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Brothers - Dexter's Pack - Brody (Book One)

Page 7

by M. L. Briers

  “Go ahead and lie to me if you like…” he teased as that smile grew in intensity until it shone within his eyes.

  “That’s … cheating,” she offered back, somewhat dumbfounded by just how potent his touch felt.

  Her words sounded like an accusation, as if he’d done something wrong, but they both knew that it wasn’t him – it was the pure unadulterated sexual chemistry that fate had put between them, instilled into them.

  “All’s fair in love and … love,” he grinned back.

  That rugged stubble that clung to his face made him look cover model sexy, and she had the urge to run her fingertips across it, let the prickles bring more of those tingles…

  “And this is love?”

  The little frown on her forehead, the way that she got two little ridges wedge just above her nose between her eyebrows made him want to use the pad of his thumb to rub them away, sooth her…

  “It is on my end,” he admitted, and his words jolted her heart within her chest, and it felt as if it was making a bid for freedom…

  “You don’t know me…”

  “Yet,” he corrected. “I don’t know you yet, but knowing that you’re my mate is all I need to know. Tell me, Eden, when did fate ever screw up a mating?”

  His words made perfect sense to her. She couldn’t list one account that she’d ever heard of either, and witches talked, boy, did they.

  Gossipy little…

  “Yesterday you were on your way to being rogue…” she offered back.

  “Yeah, funny how things change, right?” he teased back.

  “Funny ha-ha? Or funny … you’re still a mental person - type funny?” she shot back.

  “I think you’ve tamed the beast in me,” Brody’s smile was electric. It made a million and one little goosebumps rally on her skin.

  “I sure hope not,” she chuckled, and it sounded low and dirty to his ears.

  “You know I’m going to win you as mine,” Brody assured her, assured himself, and the wolf that was scratching inside of him, urging him on.

  “I didn’t know I was a prize,” she said it like her words were a challenge, and there in her eyes; he could see the excitement. In the way that her breathing had changed, he could tell that she was more than interested in him, in them together…

  “The greatest prize a man could have, a life mate,” Brody offered back.

  That moment he knew that whatever had changed within him the night before had started this new way of thinking, of being, of wanting her as his. He wanted to be her mate. He wanted to protect her from life, from those who might seek to do her harm, now and in the future.

  If he wasn’t around then he couldn’t do that. She would be alone against the world and that wasn’t how it was meant to be.

  She was made to have a mate. She was made to be his mate, and that meant that he needed to right by her.

  He was done waiting for the bad in his life. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, tested the waters to see if that excitement that flowed through her would spark her response…



  Eden felt the flush of heat go through her body, chased as it was by the jolt of excitement, and fuelled by the fire of desire that rushed through every inch of her.

  Her mind was split, a part of her was flashing up warnings and ringing bells, while the other part said to go with the flow, do what felt right, and he did feel right.

  The whole damn thing felt so right…

  Brody growled long and hard as he found no protest coming his way. The arm that he had thrown over her encircled her body tightly and he eased her towards him in the bed until her body was against his.

  That very first touch of her soft curves fitting against his hard ones fuelled that need within him, not that it needed much encouragement, and he growled long and hard at the feel of her there. That deep, hungry rumble got lodged in his throat as he deepened the kiss, tasting her on his tongue, and the need grew like a fever raging through him, devouring him right to his very soul.

  He wanted to touch, to taste, and to run his hands against her naked skin. She was wearing too many clothes, and he needed to feel her body running the length of his. Nature demanded it.

  Not yet… he warned himself … slow down … go slow…

  She hasn’t said that she wants you yet…

  She hasn’t agreed to be yours…

  It’s just a kiss … a damn good torturous kiss … but just a kiss…

  Mine… his beast didn’t like that idea. Now that they had her where they wanted her the beast was all gung-ho to mate, to claim, to bite…

  Not yet … she needs to want us … she has to accept us…

  Eden couldn’t resist the temptation a moment longer. She wanted to touch … needed to touch him. It had been niggling at her for too long.

  Her hands found his biceps and tried to encircle them, but they didn’t even get close. She gave up trying and went in search of other muscles, other places.

  Running her hands up and over his broad shoulders, down over his chest to the rows of solid muscle that stacked up into one glorious landscape. She felt the side of her hand catch his hard length as it stuck out against the material of his sweatpants, and he groaned and growled with need and desire all in one…

  The wicked desire to know that part of him shot through her mind and rallied her body. The more that she touched him the more the excitement grew within her, and now that she’d run her hands over his body; he’d taken that as a sign that he was free to do the same to her.

  His touch seemed to bring every inch of her to life, and it made the rest of her body bay for the same attention.

  “Too many clothes…” she breathed against his lips as she pulled her head back and broke from the heady kisses that were fuelling her need for more…

  “Thank the spirits!” he growled out with so much enthusiasm that she felt a chuckle catch in her throat. Moving fast; his hands reached out and started to shed the layers that adorned her body…

  Even in her most hasty moments to get undressed, she’d never managed to beat the speed in which he was yanking, ripping, and tugging her clothes from her. She liked that and it only heightened her need for him more.

  Eden reached for his sweatpants, but his hands were already on the waistband and he yanked the material down over his hips … his cock sprung free and her eyes devoured the hard, thick, long length of it, and she couldn’t help but take a hearty breath…

  Her man wasn’t just loaded with muscles. Her eyes were locked and loaded on that length and she couldn’t seem to drag them away…

  “Something wrong, sweetheart?” Brody looked down at himself … it wasn’t like he was deformed or anything…?

  A heartbeat later and she was pushing up in the bed. Her hand had reached for him, her fingers trying to meet around the girth of his shaft.

  He closed his eyes for the briefest of moments, revelling in the feel of her touch, and felt the hot, wet swipe of her tongue over the bulbous head, and his body almost caved in on itself…

  “That’s not…” he started as his eyes snapped open and he made a move to pull away, but she was already closing her lips around his cock, and he was lost … frozen in place as she went from teasing to wicked witch in a heartbeat…

  Brody growled long and hard at the feel of her mouth devouring him, inch by inch, lower and lower, pulling up each time before gaining ground again…

  He would be one hell of a crazy wolf to get her to stop, and yet, he wanted to be the one tasting her sex on his tongue…

  He’d never been so torn about anything before in his life. His hand fisted in the silken strands of her hair and his hips started to move involuntarily … he wanted more … he wanted everything and more…

  The sounds that she made in the back of her throat, so guttural, so claiming of his body, sent a fire within him that threatened to rage out of control…

  His dominant side rushed to the forefront. H
is need to take control sparked to life and created a wildfire within him…

  He reached out, and cursing himself for doing it, he snatched his body out of her grasp, grabbed her upper thighs in his large hands, and yanked her down the bed towards him, sending her backwards against the bed. She looked slightly confused about how she got there…

  Then Brody fell forwards onto his knuckles on the bed, right over the top of her naked body, caging her in … his eyes were jet black, and the growl that rumbled through his chest said hungry … crazy … for her…

  “My turn, baby…” he growled, and dipped his head, snagging one aching nipples in his lips and sucking it hard until her back arched against the mattress…

  He felt her hands palm his shoulders, and her fingers dug into the muscles, but he had a need to know her…

  He snatched at her wrists and pinned them back against the bed. His body ravenous for hers as he devoured her breasts in turn, sucking, nipping, soothing with his tongue, sometimes all at once, before he moved on down her flesh, tasting and nipping as much of her as he could handle before he really did go insane.

  “Mine…” he growled against her inner thigh. The scent of her sex had drawn him right there … he had to know her … he had to taste her on his tongue.

  His hands had opened her wide so that he could wedge her legs apart with his broad shoulders. Now she was his, he wasn’t about to let her get away…

  One swipe of his tongue and he was lost to her. He didn’t hold back. He wanted more. He wanted it all.

  Brody didn’t tease. He took her body up to the heady heights and over the edge as he thrust his tongue inside of her, tasting her sweetness and baying for more…

  He’d have it. Over and over, until she couldn’t think straight…

  His hands wrapped around her upper thighs as she tried to push up the bed away from him, but it was the pulling and tugging on his scalp as she fisted his hair, and the curse words that finally made him take notice…

  “Get the hell up here, you’ve got a bite to…” she breathed out the words, but never got to finish. His head snapped up, and then so did his body.

  He was growling hard as he climbed up the bed on his knees and his knuckles, stalking over her body like a predator beast…

  “Mine…” he growled out, hard and hungry for her.

  “Not until you mark me, I’m not…” Eden teased, and he snapped his body back as he sat back on his knees, wrapped his big hands around her thighs, and yanked her down the bed towards him…

  “You’d better be one hundred percent sure…” Brody warned her, and she wrapped her legs around his velvet hips, locked her feet behind his backside, and yanked him forwards towards her.

  He collapsed onto his knuckles once more, starring down at her with hungry eyes, and the biggest damn wolfish smile that stretched his lips wide…

  “I said so, didn’t I?” She breathed back, and her eyes flared the moment that she felt the pressure of his hard cock against her sex…

  “I heard you tease…” Brody growled against her lips.

  His cock nudged against the tight muscles of her sex, opening her to him as he slowly pushed inside…

  “Boy, do you need to learn the difference between a tease and a get the hell inside me so you can bite and claim me…”

  With a push of his hips he was buried half way inside of her. The tight clench of her muscles around his cock made him groan with the pleasure as he claimed her lips.

  He needed no more than that. Her words had started the fever for the taste of her blood on his tongue. To claim her as his…

  Mine… His beast roared. The wolf wouldn’t be sated until he’d bitten into her flesh and marked her.

  Damn right she is… Brody assured the predator within as he thrust to the hilt and revelled in the feel of her body clamping around his like a hand in a glove…

  Back and forth down his length, he savoured every stroke inside of her until his mind and body could take no more…

  His beast wanted out. It was clawing and demanding, and he couldn’t concentrate to keep the wolf from the door a moment longer.

  Brody ripped his body away from hers…

  One moment she was on her back and the next he’d flipped her over onto her stomach and was lifting her up onto her knees like she weighed nothing but air.

  She felt his hands lock against her thighs and with one deep thrust he took her all the way down his length to the hilt. Her head snapped back on her neck and she made the most guttural sound that he’d ever heard…

  Brody wrapped an arm around her body and pulled her back against his chest. His hips were moving faster, slapping off of the ample curves of her backside as his length created the sweetest friction between them.

  His hand fisted in her hair and he dragged her head to one side, opening her neck and shoulder to the beast within him. His fangs pushed down and locked into place, and he could almost taste the sweetness of her blood upon his tongue as his eyes locked onto the spot where he was practically salivating to bite…

  With one arm locked around her body keeping her in place, his hand moved down between her parted thighs and found the sensitive nub of flesh that craved his attentions.

  He felt her tightened harder around his cock from the very first stroke over her satin skin, as his cock took her harder, faster, deeper, rubbing against the inner spot that sent her soaring upwards into oblivion as she came undone in his arms…

  Brody bit down hard and fast … his razor sharp fangs cut through her flesh like butter and the taste of her blood upon his tongue sated his beast as the animal roared within him…

  He was thirsty for more of her. For everything…

  His soul reached out for hers and she welcomed him willingly…

  As the fever ignited within him once more, he released his fangs and ran his tongue over the wound, cleaning and sealing it, in the start of his madness to plant his seed against her womb and truly claim her as his…



  Brody heard his name on her lips like a siren calling to him and he was spellbound, enchanted with the need and desire to have her, to find his own release…

  He ran his hands down her arms, locking his hands around hers and lifting them to the wooden headboard of the bed… he locked their fingers around the wood as he curled his body over hers.

  His hips never missed a beat against the curves of her backside…

  But now he was hungrier than he’d ever been … not for the taste of her on his tongue, not for her blood, but to seal the bond between them and find that release that would make him roar…

  His breath came in grunts as he took her down his cock, over and over, until her inner muscles were locked tightly around him once more. His movements became erratic as he lost his mind to the moment, to the need, and he tipped his head to one side and craned it backwards on his neck as he felt his body tighten, every muscle protesting…

  That one moment when she cried out with the first hard jolt of intensity from the release that gripped her body, sparked the next, when her inner muscles sucked around his cock like her mouth been doing not that long ago, and it ripped the seed right from his balls ….

  He felt that fire, the heat mixed with the hard tingle of a promise, and he thrust in deep, burying his cock to the hilt, and as he delivered the seed to her womb; the hard growl in his throat turned into a howl that was torn from his lips…


  Over and over, until his felt like he was losing his mind. His muscles quivered. His body protested, and yet he was lost with her in the intensity of the bond between them…




  “I’d like to say my work here is done, and skip off home to my mate to get me some alone time, but…” Connor folded his arms across his chest and eyed the mates cabin.

  “Damn vampires!” Dexter growled out, not even considering the man beside him.

  “Should I take that pers
onally?” Connor grinned.

  Dexter grumbled something of an apology, or what passed for it in his mind…

  “You’re different…” he offered back and Connor snorted in amusement.

  “Gee, I’m so flattered,” Connor’s voice dripped sarcasm, and Dexter snapped a quick look at the man.

  “You know what I mean,” the alpha rattled off, shuffling on his feet as he turned his head to scan the horizon on all sides…

  “You mean I’m not immortal, don’t feed on blood, and have to be killed by…”

  “Don’t start with me…” Dexter growled, turning on his heels and stalking away from the man. He was butt naked and ready to shift into his wolf for another go around of the perimeter… “How does Justice put up with you?” he muttered.

  “Yes, I wonder,” Connor rolled his eyes back into his head. It was a way better sight than watching the man’s backside walk away… “No point in running the land until tonight. That vampire has gone to ground to stew on his brother’s death and plan his revenge.”

  “And how would you…?”

  “I don’t know … couldn’t be because I’m … oh yes, a vampire, could it?” Connor offered back as so much sarcasm dripped from his tone that he felt he’d overdone it. “It’s what I’d do.”

  “Fine,” Dexter growled, turning towards his cabin. “Then I need food and coffee…” he grumbled as he stalked towards the front door. “Come on, Vampire, time to eat …” he heard Connor open his mouth to speak and swung back around to face him on a scowl. “Food, not vampire food, food, and don’t even think of cracking a blood joke!”

  “Me…?” Connor placed his hands against his chest and tried for surprised and a little wounded…

  “Yeah, the pain in the butt bloodsucker that’s gonna get smacked in the jaw if he cracks a blood joke around my mate.” Dexter grumbled back, turning back towards the cabin and stalking home.


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