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Illicit Passions

Page 4

by Crystal Jordan

  Mouth hanging open, he stared at her. Really?

  “You were just kidding, huh?” Her tone turned mournful.

  He’d been trying to shock her, but she’d turned the tables on him. However, he wasn’t above taking advantage of the situation. He unsnapped her seatbelt, wrapped his fingers around her arm and hauled her into his lap. She gave a squeak of surprise, but then grinned.

  He shook his head and grinned back. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a little bit crazy?”

  Straddling him, she set her hands on his shoulders. Her eyes widened and she chortled. “Only a little bit?”

  She was still laughing when he took her mouth. He shoved his fingers into her hair and dragged her down until he could plunder her soft lips. Everything about her was soft. Her hair, her skin, her lush body. He tightened his grip on her silky locks, pulling her head back so he could nip and suck his way down the swan’s elegant neck. She struggled against his dominant hold, but he didn’t let go, just bit the base of her throat. Her moan fired his blood. His heart pounded like a hammer against his ribs, and his senses expanded.

  He scraped his fangs over the sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder, and she gasped, her hips bucking. The fabric of her shorts rubbing over his cock sent a shudder through him. Wrapping his arms around her, he stilled her motions before she shredded his control.

  “Bastian,” she gasped. “I need to move. Please, Bastian!”

  He liked the sound of his name on her lips, especially in that throaty, lust-filled tone. He slipped his hands under her shirt, feeling the warm resilience of her skin. She cupped her palms around his jaw, stroked her hands down his neck, his shoulders, his chest, petting him. It fulfilled a visceral need he’d never even known he had. The wolf within him writhed at the ecstasy of her touch.

  Beast and man had never craved anything so much.

  Well, the man knew how to distract a girl, that was for sure. He hadn’t been lying. She wasn’t even naked yet and she was more turned on than she’d ever been in her life.

  Touching him was a tactile smorgasbord. Satin flesh stretched taut over steely musculature, crisp curls on his chest tickled her palms. She’d seen all of his goods before he’d gotten in her car, but having her hands on him made molten lava flow through her veins. She wanted, wanted, wanted. Her nipples were so tight they ached, her sex wept juices and she knew her panties were soaked. Every time he rocked his hips into her, it made the seam on her jean shorts rub her in just the right place to make her scream with frustration.

  He took her lips again and his flavor filled her mouth. Coffee and sugar and something uniquely Bastian. It was a taste she could become addicted to. She shoved that thought out of her mind. There was no sense giving up one addiction just to take on another. His claws scraped against her back as he pushed her shirt up, and she shivered. God, yes. She wanted his hands on her skin.

  Breaking the kiss, she grabbed the hem of her top, yanked it over her head and tossed it onto the driver’s seat. Her bra followed quickly after, and the night breeze on her sensitized nipples was almost enough to make her sob.

  A sub-vocal growl rumbled his chest. His mouth closed over the tip of one breast and she did sob then, it felt so fucking good. He sucked her hard, circled his tongue around her nipple. She felt the prick of his fangs and knotted her hands in his hair, wanting to hold him there.

  She undulated against his lap, trying to communicate what she needed. Him, inside her. Right now. But God, the things his talented lips could do. He used his tongue to shove her nipple against the roof of his mouth. It sent a shockwave of delight roaring through her body. Her pussy fisted on emptiness, a precursor to orgasm just from what he was doing to her breasts.

  She whimpered, her thighs clamping tight on his hips. “Bastian, Bastian, Bastian…”

  His claws extended again and he shredded her shorts to rip them away. A quick tug and the elastic on her underwear snapped under his preternatural strength. Then she was bared for him and he dipped his fingers into her sex.

  “Yes!” Her voice carried out over the desert, but she was too far gone to wonder if there might be anyone watching. Talons tipped her fingers and she dug them into his shoulders. “Inside me. Now. Inside me.”

  His laugh was a rusty sound. “I’d love to make you wait, sweetheart, but I don’t think I have the willpower.”

  “Thank God for that. Hurry up and fuck me, Lykaios.”

  He groaned, his fingers biting into her hips hard enough to leave bruises. She felt the blunt probing of his cock and pushed her hips down to meet him halfway. The shock of penetration robbed her of breath. Damn, he was big. The stretch was pleasure and pain and so intense it made her cry out.

  He froze beneath her, his hands holding her still. “Did I hurt you? Answer me, Tori.”

  “No,” she gasped, shaking her head for emphasis. “Please don’t stop.”

  If he stopped now, she just might die. Need drove her, forced her into motion. She rolled her hips as far as his grip would let her, nudging his dick back and forth within her. The sensation sent tingles skipping down her limbs, but it wasn’t enough. She slipped her hands down his chest to rub her thumbs over his nipples. The flat discs beaded for her and a moan spilled out of him. But he still didn’t move, didn’t let her move. She was filled to the limit and yet there was no surcease in sight. It was maddening and erotic all at the same time.

  “Please, Bastian. I need…I have to…” Her thoughts skittered out of coherency as her body throbbed. “Please, please, please.”

  Hell yes, she was willing to beg if that’d get her what she wanted. Pleasure had no shame. She ground his nipples between her fingers. A raw, feral noise ripped out of him and that was when she knew she’d won. He jerked her down tight to the base of his cock, driving deeper than he’d been before. She watched his face as his control stripped away and the true feral nature of the wolf flashed in his gray gaze. His fangs extended as he lifted and lowered her on his dick. She matched him stroke for stroke. Up, down. Faster and faster. Harder and harder.

  The pace he set was punishing. Their skin slapped together as they moved, groans echoing across the desert. It was pure, animalistic lust and she reveled in it. The coarse hair at his groin stimulated her clit with each downward plunge. The head of his cock hit her in just the right spot every time, and goose bumps broke out across her flesh. The way the cool breeze caressed her skin only underscored the heat they generated together. Sweat beaded on her forehead, her breath rushed in little gasps and her muscles burned from the workout.

  Her eyes drifted closed as he filled her again and again. Climax began to build so high and hot she thought she’d implode. A few more swift thrusts—that was all she needed to send her flying. And there was nothing a bird liked better than that.

  “Look at me, Tori,” he commanded. She did as he bid and their gazes locked. A satisfied rumble shook his chest. He reached between them, pressing his thumb against her clit. “I want to see your face when—”

  Orgasm slammed into her, dragging her under in a riptide of ecstasy. Her inner muscles clenched and released on his cock in rhythmic waves that made her eyes roll back. He kept moving and it stretched her climax on forever. Every time he penetrated her, an aftershock of orgasm whipped through her. Her pussy clamped tight around his dick, milking the solid length of his shaft. Mewling little cries came from her throat and a tear leaked from the corner of her eye.

  One, two, three more strokes and he tensed beneath her. The savage sound he made sent a shiver over her skin and he pumped his come deep within her. His chest worked like a bellow with every breath, lust flushing the angles of his face. His eyes burned to bright silver and the look he gave her was so reverent it made her feel powerful and humble all in one moment. “Tori.”

  “Bastian.” She collapsed in his arms and he cradled her close. They stayed that way for long moments as their breathing slowed and their heart rates returned to normal. Sheer lassitude sapped her will t
o do anything other than stay right where she was. That was what sex should be like every time. A smug, satisfied grin tugged at her lips.

  “How do you feel?” He threaded his fingers through her hair. “Need a cigarette yet?”

  A chuckle escaped her in a breathy rush. “Not yet.”

  “Good.” His voice deepened. “Take me back to your place and I’ll keep you in that frame of mind all night.”

  “All night, huh?” She pressed her palms to his chest and leaned back to meet his gaze. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  There wasn’t an ounce of cockiness in his smile, just the confidence of a man who knew exactly what he was doing. “You do that.”

  She intended to. Scooting over onto her side of the car, she sat on her discarded clothes. “You don’t mind if I drive naked, do you?”

  Fire hot enough to burn filled his gaze. “Not if you put the gas pedal on the floorboard, Haida. I don’t want to wait.”

  “I like you so much.” And then she gunned it, her laughter whipping away in the wind.

  Chapter Four

  The nature of shifters meant that most werekind didn’t bother with modesty. When they changed forms, they couldn’t take their clothes with them, so they learned at a young age that certain amounts of nudity in front of other shifters were normal.

  Which meant Bastian had seen a whole lot of naked women in his life. Men too, but their bodies didn’t interest him.

  None of that had prepared him for watching Tori Haida stroll across her driveway in the buff. The woman was like poetry in motion. Moonlight turned her pale hair and skin to pure silver, but when she turned to grin and beckon him forward, his heart skipped a beat and his cock hardened in visceral reaction to her. The wolf inside him gave an appreciative growl, and man and animal had never been in greater accord than they were at that moment.

  Nothing in the world mattered as much as joining with her.

  He trailed her up the drive and into the small Spanish-style house that blended with the surrounding desert and matched the look of the rest of the resort. Inside, the furnishings were the same as those in his bungalow, but the decorative touches had Tori’s distinct stamp. The living room was painted a muted blue, but several large metal sculptures were mounted on the walls. A smaller one sat in the middle of the coffee table. Each was in a different bright, primary color. It took a moment for him to realize what he was looking at, but then he grinned. “Cars.”

  She winked. “Yep. One of my brothers—Miles—is a metal sculptor. He made these for me out of classic car scraps.”


  “Thanks. I’d tell him the wolf Beta said so, but then he’d want to know what you were doing in my house. So not a conversation I want to have. Very protective, my brother.” She sauntered into the kitchen. “Wait here.”

  Ignoring that, he followed her, unwilling to be denied the sight of her, even for a few minutes. “How many brothers do you have?”

  She jerked a bit when he spoke, then glanced back at him. “I said to wait in there. You don’t listen very well, do you?”

  He shrugged unapologetically. When she said nothing, he prompted, “Brothers?”

  Normally, he wasn’t the type to pry into his lovers’ lives. He preferred to keep personal separate from sexual. It was easier that way—it helped everyone maintain the proper perspective on the relationship. Fun, but not deep. Not permanent.

  For some reason, Tori made him forget his own rules.

  “Three. Orien, Miles and Krispin. Orien is the youngest and the tallest, which annoys Krispin, who’s the oldest and the shortest. All very protective.” She pulled two glasses and a bottle of gin out of the cabinet. “Don’t worry, you’ll never have to meet them. They don’t live around here. I’m the only one who strayed very far from the nest.”

  He didn’t bother to say anything about the chances a flock of swans had against a wolf, regardless of how protective they might be. Somehow, he had no doubt that they’d each have as ferocious a personality as their sister. “You’re the only girl, aren’t you?”

  “Yep.” She tugged the stopper from the bottle. “Is it obvious?”

  He leaned his shoulder against the wall, crossing his arms. “You have the same tough-as-the-boys attitude as Celeste. She’s the only girl amongst brothers too.”

  “I know,” she said simply.

  “Right. You know her.”

  She poured them both a generous portion of alcohol. “That, and you’re the Alpha’s children. The werekind papers mention you occasionally.”

  “True.” Though the media did tend to get their facts wrong every now and then, or ladle more sensation onto an event than the situation warranted. Plus, the Alpha’s family learned to keep a low profile on truly private matters. Sometimes you won that particular chess match with paparazzi and sometimes you didn’t. Still, she knew far more about him than he did about her. “I guess you have me at a bit of a loss then.”

  “I kind of like you that way.”

  He grunted. “I’ll remember that for the future.”

  A little chortle came from her. “And take your revenge at the appropriate time when I’m least expecting it?”

  “A dish best served cold, I’ve heard.”

  “It’s true. Trust me. Though hot and fresh revenge is good too.” She went to the fridge and got a few pieces of ice for the drinks.

  An open sketchbook on the built-in desk to the left of the doorway drew his attention. He bent to get a closer look. Drawings of cars, but unlike anything he’d ever seen before. They were something out of a futuristic movie, so sleek were the lines, and yet something about them reminded him of old hotrods. There were a couple of designs tacked to the wall above the desk and a few more spread out on the wooden surface, each one as fascinating as the next.

  “Hey, these are really good. Did you do them?”

  “What?” A tiny note of alarm entered her voice. “Oh, it’s just a hobby. Don’t look at those.”

  She hurried over and plunked the glasses on the desk, quickly stuffing the sketches into drawers. To see her flustered for the first time was both amusing and endearing.

  “Where did you learn to do that?” He snagged one drawing before she could stow it away. “Really, Tori, you’re incredibly talented.”

  “I have a degree in industrial design.” She held out her hand and gave him A Look until he gave her back the piece of paper. “Once upon a time I thought I’d like to design cars, but frankly I don’t like the lame models they crank out now. All the cars look the same. I don’t want to work for people who want me to conform to some standard. I don’t do generic. It’s not my style.”

  “So what do you call your style, then?”

  “Nouveau classique.” She grinned. “Cuz everything sounds cooler in French.”

  “New classic, huh? Actually, that fits well with what I saw. Can I see more?”

  “I have a better idea.” She picked up the snifters and offered him one. Her gaze flicked over his body appreciatively. “I have another sculpture made from the chrome bumper of a ’57 Chevy pickup mounted over my bed. Wanna see?”

  He snorted and accepted a glass. “Having you use the word ‘mount’ in the same sentence with ‘bed’ is enough to make all the blood in my brain rush south.”

  Her gaze dropped to his cock, a grin blooming on her full lips. “I have no problem with that.”

  “Excellent.” He clinked his tumbler against hers in a small toast. They drank in comfortable silence for a moment, but he could smell the rising scent of her arousal. It was the headiest aphrodisiac he’d ever known, and his dick grew stiffer. He finished his drink in two swallows and set the snifter aside. “Show me your etchings, Ms. Haida. Now.”

  “Since you asked so nicely.” She chuckled, drained her glass and dropped it on the counter with a small thunk.

  The sway of her hips lured him like a Lorelei as she headed down the hall. There was no way he could resist. Not that he tried. She flipped on t
he light and made a sweeping gesture. “My etchings. Sculpture. Whatever.”

  He barely spared it a glance. Shiny metal was not what he wanted to focus on in Tori’s bedroom. He stepped up behind her, his hands cupping her luscious ass. She pressed back into his touch, her head falling forward. He nuzzled her nape, dragging in the hot, erotic scent of her. Sex and sweat and female desire. And Tori. Just Tori. It was the most arousing smell he’d ever experienced, like a hit of an incredibly potent drug. His cock throbbed and he ached to be buried inside her again.

  Turning her head, she tipped her face up for a kiss. He took her mouth with a fierce hunger, and it was all lips and teeth and tongues. The coppery tang of blood hit his taste buds, and it made his wolf struggle for control of the moment. It wanted to take, to claim, to throw aside the veneer of civility and be the rutting, ferocious beast. His fangs extended, punching through his gums. He growled and spun her until her cheek pressed against the wall next to the door.

  “Bastian.” Her hands moved back to grasp the outsides of his thighs, her body arching into his. His fangs scored her shoulder, his tongue flicking against her flesh. A gasp spilled from her and her talons dug into his legs. The pain drove another shaft of lust through him, and he nudged his knee between her thighs, opening her for his possession.

  Her hips tilted in invitation. “Fuck me hard, Bastian. I feel the need for some serious distraction.”

  “My pleasure.” He thrust deep and hard, hilting himself in one swift motion.

  She moaned. “And mine.”

  The tight clasp of her slick sheath was enough to make his skull explode. He shuddered and closed his eyes. Dear God, she felt so fucking good he had to hang onto his control with the tips of his wolf’s claws. He didn’t want to go so wild that he hurt her. Sweat beaded on his forehead and he clamped his hands around her waist to keep her from moving. She chuckled and squeezed her inner muscles around his shaft.

  His eyes flared open, and his hips bucked in reaction. They both groaned. His restraint crumbled and he slammed deeper inside her. Again and again. No finesse, no gentleness. Her palms braced against the wall, her talons dug into the plaster and she pushed back into his thrusts. He set his hands over hers, holding her in place while he fucked her. His lungs burned as he worked his cock in her pussy. The feel of her smooth skin sliding against his was mind-blowing.


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