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Heather's Challenge [Cattleman's Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 46

by Jenny Penn

  More than that, she was wet, hot, and aching, filled with the thrill of feeling the eyes of strangers caressing her body. Their phantom gazes unleashed frantic little bubbles of delight that popped and fizzled all along her spine, drenching her in a frothy pleasure that had clenching and straining for something more.

  There was no more, though. Not without Alex or Konor’s assistance. No doubt, that was the point they wanted to prove—that she could be mastered. Mastered by the lust, the want, and them. They wanted her to beg.

  Heather was about ready to when she sensed the heat of a male body closing in behind her. Driven by the desperate need clawing through her, she arched backward into the hard male body pressing against her back and the even harder erection grinding against her ass.

  That’s what she wanted. That’s what she needed. That’s what she begged for.

  “Please,” Heather whimpered, her voice quivering as she pumped her hips back against him. “Please, I need you.”

  “You don’t even know who he is,” Alex pointed out, his voice coming from somewhere in front of her, but his warning didn’t scare her.

  Heather knew exactly who was pressing in behind her—Konor. As if it could be anybody else. Even if it could have been, she’d have recognized his scent, the rich aroma of man and soap, anywhere. It had the ability to intoxicate and arouse her in an instant, leaving Heather strangely content and yet hungry for more.

  “I don’t care,” she whispered, playing into their game as she ground her ass back onto Konor’s naked length. “He’s long, thick, and hard. That’s all I need to know right now.”

  Heather’s taunt ended in a squeal as strips of velvet licked over her ass with a sharp crack. Pure, white-hot flames raced up her spine as her nerves exploded with a piercing pleasure that left her gasping as she reeled forward and right into the searing lap of another set of velvet tassels.

  This time the whip danced over the throbbing mounds of her breasts, igniting a burst of pain that faded quickly into a throbbing ache that echoed all the way down to her cunt. Her sheath spasmed, clenching tight around the dildo filling her even as her ass contracted around the plastic cock buried in it.

  For a moment, she felt the first quakes of a release so fine it brought tears to her eyes. All she needed was one more blow, just one more. That’s exactly what they denied her.

  Instead, Alex released one of the nipple clamps, unleashing a rush of throbbing, molten rapture as blood finally rushed back into her puckered tip. Heather whimpered, falling backward on legs that melted beneath the intense heat searing through her veins.

  Konor caught her up in his arms, pinning her to his long, hard frame as his hands splayed out over her trembling tummy and slid upward toward the second clamp. Heather was already shaking her head, whimpering out little denials as his fingers curled around her generous globes and snapped her other nipple free.

  She squealed, damn near coming right then and there, but her release slipped out of reach as Alex’s mouth descended to devour her breast, soothing the sharp edges of her desires and making them steam and boil until she lost all sense of time and reality. The pleas falling from her lips became incoherent cries, and still Alex and Konor showed no mercy, proving that she’d been wrong.

  They didn’t want her submission.

  They simply wanted to torment her, and torment her they did.

  Konor took control of her breasts, cupping both generous globes in his hands and trapping her wet, throbbing nipples beneath the pinch of his fingers as Alex licked his way down to her clit. He used his teeth to rip the butterfly free, and then his tongue to drive her cries until Heather was lost in a pulsing, pounding sea of ecstasy that still didn’t peak high enough to release her from the tension straining every one of her muscles to the limit.

  Those limits were tested as Konor and Alex pulled back, leaving her wobbling on legs that wanted to collapse beneath her. They would have, too, but her arms were still bound to the bar above her head, leaving Heather little choice but to remain there, stretched up on her tiptoes as she waited, growing more tense as the seconds ticked by.

  It felt as if they gathered into minutes, long minutes, but she had no way of knowing how many. All Heather knew was, as the heat and need in her cooled back down to a fizzling simmer, she became all too aware of how heavy the silence weighed on the air. They were up to something.

  That couldn’t be good.

  That thought had Heather’s heart rate slowing down until it finally caught on a worried breath as she strained to hear some sound, sense something, but there was just the black void of silence that lingered until she felt almost every cell in her body prickling with an awareness that was tuned to the very slightest break in the air.

  Not that hearing the crisp shriek of the tassels cutting through the air prepared her for the feel of the flogger cracking back over her ass and lighting up her world once again with a brilliant flash of delight. Then the next one struck, this one across her breasts, making her shriek as she retreated back into another sharp slap across her rear.

  Working in unison, Alex and Konor set her body on fire as they alternated strokes. All the while she cried out for more. She needed it harder. She needed her faster. She needed it thicker because no matter how much she clenched down around those dildos, they were too maddeningly skinny to be of any real use.

  What Heather really needed was them.

  * * * *

  Heather cried out as Konor paused to admire the sight of her all flushed and quivering with her need. The tips of her breasts were puckered, the cheeks of her ass glowing, and the sweat gleamed as it trickled down her back, reflecting the same light that glistened against the thick cream slickening the insides of her splayed thighs. Stretched to her full height by the cuffs keeping her arms lifted and her spine arched with her muscles clenched tight and trembling with the strain, she looked like a goddess.

  A goddess in need of a good fucking.

  That’s just what she was begging for. Just what he ached to give her. After all, Heather wasn’t the only one fighting here, but whereas she was trying to force the pleasure, Konor was trying to hold it back. Normally he wouldn’t have even bothered with the effort. Normally, when he was hard and hurting with a naked woman at his disposal, he’d take advantage of the situation but Konor couldn’t do that to Heather, couldn’t use her like that.

  Neither could he stand to see the big, fat tears that trickled down her cheeks. They’d pushed her that far and it didn’t even matter that he knew her frustrations came from a pleasure so great it infused the air and spread like a wildfire between all three of them. All that mattered was that she was hurting and he knew exactly how to soothe that pain.

  Nodding toward him, Alex stepped back allowing Konor to turn Heather around until he soothed the whimpers from her lips. Feathering soft, light kisses across her wet cheeks, he tasted the salty tang of her tears, the sweetness of her trembling lips as his hands stroked over her smooth, velvety flesh in calming sweeps that slowly eased the tension from her body.

  Alex helped, using the lever to lower her cuffs back down and giving Heather enough slack to slump against Konor as he caught her up in his arms. She was a soft, delightful weight against him, well-rounded and with delightful curves he couldn’t stop caressing. He ran the flat of his palm up and down the delicate dip of her spine, urging her closer.

  Heather obeyed the silent command, snuggling deeper into his arms as she buried her face in his chest and sighed deep, momentarily appearing to forget the particulars of her situation. That’s just how he wanted her, relaxed and unaware. Konor didn’t attempt to undo the straps of leather twisted around her waist and hips until she had completely melted into his hold.

  Only when she murmured soft and sweetly against his chest did Konor finally begin to peel away the straps, careful not to disturb her, though he knew she was far from actually passing out. In fact, he suspected she was simply playing along, biding her time and waiting to see what he did n
ext, and, boy, did he have something to show her.

  He also had something to give her, but Konor kept himself tightly leashed as he finally pulled the dildo from the clinging depths of her cunt. It popped free with a loud, wet slurp that went to prove just how hot she was for them.

  Konor wanted to bathe in that heat and let it warm him to his very soul. More than that, though, he wanted to make Heather burn, to brand her soul with his mark, only Konor didn’t know how to do that. All he could do was show her new heights of pleasure, peaks so tall that she became so addicted to the ecstasy she begged never to be let down. He couldn’t drive her to that kind of rapture alone, which is just why he let her go as Alex stepped up to wrap his arms around her.

  Alex rained gentle kisses down the graceful curve of Heather’s neck, whispering sweet nothings in a display of tenderness that Konor had never seen him show before. Normally Alex held back, but not with Heather. With her he was laughing and playing and now loving—wonders really never did cease to amaze.

  Neither did Heather.

  She sighed and arched, bumping the soft plushness of her ass up against his burning length in a seductive motion that left him with little doubt about what she wanted. He didn’t give it to her. Instead, Konor sank to his knees, his hands and lips gliding down over the smooth, sensual arch of Heather’s back in teasing caresses that had her flexing beneath his touch as she panted out little gasps.

  Those soft sounds grew into grumbles and groans as Konor began nibbling along the leather straps encircling her hips. He pulled each one off with his teeth, not stopping until the only thing that held the dildo tight in her ass were Heather’s own muscles.

  He didn’t force her to release the toy, but instead released her. Straightening up, Konor moved toward the sex chair and settled down on the seat before nodding toward Alex, who had, once again, wrapped his arms back around Heather. Settling his hands over the plump curves of her ass, he massaged the smooth, velvety mounds until her muscles relaxed and allowed the dildo to slip free.

  Heather murmured a complaint as Alex stepped back to pull the second dildo from her body, leaving her with a disgruntled expression furling her features as he turned her so that she was angled perfectly for Konor to pull her down onto his lap and the swollen, cock standing tall and proud as it waited for its treat.

  Alex helped, spreading Heather’s ass cheeks as Konor guided her puckered entrance down toward the flared and flushed head of his dick. Neither man hesitated as Alex pushed and Konor pulled, sliding Heather straight down the pulsing length of Konor’s erection. She shivered and moaned in obvious delight, but the smile pulling at her lips assured Konor she was far from tamed.

  This was going to be a long night. One he knew he’d never forget. Neither would she. He made that vow as he watched Alex pick up the flogger and step up between Heather’s splayed legs.

  * * * *

  Heather bit down on her bottom lip and savored the burning heat consuming her ass. Konor felt hard and deliciously thick but held himself way too still for her appetites. She couldn’t help but wiggle, making the flames licked higher as the sensitive walls of her channel stretched and contracted around the dick making her feel so fantastically full.

  Konor grunted behind her, his hands becoming rough as they slid down her thighs and lifted her knees up and over his and into the stirrups. The motion had her sinking even lower down the length of his dick as he penetrated her deep enough to have Heather moaning with the pleasure.

  He felt so good, so hard and hot, a sharp contrast to the cool evening air caressing the molten folds of her cunt as they split wide open. Heather didn’t care. She barely even noticed. All of her attention was focused on trying pump herself along the delicious thick dick stretching her sensitive muscles wide.

  The liquid flames that danced across her cunt came as a total shock. They licked up her sensitive flesh, setting her on fire as her pussy throbbed and spasmed with a pain that almost instantly more into a wicked kind of pleasure. Then it snapped back to pain as Alex snapped the whip across her cunt again.

  Lost in the hazy fog of lust, it was only in the distant part of her brain that Heather realized just what he was doing. The shock of it should have, no doubt, left her horrified, but she was too lost in the rapture tearing through her to care about the details.

  All that mattered was the pleasure, and that was an endless indulgence that Konor and Alex showered her with for the next several hours. They bent and twisted her into almost every position, taking her in every way imaginable as they damn near emptied the shelves of all the toys. There seem to be no end to their hungers, no satisfying their needs or hers.

  Heather couldn’t get enough of them either, and it was only exhaustion that finally had her passing out, a smile on her face and tucked safely between Konor and Alex.

  * * * *

  Alex collapsed onto the mattress, glad that they had moved back into the bedroom because he simply didn’t have the strength left to move. Every muscle in his body that wasn’t strained or quivering ached. For the first time in his entire life, a woman had worn him out.

  That was a revelation that had him gazing over at Heather in awe. Sweaty and flushed with her lips swollen and her cheeks stained with tear tracks, she looked more wrung out then he felt. That thought consoled Alex somewhat. Konor’s frown, on the other hand, didn’t. Neither did his question.

  “So? You going to tell me what you bartered for all that sweet submission?” Konor asked around a yawn.

  “I assured her she could go to work tomorrow.” Alex rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. “She made some big stink about trust. I think she just wants an excuse to put some distance between us.”

  “Oh my God. I can’t believe it, you had an actual thoughtful observation. You!” Konor snorted up a couple of chuckles as he shook his head sleepily.

  “Even more amazing, I’ve come up with a plan to turn the tables on her,” Alex informed him, ignoring Konor’s attempt at humor. “See, if she stayed out here all week, then it really would be just like a fantasy, but since we’re going back to our regular lives during the day, it will make this more like a relationship.”

  “I thought I was the one who was managing the relationship.” Konor reminded him.

  “Only when it’s convenient for me.”


  “Bastard.” Alex grinned as he shot that traditional rejoinder back at him.

  They fell into a compatible silence that stretched on for several minutes. Getting lost in thoughts of the future, Alex considered just how hard a battle Heather was going to put up. It was going to be brutal. Screws were going to have to be twisted. He had no doubt of that.

  “I think we ought to start looking for a house and soon.”

  That comment caught Alex off guard. Not only had he thought Konor had fallen asleep, but the last time they’d talked about that subject, Konor hadn’t been in such a rush. Apparently, having had a taste of Heather, he changed his mind, proving that some plans worked out perfectly.

  Alex smiled. “Whatever you say, man, I’ll get on it tomorrow.”

  Chapter 39

  Wednesday, May 28th

  The next morning dawned bright and early for Heather, who woke to find Alex and Konor had disappeared. They’d left a note on top of a pile of neatly folded clothes. The dress turned out to be hers and the note assured her that the butler waiting outside would assist her in getting to work. There was no signature, no promise to meet up later, no warmth or any indication that the night before had been special to them.

  While Heather told herself that’s just the way she wanted things between them—practical and unemotional—she couldn’t help but be a little miffed. A polite recognition wasn’t too much to ask, what was it? It didn’t mean she was needy that she wanted to hear that they at least enjoyed themselves last night, did it?

  Heather knew it didn’t, not rationally, but by noon, when she was still obsessing over the subject while secretly
waiting for one of them to show, she finally had to admit that it mattered to her. Her heart ached, and her stomach had knotted the point where she felt slightly sick.

  Maybe the joke really had been on her. They’d seduced her into feeling a sense of freedom, a sense of exhilaration that they had manipulated, using her savagely for their own ends and now they were done. Done with her, which would make them the victors, but Heather would be damned if she didn’t claim victory, too.

  After all, it wasn’t like she wanted a relationship. Sure a few more days would have been fun, but they wouldn’t have been the best she ever had. That’s just what Heather would tell them whenever Alex and Konor decided to come by and gloat. They would come. At least, Alex would.

  That thought led to the obvious one, that he would show up with a woman on his arms and flaunt her in Heather’s face. She knew just to the woman would be to—Gwen Harold. That thought cut deep enough for Heather’s frayed temper to snap, and she ended up running into the kitchen before she did something stupid like burst into tears in the middle of the packed dining room.

  For some strange reason, the bakery was once again full of Cattlemen, and they certainly weren’t there to gloat. Heather was getting hit on left and right, which didn’t make any sense to her. Every damn member of that stupid club had to know by now that Konor and Alex had won of the challenge.

  Then again, maybe they had caught the show Alex and Konor had made out of her. Maybe they were admirers of her work, or they just thought she was some easy slut who spread her legs eagerly for any man who snapped his fingers twice. That thought dried her tears as she flushed with the heated rush of outrage.

  Feeling back in fighting shape, Heather squared her shoulders lifted her chin and straightened her spine before storming back out into the dining room to face the men who were watching her with calculating gazes. They didn’t know her status anymore then Heather did. That became clear as the afternoon light faded into the evening’s gentle darkness.


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