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Random Acts of Marriage (Wedding Favors)

Page 11

by Boone Brux

  She opened the door and walked into the living room where he sat watching the news, feet propped up on the coffee table. “Well?” She held out her arms and performed a single turn. “What do you think?”

  “Wow.” He clicked the mute button and stood. “Wow, wow. You look like a sexy international spy.”

  “Not exactly the look I was going for, but thank you.” She tugged on the bottom of the jacket. “And thanks for helping me out. This outfit is amazing. It’s perfect for the interview.”

  “I’m glad it all fit.” He glanced at his watch. “Now you need to get your butt to Lawson’s and wow them. It’s ten after twelve.”

  “Right.” She scooped up her purse, the only part of her wardrobe that didn’t match, and headed to the foyer. “Is it all right if I stop back by to pick up my stuff?”

  “Of course.” He opened the door and followed her to the elevator. “I’ll give you a ride to your car.”

  “What about work?” After delivering a couple of solid punches to the down button, she faced him. “I can take a cab.”

  “I took today off in anticipation of the morning after the bachelor party. Besides, I’m the one who talked you into ditching your DD duties last night. It’s the least I can do.” He slid a key card into a slot under the down arrow, pushed it again, and handed her the card. “Take this. You’ll need it when you come back.”

  “Thanks.” She dropped the key into the front pocket of her purse. “I think you’ve done enough by providing this outfit, which, by the way, I will pay you back for.” How she planned to do that was a mystery. While getting dressed she’d tallied the price tags. It would take a couple of extra weekends—nine to be exact—to earn enough. “As soon as I can scrape together the money.”

  “Go get this job.” A bell dinged, and the elevator doors slid open. With a gentle shove, he pushed her inside. “That will be repayment enough.”

  “Okay.” She nodded and clutched her purse against her chest. “I mean, I’ll go get the job, but I want to pay you back.”

  He reached inside the elevator and punched the lobby button. “We’ll talk about it later.” As he stepped back, the doors began to slide closed. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks.” A second later the elevator slammed shut and whisked her toward what she prayed was her new future.


  He shouldn’t have done it. Even as he’d dialed Jonathan Lawson’s cell, he knew he shouldn’t interfere. Kinni would kill him if she found out, but her terrified excitement and accusation that it was his fault she didn’t have time to go home and change had driven him to make the call. What was the point of having connections if he couldn’t use them to help his friends? He was a businessman. Favors were traded all the time. It’s not like he’d asked Jonathan to hand her the job without going through the proper channels, just to give her his personal consideration instead of leaving it up to somebody else. Hopefully, his added insights about her work ethics and demeanor would help push her application to the top of the pile. Without hesitation, Jonathan agreed. It was no big deal, a friend helping a friend.

  He checked his watch again. She’d been gone two hours, and hopefully that was a good sign. Clicking the channel button, he surfed for something interesting. Over a hundred channels and there was nothing on. After another minute of mindless searching, he shut off the television and stared at the blank screen. He wasn’t sure who was more nervous about her job interview, Kinni or him.

  The doorbell chimed, sending him to his feet. He yanked the door open to find her waiting on the other side. “So, how did it go?”

  From the wide grin plastered on her face, things went well. “Good. Really good.” She glided into the apartment and spun to face him. “I think.” Her hands were clasped under her chin in a tight prayer pose. “They asked questions and I answered. I even made a couple of jokes they laughed at. Mr. Lawson even popped in to the interview for a minute.” She stared at him for a few seconds. “I really can’t think of anything I could have done better.”

  “That’s great.” It didn’t appear as if she could move, her excitement rooting her in place, so he gestured toward the living room. “Sit down. I want to hear all about it.” Still she didn’t move, just stared at him. “Is everything all right?”

  Without warning, she pitched forward and planted a kiss on his mouth. Though surprised at first, he didn’t waste time analyzing her action and wrapped his arms around her waist, hauling her against him. Her mouth slanted over his, and as her tongue sought more connection, she dug her hands into his hair, clenching and unclenching them.

  The constant rub of her body made him harden. Not asking her permission, he pulled the pins from her hair and shook the twisted knot loose, burying his hands in the thick mass. His tongue slid across her bottom lip, and then nipped tiny kisses across her cheek and down her neck.

  The pulse of her heart raced against his mouth. She liked this, liked his touch. And from the way she arched against him, she wanted more. His hands slid to the buttons of her shirt and plucked the first one open, while he continued his assault on her neck. What he wanted was to tear the shirt open, but the little common sense that remained told him she wouldn’t like that as much as he did. Her words from the strip club floated back to him. He didn’t want to be the guy who cared only about his pleasure, especially with her.

  They needed to slow down—he needed to slow down, or else he’d have her flat on her back in the next ten seconds. Straightening, he captured her gaze, but didn’t stop unbuttoning her shirt. Then he leaned in and kissed her again, his left hand cupping the back of her head to hold her in place, while his right hand slipped between the folds of her shirt to caress her breast.

  She gasped and pushed against his hand. The satin of her bra slid under his fingertip, the thin material pulling tight against her stiffening nipple. Firm and round, her breasts were perfect handfuls. He plucked at the rigid tip, eliciting a hum of pleasure from her. The sound was crazy hot, and as much as he tried to keep her needs in the forefront, his desires were becoming a bit unruly.

  He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to hers. “Are you sure about this? Because if you have any doubts, this is the time to stop.”

  Taking his face between her hands, she leveled a stare at him. “Oh, I’m sure.” She pulled his mouth to hers again and ravished him.

  That was all the go-ahead he needed. If she said she wanted this, then he’d take her word for it. He slid his hands across her shoulders and pushed the jacket down her arms. She shimmied, sending the blazer to the floor, but never broke their kiss. Next came the rest of the buttons on her shirt. All but the last one opened easily, and after several infuriating seconds, she took over the task.

  “Shirt,” she panted while divesting herself of the blouse. “Take it off.” He pulled the T-shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. Her gaze devoured him as she pulled off her skirt. “And the pants.”

  She kicked her skirt to the side, and his hands stilled on the zipper of his jeans. His imagination hadn’t come close to the level of sexy she exuded. She stood, watching him undress, in a pair of knee-high black boots and a matching black bra and panty set, her long dark hair hanging loose and wild. Suddenly he didn’t want to rush, but instead drink in the first moment that she’d actually fulfilled his fantasy.

  When she reached behind her to undo her bra, he stopped her. “I want to do that.”

  She swallowed hard, looking momentarily uncomfortable, before nodding and lowering her arms. He stepped toward her, leaving only a few inches between them, and brushed his knuckles over the swell of her right breast. Though her eyes never left his face, she bit her bottom lip and leaned into his touch.

  “You’re more beautiful than I imagined.” His fingers drifted along the satin strap and then slipped beneath it, pushing it from her shoulder. The pink tip of her nipple peeked from the fabric. Tight and puckered, it beckoned for his mouth. “Perfection.”

  Again he pulled her close and
cupped the underside of her breast. Her dusky nipple strained upward, her breaths coming in tiny pants. When he bent and covered the taut nub with his tongue, Kinni’s fingers wound through his hair and held his head in place. She moaned and arched, sending a wave of erotic need coursing through him. His cock pressed against her pelvis, straining to break free from his jeans.

  He took her hand and guided it down to the front of his pants, pressing her fingers against his rock-hard shaft. “Touch me.”

  There was no hesitation from Kinni. Like a pro, she popped the button and dragged the zipper down. It was his turn to moan when her warm hands rubbed the aching head of his cock. As she caressed him, she worked his jeans lower, giving her more access and the ability to lengthen her strokes. Sparks of pleasure swirled and built with each tug of her hand. At this rate he wouldn’t last long.

  Turning his attention back to her, he circled his tongue around her pink nipple and then sucked, drawing a whimper from her. He lifted his head and captured her mouth. Kissing and touching each other like this wasn’t enough. He wanted more skin and body contact. From her heavy breathing, she felt the same way.

  “Let’s take this into the bedroom.” He gripped her face between his hands and stared at her. “I need to touch all of you.”

  “Definitely.” She released him and backed toward the bedroom. He drank in the sight of her long pale legs clad in black boots. She crooked a finger at him. “Coming?”

  “Oh yea—” His doorbell chimed, stopping their trek to the bedroom.

  She shoved her bra strap into place, alarm extinguishing some of the desire in her eyes. “Who’s here?”

  “It doesn’t matter. Ignore it.” He took a step toward her but the bell rang again—and again, followed by a knock. He mumbled a curse, willing whoever was screwing up his afternoon to go away.

  “Maybe it’s an emergency or a problem with the hotel.” She scooped up her clothes. “I’ll wait in the bathroom.”

  He opened his mouth to stop her, but the doorbell clanged three more times, and she darted into the next room. Could their timing have been any more inconvenient? For their sake he hoped there was an emergency. That, at least, would be easier to forgive.

  After adjusting himself in an attempt to hide his erection, he pulled on his T-shirt and marched to the door.

  “Hey, man, what took you so long?” Linc strode into the apartment with a case of beer tucked under his arm. “We were beginning to think you weren’t here.”

  On Linc’s heels came Jamie, carrying a grocery bag of food, and Kyle hauling a box of video games and controllers. Shit, he’d completely forgotten about inviting them over for a little post-bachelor party. With Jamie back in town, and only a few days until Kyle tied the knot, he’d thought an afternoon of hanging out would be a great idea—had thought being the operative words. Now spending time with his friends didn’t seem so important.

  “Sorry, I had the volume up too loud.” He trailed them into the living room, swinging to the right in order to glance into the bedroom. The bathroom door was shut and from his quick perusal, Kinni had hauled all her stuff into the bathroom with her. “Let me put the beer in the fridge.”

  While he unloaded the bottles, his mind raced, unsure what he should do. She’d have to leave sometime, and he doubted he could sneak her out. Besides, he was supposed to take her to pick up her car. Would she even want the guys to know about them? The last thing he wanted was to screw things up before they ever got going.

  “Hi, guys.” Kinni walked into the living room fully dressed, as if she’d just finished with her interview. So much for her sneaking out, not that it had really been an option. And so much for picking up where they’d left off.

  “Hey, Kinni,” Jamie said. “What are you doing here?”

  It took all his skill to maintain a passive expression. He’d let her take the lead, but the way all three of his friends’ gazes bounced from her to him was comical.

  “Price is taking me to pick up my car.” She slung her purse over her shoulder and crossed her arms. “It’s his penance for feeding me margaritas last night.”

  “Yep, I was a bad boy.” He scooped his car keys off the counter, making a bigger show of it than he had to. “The refrigerator is full. Chips are in the pantry.” He placed his hand on her back and with a gentle push, guided her to the door. “It shouldn’t take me long.”

  “All right, but we’re going to start the game without you,” Kyle said, digging through the box.

  “Bye, Kinni,” Linc said.

  She gave a little wave. “Have fun, guys.”

  After Price shut the door, he pulled her to him. “I’m so sorry. I completely forgot I invited them over.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. I’m the one who jumped you.” She swiped her thumb along his bottom lip. “But I don’t think we fooled them, unless you can convince them that you’ve started to wear my shade of lipstick.”

  “I’d hoped to have a lot more than just your lipstick on me.” The kiss he gave her was half desire and half frustration. “For the rest of the night I’m going to be thinking about what I could have been doing.”

  “Think about, yes, but don’t give the guys any details, okay?” She stepped aside to let him load the key card.

  “I won’t tell, but don’t forget.” He punched the down arrow.

  “Forget what?”

  “Forget where we left off.” Despite his apartment full of friends, he pulled her to him again. “Because we are definitely going to finish what we started.” He slid his hand to the back of her neck and slanted his mouth over hers. His tongue glided along her lower lip and then dipped inside to languish against hers. If he couldn’t make love to her now, he’d do everything to keep it in the forefront of her mind. The elevator dinged and the door opened. He broke the kiss, but didn’t let her go. “Oh yeah, we definitely aren’t finished.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The ceremony rehearsal was scheduled to start in five minutes, but Kinni couldn’t bring herself to wait inside. Dani hadn’t arrived yet, but everybody else had gathered at the front of the church, listening to the wedding coordinator and Roxy’s mother snipe over the tiniest details. Under normal circumstances, she’d be in the thick of it, armed with her gigantic binder and numerous lists, checking off to-dos and making last-minute notes. But not tonight. It had been almost forty-eight hours since she’d left Price’s after their major groping session, and she hadn’t looked at the wedding binder once.

  Her thoughts were unfocused, and every time she tried to do something constructive, she found herself reliving the brief, but glorious, time in his apartment. The dichotomy was that she loved the way she had felt with him, sexy and free, but she didn’t like herself when she wasn’t with him. It had become nearly impossible to keep a logical thought in her head.

  To add to her angst, when she’d seen Linc today, he’d winked at her, as if they had an inside secret. Did they have an inside secret? She didn’t know. Maybe he’d figured out what was going on between her and Price. Maybe he’d told everybody about their relationship. But if he had, she didn’t know that, which meant she’d be the only one who didn’t know what everybody else knew about her and Price. Ugh, she wasn’t making sense anymore.

  Her head listed backward, knocking against the stone pillar, and she stared at the soaring arch above her. This was what she hated, the crazy thought process and actions of a new relationship. Even so, she thought she’d trained herself better. Hadn’t she learned to rationalize and compartmentalize in situations like this? Well, if she had, the skills certainly weren’t presenting themselves now.

  Hearing footsteps on the concrete stairs, she lifted her head. Dani trudged toward her, looking every bit as haggard as Kinni felt. It looked as if she’d done the minimal amount of primping to be acceptable, and who could blame her? Over the past day more details about her and Jamie had come out, not to mention Roxy’s ridiculous ploy to get the two of them together. She respected Dani for showi
ng up at all.

  “Hey there.” Kinni straightened, giving her friend a sympathetic smile. “I wondered if you were going to show up. How are you doing?”

  “Fine, I guess. I had to talk myself into coming.” Dani sighed and shook her head. “I’m still majorly pissed.”

  “You have every right to be.” A noise sounded from inside the church, causing her to jump.

  “What’s going on with you?” Dani asked.

  She looked back at her fellow bridesmaid, schooling her apprehension. “What do you mean?”

  “Are you hiding out here?” A trace of a smile turned up the corners of Dani’s mouth. “Maybe from Price?”

  “No.” Had they been that obvious about their interest in each other? Did it even matter? Normally, she would have gone to Dani for advice, but her friend had problems of her own. “It’s hot in there, so I was getting some fresh air.”

  “Yeah, kind of warm tonight.” Dani fanned herself and looked around. “Where’s everybody else?”

  “Uh, inside, I think. We were just waiting for you.”

  Well, that wasn’t a complete lie. They couldn’t start until everybody was there, but nobody had been certain Dani would even show up.

  “All right.” She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “Let’s go.”

  Kinni followed her into the church, but stopped at the chapel entrance. Tension was running high tonight, and her own unease wasn’t helping her cope. Lingering in the back, she watched Dani approach the group. Roxy’s face brightened and then fell again, probably from Dani reading her the riot act.


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