Kenzie and the Guy Next Door
Page 12
I moaned.
He groaned.
I arched.
He curved.
We fit together perfectly.
He was hot, intense, his mouth needy, his fingers demanding. I was on fire, my skin blazed where ever he touched, and my legs were like liquid. Thank god for the counter supporting me or I’d have melted into a puddle at his feet. I couldn’t get enough.
Jeremy Donovan was everything I didn’t know I needed or wanted. And I’d be damned if I let him slip through my fingers.
“Babe,” he hissed between deep breaths, his forehead pressed into the crook of my neck. I threaded my fingers into his inky black hair and tilted my head to the side. “I’m trying to stop, and you’re making it impossible.”
“You mean hard.” I could feel him everywhere. My entire body was pressed up against his strong, lithe, and very hard one.
Jeremy groaned at my little sexual innuendo. I smiled. Just keeping it real. Digging his fingers into my back, he pushed his hips forward into mine. My eyes rolled, and a gasp escaped my lips before he pushed away and backed into the island bench behind him, leaving at least two feet of space between us.
“Seriously?” I breathed and ran a hand over my hair. I knew it would resemble bird’s nest, but I couldn’t find it in me to care right then. He was leaving me hanging.
Jeremy narrowed his gaze on me, his chest rising and falling with deep, rapid breaths. I did that to him. “Nobody wants to get you out of those pants more than me, but not now, not in my kitchen.”
“So, what, you’re just going to leave me with blue balls?” I arched an eyebrow and slid off the counter, taking two steps until we were chest to chest.
Jeremy tipped his head back and laughed, so I took the opportunity to do the one thing I’d been dreaming about doing since I first walked in here and discovered he was my neighbour. Honestly, since I first saw him at the diner when he came to see Harper would probably be more accurate. I dragged my tongue up along the column of his throat, smiling when his body jerked in response and his hands balled into fists.
“They’re no bluer than mine,” he said, grasping the tops of my forearms and turning me away. “Now go and get that ass in the shower so we can leave.”
“I’m going to need a cold shower,” I mumbled quietly to myself as I walked out of the kitchen.
In a complete act of bravery, I stripped my tank over my head and dropped it on the kitchen floor. Jeremy cursed, and I could imagine him running both hands over his face in frustration. His soft footsteps told me he’d followed me out of the kitchen, and so I did what any other woman in my position would do. I stripped off my bra and lifted it dramatically in the air and let it fall from my fingers.
I didn’t know when I became so brazen, but I was pretty sure it was the moment that man called me babe. I talked the talk, but never walked the walk. I was sarcastic and said whatever came to mind, but I was also incredibly nervous and insecure. A crazy ex-boyfriend and becoming the talk of the town and having a child at sixteen would do that to person. But Jeremy instilled a confidence in me that I didn’t know I was capable of. He made me want to be strong, capable. He made me feel wanted and sexy. Desired enough to shed my inhibitions. He drove me wild to the point I was ready to combust, and I knew when the time came, one touch, one whisper of his lips on my skin would end it all.
Chuckling to myself, I walked into the bathroom and ran the shower—slightly colder than comfortable, because my skin was still overheated from Jeremy being so close. Wrapping the towel around myself, I stepped out of the shower and realised I’d left my bag in one of the empty bedrooms. I clutched the towel to my chest and darted across the hall into the sparse room, calling out to Jeremy that the shower was free.
The moment I closed the door behind me, I began searching through my clothes for something to wear. I settled for my standard skinny black jeans with holes in the knees—funnily enough, I stole them from Ryder a few years ago, and they were my favourite pair—Stones t-shirt, and my leather boots.
By the time I had dressed, towel dried my hair, and applied some product to my curls, I heard the shower shut off in the bathroom, indicating Jeremy had finished. I collected my leather jacket and bag from the floor and walked out of the room, only to come face to face with Jeremy’s very wet torso.
I covered my eyes with one hand and cursed as I stumbled down the hall to put some distance between us before the effects of the cold shower wore off and I’d need another one. Jeremy’s laughter echoed through the apartment. Needing to keep busy and stop my perverted self from peeking through his open door to watch him change, I started washing our breakfast dishes and fixing the sofa bed.
I had just about worn a hole in the living room carpet when he reappeared looking like freaking Adonis. Tight black t-shirt and light wash jeans, black motorcycle boots, and a megawatt smile aimed directly at me.
“Ready?” he asked, walking over and wrapping his arms behind my back. He dropped a kiss on the base of my throat and slid his hand down to mine and pulled me out of his apartment.
I wasn’t ready at all. I was kicking myself. I should have invited him into the shower with me or stripped naked and lain on his sofa. Hell, I should have fallen down the stairs and twisted my ankle. Anything to not leave the apartment. I wasn’t ready to hear the police tell me that even though Chace was in my apartment, there was nothing they could do because he had a key or whatever other excuse they could come up with.
I was terrified the recording on my phone wouldn’t be enough and I’d have to go home to an apartment that would never be safe for me to bring my son home. I was dreading the moment I had to look for a new place to live because my dumbass ex just didn’t get the hint, even when it was shoved down his throat with a studded stiletto heel.
Sensing my nerves, Jeremy reached across the console of his car and placed his hand on my knee, rubbing gentle circles, calming me down with just a touch. My thoughts ran away from me, and I imagined what he’d be capable of doing to my body, my mind, my soul with those hands when he really wanted to.
We pulled into the police station, and he practically had to drag me from the car and push me through the front door.
“Kenzie,” the officer behind the back smiled condescendingly, “you’re back.”
I had been there so often recently, trying to get them to do something about Chace, I was practically on first name basis with the entire Blackhill P.D. I opened my mouth to speak, but Jeremy took over, and I was grateful because my tongue seemed to be caught in my throat.
“We want a restraining order.” Jeremy folded his arms across his chest. He was all bulging biceps, clenched jaw, and man. Raw. Determined. Strong. A lesser man would have cowered in his presence. Instead, Officer Ramirez rolled his freaking eyes.
“Like we’ve told you,” he said, looking at me and ignoring Jeremy completely, “we can’t do anything without evidence of a crime.”
“How does breaking into my home sound?” I slammed my phone onto the counter in front of him.
“Breaking in?”
“Yes. He stole the master key to the apartment building from the maintenance manager and let himself into my apartment. He was waiting for me in the dark when I got home last night.”
“And you’ve evidence to prove this?”
It was my turn to roll my eyes. “Would I be here if I didn’t?” I unlocked my phone and brought up the recording and pressed play.
Ramirez listened carefully. I couldn’t read anything from his expression, so I didn’t know whether I had a chance or not.
With a sigh, he slid a piece of paper over to me and said, “Fill this in, and someone will be in touch.”
And that was it.
I went to the freaking cops, and they rolled their eyes, like they had so much other important shit to do, and I was wasting their time.
I snatched a pen from the counter and hurriedly filled in the paperwork before shoving it back at Ramirez
and storming out the door with Jeremy chasing after me.
“Relax, babe.” He pulled me into his arms and held me tight. “It’s a start. They can’t ignore it now.”
“I just wish it was over already.”
“I know. And it will be. Soon.” He kissed the top of my head and led me back to the car. I just hoped he was right. I didn’t want to live in fear forever.
“Now where?” I asked once we were back on the road.
“Is there a hardware store?” He picked up my hand in his and rested it on his thigh.
“Yeah, over on Main Street.”
“Then that’s where we’re going next.” Jeremy nodded.
The hardware store was closed. Of course. It was a Sunday in Blackhill, so it should have been expected.
Jeremy wasn’t impressed. “Is there anywhere else that would sell locks for your door in this town?”
“I don’t think so.” I frowned. “So, what now?”
Jeremy rubbed his forehead before lifting his gaze to meet mine. “Lunch?”
“I could eat,” I agreed.
Admittedly, I had ulterior motives when I invited Kenzie to lunch, but she knew it the moment I headed in the direction of the roadhouse on the outskirts of town.
“Gonna speak to Johnny?” she asked as we walked across the parking lot.
“Yeah.” I reached for her hand because I liked the way it felt in mine. I was nervous as hell. What if Johnny laughed in my face? Aside from Kenzie, taking over the running of the roadhouse had been all I thought about. It would be a dream come true, and if Johnny said no…I wasn’t sure I knew how I’d react.
We walked inside, and the counter was empty. Johnny was in the kitchen tiredly scrubbing the countertops. There was no whistling or music playing like he used to. It was quiet, depressing, and miserable.
“Hey!” I called through the door. Johnny looked up and forced a smile on his face. “Can you shut the kitchen down for a few minutes?”
Kenzie squeezed my arm and whispered, “I’ll go upstairs and see if Harper’s home.”
I nodded. “Send Julie down, if you see her.”
Johnny threw the cloth down and whipped off his apron. “This better be good. I got a lotta shit to do today before—” He snapped his mouth shut.
“Before what?” I asked, pulling up a stool at the counter.
Johnny’s eyes were tired, his skin pale and splotchy. The bags under his eyes were huge. He was exhausted, and Julie didn’t look much better. “Jeremy.” She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. “Kenzie told me you want to speak to me. Us.”
I nodded.
“You’re here with Kenzie?” Johnny reared back, eyebrows arched and mouth wide open.
“Not what I want to talk about. What is happening that you need to get a lot of shit done? Before what?”
Johnny looked at Julie, and she shrugged. “I guess we can tell him. It’s only a matter of time.” She sighed and squeezed my arm.
“We’re selling the roadhouse,” Johnny huffed, spinning on his heel and walking back to the kitchen.
“What?” I stared at Julie, but she just smiled sadly. They loved the place. They couldn’t sell, and I was pretty sure they didn’t really want to let it go yet.
“It’s time. We can’t keep doing this forever.”
I stood and pushed through the kitchen doors.
“Don’t come in here and argue with me, boy.” Johnny waved his spatula in my face before I’d even said a word.
“Why are you selling?”
“Because we’re old.”
“This is your livelihood. Your retirement fund. Your life. You can’t sell.” I leaned against the counter and folded my arms.
“Well, we can’t keep running the damn place. It’s going to kill us one day. I’m tired, Jeremy. I just can’t do it anymore.”
“What if I came up with a solution that let you keep it, but not work so much?”
“What the hell kind of shit you been smokin’?” Johnny scoffed.
“Nothing. Just hear me out, yeah?” I nodded over my shoulder, indicating that he should follow me out to Julie.
He muttered obscenities to himself the entire way.
Once they were both seated in front of me, I took a deep breath. It was now or never. If I didn’t speak up now, they’d sell, and this place would be gone forever. “I want to run the roadhouse for you.”
Julie stared at me with a blank expression while Johnny roared with laughter. “You don’t know nothing about running a business.”
I shrugged and smiled, expecting that much of a response from him. “But Ryder does.”
“What the hell does that little punk have to do with anything?”
“He’s agreed to help me run this place, so you both can have a break and more time to yourselves.”
“Ha!” Johnny slapped the counter. “It’ll take more than you and the kid to run this place. I appreciate the offer, but it’s impossible.”
“It’s not. I’m going to set up the workshop, start fixing cars on site. Ryder will help with the management side of things. We’ve got Harper too. She’ll do whatever she can. Same with Kenzie, Bailey, Nate—the whole freaking Brady Bunch have offered to help. They all love this place and want you both to relax and enjoy old age.” I winked.
“You’ve really got it all planned out, don’t you?” Johnny furrowed his eyebrows.
“Yeah.” I shrugged, like it was no big deal, when it really meant everything. A life for me. A happy retirement for Johnny and Julie. Security. Family. It was everything.
Johnny looked at Julie, who returned his gaze with a watery smile and a slight nod. Johnny grunted. “Guess you got yourself a roadhouse, boy. Buckle up. It’s going to be a hell of a ride.” He reached out his hand for mine and pulled me into his chest for a hug. “You have no idea what this means. Thank you.”
I patted him on the back then pulled Julie in for a hug as well, but not before I wiped the tears from her cheeks. “You’re a wonderful, beautiful, kind boy.” She kissed my cheek and fell into her seat with an exasperated breath. “I feel as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. The idea of selling this place broke my heart, but now…” She cupped my cheek and smiled, her eyes crinkling with happiness instead of exhaustion. “Let me go and tell the girls the news.”
She darted up the stairs with extra pep in her step and returned moments later giggling with my sister and Kenzie.
“So, congratulations are in order, then,” Kenzie said. “Only I don’t know who I’m congratulating. The retirees or the new business manager.”
“The retirees,” I announced. Sliding my hand around her waist, I pulled her closer. “You can congratulate me properly later.”
“We need a toast,” Johnny said and reached under the counter and pulled out five beers.
“Promise?” She bit the corner of her lip and tried to hide her smile.
Flicking the top off mine, I raised it in the air and waited for everyone else to do the same. Kenzie leaned against my leg and raised her beer to mine, and we all clinked our drinks and cheered for the new partnership.
Harper watched us, a curious expression on her face before she smiled. “You two are totally hooking up, aren’t you?”
“No,” we both answered at the same time.
“That was too fast. Too loud. Something is going on with you.”
Johnny scoffed. “Kenzie is too bright to fall for his charms.”
“Thanks, Johnny. Appreciate it.” I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t be stupid,” Kenzie said to Harper. “He’s not my type. Muscles, tattoos.” She screwed her nose up and shook her head, while at the same time squeezing my thigh so I knew she was only joking.
“He’s exactly your type.” Harper pointed at her. “Because he is the complete opposite of Douchebag.”
Kenzie laughed, but then became quiet. “Speaking of, I think I may
finally get that restraining order.”
“Really? How?”
Kenzie filled them all in on what happened last night with Chace, and the recording, and how now, hopefully, we’d get a restraining order to keep him away from her and Cole.
When did we become a we?
I didn’t know, but I liked the sound of it, and I wondered how Kenzie felt about it.
Johnny snuck out the back and fired up the grill to make everyone lunch after Julie pointed out we were drinking beer and it wasn’t even lunchtime yet. “I can fix that,” he replied, and he did.
We ate our burgers and left with the promise of continuing business discussions when Ryder was available.
“Want to go see Cole?” I asked Kenzie.
“Yes. You can just drop me off if you have things to do.”
“Not happening, babe. You’re stuck with me for the day.”
“However will I cope?” She laughed.
We pulled up at Ryder’s house, and Kenzie frowned. The car wasn’t in the drive, so I assumed it was in the garage, but Kenzie didn’t. “Where are they?”
“Call your brother,” I suggested, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.
She pulled her phone out and called Ryder. “Hey, where are you?”
I closed my eyes and tilted my head back against the headrest, letting her voice wash over me. Damn. It gave me shivers.
“Oh. Okay. No, that’s fine. I just showed up to see him, that’s all,” she said, disappointment tainting her voice. “No, it’s—No! Don’t do that. He can’t come home, B.”
She was talking to Bailey, not Ryder like I assumed.
“Because Chace has a freaking key to the apartment and let himself in last night.”
“Yeah.” She flicked her hair over her shoulder and crossed an arm over her body.
“At Jeremy’s. We went to buy locks today, but the store was closed.” She glanced at me and winked.
“Tomorrow, probably.”
I backed the car out of the drive since it didn’t sound like they’d be home with Cole anytime soon and drove home.