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Follow The Wind

Page 12

by Janelle Taylor

  Jessie stretched and yawned. “I feel lazy today. It’s been a long journey. As soon as we get home tomorrow, we’ll be put to hard work immediately. I dread it, but I want it over with. We’ll plan our strategy at the ranch.”

  Navarro thought she appeared just as reluctant to get on the move as he was and to end their private time together. He gathered wood and lit a fire while Jessie splashed water on her face, then brushed and braided her hair. As he made coffee, she cooked meat and bread.

  Within twenty minutes, they had finished eating and washing the dishes. Jessie tossed the blanket over Ben’s back. The saddle was thrown over it, then cinched in place. She secured her saddlebags behind the cantle, and tied her bedroll atop them. Her rifle was sheathed and her rope was hung over the stock. She filled two canteens and looped them over the horn, then tied the supply sack in place. “Ready,” she told Navarro, and mounted.

  They bypassed the town near Fort Stockton, and the army post. They would camp once more tonight. Jessie didn’t want to get home late and send the edgy Navarro into a bunkhouse of curious strangers. Nor did she want to disturb weary hands turned in for the night. This would be their last night alone.

  As dusk approached, Jessie was disappointed by how quiet and reserved Navarro had been all day. During their rest stops and midday meal, he had kept to himself once more, and that troubled her. Each time they made progress with their friendship, he halted it and backed off again. It was as if he feared something would happen to spoil their budding relationship. Yet he had opened up more than she had expected. She would back off and let him relax.

  As they skirted a rolling hill, Jessie halted him. “Look,” she said, pointing at two men who were cutting fences beyond them. “Don’t let them see us.”

  They retreated to cover. “If we go around the other way, we can slip up on them through those trees. Fletcher’s men,” she added.

  They almost succeeded, but Jessie was sighted at the last minute as she sneaked up on foot while moving from tree to tree behind Navarro, who was leading their attack. The villains drew their weapons and opened fire. Navarro shoved Jessie to the grassy earth. The desperado and redhead exchanged gunfire with the two men. One was wounded in the arm and the other in his leg. Navarro surged forward and got the drop on them. Jessie joined him.

  Navarro ordered them to strip. When they were down to their longjohns, he told them to mount. After he was obeyed, Navarro tied them to their saddles and slapped their horses on the rumps to send them racing homeward. “That should give their boss a message. We could have taken them to the law, but it wouldn’t do much to stop your trouble. They wouldn’t betray Fletcher. He would have them killed, even in jail. It’s best if we handle that landgrabber.”

  “I agree. Once they get home, Fletcher will know about vou.”

  “Doesn’t matter. He would have known soon anyway. We can expect more trouble from this incident; men don’t take humiliation well. Let’s get this repaired.”

  “How? we don’t have tools or barbwire.”

  “We’ll use our ropes to close the gap. You can send men out tomorrow to mend it right. All we need to do is keep your cattle in until then.”

  Jessie noticed how Navarro always said “you” and “your,” never acknowledging her father. Maybe he considered the problem with Fletcher hers alone, and that was why he was helping. That was good, because it meant he cared about protecting her.

  When the gap was closed with strung ropes, Navarro replaced his knife and remarked, “This is good grassland, Jessie.”

  “It’s some of the best. It cures up easily for superior winter feed. It fattens our stock quickly. It’s kin to buffalo grass, and it’s very sturdy…How do you like this area? Isn’t it beautiful?” Her eyes were dreamy as she gazed around them.

  He looked over the verdant terrain and agreed. “Yep, I can see why you love it so much. I’m sure you’re anxious to get home.”

  She was, and she wasn’t. Navarro was standing too close to be ignored. Her fingers reached up and lifted a section of his black hair. “How’s the wound?” It was still discolored and not fully healed, but it seemed to be doing nicely.

  He didn’t step back or push away her hand. “No more pain.”

  “That’s good. If I forgot to tell you, thanks for saving me that day. If you hadn’t shoved me down and caught that bullet, I’d be dead.”

  “If you’d left me there, I’d be dead, so we’re even.”

  It would be dark in an hour, as there would be only a half-moon tonight. “There’s a line shack nearby. We’ll camp there, then ride in tomorrow. All right?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They retrieved their horses and headed that way. Within thirty minutes, they were dismounting at the secluded cabin used during the winter and during fall roundups. No one was around, and no smoke from campfires could be seen. Jessie knew the men should be gathering cows in the south pastures or be at the bunkhouse many miles away. They were alone one last time.

  While Navarro unsaddled and tended the horses, she went inside with their supplies. She closed the shutters and barred them to prevent any lanternlight from escaping, just in case someone was in the area and might see it, especially Fletcher’s hirelings. Later, she would bolt the door. As the evening was cool, the cabin wouldn’t get too stuffy.

  Jessie used the iron stove to prepare their meal. As the ravenous travelers devoured the food at the small table, she said, “Fletcher’s been undercutting our prices so he can steal army contracts from us. He doesn’t need money, so he can afford a cheap price. I don’t know how long we can sell for less or refuse to sell. Papa’s been keeping the books a secret since last winter. I know he made some large purchases for those last two bulls, and we didn’t have many four-year-olds to market last season. Don’t worry about your salary; I know Papa will cover whatever you ask for payment,” she added, knowing how her words must have sounded.

  Navarro halted eating to respond, “Don’t worry about what I’ll charge, Jessie. That sorrel, saddle, and food are about all I’ll need for a while. When I get ready to move on, I’ll need a little cash for supplies on the trail. For now, the same as you pay your hands is fine.”

  Jessie was surprised by those words. “But you could earn a lot of money with your skills, Navarro. We wouldn’t cheat you out of a fair deal.”

  “About the only use I have for money is eating and ammo and feed for my horse. I don’t stay in hotels; I like to camp in the open.”

  “What about saving up for something special, like a ranch of your own?”

  “Not interested in settling down.”

  “How long can you stay on the move, Navarro?”

  “As long as I need to or want to. I’ve got nothing to hold me down to one place. I took this job because it sounded exciting, and I needed to rest a while.”

  “Don’t you ever get tired of moving around?”

  “It has its bad points. Shame is, the good ones never outweigh them.”

  “What if they do one day?”

  “I doubt they ever will.”

  “If they did?” she persisted, their gazes locking and searching.

  “Like you said before, how can anybody say what tomorrow holds?”

  They completed their meal and cleared the table. “Why don’t you relax with your coffee while I wash off outside? There’s a windmill and a tank for the cattle.”

  Jessie left him sitting there in deep thought while she bathed in the vanishing light. She put on the one skirt and shirt she had brought with her in case she needed to dress as a lady during her mission. She unbound her hair and brushed the dark-red locks. When she went inside, Navarro stared at her before leaving to do the same after saying he wanted to look his best for his new job tomorrow.

  He returned as she was about to braid her hair before turning in. He bolted the door and dropped his saddlebags to the floor, then approached the table where she was sitting. On impulse, he entreated, “Don’t capture it, Jessie; leave
it free. It’s like a red river and my hands want to jump into it.” Ensnared by her beauty and the heady moment, he stroked her silken hair.

  Jessie closed her eyes and savored his gentle and unexpected touch. When he halted and stepped away, she stood and faced him. “Navarro…” She hesitated and lowered her head. She knew he could ride out of her life at any time and be lost forever. This was their last time for privacy. If she didn’t let him know how she felt tonight, there might never be another chance. Without his knowing the truth, he might not be tempted to stay with her. He needed to learn he was loved, he was wanted, he was needed for more than the job she offered. He needed to see that he was special, that he had a place with her if he dared to claim it. She had to give him something only she could give: her love, herself, her trust. She wasn’t sure what to do, but her mother had told her that things like this always took care of themselves. Something deep within her seemed to say, It’s now or never, Jessie, and she couldn’t resist that urging.

  Navarro told himself to back off, that he shouldn’t have approached her, but he couldn’t find the strength or will to do so. He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “What is it, Jessie?” he asked. She seemed confused and apprehensive. Was she afraid to be here with him alone tonight? Did she want to ask him to go outside to camp? Should he have done so and not placed her in this embarrassing and uncomfortable predicament? “Do you want me to leave? Is that it?”

  Jessie misunderstood. “Of course not. I need you.”

  “I meant, do you want me to camp outside tonight?”

  She had known almost from the first moment she had met Navarro that he was the man for her. But she had realized during her days with him that he would need convincing. Jessie decided in a split second that before they risked their lives fighting Wilbur Fletcher, she wanted to taste love, his love. He was the only man who had stirred her emotions in this powerful way. Her mother had been taken from her father. Her grandfather had been taken from Gran. Jake could have ended her life in San Angelo. Josh could have slain Navarro on the trail. Both could die soon from Fletcher’s bullets. Life could be so short and cruel. Before death claimed her, she must experience the joys and secrets of love. Once they were bound in hearts and bodies, surely he would stay at her side. Her love would be what won him over and what held him in her life. She had to prove to him that she was a risk worth taking, a dream worth capturing, just as he was to her. “No, don’t leave,” Jessie admitted.

  “It’s dangerous for me to stay around you tonight,” he warned.

  “I know.”

  A merciless battle waged within the desperado. His mind shouted for him to run. But as he looked at her, his heart begged him to stay. “Do you, Jessie?” he asked. “I haven’t known many women, and none like you. The problem is, we may not have much time together. It isn’t fair to let you believe we do. If we’re killed or captured or your father decides not to hire me tomorrow, this could be our only night together. That isn’t much to offer a good woman like you.” Navarro realized she didn’t know how true those words were. Time was a prize he couldn’t grasp and hold very long; yet, he couldn’t tell her why. He didn’t want her to learn what a terrible thing he had done.

  Jessie admired his honesty, but rashly believed she could change his mind later. “Isn’t one night better than none?” she replied bravely.

  “For me, yes. For you, is it? Don’t answer too fast. Once a deed is done, you can’t ever change it.”

  Jessie’s gaze roamed his features. Yes, she concluded, her last statement was true. “I want more than one night from you, Navarro. But if this is all you can give for now, so be it,” she answered, her courage and resolve unfailing.

  “Not just for now, Jessie, forever. Make sure you understand and accept that. I won’t guide you down a false trail of pretty lies and broken promises like most men will to get what they want. You’re too special for that.”

  “For as long and as much as you can share yourself with me, Navarro, I want you.”

  The desperado’s heart pounded in desire and hesitation. If only he had met Jessie years ago when a life with her was possible. He had been cold and hard like a frozen landscape. She was a flaming sun that softened and melted his icy heart. If he let Jessie distract him and he stayed too long just to be near her, he could destroy himself. It would hurt them both when he had to leave, especially since he couldn’t tell her why. Yet there was so little happiness in life, in his past and in his future, and none in his present if he didn’t grasp this moment. Although he had little hope of surviving if he stopped running, wasn’t this risk worth taking?

  Jessie watched him battle with ghosts and worries that were trying to pull him away from her. A man like Navarro might never come along for her again. Having been raised as a son and heir, she was different from other women. It would take a special man, a strong one, to stand at her side. “This has nothing to do with you taking my job, Navarro. Whether you stay with me or leave for some reason, this is between us as a man and a woman.”

  Navarro made his choice, and hoped it wasn’t the wrong one. “Even if you change your mind about surrendering to me tonight, I’ll still work for you, Jessie. I’ve tried to hold back from you because that’s best for us, but I can’t any longer.”

  Jessie moved closer to him. “I’ve done the same during our journey. You’re so different from other men I’ve known. None of them has made me feel this crazy way. If we die at Fletcher’s hands, at least I’ll have had you once.”

  Navarro pulled Jessie into his arms. No matter where his path led tomorrow, this was one night he would never forget. For a moment, he did nothing more than hold her, feel her against him, and tell himself this was meant to be. He lowered his head and kissed her. The contact was more potent than any whiskey he had consumed.

  Jessie looped her arms around his neck and returned the ardent kiss. His embrace tightened and he moaned against her lips, revealing his great desire. She quivered at the force of their shared passions. Her body warmed swiftly and uncontrollably. Her pulse raced. She felt strange and wonderful all over. If she couldn’t capture this dream, then she would enjoy it for one beautiful night.

  Navarro was staggered by the stimulating way she was kissing and holding him. An intoxicating aura surrounded him, and his thoughts seemed to dance like grass in the wind. Her kisses and embraces were unlike those of the women he had paid to release him. His experiences with women were few and far between, but he felt that his sexual prowess would come alive with this unique beauty.

  They shared many kisses that became deeper and more urgent. Navarro’s lips trailed over the soft surface of Jessie’s flushed face, then traveled down her throat and back again. He nestled his face against her hair and savored the feel of it on his cheek. His strong hands wandered up her back and drifted into those auburn locks, allowing her curls to tease over his fingers. He clasped her head to his chest and kissed the top of it. “Nothing in my life has ever felt as good as you in my arms.”

  Jessie heard his heart thumping, gaining speed with each minute he held her close. It was as if he wanted and needed her desperately but was trying to control himself and not rush their union. Her hands roamed his back and her fingers traced the strength dwelling there. His back, shoulders, and arms were taut and well muscled. Her fingers encountered defined ridges and ripples, like rolling hills and playful water. She was so happy and free that she feared her heart would burst with emotion.

  Navarro meshed his mouth to hers as his quivering fingers unfastened the buttons on her shirt. He peeled it off her shoulders and arms, then dropped the blue garment to the floor. His fingers roamed her satiny flesh with slow and arousing movements. They slipped beneath the straps of her chemise and removed it with ease, as she had unlaced and unbuttoned it for him. His hands covered her breasts and reveled in their firm softness. Her nipples hardened into taut peaks as he caressed them while he kissed her with rising hunger.

  Jessie was amazed and surprised by how s
timulating his fingers felt at her breasts. She had expected his touch to feel good, but not this wonderful. She felt his hands releasing her skirt, and she clung to him to make certain he knew to continue. Assuming he didn’t know how to loosen and remove her bloomers, Jessie released them and let them fall to her ankles. She was glad she hadn’t put on her boots after her bath; she wouldn’t have to part from him to discard them.

  Navarro’s hands ventured over the bare figure within his reach. She had a strong and agile body from years of hard work, but it was every inch a woman’s body, an enticing woman’s body. Her tanned skin had a rosy hue, and he felt no flaws on it. She was warm and stirring in his embrace. He wanted to feel her against his naked flesh. First, he had to put out the glowing lantern to conceal the secret on his back. He swept her into his arms and placed her on the bunk where her bedroll was spread. For a brief time, his gaze admired her beauty from head to foot. She made no attempt to cover her breasts or the reddish-brown hair between her thighs. She looked almost too beautiful to touch. He wanted to see her every minute they were making love, but what she saw could inspire dangerous questions. He doused the lantern, stripped, and joined her. Instantly her arms closed around him and her mouth fused with his, stealing all thoughts except those of her and this dream come true.

  Jessie’s fingers played in midnight hair as Navarro’s lips adored her breasts. A curious tension gnawed at her, but the pleasures from his skilled mouth and hands were stronger. When he stroked her where no man had ever touched her before, Jessie moaned and squirmed in astonishment and delight. Having seen many animals breed before, she knew something of what to expect. There was no frightening mystery to be solved tonight. She knew what would soon take place, and she was eager for it to happen.

  Navarro slipped atop Jessie. With gentleness, he checked to be sure she was ready for him. Then, with care and leisure, he guided his manhood to her welcoming portal. He rubbed against her several times to accustom her to his presence. When Jessie kissed him fiercely and arched toward him, Navarro worked himself within her. He noticed that she only stiffened slightly and inhaled sharply, then relaxed. She didn’t cry or wince or retreat, and he was glad. When he was fully inside her, he waited a moment. He hoped he hadn’t hurt her, as he had been told it could be rough for a woman on her first time. He knew Jessie hadn’t been with a man before, and he was overwhelmed that she chose to give him a woman’s most valuable gift.


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