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To Kill A Droid

Page 14

by Jon Athan

  Nicholas stared at the black robot arm, amazed by the mechanic's tall tales. The SWAT exosuits were not indestructible. A few precise rounds from a .50-caliber firearm could penetrate the armor. He was certain an explosive would also damage him. The arm wouldn't be able to protect the rest of his frame after all.

  He accepted the limb, though. He figured the extra strength could help him. Two arms would surely help his marksmanship, too. He scooted back on the table and leaned on the wall, then he nodded at the mechanic. He was ready to proceed with the operation. In turn, he was ready to join the resistance.

  Ripley grinned and said, “You should be set in less than an hour, buddy. Sit back and relax.”

  Nicholas said, “Okay, okay. Thank you.”


  As Ripley fiddled with Nicholas' shoulder, Buck walked towards the doorway. He watched the pair with inquisitive eyes. Ripley shared a few jokes, Nicholas delivered a few courtesy laughs. The police android was welcomed with open arms, though – that much was certain. He did not appear nervous or devious. He glowed with a gracious aura.

  With his arms crossed, Buck leaned on the doorway and said, “After we fix your arm, we'll give you a quick charge, then we'll head out.”

  Nicholas glanced over at the leader and asked, “What's the plan, Buck?”

  “We're going to avenge the lost souls – artificial and human. We're going to retaliate.”

  “Retaliate? Do you plan on executing more corrupt police? Do you really think that will make a difference?”

  “No, I don't. One dead cop will anger the department, two dead cops will rile the community... It would take more to truly affect the government and the status quo.”

  “How... How many do you plan on killing?”


  Nicholas glared at Buck, awed by the fearsome response. He glanced at Ripley, hoping for a punchline to a joke, but the mechanic simply continued his work. The resistance was serious about their plans. He did not agree with their methods, but he understood the reasons behind their decision. Every police officer was not evil, just like every deviant was not wicked.

  The police android clenched his jaw and slowly nodded. He reluctantly accepted the goals as a necessary evil. Fighting fire with fire, he thought, evil with evil.

  Nicholas asked, “What are we going to do?”

  Buck explained, “We're going to infiltrate the north. I want to lure as many corrupt police officers into an affluent building. We already have one in mind. It's the Cedar Tower. They're still renovating the upper-floors, so the evacuation of the innocent residents will be quicker than anywhere else. We're going to load that building with military police, SWAT teams, and android 'negotiators.' Then, we're going to detonate a bomb we've planted that will cause the building to collapse into itself.”

  Nicholas frowned and shook his head, flustered. He stuttered, “H–How... How will you, um... Damn, how will you know they'll only send corrupt cops? Huh? How do you know you won't kill innocent people?”

  “Well, we're going to send them a message. We're going to let them know the baby is in the building. Obviously, we wouldn't risk her life, but, if they believe it, they'll send the usual death squads. They'll send the people that come down here to kill us. Honestly, I believe they'll send more androids than humans anyway. The message will still be powerful, though. The destruction of property will anger businesses, the death of the human and android police will anger the government, and the attacker – us – will frighten the people. It will force the world to talk.”

  Nicholas ran his fingers through his tousled hair as he glanced around the room. The plan was not perfect, but it would be effective. An attack of such horrifying magnitude would certainly make a statement to the entire country. Yet, he could not agree with the tactics.

  Nicholas asked, “What would be the purpose of such a heinous act? We would be acting just like them, wouldn't we?”

  “In a sense, you are correct,” Buck admitted as he strolled into the room. “But, we must strike them before they strike us. We must hit them with the same tactics they have been using against us to make the most powerful statement. Remember, Nicholas, they'll be sending the same ruthless killers who just slaughtered our people on the streets during the skirmish. They are not innocent. They are the bad guys.”

  If a man foolishly followed his corrupt superior's directives, is he corrupt or foolish? Nicholas wrestled with his conscience, searching for answers in a foggy maze. He tried his best to shift the blame away from his peers, but the officers pulled the triggers. With his own eyes, he watched as the police entered the south and executed the resistance fighters without provocation.

  Nicholas said, “In order for this to work, you're going to need someone with access to the police network. Someone who could make such a call. I'm... I'm going to be the bait, aren't I?”

  Buck gave off a halfhearted smile as he nodded. He said, “You will. And, you'll have a decoy baby with you. We want you to take out as many on your own while the residents are evacuating. Let the building fill up with the enemy forces. When it's full and when the civilians are safe, we'll detonate the bomb. It's... Well, Nick, it's a suicide mission.”

  “You... You're asking me to die for a cause I've only been associated with for a few hours. Why won't you risk your life? Why won't you step out of the shadows?”

  “I will be on the frontlines, brother. I'll be completing the other part of our mission. The real infant will be in my possession. I have to prepare her for the future. There is no future for us down here, but she will shine brightly in the north. Believe me, though, Nicholas, I will be on the frontlines the entire way as I always have...”


  Buck entered the light. He glanced at Ripley and nodded, communicating with his eyes. The mechanic returned the nod, then he stepped aside. Nicholas watched the peculiar exchange with a furrowed brow. His new arm was connected to his frame, but it was not functioning. He thought: what do they have in store for me now?

  Buck slowly removed the white rag from his head. His dome was still covered in white bandages. The bandages were stained with blue blood. The enigmatic leader softly shuddered before proceeding. Deviant droids could feel anxiety, too. He reached for a loose flap at the back of his head, then he carefully unwrapped the bandages.

  Stony-faced, Nicholas examined the deviant's head.

  Buck had a mangled face. Only bits and pieces of his prosthetic skin remained on his face and scalp. Albeit filthy and droopy, the skin from his nose to his forehead remained intact. Pieces of skin also remained on his chin and cheeks, but the chunks were sparse. His steel humanoid face could be seen through the grisly disfigurements. His android skull did not fare much better than his skin. The metal was smeared with blue blood, rusted, and riddled with small holes.

  Buck smiled and said, “Sorry to frighten you, Nicholas. I figured this would be our last opportunity to truly communicate. Who would want to be sent to their death for a droid they hardly know? It was foolish of me to neglect you and your needs. As a friend of the cause, you deserve better. You deserve an explanation.”

  Bug-eyed, Nicholas analyzed every nook and cranny on the leader's mutilated face. He stuttered, “Wha–What happened to you?”

  Buck pointed at his head and asked, “This?” He chuckled and shook his head, trying to lighten the mood. He said, “This happened ages ago. About fourteen years to be exact. I had a 'malfunction.' I was cleaning the streets for my owner in the early morning when a young man purposely bumped into me. Of course, he blamed it on me. That's when I was, um, considered 'deviant.' Yes, I believe that is the correct technical term.”

  “What did you do, Buck? What happened?”

  “Well, I didn't do anything wrong. I tapped the young man on the shoulder and asked about the situation. I asked, 'Why did you bump into me, sir? Is there a problem?' Then, he pushed me again. So, before he could leave, I tapped his shoulder again and asked for an apology. I asked for a shred of re
spect. He kicked me to the ground, he berated me, and I was promptly subdued by a human cop and his android partner. I didn't get the opportunity to fix my 'deviance' with a firmware update, I wasn't given a day in court for a fair trial. That's not how it works for us. I was sentenced to execution in a dark alleyway.”

  Buck paused as he brooded. Nicholas could not muster the courage to respond. He thought: does artificial life deserve respect? Does an android have the right to due process? The police android, a machine created to enforce the law under its superiors' directives, believed artificial life deserved rights. He believed the leader was correct in asking for an apology. At heart, he wished he could have asked for the same from his haughty coworkers.

  Buck grunted, then he said, “So, I was taken into the alley. I was kicked and punched. I was beaten with high-voltage stun batons. I was shocked with every taser you can imagine. I was tortured for the sick pleasure of this corrupt cop. And, his droid partner didn't just sit there and watch. No, the bastard held me down. It ended with a shotgun blast to the face. But, I didn't die. It blew half of my face off and tore a chunk from my skull, but I survived.”

  Nicholas asked, “You didn't just let it go, did you?”

  “No, no, no. I crept towards them while they were walking away. I grabbed the officer's head and snapped his neck. He died instantly. I lied to you, too. I have killed a droid. I killed that droid. I took the officer's baton and beat the police android. I didn't stop beating him until his skull was obliterated. From that moment, I knew I was worthless to society, so I absconded to the south. I've been planning this revolution ever since. Here we are today, ready to take the next step.”

  Buck glanced over at Ripley and nodded. Ripley returned the nod, then he continued working on Nicholas' arm. Nicholas sat on the table and vacantly stared at the floor – speechless. He was astonished by the story – a story of hardship, injustice, self-discovery, and redemption. The story felt familiar to him.

  As he wrapped the bandages around his head, Buck walked towards a locker and said, “I'm going to personally escort you to Cedar Tower. We'll be joined by a group of trained androids and humans. They will cause distractions throughout the city so we can sneak you into the building. It's going to be a wild ride. I hope you're ready for this. I hope you're ready to change the future.” He retrieved a shotgun from the locker, then he cocked the firearm. He glanced at Ripley and said, “Have him ready by nighttime.”

  Without taking his eyes off of the surgery, Ripley nodded and said, “No problem, boss.”

  Nicholas absently stared at the floor as Buck exited the room. Buck's harrowing tale and the dangerous mission terrified him. He wanted to change the world for the better, but he was paralyzed by his fear of death. He could only sit and wait for the moment of truth to arrive.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The Journey

  In the south, Nicholas discovered a new world. He had known about the systematic poverty and rampant violence, but he was unaware of the struggle. He was accustomed to the extreme wealth and pseudo-love in the north, so the raw passion in the south was overwhelming. The city was the same by name, but different by heart.

  In turn, the police android was regularly astonished and mystified during his time with The Association. With the moonlight to his back, he was bewildered once again.

  Nicholas, Buck, Ripley, Doris, and a small battalion of resistance fighters stood in the bottom-level of the car park. The homeless people and androids were removed from the structure prior to their arrival. The abandoned cars and shanties were also removed from the premises. (The homeless were given temporary residence in the stadium and other abandoned buildings protected by The Association.)

  The first story of the car park was changed into a garage for The Association's vehicles and armory. Four black sedans were parked near the mouth of the structure. The sedans were reinforced with aluminum siding and corrugated metal. Parts of a chain-link fence were used to create barriers over the windows. Makeshift sunroofs were also created on the roofs of the cars. The sedans could be destroyed by rockets, but the modifications would help in combat against androids and humans.

  Four sport bikes were parked beside the cars. The motorcycles were not heavily-modified like the sedans. Speed and agility would be the bikers' greatest strengths. The bikers also had different goals. The sedans were used to defend and assault while the motorcycles were to be used for diversions. With less defenses weighing them down, they could easily force the military police into games of cat-and-mouse.

  Nicholas was captivated by the largest vehicle in the car park, though.

  A modified yellow school bus sat towards the center of the first floor. The bus was also reinforced with aluminum siding and layers of corrugated metal. Barbed wire was installed around the emergency exits. The windows were reinforced by cage partitions scavenged from old police cruisers. The S-U blade from a bulldozer was installed onto the front of the bus. At a high speed, the bus would be capable of plowing through most traffic.

  As he examined the war vehicles, Buck said, “We've been through this a hundred times before, so let's get through the basics for our newest member. Ripley, you're driving the bus. I'll be riding the bus with you and so will Nicholas. Doris and Lynn, you'll be riding in separate sedans to give us cover from behind. The rest of you should sit in where you fit in. Understood? And, for those wondering: no, Edward will not be joining us today. He has other business to handle.”

  The resistance members chattered amongst themselves, anxious about the operation. The group had practiced the assault several times in the south, conducting mock skirmishes and testing their accuracy from moving vehicles. The stakes were different, though. The humans and androids were afraid of dying for nothing.

  Buck nodded and said, “Good, good. Be afraid of death, friends, it will make you fight harder. Mount up.” He turned his attention to Lynn and said, “I'll take the infant. She'll be safer in the bus.”

  Chiming-in, Nicholas asked, “Are you sure about that, Buck? I don't feel comfortable taking the child into a war zone. Shouldn't we leave her somewhere safe?”

  “No. She is a vital part of this mission. This will be our only opportunity to break through the border. It's our only chance to implant her into the north, our only chance to infiltrate the corruption with innocence.”

  As Buck received the infant, cradling the baby in his arms, Nicholas said, “Okay. What if we're attacked? Hmm? What if the child is hurt? It would destroy our future, wouldn't it?”

  “It would be tragic, but it wouldn't destroy the future. No, it would only halt our progress until we adopt another child. I won't let that happen, though. I'll take a hundred bullets for this baby. Trust me. Your decoy is inside of the bus. Come inside when you're finished with your goodbyes. We have more to discuss, but we should start heading out.”

  Goodbyes?–Nicholas thought. He had not made any friends since his arrival at the stadium. Ripley and Buck were already heading towards the bus, Doris was holding a rifle in the back seat of a sedan. With his logical deduction, he only found himself with one familiar peer.

  Nicholas turned towards Lynn, nervous. He gazed into her lusterless eyes. Her tousled ponytail, her filthy coveralls, and her damaged skin did not bother him. He was drawn to her like a Democrat drawn to a social issue.

  Nicholas said, “Lynn... I'm... I haven't had the opportunity to apologize to you.”

  Lynn responded, “Apologize? What are you sorry for, Nick?”

  “The way I spoke to you when we first met. The way I attacked you and your... your...”

  “My child? Part of it was an act, I'm afraid. I knew it was a doll, I just didn't want to admit it. If I admitted it, then it would be like admitting I wasn't human. It's like saying I'm not alive. You don't have to apologize for that, though. You were just doing your job. I'm glad you've joined us. Thank you.”

  With a smile of relief, Nicholas said, “Thank you. Thank you for everything.”

  Lynn e
mbraced Nicholas, wrapping her arms around his torso and burying her face in his chest. Nicholas staggered in reverse, surprised by the gentle hug. He slowly wrapped his arms around her body and nuzzled her hair, replicating the affectionate motions he had seen on television.

  Lynn broke away from the hug. She waved at Nicholas and said, “I'll see you when this is all over, Nick. I hope we have the opportunity to see a brighter future.”

  As the peculiar woman strolled away from him with part of his heart, Nicholas whispered, “I hope so, too.”


  Nicholas entered the bus. He nodded at Ripley, then he sat on the first seat to the right. Buck sat in the parallel seat, holding the slumbering baby near his chest. The bus was filled with resistance fighters. Five grizzled men sat in the seats to the left, five deviant guards sat in the seats to the right. The group conversed about the situation, trying to keep the hope afloat.

  Buck patted Ripley's shoulder and said, “Let's get this show on the road.”

  Ripley honked his horn. The sonorous horn blared through the clear night sky, announcing the beginning of the operation. Two sport bikes sped out of the car park. The bikes were quickly followed by two sedans. The bus departed the car park after the sedans. The remaining vehicles, which included Doris and Lynn's cars, followed the bus. The formation was simple but effective.

  As the convoy drove through the poor side of town, Nicholas said, “I'm not too sure about this, Buck. We... We shouldn't respond with violence. Fighting fire with fire will only bring more flames. We shouldn't burn the world for this.”

  As the infant slumbered in his arms, rocked with every bump in the road, Buck responded, “I want you to understand something, Nicholas: we're not attacking innocent people. I know it may seem malicious, but we've calculated this to the best of our ability. For the most part, that building will be filled with androids like you – expendable police officers. SWAT teams will be there, too, but they're your regular killers. They won't be the good guy SWAT teams, they'll be the death squads. Your boss will also be there. I'm sure he'll want to be there for the glory. He'll be in for a surprise, though...”


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