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Escape: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance

Page 7

by Michaels, A K

The driver cursed, turning to look at us with shock and fear. “Should I try and run them over?”

  “No,” Max ordered. “They’ll leave now.”

  “What?” the driver asked, his head spinning between watching the beasts and back again. “I’ve never seen anything like those before. They’re huge.”

  “Yes, they are.” I nodded, confusion and apprehension running rampant through me.

  “Don’t worry.” Max tried to calm me, although I could see his face was full of fury as he glared at the wolves.

  “Worried? Me? Of course I’m not worried,” I scoffed.

  “We’ll discuss this later.” He nodded toward the driver who had obviously never dealt with anything Supernatural, and definitely not Werewolves.

  “Sure,” I mumbled as my body started to shake.

  “Look, they’re going away. Thank f . . . goodness for that.” The driver corrected himself just in time. “I’ll get you home and then I’m getting back to the garage as soon as I can. I can’t wait to tell the guys about this.”

  Max sighed before leaning forward and catching the driver’s attention. “Hey.” The man looked around and Max’s eyes bored into the man’s. “You don’t want to do that. There was nothing out of the ordinary with this job. You brought us home without incident and now you’re tired and you want to go straight home and go to bed.”

  I stared bemused as the man agreed. “I’m tired and just want to go to bed and sleep.”

  “That’s right.” Max sat back and the driver turned forward and drove off.

  “What the hell was that?” I hissed, grabbing hold of Max’s arm.

  He turned and shrugged. “Just a little trick some of us can do. It comes in handy at times.”

  “I’ll bet it does,” I snapped, not sure why I was annoyed but I certainly was.

  “I don’t abuse my power, Flora, but I don’t think it would help either of us if we have him blabbing about those wolves.”

  “I guess, but . . .”

  “No more buts, please.” He raised an eyebrow. “I did what I thought best in the circumstances.”

  “Those circumstances being my father’s Beta making sure I know I’m going nowhere,” I whispered angrily.

  “Don’t despair.” Max’s arm wound around my shoulder, pulling me into his side. “I think I may have to take matters into my own hands regarding the Pack, but rest assured, you will not have to return to your father. That, Flora, is a promise.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” I sighed. “He has a full Pack at his back and you’re just one person.”

  “I never make promises I can’t keep,” he said softly, his finger trailing across my lips. “That’s something you’ll soon learn about me.”

  I opened my mouth to ask how he planned on taking on a whole Pack but his lips lowered to take mine in another passionate kiss and once more all rational thought flew out the window.

  An embarrassed cough interrupted us as the driver held the door open. “Here you are, Sir.”

  I felt my already flushed cheeks blushing redder as I grabbed my clutch. Max already outside and holding his hand to help me out, a smirk on his face. He handed the driver a large tip, no, a huge tip, and then led me inside.

  Although it wasn’t that late, the house seemed quiet with only a few lights on that cast shadows as we walked up the stairs. When we reached the landing it hit me. It being that I’d finally lose my virginity in just a short while. Butterflies decided to have a party in my belly and I shivered in anticipation at being at Max’s mercy.

  After all, I’d be naked beneath a powerful Vamp, at his mercy was most definitely where I’d be.

  The butterflies decided to invite all their friends and my insides felt as if they were on a rollercoaster that had left the tracks. Max stayed quiet, leading me along the corridor but past my room, where I paused, looking at him confused.

  “I’ve decided you’ll stay in my room from now on,” he said matter of factly. “That way I can ensure your safety in case your father decides to try and get you back.”

  “Okay,” was all I managed as he tugged me onward. This was it. I was going to sleep with a vampire and allow him to feed from me. Fecking hell, I must be nuts!

  No, not nuts, just desperate. Desperate enough to do whatever it took to escape.

  His steps slowed to a stop outside two massive oak doors, ornately carved and stunning. Max pushed one of the doors, stepping through and turning back toward me. Holding his hand out, he asked. “Are you ready to be my Courtesan?”

  “Yes,” I replied hesitantly as I linked my fingers with his.

  “Perfect,” he said quietly, pulling me quickly toward him, and as he kicked the door closed his arms picked me up and carried me through a sitting area and into a side room that was dominated by an antique four poster bed.

  “I’m going to undress you, slowly, and savor every inch of you.” Max sniffed along my neck and bare shoulder. “You smell exquisite and I plan on sampling you from many different parts of your delectable body. I think I’ll start further down.”

  He placed me on my feet but I wobbled as my legs turned to jelly at his touch and his words that turned me on in a way they really shouldn’t. Bugger! I had to admit the man did things to me that I hadn’t bargained for, in fact, I’d have to watch myself or I’d end up falling for him.

  That would just be damn stupid. He was a vampire, plain and simple, and he hired me to cater to his needs and nothing else. Food. That’s what I was, food. Remember that, Flora, and don’t let your emotions get in the way,

  His finger traced along my jaw, settling under my chin and forcing me to look up into his ice blue eyes. “What’s running through that mind of yours? I can’t quite grasp it, Flora, so tell me. What were you just thinking about that got your heart all a flutter.”

  “Nothing,” I mumbled, blushing furiously at what I’d been thinking.

  “That’s not true.” Max leaned down, blowing gently on my throat. “You look flustered and I love the way your skin warms when you blush. Tell me, bonnie lass, what’s got you flushing scarlet?”

  “Hey.” I tried to act coy. “Can’t a girl have some secrets? More to the point is how you even know anything that’s going on in my head? Hmm, want to spill on that, Max?”

  Chuckling he stepped back, his hands behind his back as he started to pace, although his eyes never left mine for a second. “Some of us have more psychic ability than others. I can, on occasion, push my thoughts to them. Most have a link with someone they feed from, but mine goes further than that. I can read others thoughts without that bond but once I’ve fed then it’s much stronger. Unless their thoughts are all jumbled and they’re not thinking clearly, then I have trouble sorting through things. You, Flora, are a conundrum though and I plan on figuring you out before your time here ends.”

  I saw him flinch as he finished but had no idea why so I quipped back. “Not sure if that’s a cool trick or just creepy.”

  “It can be advantageous at times like earlier tonight with those vampires who had you in their sights.” Max stopped right in front of me, his eyes brighter, sparkling almost. “I’ll allow you your secret but it won’t stop me trying to find out.”

  “I’m sure it won’t,” I gasped as he darted forward, embracing me tightly as his delicious lips landed on mine. Boy, was I lost as he plundered my mouth, his hands slowly caressing my body until one landed on my breast, cupping it playfully before tweaking my nipple. What was I going to do? His touch was electric and I craved more, much more, and that sure as hell wasn’t a good thing. Not when we’d be going our separate ways soon.

  I reached for him, his body hard beneath my touch, rock hard abs that tensed as my fingers sought to get inside his shirt. Damn it to hell and back. I needed to feel his skin and his clothes were a barrier I had to get rid of. I fumbled with the buttons but finally managed to release enough for me to slip within and I was shocked at the cool
ness of his skin, especially when I felt mine was on fire.

  “Slow down, Flora,” Max teased as he stepped back. “I want to take things slow your first time.”

  “Bugger slow,” I gasped, reaching for him again. “I don’t know if you’re working that mind magic but I definitely am not in the mood for slow.”

  “No,” he frowned, with what looked like sadness in his eyes. “I would never use that to manipulate a woman, especially not you.”

  “What?” I asked, his words making their way through the haze of lust I was encased in. “What do you mean, ‘especially not me’?”

  Max sighed, giving his head a shake as if to clear his thoughts before he gazed into my eyes. “You’re not like any other Courtesan I’ve met. There’s something special about you and I can’t say I understand what the fuck is going on but I do know one thing: I would never hurt you or use you in any way.”

  My breath stopped dead in my throat at the seriousness of his tone and the look in his eyes. He meant what he was saying, that was for sure, but just what did it really mean in the grand scheme of things? I was still employed for a short period of time to meet his needs, for both food and sex. That hadn’t changed so, actually, it didn’t mean a whole hell of a lot.

  Although I was grateful he didn’t plan on hurting me, I had a feeling I’d be hurt anyway. My feelings for this man were growing so quickly that it scared the heck out of me and the day he was finished with me would be the day I’d start hurting.

  I had no experience in these things so I didn’t even know how to protect myself. All I could do was hope for the best and pray I wasn’t a gibbering mess at the end of it. Yeah, right!

  I took a deep breath in and smiled. “Thank you, that’s certainly calmed my worries a bit.”

  “You’re welcome, now, where were we . . .”

  He took over, orchestrating every single movement, undressing me slowly, his lips caressing every part of me he unveiled. I thought I was going to combust as my skin flushed red from top to toe, full of longing and desire. His mumbled words making me hot and needy. Dark, dirty and sexual, his voice captured me and pulled me in until I didn’t know where I was or how long I could hold on.

  At some stage he’d removed his own clothes. Hell, I hadn’t even noticed, not until my hands touched bare skin and my eyes popped open to take in the most magnificent sight I’d ever laid eyes on. His body was sculpted, like pictures of the statues of Greek Gods I’d seen. Jeez, I almost salivated when my eyes lowered to his cock standing proud against his belly. It pulsed with need, so hard it looked painful to me, and when I tentatively reached for it, the soft moan of pleasure that slipped from his throat almost caused me to come undone.

  “I need to feed, Flora,” Max said through gritted teeth, removing my hand. “I want you to lie down and relax, I’ll do my best to be gentle.”

  I was now in a haze of desire that I needed to continue, to reach that place that was just out of reach and I willingly allowed him to place me where he wanted. I lay back against the soft comforter as Max knelt between my knees. I watched as his head moved down and his tongue licked up the inside of my thigh. “Oh shit,” I gasped as the sensations that sprang outward from that touch.

  I was racing toward an orgasm, but it almost exploded when his tongue slid over my folds, landing on my clit, and sucking hard. My head fell back, lost in a haze of sensations that burned inside. I jerked, gasping, as his teeth grazed the top of my thigh before piercing the skin. I couldn’t stop moans of ecstasy that erupted from my throat as he lapped hungrily of my blood.

  My heart thundered, blood rushing so fast that I could hear it in my head, as Max continued to suck my blood, I fell over into a chasm of rapture. I could hear myself scream his name but had no control to stop it as I reveled in the feelings overtaking my entire being.

  On and on, I was washed away with pleasure, only realizing Max had stopped when I felt his hand on my face, his lips taking mine in a kiss so hot that I felt myself rising once again. I barely managed to open my eyes when he whispered, “You taste divine.”

  I felt his rock hard cock pressing at my entrance, gasping as he slowly entered, filling me in a way I’d never dreamed possible. His consideration for me making me smile up at him. I nodded to urge him on, my hands sliding to his perfect ass and pulling him toward me. With one final thrust he slid inside to finally take my virginity.

  “Fucking hell,” Max ground out. “You’re perfect.”

  I didn’t answer, I couldn’t, too caught up in how my body responded to his. It was magical and I never wanted it to end. In fact, I wanted more, so much more. I moved my head to the side, giving him a clear view of my neck. “Bite me.”

  Max moved lightning fast, his fangs breaking my skin and sinking deep. The sound of my blood flowing into his mouth and being swallowed barely registered as, yet again, I headed to that precipice I desperately wanted to fall into.

  I had no idea if it were moments, or minutes, but my body could take no more. I raised my legs, circling his waist and joining him thrust for thrust. My body soaked with sweat as we joined in a passion I never knew existed.

  Yet another explosion erupted inside me at the same time Max roared his own release. I hadn’t noticed he’d stopped feeding, but his head was thrown back, cords on his neck straining as he plunged inside me again and again until finally his body stilled, his eyes locking with mine in a look I couldn’t decipher.

  If I didn’t know better, I’d say he cared for me but that was ridiculous. I was his Courtesan and I’d just delivered what had been asked of me: my blood and my body.

  ~ Chapter 10 ~

  A full week. Seven days. That’s how long I’ve been here, been Maxwell Steele’s Blood Courtesan.

  I’ve had a cyclone of an introduction to his world. The world of vampires, employed as his foodbank and sometimes companion. I leaned forward, checking myself in the mirror. “Am I paler?” I asked as I poked at my cheek.

  Surely I was going to end up anemic if he kept feeding from me every single day, multiple times a day at that. Then again, being a little anemic was the price I’d willingly pay for spending time with him. He was hot as hell and the sex, shit on a brick, but I would take iron tablets for the rest of my life if I could continue with that!

  His initial reticence at my being a virgin had soon disappeared and the things we’d done since then . . . ferfucksake . . . it was mind-blowingly good. So fecking good that I was sure I’d become addicted, to both his feeding from me and the acts that accompanied it. It was so erotic the way he’d stare into my eyes as he made me fall apart before him.

  Damn it. I sounded like a love-struck schoolgirl. I sighed, shaking my head and telling myself. “Don’t, don’t, don’t fall for him. This is a contract, nothing more, so don’t go reading anything into it.”

  I was well aware of that but I felt myself falling in love and there was nothing my mind could say to alter my heart’s desire. Shitting hell, I was in for a rough ride when this was over.

  “Flora,” Max’s soft voice made me quiver as he called for me.

  “I’m in the bathroom,” I replied, splashing some cold water on my blushing cheeks. “I’ll be right out.”

  I tried to calm my emotions before joining Max in the bedroom. He stood with his back to me, staring out one of the large bay windows. I walked over to stand at his side, the view one I loved. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  He took a moment to answer but when he did the sound of his voice made my heart to stutter. “Yes, Flora, it is, dusk is my favorite time of day. It brings the promise of night where anything is possible.”

  “I used to hate this time.” I shrugged. “It meant I had to return to the Pack.”

  “Your father has always treated you badly?” he asked, turning to look down into my face.

  “I can’t say that.” I shrugged again. “I never met him until the day of my mother’s funeral, but from that moment on? Yeah, he’
s been a shite dad. I wish he’d never claimed me because then I wouldn’t feel like this.”

  “Like what?” His finger raised my chin so my eyes stayed on his.

  “Like . . .” I paused, trying to put into words all the feelings my dad’s treatment had caused in me. “I feel like a disappointment, a failure as a daughter, and I keep wondering why he hates me so much. Why would he bother to claim me when he didn’t want me? I just don’t understand and . . .”

  I had to stop as emotions flooded me, causing tears to spring to my eyes. I refused to allow them to fall. I refused to give that fucker the power to make me cry.

  “I’m sorry he’s made you feel like that.” Max took my hand, leading me to the old, comfy armchair in the corner where he sat down and pulled me into his lap. “I can’t say anything to make that hurt leave you, but I can say with certainty that he won’t be able to hurt you again.”

  I frowned, not understanding. “What if . . .”

  “Shush.” Max shook his head. “Trust me, Flora, I won’t allow it to happen.”

  I had no idea how, or why, but I believed him and with his promise, he took another part of my heart.

  He pulled me into his body, one hand gently rubbing my back. “Max,” I mustered the courage to ask him what had been on my mind for days. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Certainly,” he mumbled against the top of my head.

  “It’s personal,” I stuttered, not sure if I really should ask.

  “You can ask,” he replied. “Doesn’t mean I’ll answer.”

  “Okay.” I sat up so I could see his face. “How did you become a vampire and have you ever turned anyone?”

  He raised an eyebrow and exhaled loudly. “That, Flora, is two questions.”

  “Well, aye, but they’re related, don’t you think?”

  “I will answer the second part first.” He nodded, his face inscrutable. “I have never turned anyone. Not once have I felt the need to do that to another human being.”

  “Never?” I almost squeaked, surprised and a little shocked. I thought vampires travelled all over turning folks as they went.


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