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Black Magician-02 The Novice

Page 24

by Trudi Canavan

  She chewed her lip. He had a point...

  "Go on," he urged. Throwing his arms out, he spun around in a circle. "I won't let you out the door downstairs if you refuse."

  Sonea rolled her eyes. "Oh, very well!"

  The Guild House in Kiko Town was built on a steep slope. Numerous balconies allowed visitors a view of the sea, the beaches, and the long, spiral road—still filled with celebrants. The sound of rhythmic music drifted up to Dannyl's ears. In one hand he held a glass of Elyne wine, in the other was the bottle. Taking a sip, he moved from the balcony railing to a chair and sat down, setting the bottle beside him. Stretching his legs out, he let his mind wander.

  As always, it wandered straight to Tayend.

  The scholar had been awkward and nervous around Dannyl since the mugging. Though Dannyl had tried to behave as if he hadn't noticed anything unusual, it seemed this hadn't convinced Tayend that his secret had remained undiscovered. The scholar believed that a magician, when Healing, would find some physical sign to betray his inclinations, and the only way Dannyl could reassure him that this wasn't true was to tell Tayend he was wrong. That, of course, would reveal that Dannyl had learned the secret anyway.

  Tayend feared that Dannyl would reject his friendship. It was a reasonable fear. Though Kyralians didn't execute men for this "unacceptable" behavior as the Lonmar did, it was still considered wrong and unnatural. Men were punished by the removal of titles and by the man's family being treated as if they were all tainted by association. If a family discovered one of their own had such unnatural tendencies, they sent him away to manage small estates or family interests.

  Dannyl had heard of Guild magicians in the past who had been punished in this way. Though they weren't expelled, they became outcasts in every other way. He had been told, during the troubles he faced as a novice, that if the rumors proved true he might not be allowed to graduate.

  In all the years since, he had been careful to avoid drawing suspicion on himself again. In the past few days he had been struggling with the unsettling thought that, if Tayend's preferences were well known in Elyne, it was inevitable that the court would be speculating about his own. The rumor from his past would only add fire to the gossip, and while such gossip might not be dangerous in Elyne, once it reached the Guild ...

  Dannyl shook his head. After spending several months travelling with Tayend, any damage to his reputation had already been done. To regain his reputation he ought to disassociate himself from Tayend as soon as they returned to Elyne. He ought to make it clear he had been appalled to discover his assistant was, as the Elyne put it, a "lad."

  Tayend will understand, a voice in the back of his mind said. Or will he? said another. What if he grows angry and tells Akkarin about Lorlen's research?

  No, the first replied. It would ruin his integrity as a scholar. And perhaps you can end this friendship kindly, without hurting his feelings.

  Dannyl scowled down at his wineglass. Why did it always come to this? Tayend was a good companion, a man he liked and valued. Thinking of ending their friendship for fear of gossip reaching the Guild made him feel ashamed and angry. Surely he could enjoy the scholar's company without endangering his reputation.

  Let the gossips talk, he thought. I'll not let them ruin another promising friendship.

  But if the Guild heard, and was outraged enough to order him home ...

  No, they wouldn't do something that dramatic on the strength of a mere rumor. They know what the Elyne court is like. They won't act unless they hear something really damning.

  And they won't, Dannyl told himself. It was clear he would never escape this sort of speculation. So he would have to learn to live with it. Manage it. Perhaps even turn it to his advantage . ..

  "You're not planning to drink that bottle all by yourself, are you?"

  Startled, Dannyl looked up to see Tayend standing at the door to the balcony.

  "Of course not," he replied.

  "Good," Tayend said. "Otherwise I'd look a fool carrying this around." He held up an empty glass.

  As Dannyl poured the wine Tayend stared at him, but looked quickly away as Dannyl met his eyes. The scholar moved to the railing and stared out over the sea.

  It's time, Dannyl decided. Time to tell him the truth, and that I'm not going to push him away. He took a deep breath.

  "We have to talk," Tayend said suddenly.

  "Yes," Dannyl agreed. He considered his words carefully. "I think I know why you wouldn't let me Heal you."

  Tayend winced. "You said to me once that you understood how difficult it was for . .. for men like me."

  "But you said that men like you are accepted in Elyne."

  "They are, and they aren't." Tayend looked down at his glass, then drained it. He turned to face Dannyl. "At least we don't disown people for it," he said accusingly.

  Dannyl grimaced. "As a nation, Kyralia isn't known for tolerance. You know I've experienced that for myself. We aren't all prejudiced, however."

  A frown creased Tayend's brow. "I was going to be a magician, once. A cousin of mine tested me and found potential. They were going to send me to the Guild." Tayend's eyes misted over, and Dannyl saw longing in the scholar's face, but then the scholar shook his head and sighed. "Then I heard about you and I realized that it didn't matter whether the rumors were true or not. It was clear that I could never be a magician. The Guild would work out what I was and send me straight home."

  Dannyl suddenly felt a strange, dull anger. With his impressive memory and sharp intellect, Tayend would have been a fine magician. "So how did you avoid joining the Guild?"

  "I told father I didn't want to." Tayend shrugged. "He didn't suspect then. Later, when I began to associate with certain people, he decided he'd worked out my real reason. He believes I turned down the chance because I wanted to indulge myself in ways the Guild wouldn't allow. He never understood that I wouldn't be able to hide what I was." Tayend looked down at his empty glass, then strode forward and picked up the bottle. Refilling his glass, he downed the wine quickly.

  "Well," he said, looking out over the ocean, "if it's any consolation, I always knew the rumors about you couldn't be true."

  Dannyl winced. "Why do you say that?"

  "Well, if you were like me, and couldn't help what you felt, then the Healers would find out, wouldn't they?"

  "Not necessarily."

  The scholar's eyes widened. "Are you telling me ... ?"

  "They sense the physical. That is all. If there is something in a man's body that causes him to desire men, the Healers haven't found it yet."

  "But I was told ... I was told Healers can tell if there's something wrong with someone."

  "They can."

  "So this ... isn't a wrongness or..." Tayend frowned and looked at Dannyl. "So how did you know about me?"

  Dannyl smiled. "Your mind was shouting it so loud I could hardly ignore it. People with magical potential who don't learn to use it often project their thoughts strongly."

  "Oh?" Tayend looked away, his face reddening. "How much did you . .. read?"

  "Not much," Dannyl assured him. "Mostly your fears. I didn't continue listening. That's not good manners."

  Tayend nodded. He thought for a moment, then his eyes widened. "You mean I could have joined the Guild!" He frowned. "But I'm not sure I would have liked it much." Moving to the chair next to Dannyl's, Tayend sat down. "Can I ask a personal question?"


  "What really happened between you and that novice?"

  Dannyl signed. "Nothing." He glanced at Tayend and found the scholar watching him expectantly. "Very well. The whole story, then.

  "I wasn't popular. New novices often seek older ones to help with their studies, but I had trouble finding someone who'd agree to help me. I'd heard tales about one of the older boys, and that other novices avoided him because of these stories, but he was one of the best in his year and I decided to ignore the rumors. When he agreed to help me I was rather pleased wi
th myself." He shook his head. "But there was a novice in my class who hated me."

  "Lord Fergun?"

  "Yes. We'd thrown insults and played tricks on each other since classes first started. He'd heard the tales about my helper, and they were all he needed to start new rumors. The next I knew I was being questioned by the Higher Magicians."

  "What happened?"

  "I denied the rumors, of course. They decided the best way to stop the gossip was to keep us apart, so I was ordered to stay away from the boy. Of course, this was all the confirmation the novices needed."

  "What happened to him? Were the rumors about him true?"

  "He graduated and returned to his country, that's all I can tell you." Seeing Tayend's gaze sharpen with curiosity, Dannyl added: "No, I'm not going to tell you his name."

  Looking disappointed, Tayend leaned back in his chair. "So what happened then?"

  Dannyl shrugged. "I kept studying and made sure I didn't bring suspicion on myself again. Eventually everyone forgot about it, except Fergun—and the Elyne court, it seems."

  Tayend didn't smile. A crease appeared between his eyebrows. "And what will you do now?"

  Dannyl refilled his glass. "Since the Tombs of White Tears are closed during the festival, there's not much to do except drink and relax."

  "And then?"

  "I guess we visit the Tombs."

  "And then?"

  "That depends on what we find. Either way, we'll return to Elyne."

  "That's not what I mean." Tayend held Dannyl's eyes. "If being seen with a novice who might or might not have been a lad was enough to cause you so much trouble, then associating with a man known to be a lad must be much, much worse. You said you must avoid bringing suspicion on yourself. I can still assist you from the library, but I'll send what I find to you by messenger."

  Dannyl felt something twist inside. He hadn't considered that Tayend might suggest this. Remembering his earlier thoughts of ending the friendship he felt a pang of guilt.

  "Oh, no," he replied. "You won't get rid of me that easily."

  "But what could bring more suspicion upon you than associating with—"

  "—a scholar of the Great Library," Dannyl finished. "A useful and valuable assistant. And a friend. If the gossips are going to talk, they'll have started already. They'll have more to talk about if they hear we're communicating in secret."

  Surprised, Tayend opened his mouth to speak, then shook his head. Looking down at his glass, he lifted it to toast Dannyl.

  "Here's to friendship, then."

  Smiling, Dannyl lifted his glass to meet the scholar's.

  * * *

  Rothen ran a finger along the spines of the books as he searched. He paused as the door of the Magicians' Library opened, and looked up to see Dorrien striding into the room followed by Sonea. He frowned. Sonea had asked him to get several books from the library, but here she was with Dorrien.

  Lord Jullen scowled and told her to leave her box on the shelves near the door. She pulled a few sheets of paper out and left the box behind. Dorrien nodded politely to the librarian, then led Sonea into the long rows of shelving.

  Deciding to find the books before pursuing the pair, Rothen continued his search, eventually finding the first book on his list several shelves from where it should have been. He silently cursed the magician who had misplaced it.

  He was only vaguely aware of somebody approaching Lord Jullen and asking for help, but he did notice that Dorrien had begun a friendly conversation with Lord Galin in the next aisle. A loud coughing started behind him, and he glanced behind to see Lord Garrel holding a nosecloth to his mouth. Then an exclamation drew his attention away.

  "Regin!" Galin barked, striding out into the aisle. Looking through the shelves, Rothen could see Regin standing next to Jullen's desk.

  "Yes, my lord?" His expression was all innocence and puzzlement.

  "What did you just put in this box?"

  "What box, my lord?"

  Galin's eyes narrowed.

  "What is the problem, Lord Galin?" Lord Garrel strode down the aisle and approached Jullen's desk.

  "I just saw Regin take something from Jullen's desk and put it in this box." Galin pulled Sonea's box off the shelf and placed it on the desk in front of Regin.

  Hearing murmuring voices, Rothen looked around to see magicians gathered in twos and threes, watching this drama unfold. Lord Jullen strode out from behind the shelves. He looked from the magicians to the novice and then to the box. "What is going on here? This is Sonea's box."

  Galin's brows rose. "Is it? How very interesting." He repeated what he'd seen. Lord Jullen's eyebrows dropped into a disapproving frown.

  "Shall we see which of your possessions Regin has decided that Sonea would dearly like to own?"

  Regin paled. Rothen felt a smile spread over his face. He nearly yelped in surprise as a hand touched his shoulder. Turning, he found Dorrien standing beside him, a familiar mischievous glint in his eyes.

  "What have you done?" Rothen whispered accusingly.

  "Nothing," Dorrien replied, his eyes wide with feigned innocence. "Regin did it all himself. I just made sure someone was watching."

  Hearing Sonea's box click open, Rothen watched as Jullen took out a black, shiny object. "My two-hundred-year-old Elyne inkwell." The librarian frowned. "Valuable, but leaky. I must congratulate you, Regin. Even if Sonea had managed to return it herself, her notes would still be covered in ink."

  Regin looked at his guardian desperately.

  "No doubt he wanted to ruin her notes," Garrel said. "Just a silly prank."

  "I don't believe so," Galin interrupted. "Or he would simply have poured the contents all over her papers and left the inkwell on Lord Jullen's desk."

  Garrel's expression darkened, but Galin's accusing stare remained steady. Lord Jullen looked from one magician to the other, then up at the shelves.

  "Lord Dorrien," he called.

  Dorrien stepped into the aisle. "Yes?"

  "Please find Sonea and bring her here."

  Dorrien nodded and strode down the rows of shelving. Rothen watched Sonea's face as she came in sight of the magicians. At once her expresssion became wary. As Jullen explained what had happened her eyes widened, and she gave Regin a glare.

  "I'm afraid your notes are ruined, Sonea," Jullen said, tilting the box toward her. She looked inside and grimaced. "If you'd like, I'll lock your box in my cupboard from now on."

  She looked up at him, surprised. "Thank you, Lord Jullen," she said in a quiet voice.

  He closed the box and placed it in the cupboard behind his desk. Galin looked at Regin. "You may return to your study, Sonea. Regin and I are going to have a chat with the University Director."

  She glanced at Regin once more, then turned away and walked back to the shelves. Dorrien hesitated, then followed.

  Galin eyed Garrel. "Are you coming?"

  The Warrior nodded.

  As the two magicians and the novice left the library, Dorrien and Sonea approached Rothen. They both wore a look of unconcealed smugness. Shaking his head, Rothen gave them both a stern look.

  "That was risky. What if no one had seen?"

  Dorrien smiled. "Ah, but I made sure someone did." He looked down at Sonea. "You managed to look convincingly surprised."

  She smiled slyly. "I was just surprised it worked."

  "Hmph!" Dorrien said. "Has nobody got any confidence in me?" He sobered and looked at Rothen. "Did you notice who took Jullen away from his desk and distracted everyone while Regin was doing his evil deed?"

  Rothen thought back. "Garrel? No. Don't be ridiculous. Regin was taking advantage of the situation. Just because Garrel was the one who asked for help and coughed at the same moment Regin made his move doesn't mean he's involving himself in childish pranks."

  "You're probably right," Dorrien said. "But I would keep an eye on him if I were you."

  Chapter 19

  The Tests Begin

  The sky was
just warming with the glow of dawn when Sonea left the Baths. The air was still cold, however, so she created a barrier about herself and heated the air within it. As she paused to straighten her robes, a green-robed figure stepped from the section of the Baths reserved for males.

  Recognizing Dorrien, she felt her mood lighten. Since he'd planned to leave early this morning, they'd said their farewells last night over dinner in Rothen's rooms. But now she had one more opportunity to speak to him before he left.

  "I should have guessed you were an early riser," she said.

  Turning, he blinked in surprise. "Sonea! What are you doing up at dawn?"

  "I always start early. I can get a few things done without anyone bothering me."

  He smiled crookedly. "A wise move, though maybe that won't be necessary now. Regin has been leaving you alone, hasn't he?"


  "Good." Tilting his head slightly, he gave her an odd look. "I was going to visit an old haunt of mine before I go. Want to come?"

  "Where is it?"

  "In the forest."

  She glanced up at the trees. "Another one of your secret places?"

  Dorrien smiled. "Yes, but this time it really is a secret."

  "Oh? But if you show me, then it won't be a secret."

  He chuckled. "I suppose not. It's just a place I used to visit when I was a boy. I hid there whenever I was in trouble."

  "Then I'm sure you hid there a lot."

  "Of course." He grinned. "So, are you coming?"

  She looked down at her box. Her next stop was to be the Foodhall. "It won't take long?"

  He shook his head. "I'll have you back in time for the tests."

  "Very well," she said.

  He started along the path that led up into the forest. Walking beside him, she thought back to the last time she had taken this route. It had been a cold night almost a year before, when she was still a "prisoner" of the Guild. Rothen had decided she needed fresh air and some exercise. Not far into the forest there was an ancient cemetery, and Rothen had explained what happened to magicians when they died.

  She shivered as she remembered. When a magician's life ended, his mind relinquished Control over his power. The remaining magic left in the body consumed it, turning flesh and bone to ash and dust. Since there was nothing to bury, magicians were never interred, so the existence of the ancient cemetery was a mystery.


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