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Dragon Kin: Ferret You!

Page 3

by Celia Kyle

  Egan landed on the driveway of the elevator house along the shore, and placed Mireya gingerly on the ground before shifting back to his human form. “It’s not too late. If you want to say no…” The mating wasn’t complete. He could still walk away. Barely.

  She shifted as well, the blonde-tipped black hair receding as she changed from ferret into human. She handed his keys back to him as soon as she was fully transformed and snatched her clothes from where he’d dropped them, tugging them on as fast as she could.

  “No.” She shook her head, hair swaying this way and that. “No, I mean… I’m not saying no. Just… take care of me?” She nibbled her lower lip, eyes brimming with tears.

  “Oh, baby, always. You’re my souler. I’ll always lo -- take care of you. Always.” He wasn’t ready to admit his love for her, regardless of his true feelings, and he was lucky she didn’t really know what souler meant.

  He didn’t wait for a response, unsure of how his words would affect her. Better to rush through the second and third matings rather than let her think the thing to death.

  Egan got dressed before escorting her into the house that sheltered the elevator to his home. Once inside, he strode toward the center of the building and pressed the button in the wall that would bring the elevator up to land level.

  “There’s nothing here.”

  “Of course not.”

  She tugged on his hand. “Egan, there’s nothing here.”

  He looked around. “That’s because I don’t live here, I live down there.” He pointed toward the ground just as the elevator arrived.

  “Wha --”

  He pulled her inside and hugged her. “I live beneath the ocean with walls of glass so I can see my domain all the time.” He brushed a soft kiss against her lips and felt her shudder. His cock hardened as always when he was this close to her.

  Without asking for permission, Egan backed Mireya against the smooth glass wall. “You’re mine.” His dragon was close to the surface, too close, too anxious to get its companion down into the depths of his home.

  “Yes.” She moaned and reached for him, arms going around his neck, fingers threading through his hair.

  He skimmed her body, discovering the curves he’d missed during their frantic lovemaking in her truck. With efficient movements he unbuttoned her blouse and thumbed her nipples, the hard nubbins seeming to reach for him through her bra. She moaned against his neck and arched into his hands. He kneaded her full breasts.

  Egan captured her mouth in a kiss, swallowing her sounds, relishing her taste and enjoying her inherent flavor. Sweet fire and cool water poured over his tongue, the nectar of the dragons.

  He shifted his caresses, tracing the lines of her waist, her hips. He scrunched up her skirt, baring her pussy to the cool air of the elevator. She tore her mouth from his. “Need you,” she panted, and he was more than willing to comply.

  He slipped his hands to his slacks and unzipped, pulling his hard cock through the opening. “Lift your leg. Take me,” he demanded, and she did as he asked.

  Mireya wrapped one leg around his hip, opening her pussy to him, giving him access to her most intimate place. With careful movements he lined his cock up to her entrance and eased forward in the slowest increments possible. He enjoyed the snug feeling of each and every ripple of her cunt as he filled her with his cock. He made sure to tease her and torment her as much as possible.

  Her heat sent sparks flying through his body, the tingling electricity awakening his every nerve ending with each passing breath. He thrust forward the final few inches, pulling a hiss from his lover, his mate. Her pussy convulsed around him, and he fought his rising orgasm, pushing it back down.

  Mireya’s heat, her scent, flavored the very air of the elevator. The sweetened musk called to his dragon and it wanted to answer in kind. His scales were just beneath his skin, dying to be revealed, to rub against the skin of his souler.

  He gripped Mireya’s hips and hefted her higher, forcing her to wrap her other leg around his waist and exposing her fully to his ministrations.

  “Egan! I’m too heavy.”

  “You’re perfect. You’re my souler.” He kissed her again, pouring his love and adoration into his lips, his tongue, and willing his true feelings into the kiss they shared.

  He pulled back and thrust forward, hips tilting this way and that, hunting for the bundle of nerves sure to give her the utmost pleasure. She gripped his shoulders, fingers digging into his skin through his shirt. The biting pain zipped through him, heightening his pleasure further. He withdrew and slid home once again, pumping his hips, fucking his souler for all he was worth. This woman, this one woman, would be with him until the end of his days.

  Twice more… He needed her to orgasm twice more. Needed to share his seed with her twice more. Magic worked on the principal of three and the magic of dragons was no different.

  Egan wrapped his arm around Mireya’s lower back, supporting her while his other hand snaked between them, finding her clit with ease. The tiny nubbin pulsed and hardened beneath his fingertips, practically begging to be rubbed and petted. He started with tiny, soft circles, increasing the pressure and pace with each increase in the speed of his fucking. Harder and faster, quick and deep, he made love to her with everything in his being, willing her to come with him, come around him.

  The elevator took them beneath the ocean and he took her to the highest heights of pleasure. Pumping in and out of her pussy, he flicked her clit and her pussy tightened around him, dancing rhythmically around his cock in warning. Her orgasm was close.

  Harder and faster he worked his cock in and out of her heat, as he shared more and more of himself with her. Egan turned his heart over to her in those times of orgasm, giving bits and pieces of himself with each exchange.

  “Close, so close, Egan. Fuck me. Make me come.”

  “Yes, yes, yes. Come for me, souler. Come on my cock.”

  He kept up his punishing rhythm, fingers and cock working her cunt and clit as fast and hard as he could manage. He drew on his dragon’s strength and love, willing his body to go faster, to find those places that would drive her wild.

  Her pussy clenched around him in a steady and increasing rhythm in time with her heart. Thump, thump, thump… He wanted to come in her pussy, leave a part of himself within her.

  “Coming! Gah!” She screamed. “Egan!” She roared his name, his little ferret sounding more like a dragon and less like a small furry creature.

  Her pleasure secured, Egan released his own, seed gathering in his balls and electric fire amassing around his cock until, until… until… It released, lighting him on fire from head to toe. He burned at a thousand degrees, enjoying the heat of release.

  He leaned against the wall, Mireya still holding his cock within her, her breath coming in uneven pants. “Souler…” He couldn’t think of anything else. Nothing but the promise and love in the single word was right for that moment.

  She stroked his back, petting him, and he reveled in her tender touches. “What… what does that mean?”

  The elevator dinged. Saved by the bell.


  Damn the bell.

  Mireya relaxed her legs, pulling them from around Egan’s waist and attempting to stand on her own two feet. Her legs were like jelly, hardly taking her weight at all. At the same time, his cock slipped free of her pussy and she moaned at the loss of being so full.

  Sex and musk and heat filled the confined space, not even the doors sliding open gave them a reprieve from the scents of their lovemaking. Again, it’d been hard and fast instead of sweet and slow, yet she couldn’t get enough of him.

  She laced her fingers with his and slid around him, relishing the warmth pooled in her pussy. Regardless of the outcome, bound or unbound, she would never forget her time with him and if… if something came of their lovemaking, the child would be loved forever.

  “Show me your house. And then explain to me what kind of trouble I’m in.” She joked, bu
t didn’t.

  Egan rushed past her, pulling her along behind him as they entered his inner sanctum. She was dragged into the middle of what she assumed was the living room and she froze. He hadn’t been kidding. Not one iota.

  The walls were glass in every direction. The elevator hadn’t just gone down, but out on an angle as well, leading them farther and farther out into the water until the sea surrounded them on all sides. Fish of every color danced in the water, swimming this way and that in small schools. A manta ray skimmed the surface of the glass dome, its mouth seeming to grin at them as it swam by. In the distance Mireya could glimpse a killer whale and its baby exploring the sea. She stared, open-mouthed, in awe of all that lived and loved in the waters off Utopia Bay; things she’d never imagined she’d ever see and yet, here she was. “Oh, Egan.”

  He came up behind her, arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her back against him. “I had hoped you’d like it. I admit… I was worried.”

  “I could watch this forever. It doesn’t have a thing on the Discovery Channel.” He growled and nipped her ear and she giggled, tilting her head to the side, granting him better access.

  “You’d better like it. For one, it’s my true home, and two, you’ll be living here forever. With me. If you say yes…”

  She turned in his arms. “If you’ll tell me what being bound to you means, what souler means, then I’ll say yes.”

  “Bound?” He jerked his head back, eyebrows furrowed. “I would never bind anyone. Ever. Bound for Freedom spends millions every year to free Boundlings. What made you think I’d ever do such a heinous thing to you, Mireya. I would…” He acted as if she’d slapped him and told him she hated him.

  “What am I supposed to think? You said I was yours and I agreed. I love you, you ass. Have you explained anything?” She poked him in the chest. “No.” She poked him again just because it felt good. “So don’t be getting huffy with me when I assumed that the only way I’d get to spend the rest of my life with you was as a Boundling or souler thing.”

  He pulled her into a dragon hug, arms going tight around her. “You love me?”

  She sighed. “Yes,” she said grudgingly.

  He released her and pushed her back, staring straight into her eyes. “I love you.”

  Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them away. “You do?”

  “I do.”

  She smirked. “That’s for later.”

  “No, it’s for now. We’re not going to be bound, we’re going to be mated. You’re my souler, my soul lover, my one true mate. Why do you think I tried so hard to win you, sweet Mireya?”

  Oh, she knew the answer to this. “Because you’re a water dragon? You start something and you’ll be dammed if you don’t finish it. Get it? Dammed?” She winked at him and he growled, capturing her mouth in a quick kiss.

  “No, because you’re mine. If you want to truly be my mate, we have to make love once more… That will solidify the bond and you’ll be by my side until the end of time. Do you want that, Mireya.”

  She only had one answer. “Yes.”

  “Then let’s finish.” This kiss was sweet and slow, a languorous exploration of her mouth. She licked and tasted his essence, enjoyed his very flavor, and relished the scent of his fire so close to the surface.

  She allowed him to lead her through the expansive home, still in awe of the fish and other sea creatures on display. Or rather, she was on display for them. They walked slowly down a long, glass-lined corridor, hand in hand, fingers interlaced. Finally, the hallway opened into another large room, a bed dominating the center of the space. He guided her toward the bed and stopped. “You’re sure.”

  “More than anything.”

  That seemed to be all he needed. He slipped his hands beneath the hem of her blouse and pushed it off her shoulders. Her bra quickly followed. Next he unzipped her skirt and it immediately pooled around her. He tore the remnants of her panties from her hips, and then she was left bare and naked before him.


  “Enough to commit to forever?” She joked, but was only half kidding.

  “Forever and a day, my souler. Forever and a day,” he whispered against her lips.

  Unwilling to be the only one naked, she pulled his shirt free of his slacks and worked at the buttons while their mouths remained fused. Her pussy ached and pulsed in anticipation, a tiny burn still lingering from their first two furious fuckings. She looked forward to taking it slower this time around. And in a bed.

  Buttons undone, she yanked at the shirt and he wiggled free of the material. She went to work on his slacks next, unbuckling the belt, slipping the button free and then unzipping them. His erection practically jumped into her hand, the smell of their sex intensifying. She loved the fact that a part of her still coated his cock, was still with him.

  She discovered his body with her fingers, stroking the hard planes of his hips, stomach and chest. All of him was covered in a soft dusting of hair and hardened muscle. The clean smell of fire filled the room the more she explored, the entire space heating degree by degree the more she touched and stroked him, and she knew, from Sky and Selena’s talks, that her man was truly aroused now.

  He pulled away from her after giving her sweet, gentle kisses. “Mireya…” His voice held a warning.

  “I know.” She kissed back.

  Egan pushed her back against the mattress and she got her first glimpse of his body before he covered her. It was exactly as she’d felt. The pale skin was stretched taut over muscle after muscle after muscle.

  He entered her then, slowly, pushing his cock into her pussy, and she sighed, thankful to be filled by him once again. He positioned his body above hers, weight on his hands while he continued inching into her waiting pussy. She brought her knees up, widening her thighs and welcoming him with a tilt of her hips. His cock stroked her, pushing and pressing against every fold, stretching her walls with a satisfying ache.

  Finally he was as far within her heat as he could be and they lay connected, panting into each other’s mouths, sharing their breaths. The air was warm and scented with the ocean as if it were burning, and she inhaled his scent for all she was worth. “Move, Egan. Please,” she begged, the ache in her pussy becoming nearly unbearable.

  He complied immediately. “Anything for my souler. Anything.”

  Egan withdrew just as slowly as he’d entered her, shifting out with care before pushing forward once again. This wasn’t the fast and furious fucking of before, but a tender lovemaking that almost brought tears to her eyes.

  In and out he stroked and loved, back and again his cock moved within her, an unhurried shift and dance of bodies ensued. Sweet and caring, loving and gentle. Over and over their hips and breaths shifted in a rhythm as old as time.

  Soon, much too soon, her orgasm built and danced within her. It felt as if all of her fur sprouted at once without it actually coming through the skin, singing through her pores at a rapid, heartbreaking pace. She continued the lift and gyration of her hips. Again and again their pelvises met, pushing and pounding against one another as she neared coming.

  Her spine tingled, legs tightening, muscles contracting all over her body, the tension increased with each passing second. Again and again, higher and higher, her orgasm traveled toward the precipice, working toward something she’d never felt before.

  Magic swirled around them, a glowing, shifting mass that enveloped them both and increased the pleasure of her pending orgasm. Closer and closer still it edged, until… until… until… “I’m coming!” she announced, unable to hold it back any longer.

  “Come on my cock, souler. Come for me.”

  She released the tenuous hold she’d held on her pleasure, and pure ecstasy washed through her like a tsunami, cresting and then pouring through her from head to toe. She shuddered and moaned against him, barely aware of Egan finding his own release at the same moment.

  Within seconds the mist of magic disappeared, leaving a soft glow to
surround them as they caught their breaths.

  “Wow,” he breathed against her neck.

  “Double wow.”

  “Let’s do that again.”

  Always a man. “Ferret you, if you think my pussy can take any more. Ferret you!”

  Celia Kyle

  Celia would have loved to have written her own biography, but she just didn’t know what to say. In a fit of desperation, she turned to me, her most trusted confidant and friend. I realize you’re asking yourself, “Who is this?” I am Jasmine, her cat. I also go by a few other names, but those may be too strong for your delicate ears. Suffice it to say my mommy is very creative and not just with writing.

  My mommy, Celia, began writing in August of 2006. I know this because it was around that time our meals started coming later and later in the day. As months passed, she spent more and more time in front of the boring screen. Though, it was fun to chase the little arrow around every once in a while. You should hear her scream! But I digress.

  She’s worked hard to give readers sexy, quirky heroines they can relate to. And you better damn well appreciate it. All I got was late night feedings. And I didn’t even make it into one of her books by name! That damn cat, Katie O’Meghan, did. Bitch.

  Well, enjoy her writings and if you want to praise her for her work… don’t. I’d like to get fed at some point, people.

  Fine. If you must contact her, her website is at or you can send an email to But when I go hungry, I’ll blame you all!




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