He’s said once or twice that’s what he thinks happened. It’s also why he needs to know the truth.”
Jared thanked her and the three of them made their way to Frank’s room. He still looked pale, and very ill, but was awake, half sitting, and had fewer tubes protruding from his body. He looked pleased to see them.
“No Saul?” he asked as soon as they’d exchanged greetings.
As gently as he could, Jared explained that Saul was dead, while Naomi kept a tight hold of the hand that wasn’t attached to a drip.
“Dead,” he said, blinking rapidly. “I don’t understand.”
“Nor do we, mate, but we aim to find out,” Kent assured him, explaining about the steroids.
Saul would never touch steroids,” Frank said, finally becoming agitated as tears streamed down his face.
“Relax,” Jared said, hand poised over the bell. “We know that.”
“Can you tell us who’s been to see him recently?” Naomi asked, when Frank recovered a degree of composure. “We know Perry Dalton was in touch. And Sam.”
“Yeah, Perry came to the apartment. I hid in the bedroom. We didn’t know what he wanted but didn’t want him to know we were living together. Just imagine what mileage he’d have made out of that.” Frank looked as though he was about to shake his head and remembered, just in time, not to attempt it. “In fact, he was in a conciliatory frame of mine. Said his agent didn’t know about his going to see Saul.”
“What had it to do with him?” Jared asked.
“Well, he seemed to think the rivalry between them, the public insults and stuff, was a good thing. That it would raise both of their profiles and that Perry ought to keep the antagonism going.” Jared and Kent shared a disgusted look. “Yeah, that’s what Perry thought. He apologized for the things he’d said to Saul and wanted to bury the hatchet. If Saul agreed then Perry said he’d tell his agent to go fuck himself…excuse the language, Naomi, but tempers were running high. There’s enough pressure on players without inventing more where none exists.”
“So they parted on good terms?” Jared asked.
“Yeah. Perry admitted he’d been a prat to get involved with steroids and said he looked forward to whipping Saul’s arse on the court on equal terms.”
“Sounds like we can cross him off the list of suspects, if he came to see Saul the day before he died.”
“He did,” Frank confirmed.
“What about Sam?” Naomi asked.
“Saul and I met him together in a restaurant. I told Saul to meet him alone. I figured they’d have stuff to talk about, but Saul insisted I go along too, that we had no secrets from one another. Sam didn’t seem best pleased that I was there. He wasn’t expecting me, you see, but I think he got the message.”