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Dragon Kin: Ferret You!

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by Celia Kyle

  Dragon Kin: Ferret You!

  Celia Kyle

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2009 Celia Kyle

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  ISBN: 978-1-60521-324-8

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1046

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  Editor: Chrissie Henderson

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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  Dragon Kin: Ferret You!

  Celia Kyle

  Egan’s a dragon with a plan. After watching his brothers settle with their fire companions, he aches to create a home with his own. Only Mireya is being somewhat… resistant. Okay, she’s said no. Repeatedly. He likes to think she’s just playing hard to get. He hopes.

  Chapter One

  Egan Lisander laid his head back against the headrest of his car seat and imagined making love with the woman of his heart, his souler.

  Egan would watch her sleep, the moonlight highlighting the hue of her flawless mocha skin. The sheet would barely concealed her curves, outlining all of the dips and valleys of her body. With soft touches he’d tug and slide the sheet from her breasts, hips and then legs. Inch after inch of skin would be exposed; the fullness of her breasts, the small roundness of her stomach and thickness of her thighs.

  He’d stroke her feet, relishing the satiny feel of her, rubbing and stroking up her body, her thighs, her hips. He’d sift his fingers through the short curls at the juncture of her thighs.

  Egan would dip the tip of his finger between her folds, finding her slick and hot beneath his touch. Mireya would then moan in response, eyes still closed, hips rocking toward his touch. Would she be asleep? Or awake?

  He would then probe further, his pad pressing and rubbing the hardened nubbin hidden within her folds. Her heat would scorch him and arouse him beyond measure. He wanted her, there was no denying. Again and again and again. Then again.

  Mireya would then shift her legs and he’d take what she offered whether knowingly or not. He would ease lower, another finger joining the first to discover her hidden secrets again. He would circle her opening, testing her readiness and toying with the sweet pussy he’d claimed as his. And claimed he had. This sweet ferret with all of her ferret laws and eccentricities belonged to him now.

  “Egan…” She’d moan and widen her thighs even more. “Stop teasing.”

  He’d smirk, knowing exactly what his teasing did for her. “You sure?”

  “Just need you. Only you.”

  Egan’s dick would already be rock-hard. The normally pale skin of his cock red, hot, angry and hungry. Pre-come leaked from the tip, coating his lower stomach, and he ached to sink into his fire companion’s warmth. With his free hand, he gripped his cock by the base and squeezed, shuddering with the tendrils of pleasure that snaked and slithered through him. He was ready, more than ready.

  He glanced at Mireya’s face and was captured by her gaze. So much love was revealed there. Love. Her dark brown eyes shone in the moonlight and he thought he almost saw tears there.

  “Mireya?” Worry tinged his voice.

  “Love you. So much.”

  “I love you too, my souler.” His soul lover. Words weren’t needed any longer; feelings, touches and kisses were enough. Egan withdrew his fingers and licked them clean, loving the sweet taste of her cream, her arousal.

  With care he settled himself between her legs and guided his cock to her pussy. Mireya brought her knees up and tilted her hips, opening herself for him. He braced himself on his hands above her, his gaze intent on her.

  Inch by inch he eased forward, carefully filling her and relishing in the wet heat surrounding his cock. Onward he moved, her pussy rippling and convulsing the further he ventured. She moaned, her eyes rolling back, her head thrashing from side to side while he invaded her.

  Fully seated, he waited, panting, teasing. He wanted her to demand her pleasure, not be a passive participant.

  It didn’t take long. “Egan…” She rolled her hips, rocking them back and forth. It took all of his control not to give her what she wanted. “Egan…”

  His dragon roared, scales rippling and dancing beneath the surface of his skin. The dragon didn’t care for teasing its fire companion. It wanted to please and protect in every way possible, including lovemaking.

  “Egan, please…” She sobbed, fingernails digging into his forearms. “Love me!” she finally demanded.

  He leaned forward, lips a hair’s breadth from hers. “Always.”

  Egan withdrew and slammed forward, rocking the bed with the power of his thrust. Mireya screamed in response and wrapped her legs around his waist -- exactly where he loved having them the most.

  He repeated the motion. Retreat and thrust. Retreat and thrust. He tilted his hips, searching and hunting for that spot that made his souler scream in ecstasy. “Yes!”

  He’d found it. Hips canted just right, he increased his tempo, fighting for her to come before he did. Her pussy squeezed and milked him every other thrust, letting him know just how close she was to coming. He wanted her there, with him. He held his own orgasm in check… waiting.

  Mireya kneaded and massaged her breasts, fingers pinching her nipples, eyes glazed over with pleasure. Soon, so soon. He could feel it now by the tempo of her breath, the roll of her hips and the rhythmic tightening around his dick.

  “Soon…” She panted. As if he didn’t know. Yes, he was a smug bastard, but more importantly, he knew his souler’s body almost better than his own now.

  Egan released his tenuous control and let the pleasure of making love with his souler wash through him. The orgasm built at the base of his spine and expanded until it enveloped his entire body. The tiny sparks of electricity turned into a raging fire, burning and sliding through him like the ocean his water dragon called home. Deeper and deeper the ecstasy ran, pouring through his veins like a tsunami, gathering speed and height with each passing second.

  “I’m coming… Gah!” A wave crested and broke along the rocky shores of Utopia Bay, pleasure pouring through him like the ebb and flow of the tide. With his cock pulsing and pounding to the rhythm of his heart, he came in a rush of spasms and pleasure so strong, it was almost painful. His cock jerked and released his seed into her waiting depths, pulsing with each new round of shudders and shivers wracking his body.

  Finally… finally… panting, he slumped over his lover, replete…

  Gah! But it hadn’t happened yet because the woman of his dreams, literally, still wouldn’t go out on a single date with him. After four years of asking, he was nearing his breaking point.

  Sexually frustrated, he gathered the flowers he’d brought for her and climbed out of his SUV. With long strides he closed the distance between his car and the front door of the Sugar Shack.

  Mireya caught him before he’d en
tirely crossed the threshold. “Ferret you, Egan.”

  Wait, what? Egan shook his head. She wouldn’t even let him ask now?

  “Ferret you and the wave you rode in on. How many times do I have to say no to going out with you?”

  “You’ll say yes eventually, Mireya.” He headed toward the front door, fighting the blush that was trying to burn his cheeks. He was really getting tired of being turned down.

  He needed to claim his woman. Fast.


  Egan was nearing the point of no return. It lurked on the horizon and he drew closer with each passing day.

  He leaned his head against the headrest of his SUV, closed his eyes and inhaled the lingering scents of his tormentor. Mireya. She owned the Sugar Shack and he would forever connect the scents of baking bread and sweet cookies to his woman. Except she wasn’t his. Not yet. And considering her resistance, he didn’t think she ever would be.

  He’d done the wooing and complimenting and every other thing he could think of to get her to go out with him, get to know him. Except she seemed to be completely set against the very idea of him. Every time he asked her out on a date, she came up with some reason to say no. No: the two letter word he’d begun to hate.

  All of his trials and tribulations were what brought him out tonight. Two of her best friends were fire companions to his brothers and he prayed to the water his dragon called home that they could point him in the right direction.

  Egan’s heart burned for Mireya. The dragon within demanded that he rush into the bakery and take what belonged to him, but even he knew that doing so would end whatever they could have had before it began. Women today didn’t care for a “conquer and destroy” attitude. At least, he didn’t think Mireya would.

  She was independent and strong. She operated the bakery nearly by herself, the only help she’d had in the past was her step-brother Mika. Since he’d moved away to Kansas she hadn’t hired anyone to replace him. Shit, he didn’t know what to do. At all.

  Might as well get this over with. With a sigh he turned off the engine and then unfolded from the SUV. Part of him regretted having to even breathe, saddened by the loss of her scent in his lungs. Then again, his body appreciated the air. To, like, live.

  There was a crowd gathered around the front door of Pagans’ Corner, the island’s local bar and general hang-out. Nearly all of the shifters and paras that lived on the island frequented the small bar for drinks and a good time.

  Egan decided not to waste any more time and strode toward the crowded entryway, pushing his way through the gathered group of smokers and beings that had been ousted from the bar. Bouncers did their jobs and kicked the drunks to the curb.

  From just inside the front door he could see that the place was hopping as usual. Shifters and paranormals of every design packed the small place, laughing and drinking and generally carrying on.

  He scanned the crowd, senses open just enough so that he wasn’t overwhelmed by the smells and sounds around him but could still find his brothers. He saw them before the rest of his senses caught up. Damn, he was getting sloppy.

  Egan pushed and nudged through the groups of bodies, ignoring the protests and cigarette smoke while he navigated the Pagans’ Corner’s floor. Of course his brothers had to pick the table in the farthest corner from the door.

  He kept the tops of their heads in sight while he approached, unable to see much else over the writhing mass of the crowd. And then the people parted like the Red Sea before Moses and Egan groaned aloud.

  The girls were with them. He didn’t have a problem with them per se… they were just everything he wanted in a fire companion. Except, of course, they belonged to his brothers. Lucky bastards.

  Sky, with her well-rounded hips and tapered waist, made her seat on Brenton’s lap, while Selena, with her ample breasts, settled on Kyden’s.

  His brothers smiled at him, smug with their arms wrapped protectively around their fire companions. Both of them knew of his troubles and neither had any idea what to do about any of it. So, it’d come down to this… ask the women.

  Egan swallowed the lump in his throat and dried his hands on his jeans. He wasn’t a pussy. No, he was a man’s man who hated opening up to women. “Hey, guys.” He jerked his head in welcome. “Sky, Selena.” He was welcomed by both of the ladies with near twin smiles, mouths wide and eyes twinkling with an echoed “Egan!” ringing in his ears.

  Egan took the last remaining seat and settled in, taking a sip of the beer placed before him by a passing waitress. The woman didn’t stick around long and he couldn’t blame her. He’d heard the goblins in the bar liked to play games of grab-ass, and the only way to avoid them was to stay quick on your feet. Sky could definitely tell some tales about that. “So.” He took a deep breath.

  Sky leaned forward, elbows on the table. “So.” “So.” Selena mimicked her movement. “What did they tell you?” He knew the guys had, because these ladies were way too interested in him tonight. “That you --” Sky started. “Oh, wise and powerful dragon.” Selena laid it on thick. “Need our help.” “Because we’re wonderful.” “And women,” they said in unison.

  Egan glared at Brenton and Kyden. He loved the women, just the tiniest bit more than sisters, which meant he wasn’t above putting them over his knee as only a brother could do -- except Sky would probably enjoy it a bit too much.

  Sky toyed with her drink. “So, what’s the problem?”

  He sighed. “Mireya.” One word, one name, it all boiled down to her. Both women oohed. “Yup. She’s my…” He hadn’t ever said it aloud, hadn’t ever wanted to tempt the sleeping dragon within, but he couldn’t do this alone. “She’s my fire companion.” He grimaced.

  “Keep going. We can’t help if we don’t know it all.” For this he’d need liquid fortification. He lifted his mug from the table and downed three quick gulps of the bitter, cold brew. “I’ve tried wooing.” “How?” Sky was taking notes on what looked like a stolen order pad. “I brought her flowers, chocolates, gifts. I complimented her. Anything I could to get her to smile.” Selena shook her head. “You laid it on too thick.” Well, duh. Even Mireya had told him that. “Next?”

  “I started just visiting her bakery every other day…” Both women stared at him. Okay, he was pathetic. “Every day. I visited her every day and asked her out for coffee or in for one of her Danishes. She kept saying no.”

  The ladies looked at each other and spoke in unison. “Too strong.” “Then I tried ignoring her…” Brenton, with his big assed mouth butted in. “If you call walking by twice a day ignoring.” Both of his brothers burst into laughter and high-fived over their lover’s heads.

  “Yeah!” “Assholes.” Egan finished off his beer. “So, ladies, what am I supposed to do?” The women leaned toward one another and whispered quietly for several moments before returning their attention to him. “She’s a ferret.” He couldn’t figure out the big deal, but he nodded at Selena anyway.

  “And her step-brother just moved away? Mika? To Barkus, Kansas?” He nodded at Sky. “The thing is…” “Egan…” Kyden broke in this time. “She’s just not that into you.” He high-fived Brenton.

  “Yeah! Again!”

  Both Selena and Sky rolled their eyes. “The point is, gentlemen-who-shall-never-have-sex-again, that her life is in an uproar. Mika isn’t there to help with the bakery and has moved halfway across the country. She’s alone and the last thing she needs is a distraction to throw her life into a tailspin. She doesn’t need a fly-by-night man.” Selena eyed him. “And the way you were coming on to her… she thinks you’re a one-two punch and then out the door kind of guy.”

  “But --” “There’s only one plan of action now.” Both women nodded, resolute. He really didn’t like the sound of that.

  Chapter Two

  The following morning, standing outside the Sugar Shack at three a.m. with a winter coat wrapped around him and a Styrofoam cup of coffee in his hands, he liked the plan even less. But Egan was uny
ielding. This would work. It had to. He’d lay some of it on the line and then bullshit the rest. Then phase two of the plan could kick in and hopefully, come evening, he’d have one furry fire companion at his side.

  Hopefully. He prayed. Hard.

  Egan took a sip of his coffee, nearly moaning aloud while the bitter brew warmed him from the inside out. Yeah, he was a dragon and he could make his own fire, but waking a sleeping dragon while so near its fire companion and then telling it “no” wasn’t the best of ideas. Ever.

  And so he contented himself with steaming, scorching hot coffee and a winter coat while he waited. Luckily, or unluckily, he didn’t have to wait long.

  “What are you doing here, Lisander?”

  Damn but he hated that she wore such soft-soled shoes and could sneak up on him. Damn double damn. He turned toward her and took a sip from his cup, stalling for time and giving him the opportunity to admire her appearance.

  Mireya’s hair, midnight-black with the palest blonde tips, was cut into a short bob, curling and hugging the curves of her face, giving her a youthful appearance. Her bangs just swept the tops of her brows. Her eyes, so like his, were nearly black. Both the hair color and eyes were from her inner ferret, the animal showing its dominance over her human body. If only that little scared ferret could come to trust his big bad dragon.

  Her skin was the color of smooth milk chocolate and he ached to lick and nibble every inch of her just to see if she tasted as good as she looked. Her nose was one of her cutest features with its upturned tip. Her cheeks held the tiniest hint of a rosy glow with the cold. But her lips? Her lips were made for kissing; full and plump and coated in berry-red gloss, tempting him. They weren’t smiling.

  “I said, what are you doing here, Egan?”

  At least she used his Christian name this time. “I’m waiting for you.” He smiled, forcing his canines to stay put while he attempted to look like a disarming little boy. Being six feet tall didn’t do too well for the “little” part of the game he was playing, but the girls told him to do the best he could.


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