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Taken: Nomadican Mates Series 3: Alien Reverse Harem Romance

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by Iona Strom

  Waiting tables. She hated this part of her job. Serving drinks where a sturdy bar separated her from the general populace, she didn’t mind that so much.

  Lugging her heavy tray back out into the fray, she needed to adjust her bad attitude toward the crowd. Every table meant more tip money to stuff into her dream jar. She’d been saving up for a software program she desperately wanted for her future career in architecture. Just one more semester, and she would be graduating in the Spring.

  Finally, she could retire her apron, don a power suit, and join the crush of morning commuters as they hustled their way to one skyscraper or another. She’d just completed an internship at an architecture firm uptown. As long as she kept doing as well in school, they’d said she was a shoo-in for a position there.

  Delivering her tray full of food to a particularly raucous table, nights like this were a necessary evil. Smiling through clenched teeth as the boys—there was no way this group of idiots could qualify as men — ogled her, catcalling under their breath, she placed their food orders in front of them. One even had the audacity to lift himself up out of his seat to peer down her top when she bent at the waist to set down a plate filled with a hamburger and fries in front of one of his buddies.

  This wasn’t Hooters for fuck’s sake!

  Her boobs weren't out on display as part of a gimmick to sell chicken wings. She wasn’t flaunting anything. Black pants and a white top was the standard uniform. There was nothing formfitting about any of what she was wearing.

  Disrespectful asshole! That asshole would leave her a tip, but not if she was rude to him.

  Swallowing back the retort that singed the tip of her tongue, Rachel asked, “Can I get you gentleman anything else?”

  “Your number for starters.”

  Okay. This ass-bandit was pushing his luck.

  How about number one-hundred because that's how much of a tip you should leave me for being a jerk? “I don’t think my boyfriend would appreciate me giving out my number, but thanks.” Not that she had one, but he didn’t know that.

  “We ain’t gotta date or nothing.” The jerk looked her over, then scooted his seat out to cop a gander of her ass. “I was talking about a booty call.”

  It took everything in her to not slam the now empty tray clutched in her hands down over his chauvinistic head, her knuckles a stark white with the effort.

  “No, thanks.” Rachel grinned through teeth that now throbbed from being gnashed together. “So, is anyone ready for refills, or you good for now?”

  “I’ll take one,” the guy on the opposite side of the table raised his nearly empty mug at her.

  “Me too,” another chimed in.

  “Nah, I’m good,” was said around a mouthful of hamburger from the jackass still eyeing her ass like a prime cut of beef. And chewing with his mouth open—how lovely. If his obnoxious personality didn’t scare the girls away, his atrocious table manners were sure to send them running.

  Keeping the eye roll to herself, Rachel couldn’t wait to head back to the safety of the bar. As she turned to leave, a wicked idea sprang up out of nowhere, and before she could think it through, she acted on it. Faking that she dropped her pen, Rachel bent over at the waist, presenting her backside to the jerk who found it so captivating. His eyes were on her, she could feel his skeevy stare. The sound of choking was the reaction she was after. Back slapping and inquiries from his friends curved a genuine smile across her face.

  The night was looking up.

  Available on Amazon!

  Cael: Mythical Ink Series 3

  Glossary of Nomadican Words

  Aunatoolue- A paper-thin device much like an iPad.

  Bioti- The peoples of the planet, Biotios.

  Biotios- Home planet of what used to be the neighboring planet of Riosis.

  Bromesius- A planet located in the Myconain galaxy.

  Chevreons- Black markings occurring naturally on Nomadican males’ skin at the time of birth.

  Clov- A group of Nomadican males mated to a single female.

  Corillian blood worms- A blood-loving parasite that attaches to the body much like a leach.

  Denarian Sector- A northern region of the Universe consisting mostly of dying solar systems.

  Dominoss- The equivalent to the rank of Admiral

  Gretolics- The gray-skinned alien’s that abducted Ivey and later sold her to the trollis.

  Hogrous- Hungry.

  Interlix- Intercom system.

  Jakato- Healing balm rich in antioxidants made from beans of the cytrenios bush.

  Leelia- A sub subservient people from the planet, Blethio.

  Letrutose- A planet in the Tijerian galaxy where the marketplace Ivey was abducted by the Wetokian.

  Luartick Sector- The southernmost region of the Universe that includes three young galaxies one of which is the Milky Way.

  Mannocks- Humans.

  Natookie- Snake like people from the Delnorian solar system.

  Nokketava- Also known as blood grass, this carnivorous vegetation grows wild on many planets in the Tijerian galaxy where the air is hot and dry.

  Nomadicans- A humanoid species very distantly related to humans.

  Nutrillum silk- A luxurious fabric woven from the filaments of sypritious flowers.

  Oveelian- A small rodent like animal with soft, caramel-colored fur.

  Penatorium- The Nomadican’s equivalent of a prison.

  Phasopulse- An ion charged pulse that targets the nervous system and will render most species unconscious.

  Phoblast- A Nomadican weapon similar to a gun that can discharge a phasopulse.

  Plurius- Fruit from the grinotious tree. Has pale pink flesh with a floral aroma.

  Potious- Potion derived from potus leaves used for infertility.

  Primaries- The dominant male in a clov.

  Profuvian constrictor- A worm like reptile found on several planets in the Gonoso solar system.

  Purilifity- A female Nomadican’s ritual of purification before a mating ceremony.

  Rillium- A refined fuel source made from raw rilliamot, a tall grass only found in the Verilli Sector, used to power spaceships. In solid form, is used as currency.

  Riosis- The former and now destroyed home planet of the Nomadicans.

  Seconsious- Nomadican equivalent to a second of time.

  Secundries- The secondary males in a clov.

  Sermonian crystals- Are semi-precious gems created in the volcanos on Sermous, a planet in the Demonous star system. These sparkling jewels off-gas oxygen as their structures naturally break down over time.

  Shoulsis- A wife to a clov of males.

  Sorcerist- A female healer from the planet, Nelianos.

  Taluvian- Is a species of hermit like peoples that inhabit the caves on the planet, Taluvious.

  Taverios- The Nomadican version a tavern where food and alcoholic drinks are sold.

  Tijerian galaxy- A galaxy in the eastern region of the Universe known for their abundance of dangerous wildlife.

  Thesibian Moke- A large, hairy

  Tirius- The home of a seedy trading post known for illegal and black-market commodities. It is also where Ivey was sold to the trollis and later purchased by Xuel.

  Tristiu- Seeds harvested from pods that grow on Trissy tress.

  Trollis- A stalky peoples of questionable character from the planet, Erotise.

  Universeval Rule- Is a uniformed space force created and predominately maintained by the Yulineon people to provide protection for infant galaxies and their inhabitants from unscrupulous species that would do them harm.

  Vinosse- A fermented drink much like wine made from berries of bluiose trees.

  Yulineons- Guardians of specific regions of the Universe where infant galaxies exist.

  Wetokian- Beastly people, none for their bad tempers, from the planet, Horis. Covered in wiry hair, the males are among some of the most aggressive in the Universe.

  Newsletter and Stalk the Authors

sp; Iona Strom writes for readers who love hot, erotic romance featuring exotic alien males who believe human females are a delicacy to be devoured—over and over again.

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  LS Anders is a spinner of tales and dirty of mind. Author of contemporary and paranormal romance, she decided to dip her toes in the world of sci-fi romance to bring you the naughtiest tales imaginable.

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