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Angel (Made Men Book 5)

Page 14

by Sarah Brianne

  “Wow, that hurts. So, you’re picking my brother over me again? I thought it was chicks before dicks?”

  “Adalyn!” her friend grumbled, knowing it was hard for her to say no when she pulled that card. “I can’t get in trouble with Vincent right now. He finally loves me again.”

  “When’s the last time we got in trouble? We never have any fun anymore …” Adalyn’s voice trailed off, too depressed to continue.

  “Uh … Are you trying to make me feel guilty?”

  Looking over at her, there was at last, after one month and one week, hope in her eyes. “Is it working?”

  “Goddammit.” Lake shut her book with a hard thud. “How much trouble am I about to get into?”

  Adalyn smiled, hoping there was still some adventure left in Lake. “The kind where we steal Vincent’s keys and get the hell out of here.”

  Regret was already written on her best friend’s face. “Well, fuck me.”

  Standing up, Adalyn was more than ready, having thought about him enough. The first four stages of goodbye were hard; it was time for her to meet the last one.


  And the Last

  When the neighborhoods changed from carefully maintained ones to ones that became unkempt and old, she wondered if this really had been a good idea. By the time Lake slowed the car to a crawl, she didn’t think it was.

  “Adalyn …”

  But she wasn’t going to let her friend know that, because her mind had been made up the second she had put the ring in her pocket.

  “I’m going to do it, Lake. What’s the worst that could happen?”

  “An axe murderer could open the door.” Her friend paused for a moment. “Or she could be prettier than you.”

  She had told Lake on the way about Angel, about the ring, and the name she had been given that had put a sparkle in his eyes.

  Swallowing painfully, she unbuckled her seatbelt. Then the nerves really started to hit her as she got out of the car. I would rather it be an axe murderer who opens the door.

  Giving Lake a determined glance, Adalyn walked up to the porch of the tiny old house and opened the squeaky screen door to knock on the main door. She tried not to be so scared by the bars that were covering the windows, but it was easier said than done.

  When no one answered, she tried one last time, knocking harder.

  Hearing the door unlock several times, she backed up, preparing for the person behind it. But when the door was finally opened, revealing a beautiful young woman, her breath was almost knocked out of her.

  “Hello?” The beautiful woman seemed frazzled.

  “H-hi.” Nervous, Adalyn tried to catch her breath. “Are you Bella?”

  She seemed to be a bit nervous herself, especially that Adalyn knew her name. “Yes. Who’s asking?”

  “Um, my na—” When smoke started to pour out from behind Bella, she watched as the woman quickly left her.

  Not knowing what to do, hearing frantic groaning coming from inside the house, she decided to go inside to see if Bella needed help.

  When she walked in, her eyes scanned the tiny home that was meticulously clean and neat. She could even see the vacuum trails on the carpet that went in the same direction. The throw pillows on the couch were so evenly spaced apart that Adalyn wondered if she had used a ruler.

  It was easy to find the path to the small kitchen that was consumed by smoke. Waving it away from her face, she saw Bella opening the kitchen window to release the heavy air, then pulling out a burnt casserole dish from the oven.

  Watching Bella bow her head in frustration, she thought about how this was going very differently than she had thought it would. And the longer she stared at the woman, the more her heart dropped.

  She could see why Angel had had that look in his eye when he had said her name. Her name did her justice because no man would be able to resist the exquisite beauty of this dainty woman. Her natural, dirty blonde curls tumbled to her shoulders with a glossy shine that perfectly matched her strong, dark brows. She was without a doubt gorgeous, not needing a stitch of makeup or fancy clothes to prove it.

  Adalyn pulled the ring out of her pocket, giving it one last squeeze before heading toward to the frustrated beauty who seemed to be at the end of her rope.

  “I think this is yours.”

  She stared down at the ring; tears began to brim the blonde’s eyes as she took it, clenching it in a tight fist. “Where did you get this?”

  Adalyn tried to open her mouth, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t find it within herself to get the words out.

  Tears started to fall onto Bella’s high cheekbones. “It’s my father’s ring …”

  That right there was exactly why Angel had tried so damn hard to get it for her, and now she finally understood everything.

  If Lucca had been the one with the ring, the chances of her father being dead were certain. The ring, which was the last piece she had to remember Angel, was now Bella’s last piece to remember her father.

  Life was funny that way, or twisted and fucked up, depending on how you looked at it.

  Bella wiped at the tears. “Please tell me where you found it. I have to know.”

  Looking at the beautiful woman for one more second, she wondered if she knew she had her very own guardian angel. An angel she would have killed to have.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t.” Adalyn backed up before running straight for the door and to the car. She was strong, but she wasn’t strong enough to keep looking at the girl who had stolen Angel’s heart long before she had even had a chance in hell.

  With each mile Lake drove in silence, Adalyn felt her heart lighten more and more. The first four stages of goodbye were over, and the last had finally washed over her.

  Acceptance. It was a ten-letter word that stood in front of you before you were finally … set free.

  As she looked over at her friend, for the first time in a while, a smile appeared on her lips. “Can we make one last stop?”

  “Of course.” Lake smiled back. “Where do you want to go?”

  Smiling even wider, she could practically taste the nuggets already. “McDonalds.”

  The door was flung open as he approached.


  Catching Bella when she jumped into his arms, he wrapped them around her, lifting her off the ground and holding her to him. For a split-second, he forgot everything as he smelled her blonde curls and the sweet vanilla scent that clung to them. He held her a little longer. It only ever lasted for just a moment …

  … “Angel!” Bella gave him a big hug when he walked into school.

  Wrapping his scrawny arms around her, he smiled, knowing that, even at eight years old, this moment right here was what would make living through his father’s hell worth it for the years to come.

  “I missed you so much,” she whispered to him.

  The horror he had spent in the closet seemed to all slip away. “I missed you, t—”

  “Matthias …?” The little, curly blonde girl let him go, slowly walking up to the identical brother with sadness marking her face. “Are you okay?”

  Matthias blankly stared, seeming to look straight past her. His dark gray eyes were traumatized, and if you looked close enough, you could see the horrors he held in them.

  With water glistening her young eyes, Bella raised a hand, reaching out for the brother she would always reach out to for years to come. “Matthias?” …

  …Holding out for a second longer, he felt Bella’s gaze go over his shoulder and sensed the disappointment that her gentle nature couldn’t hide.

  See? Only ever lasted for just a moment.

  Placing her back on the ground, he took a deep breath and let her go. “It’s just me. Mathias couldn’t get away.”

  Her smile slightly faltered. “Oh …”

  He hadn’t seen her in what seemed like forever, being trapped in that casino hotel room. Miserable from not being able to see her, he had asked Matthias to switch p
laces with him again for just a few hours. Coming back to her now seemed different.

  Reaching up, he smoothed his tattooed knuckles down her cheekbone like he usually did when he saw the sadness appear on her face. Every time he did, without fail, he wished it could soothe her the way it did when Matthias did it, wished he could soothe her the way Matthias did when she saw him. Never had he been able to achieve his goal, and not until this moment did he realize it was never going to be achieved.

  Bella was and always would be in love with Matthias, regardless that he had shown her little interest. No matter how identical they were on the outside, they didn’t share the same soul, and Matthias was who her soul called to.

  Only made beautiful by those two souls and those two souls alone … He remembered the words he had said to Adalyn the last time he had seen her, making him realize that he was just as blind. Angel hadn’t taken his own advice.

  Trailing his knuckles across her skin for a second longer, he knew this would be the very last time he would do so. The joy and love he had felt for her while touching her was now gone. He wasn’t meant for her, and he could finally clearly see she wasn’t meant for him.

  As he started to remove his hand, he stopped, seeing a ring dangling down from a chain around her neck. Angel trailed his hand down, picking it up. He recognized it immediately.

  “Where did you get this?” he asked, rubbing it between his fingers, making sure it was real and not just a mirage.

  “A girl came to me about a month ago.” Taking it from his hand, she stared down at it. “She didn’t tell me her name or where she found it, but when she gave it to me, it felt like she had been keeping it safe. And when I took it … she seemed upset.”

  Angel gazed down at the ring that was now being twirled in Bella’s hand, a ring he had tried desperately to get back to her.

  When he had walked out of Adalyn’s life, he had still wanted to get it back, but if he had seen the pretty brunette again, he wasn’t so sure he would have been able to walk away from her a second time.

  Ultimately, deep down, he supposed he knew why he couldn’t see her again, but it wasn’t until right now that he could admit it to himself. I’ll be trapped forever.

  It was time for Angel to make a decision, one that could change the course of his life forever. And once he made that decision, there was no going back.

  Looking down at the girl he had been in love with his entire life, he said something he should have said over two months ago.

  “Goodbye, Bella.”


  An Eternity Here, with You

  When Adalyn left her house Monday morning, the black car was already waiting for her. She opened the car door and got into the back seat when her heart came to a complete stop.

  She had spent one month crying and the second one getting over the man who now sat in the driver’s seat as if nothing had ever happened.

  No. No. No.

  She jumped back out of the car, slammed the door, and started running back inside the house.

  Angel quickly got out and ran after her.


  “Leave me alone!” she barked at him.

  “Please.” Reaching out, he lightly touched her arm, stopping her. “I just want to talk.”

  Adalyn gazed down at the tatted hand on her arm while tears started to rim her eyes as she remembered how, with every passing day that had passed, she could remember less and less where each colored ink lay on his pale skin. It only caused her to wish and wonder what it would be like to see him again, to feel him again.

  But she wasn’t that girl anymore.

  Pulling her arm away from his grasp, with tear-filled, defiant eyes, she looked straight into his gray ones. “I wanted to talk months ago, but you wouldn’t let me.”

  “I couldn’t,” he told her truthfully before opening his eyes, letting her see what he was hiding, even to himself. He whispered the words; there was no hiding anymore. “I’m scared shitless, Adalyn.”

  She stood there, paralyzed, listening to every word.

  “I’m trapped here without knowing if he will ever let me leave. If I allow myself to have you, I’m afraid I will stay forever.”

  A single tear trailed down her face. “Then why walk back into my life?”

  “I don’t belong here, sweetness. We both know that.” Angel stepped closer to her, wanting to reach out and brush away her tears. “But I think I might belong with you.”

  “Why now? What changed?” she quietly asked.

  He had to do it.

  Reaching out with a cold, inked finger, he wrapped a strand of her thick brown hair around it. “I realized I could either spend an eternity here, trapped, or I could spend an eternity here, with you.”

  As she stared up at the fallen Angel, she realized that the love she felt for him hadn’t gone away. Instead, she could feel it growing with every passing second. It was so tempting just to reach out …

  He’s going to break you again, a small voice whispered, reminding her that she had moved on and had accepted things the way they were. If she gave Angel another chance, he would leave her when Lucca released him. She didn’t think she could survive it.

  Adalyn pulled the strand from his grasp, watching it unravel from around his long finger. “You already walked away from me once, Angel. Now, this is me walking away from you.”

  She proudly walked up the porch and opened her front door.

  “I know you gave her the ring back. I want to thank you.” His voice stopped her from going in just yet. “I thought I was in love with her, but she’s always been in love with someone else. Does that remind you of anyone?”

  Squeezing the door handle, she didn’t want to turn back and look at him, afraid she would lose her composure.

  “I’m telling you right now, any love I had for Bella is gone, and I’m willing to look past any love you might still have for Lucca.” Angel tried one last time to get her to take him back. “You didn’t deserve what I did to you, and for that, I’m sorry, Adalyn. It’s no excuse, but I’m fucked up. It’s how I’ve survived. I can’t promise you much of anything because of that, but I’m willing to try to make you happy, if you’ll let me.”

  She looked back at him as more tears streamed down her face. This time, I need promises.

  Shaking her head, she made up her mind. “I don’t think I could ever trust you again.”

  Angel gave her the only promise he could while watching her close the door on him. “I can wait. I’m not going anywhere, sweetness.”

  Tuesday morning, after calling Lucca and telling him that she wouldn’t go to school with Angel, she was taken off guard to find both the Escalade and a black car parked outside.

  Seeing Angel waiting as he leaned against the hood of the car, and then looking at the Escalade that held all her friends, she realized she was being given a choice.

  Adalyn took a breath and walked down the driveway. She came up to Angel’s car first but didn’t even turn her head as she walked right past him, not even the slightest bit tempted. It was almost like he didn’t exist.

  When Wednesday came, she was met with the same two choices. Still, she found the choice easy. Escalade.

  Thursday, Angel was still there. She was starting to get a bit annoyed, which made it the tiniest bit harder to walk past him again.

  Her eyes drifted as she passed, glancing at the bad boy before she snapped them forward. Still Escalade.

  When Friday rolled around, she found her resolve starting to slip. Thinking it would only get easier to pass him, she found the opposite was the truth; it only got harder. She promised herself she wouldn’t look at him, but again, her eyes slightly drifted. However, that wasn’t the worst part. This time, something else happened within her.

  She felt her skin cry out for his; the missing pieces they had stolen from each other with each encounter were still there. It felt like a tether that was impossible to walk away from, but somehow, she did and got into the big SU
V. Thank you, God.


  A Man Who Was Made

  After the weekend, she felt refreshed when she opened the door on Monday morning. There was no way he would still—


  Biting her lip hard, she started the journey down the driveway, beginning to pray. Dear God, please give me the strength to walk past this unbelievably arrogant man. She repeated the prayer over and over in her head and, with only one little glance, she was able to walk past a still patiently waiting Angel.

  The Escalade door was opened, and Maria stepped out of the back seat to allow her to squeeze in. She couldn’t help noticing the strange look Maria gave her as she got in and climbed into the third row between Elle and Lake.

  The tall blonde paused for a moment before she finally got back in, closing the door behind her. She sighed as the car started to pull away, then Maria’s voice filled the confined space. “Wait.”

  They all looked at her when the car suddenly came to stop.

  “Everyone out,” the mafia princess commanded, and she was instantly obeyed as the doors flew open and they all started to exit. When Adalyn started to leave, Maria pushed her back. “Not you. You stay.”

  What the—

  Her eyes grew wide when her butt immediately fell onto the seat beside her.

  Vincent didn’t want to shut the door, clearly assuming what she was going to talk about. But when Maria gave him a threatening glare, he slammed the door shut.

  In the now private space, the princess stared her down. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Well, I was going to schoo—”

  “I meant, what the hell are you doing riding in here?” she hissed. “I can’t watch you turn him down anymore.”

  To say Adalyn was stunned by the words coming out of the princess’s mouth would be an understatement. Never in a million years would she have thought Maria could care about something that involved a Luciano enough to meddle; yet she could tell by looking into her eyes that, deep down, for some reason she did.


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