Darkest Sin

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Darkest Sin Page 40

by Ashton Blackthorne

  “Right, Princess. A man like him would have a beautiful woman like you over at his house in the middle of the night to simply work. Sorry, I just don’t buy it.”

  “It’s true. I wanted Ash, but he told me to leave! So, there you have it!” I struggled against the ropes despite the pain.

  “Oh, my pretty little Princess, how I’ve missed you. Don’t you remember Daddy spanking your sweet little ass, how hard you would come as I would drag my fingers across your wet clit?” Ayden’s hands roamed my body.

  “DON’T TOUCH ME!” I screamed kicking at him.

  Ayden seized me by the throat pulling my face up to his.

  Staring into his eyes, I couldn’t believe I ever once thought he was handsome. He repulsed me. His breath smelled of stale cigarette smoke causing my stomach to churn.

  “Amber, you’re mine. You’ll always be mine. I don’t care how many times you and Ash fucked you’re still mine.” He pulled me even closer crushing his lips down onto mine.

  Pulling back with all my might, I managed to sink my teeth into his lower lip.

  “You bitch!” He cried stumbling back clutching his mouth. Blood dripped onto his t-shirt.

  “Don’t fucking touch me again!” I screamed, struggling with my hands tied behind my back.

  I cringed waiting to see what he would do.

  Ayden reached for me pulling me to my feet. He smiled the blood staining his lips. “You’ve become quite sassy, haven’t you, Princess? Maybe it’s time for Daddy to correct you. Remember how I used to do it?” He growled bending his head low.

  Recalling the way he used to spank me which was more attuned to a brutal beating than a playful spanking, I trembled with fear. Tears began to well in my eyes. He wasn’t playing anymore.

  The time it was for real. And I sensed unless Ash showed up, I would never escape from him alive.

  He walked over to me. His gait was slow, panther-like stalking me. When he spoke, his voice was low and evil. “Princess, I want you helpless, hopeless, and broken.”

  Tears poured down my cheeks as I trembled with fear.

  “Oh, Princess, such sweet tears.” He leaned over to swipe his finger across my cheek. He brought it to his lips. “You know you’re so beautiful when you cry. Gives me a fucking hard on, did I ever tell you that?”

  Sickened, I swallowed hard. “Ayden, please don’t. I’m sorry for the way things ended between us. It was never my intention to hurt you.”

  “Isn’t that what they all say? ‘I never meant to hurt you’. All the while they’re fucking some other guy behind your back.” Ayden grabbed me and spun me around.

  I shrieked with terror as he thrust me over a chair.

  “There now, Princess. Time for punishment.” With that, he pulled his leather flogger out.

  Seeing him standing there with the flogger in his hand, screams erupted from my throat. I shut my eyes tightly as I braced myself for his beating.

  “Princess? I want to hear one thing from you.”


  “Call me daddy.”

  Thirty Nine


  Sitting in the parking garage at a building in Queens, I waited for my PI to arrive. I couldn’t stop thinking about poor Amber. She must be so scared. God only knew what that monster was doing to her. She’d been through so much I just didn’t know how much more she could take.

  I heard wheels screaming echoing throughout the garage. An old blue Buick Century pulled up beside me.

  “I know, I know. The car sucks. But it’s inconspicuous.” A tall, burly guy in his mid-fifties with a shaved head emerged from the car laughing.

  “Hey, I’m not one to judge. I just need you to find my partner.” I walked over to his car.

  “I’m Sal. Get in.” The guy motioned me inside his car. The interior was even rougher than the outside of the car. The seats were torn up and the dashboard was sticky with old coffee.

  “I live out of this fucking car, I apologize. So, tell me about your partner. Amber, right?”

  I nodded. Quickly, I filled him in on all the details.

  “So, this guy Ayden has her? You’re sure?”

  “Yes. He called me this morning.”

  “Is that your phone?” He gestured to the bulge in my pants pocket.

  I nodded handing it to him.

  He typed several things into the phone. “It’s an app I use. It will trace any call coming into this phone.”

  “What if it’s private?”

  He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. Look, this app isn’t for the general public. A little something I got from my days at the Bureau. It tracks via the cell phone towers, etc. Very technical.” He continued punching codes into my phone. “So he said he’s going to call tonight?” Sal asked, handing me back my phone.

  “Yes. He…he’s been violent in the past.” I struggled to get the words out. God, Ayden could kill her. Who knew what he was capable of?

  Sal nodded. “A domestic. You said he’s a former boyfriend. Guys like that…man, I’d like to say it’ll be okay, but in all honesty, I can’t. This Ayden, if he’s obsessed with her and it sounds like he is, he could do anything. Particularly if he feels he’s got nothing left to lose. Do you know if he just lost his job? Wife? House?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know much about him except he really hurt Amber years ago. He broke into her house and the police thought he intended to kill her. Went to prison for a few years for it. He got out recently and just started following her again.”

  “What about you? Is Amber your girlfriend or what?” Sal asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Not really. It’s complicated. She’s very close to me. I’ll do anything, anything at all to get her back. Money-it’s no issue.”

  Sal nodded. “Well, keep your phone on at all times. If he calls, we’ll get him. If not, I’ve got some guys to call in. They’re all former agents, so chances are we’ll find her. Let’s just hope it’s not too late.”

  My heart nearly stopped. I couldn’t let anything happen to Amber.

  “I’ll be in touch.”

  Walking back to my car, I sat there for several minutes in a stupor. Where could she be?



  “Ayden, please let me go!” I cried tugging at the restraints.

  “Not yet, Princess. I let you go once and you left me for three years. Now that I have you, I’m never letting you go.”

  My heart sank. His normally beautiful hazel eyes had a maniacal wicked gleam in them. I had to do something to get him to trust me so that he would untie me. “Ayden, I’ve missed you so much.”

  He placed his hand on my shoulder caressing me.

  My skin crawled at his touch.

  “No, you haven’t. If you had, you wouldn’t have left me for that pretentious prick, Ashton Blackthorne.” Ayden gritted his teeth as he tightened his grip on my shoulder.

  I shook my head vigorously. “Ash had nothing to do with why we broke up, Ayden. I was in a bad place. I wasn’t ready to commit then.”

  “Bullshit.” Ayden’s hands slipped over my breasts.

  Swallowing hard, I racked my brain trying to think of what he would buy. “Ayden, remember that night we spent at Marian’s wedding at the Plaza Hotel? That was the most magical night I’ve ever had. Remember how we danced to that terrible band?”

  Ayden’s mouth softened slightly. His grip on my shoulder relaxed. “Call me daddy,” he commanded.

  “Daddy, everyone else in the place couldn’t take their eyes off us. That was the night I fell in love…really in love with you.” I watched his eyes carefully.

  His gaze softened as his hands fell to his sides.

  “Daddy, will you please just let me up? My wrists ache so badly. I know you’re not a bad person. I know you never meant to hurt me years ago. It was my fault. I wasn’t submitting to you, as I should have. I was stubborn. I needed you to discipline me-to break me. And you did. But I was afraid.” I held my breat
h wiggling my wrists behind my back.

  “Princess, I am sorry for what happened then. You know I never wanted to hurt you. Back then, you were rebellious and untrained. I had to train you and that was the only way I could think of to do that.”

  Waves of nausea washed over me as I recalled just what he’d done. Trying to maintain my focus, I looked around the room at possible escape routes. It looked as if the only way out was up the staircase he’d come down. Wiggling my wrists against the restraints, I felt them loosen. I just had to keep him talking a bit until I could get them off. “Ayden, I’m sorry for all I put you through. I loved you then and I still have… feelings for you now.” I swallowed the lie like a bitter pill.

  “Amber,” he whispered softly brushing my hair from my forehead.

  Finally, the ropes binding my wrists gave way slipping from them.

  I grabbed them holding them up around my wrists. “Daddy, I’m so thirsty. Could you get me that bottle of water over there?” I nodded toward the table.

  My heart pounded every fiber of my being was on edge as I sat poised to make my move. As Ayden walked over to the table, I inched my way forward on the chair. My boots were still on my feet and I thanked God I had foreseen to put on my snow boots before I left Ash’s place. Ayden had left them on.

  As Ayden turned to retrieve the water bottle, I tossed the ropes off my wrists and stood up.

  “What the hell?” He dropped the bottle as he saw me standing.

  Without warning, I kicked him as hard as I could straight in the groin.

  He fell back cursing and screaming grabbing himself. Racing toward the stairway, I darted up the stairs. I shut the door to the basement locking it.

  As I looked about me, I realized I had no idea where I was. I searched to see if there was a cell phone available.


  Racing around, I found myself lost in a huge maze of a house. It was quite old and ramshackle. This was not Ayden’s house. It must’ve been an old house he’d found to hold me captive.

  Then, I heard him screaming with rage rattling the doorknob. Darting into a closet, I hid behind the rack of old, musty smelling clothes covered in dust. The smell of mothballs filled the tiny closet. I cowered down behind the hanging clothes stifling the urge to sneeze.

  Just then, the sound of wood splintering exploded throughout the house as Ayden burst forth from the basement.

  I clasped my shaking hand over my mouth.

  “Amber! Where are you? You’re never going to get away, you know that, don’t you?” We’re miles from anyone!” His voice grew louder as his footsteps drew closer.

  I held my breath as I watched him through the slates in the closet door. My heart beat so fast and so hard, I was certain he could hear it. I pressed myself against the back of the closet.

  Listening to him ransack the house looking for me, I felt something crawling on my leg. Standing perfectly still, I felt the sensation of tiny insects running up my legs. Clamping my hand over my mouth, I silenced my scream. Oh God, what if it was a spider?

  Horrified, I reached down to brush the offending insects off my legs. As I did so, my shoulder brushed against some hangers causing them to squeak along the old metal bar. I froze.

  “Princess?” Ayden called out alerted by the sound. He raced down the stairs into the hallway where the closet was.

  Biting my lip, I watched him through the slates. I began trembling as I noticed he held a knife in his left hand. I held my hand over my mouth biting into it to keep from screaming. I felt blood trickle down my hand.

  Ayden swung open the closet door.

  I stood ready for him to reach through the clothing any moment to grab me. Every fiber of my being was on alert.

  Just as his fingers touched me, I lunged forward jabbing my thumbs into his eyes.

  He screamed and dropped the knife clutching his face. “You bitch!”

  I pushed past him and attempted to run from the house. As I raced down the hallway, I heard him panting behind me.

  “Amber! Get back here!”

  I felt myself being jerked backward by my hair. Excruciating pain rippled through my scalp. Blood ran down my forehead over my cheeks. I crashed to the ground where Ayden wrapped his strong hands around my neck pulling me up.

  Pinning me against the wall by my neck, Ayden choked me until I felt faint.

  “Ayden,” I whispered desperately trying to beg him to stop, but my voice was muffled by his squeezing of my throat.

  “Oh, you look so beautiful, so sexy when you’re scared. Your tits…the way they heave as you try to breathe. It’s such a fucking turn on. You always could make my cock rock hard.” Ayden grinned. His face was beginning to blur. To me, he appeared to be someone in a funhouse mirror all distorted.

  “Daddy,” I croaked. I clutched at his forearm trying to get him to release his hold on my neck.

  Gradually, he loosened his hold as he could see I was turning blue.

  I gasped for air as soon as he released his grip. He held me firm against the wall with his arm.

  Then I saw the knife in his other hand. The long sharp blade glinted in the light. He traced it along my stomach and back up to my breasts. I was wearing a skimpy pink camisole top with my bra beneath it and a pair of panties along with my snow boots. I had no idea what had happened to my dress.

  “So sexy, Princess, you always know how to please Daddy. But there’s one thing wrong.”

  “What?” I whispered terrified of the answer. The knife point was pressed against my clavicle.

  “You’ve got too many fucking clothes on.” With that, he took the knife and ripped the camisole right up the middle. I gasped as he then cut my bra at the center clasp.

  I closed my eyes, praying in my head that it would be over soon, that this would all go away. It was too much, all at once. It took me right back to all of those years ago, right back to when things had started to get so bad, and I didn’t know how to deal with that. I didn’t know how to deal with anything.

  It was almost like my mind shifted into auto pilot, speaking to him from a place deep inside of me that I didn’t even know. I spoke like he liked me to, because my only instinct was to get as far away as fast as I could. Just like with Larry. Only the way to reach Ayden wouldn’t be through talking, not with how manic he was looking and acting. It would have to be as his princess, the girl that he treasured. So I would be her, if only for this last time.

  It wasn’t until he presented me the opportunity to bite him that I knew I could escape though. I shut my eyes, praying hard to anyone that was listening that my plan would work. Before he could react, I sank my teeth deep into his cock while squeezing his balls hard.

  “Fucking bitch!” he screamed.

  I flew up grabbing the shirt as I raced out of the house. Throwing open the door, I fell onto the snow covered ground. The icy cold snow penetrated me all the way to the bone. I was running as fast as I could in the deep snow. Darting behind a tree, I pulled the shirt on. The icy snow covered my legs, but there was little I could do about it.

  I was surrounded on all sides by thick woods. I turned and looked all around me. I had no idea where I was. Ayden’s black Mercedes sat in the gravel driveway. I had a quick thought about checking to see if he’d left the keys in it, but knowing how paranoid Ayden had always been, I already knew the answer.

  The door flew open and Ayden stormed outside. He was carrying a handgun and wearing a thick warm jacket. I huddled behind the tree as I watched him race through the woods.

  “Amber! Amber! You’re going to freeze to death out here! Come back!”

  The cold wind whipped Ayden’s shirt around my bare legs as I struggled to run in the deep snow. Night was beginning to fall and my vision would be drastically impaired when it did. I had no idea where I was or how long we’d traveled to get here.

  Darting in and out of the trees, I heard Ayden’s voice.

  “Amber! Amber! Where are you?” His voice got closer and closer.
r />   Frantically, I searched for a place to hide. There was no way I would be able to outrun him in the deep snow. The darkness of the night was beginning to envelop me and I was so cold I could scarcely breathe.

  “Amber, you’re going to freeze to death out here! Please come back!”

  Shivering uncontrollably, I found a huge oak tree with a hole big enough to crawl inside. I scooped out the snow and mud with my hands and backed into it. Curling my knees to my chest, I pulled Ayden’s shirt over my legs. I then pulled my arms inside the armholes trying to keep myself warm. The cold wind howled all around me whipping the snow up into white clouds.

  “Princess!” I heard Ayden approaching.

  Peering out, I saw a porch light in the distance. It looked to be about a half a mile or so away. If I could just get to another house, I could get them to call for help or at least let me in out of this cold.

  I waited a moment as I watched Ayden move right past me. The heavy wind was helping to hide my footprints in the snow.

  As Ayden walked further away, I pulled myself out of the hole and darted out into the icy cold snow again. The strong wind nearly knocked me down as I struggled to get to the other house. I locked my eyes on the light in the distance, pushing myself further and further to reach it.

  All of a sudden, I tripped and fell face down into the icy snow. Jumping up, I felt a sharp pain in my side. Every intake of breath caused agonizing pain. Grabbing my side, I hobbled toward the porch light which shone even brighter as I got closer. I was only a few hundred yards away. I could see it was a tiny cabin most likely used as a hunter’s cabin. I couldn’t see any cars nearby. My heart sank, as I feared that no one would be there. Still, maybe it would be unlocked and I could get warm in there. At least I might be able to find a coat and gloves. The temperature had to be in the twenties or lower and my fingers were growing numb.

  Finally, I reached the cabin. I tried opening the door, but found it locked. Peering into the windows, I saw that it was sparsely furnished with just a wooden table and chairs. There were hooks on the walls with an old coat, fishing waders, and several pairs of boots. There was a wood burning fireplace and a hurricane lantern sitting on the mantle. Several old boxes of food sat on the table. Still, if I could get in there to get that coat I would be saved from hypothermia. Frantically, I searched for something to break the glass with.


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