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by Lacey-Payne, Chandler

  CHAPTER four

  He brought the water to the perfect temperature and laid a small loofa and a razor with some liquid soap on the small table by an antique claw foot tub. The master bath was a decent size and everything in it seemed to be made of marble or brass. The walls were painted gray, with thin black stripes that suited him and the decor perfectly. This was definitely the bathroom of a man. An important one. She began to undress, dropping her white cotton dress in a loose pile beside the wicker hamper. Piece by piece, she discarded her undergarments, surprised that he didn't leave the room. Instead, he took a seat on a small wooden chair that sat at the foot of the luxurious bath.

  He didn't watch her undress, or even climb into the tub, purposely avoiding her gaze. When he heard her sit in the steamy water, he finally turned to catch a glimpse. She had pulled the silken red strands into a loose knot above her head and though a few had already escaped, she was the most exquisite woman he had ever laid eyes on.

  Settling lazily into the small chair, he sat in silence, as she glided the lather over her slickened form, leaving suds to trace the swell of her small perfect breasts. Her nipples hardened against the cool air, causing his jaw to clench. Graceful, fluid movements created a sensual display, teasing him as he watched. He kept his breathing tempered, focusing on each breath as he shifted slightly in his chair.

  She picked up the razor and stroked the smooth blade over each leg, taking care to not leave any stubble behind. His eyes were on her, but instead of being nervous, she felt sexy and desired in a way she couldn't explain. Their eyes connected, causing her breath to quicken, as she traced over her leg, never stopping the movement of the razor. Even as he stood and walked toward her, she didn't fear whatever it was he would do. He rolled up his sleeves and reached for her hand to help her. “Stand up, doll,” he said in a deep, seductive tone. She instantly obeyed. Guiding her to sit on the edge of the tub, he lowered himself onto one knee and spread her legs.

  Her pulse raced as she allowed him to position her, the desire for him growing with each second. He picked up the razor without a word and reached for the bottle of lotion on the table. He didn't bother to warm it before he began to pour a steady stream against her mound. Replacing the bottle on the table, he took the razor from her hand and started to shave her in soft, deliberate strokes. He dipped the razor into the water and gave it a loose shake to clean it for another slow stroke against her mound before moving lower.

  He used the fingertips of his free hand to pull the glazed skin taught, allowing him to make a pass down the side between her thigh and her sensual fold. Two more strokes moved rhythmically down the same pass, until the skin was smooth as silk. He moved to the other side, repeating the motions, leaving her deliciously slick and soft. He glanced up, giving a heated stare as he began to rinse the area with a wet cloth.

  She had never trusted any man to do such a thing and though she blushed deeply, she was not afraid. She wanted this. She wanted him. When he was finished, he helped her stand and wrapped her in a towel, before scooping her up and carrying her to his bed. He stripped naked without hesitation and settled himself against the thick blankets. Then he reached for her.

  He could tell by the way she looked at him that she wanted him to make love to her, but he knew he needed to take his time, and they had forever. It had only been four days and he refused to treat her like any other woman he had been with. She was his wife and he would respect her body. He pulled her close and began to remove the towel as if unwrapping a fragile gift.

  He maintained the smooth control, as he took her hands in his own, kissing each of her fingers before guiding them to his chest and down along his torso, encouraging her to explore him. He stroked her hair and her cheeks as he watched her tiny, quivering hands wander over his chest and then down along his sides and even lower to his thighs. He was hard. And soft. His entire lean form was a contradiction. She absently licked her lips as she moved her hands over each ripple of his torso.

  She sensed his desire for her as she cautiously began to kiss the entire trail of her fingers, causing his breath to quicken against her touch. He swallowed roughly as she even placed a soft kiss to the tip of his manhood and then began to make the journey back up until she was again lying flat against him, her small breasts pressed against his chest as she nuzzled his neck, nipping softly. She lifted her head and looked directly into his eyes, as if searching his soul. He was swollen and ready, yet he made not a move, so she continued on her journey.

  A soft fingertip outlined his entire face, tracing his jaw bone and brushing over his brow until finally dipping to lightly circle his lips. A thousand years of blissful torture passed before she finally lowered her head to his chest and closed her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, cradling her against him until they both drifted off. Somewhere in the night, he must have caught a chill, because when she woke, the thick blanket covered them both like a soft cocoon. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

  The next day was hectic. He spent nearly all of it trying to juggle clients and hearings. He had even been late home from work. The evening went by too fast and when bedtime came around, she was already nestled comfortably against him, yawning. Last night, he was a gentleman but tonight, he would be her husband. He undressed himself and climbed in bed, and when she came out of the shower, he was surprised that she had left the towel behind. He watched her cross the room and slip between the covers with him.

  "I think we both know what happens next," he said softly, his eyes locked onto hers.

  She nodded, "Yeah."

  "Are you nervous, doll?" he asked softly, reaching out to stroke her arm.

  She shook her head, smiling softly. "No, not nervous. Well, maybe a little," she admitted.

  He pulled her against him and began to play steady, even strokes against her skin, moving up and down her spine. "Tell me what makes you nervous."

  "I guess maybe because it's been a while for me and well, my past experiences were not what they should have been," she told him.

  "Explain that."

  She cleared her throat. "He only cared for his needs. I.. I've never had an orgasm from sex."

  He drew in a deep breath as he absorbed her words. "I see. I can promise you, the experience will not be the same. I am not so selfish and I would prefer you to climax than myself."

  He didn't add that it was because he would just go elsewhere, should he need a release of his own. He couldn't imagine that happening with her anyway. He was already aching to take her and they hadn't even discussed the important matters yet. "Adessa, are you on the pill?" he asked bluntly, catching her off guard.

  She blinked at the question and wondered how it had never come up before now. "No, I'm not. Never had a need for it," she responded.

  He nodded, wanting to kick himself for asking. It was obviously a stupid question. "I'm going to be up front. I am really not ready to begin a family just yet but I would like to see that be an option in our future, so now is the time to discuss our method." Well this was pleasant. Not. He'd rather skip the quiz and bury his face between her thighs. "I'll admit I'm not a fan of the pill and I would rather go bareback," he announced, opening the discussion. That was an understatement. He hated the pill and had always wondered if it had something to do with why Leanna couldn't conceive. Ten years and only two pregnancies and both of them had been lost. He wasn't about to allow her to take it but he didn't want to scare her off either.

  Her face flushed at the boldness of his words. "Doesn't leave us many options then. Not short of surgery. You know the rhythm method isn't exactly accurate, right?" she asked.

  He nodded, "You didn't tell me what your thoughts are on starting a family. How soon do you want to try?" He was contemplating now.

  She shrugged, "I would be happy at any time. I guess we keep track and leave it to fate."

  "I like the way you think," he said, smiling.

  They changed the subject then and she finally worked up the nerve to kiss him. H
e sensed her hesitation and wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him, allowing her to control the pace until she breathlessly pulled away. "That was hot, doll," he told her.

  She flushed deep crimson. "I'm sorry. I just, wanted that," she said quietly.

  He chuckled and reached out to push a stray tendril from her face. "You're welcome to do that any time."

  She had no way of knowing what that bold move had done to him. It took all this strength not to take her then and there but he knew he had to go slow. Women were all about building a connection and it took them longer to relax. If he had any shot at bringing her pleasure, he would have to wait until she was ready for him. Burning. Throbbing. Aching. Fuck.

  "Judas, can I ask you something?" she asked softly, after several moments.

  "Sure, doll," he said, not sure what this was leading to.

  She took a quick breath, "Why not last night?"

  "Because you weren't ready," he told her without hesitation.

  "How do you know? I mean, I felt ready. I wanted you," she explained.

  He shifted against the covers, bringing himself to lay face to face against the pillows. "When you're ready, we will both know. There's more to sex than lust. You wanted me, but you didn't need me," he told her.

  She nodded in understanding. "I guess that makes sense. But, what about now?"

  "Right now, I'm going to make you mine."

  With that, he shushed her by tracing her lips with his fingertips and then leaning in to kiss her like never before. This time with all the passion and hunger that he had carefully concealed since the night they met. He finally allowed himself to touch her, covering every curve in gentle exploration with his hands and his lips and teeth.

  She was spread beneath him in a seductive display, when he knelt between her legs and brought his mouth to her sex. He tilted his head and kissed her deeply as if he were kissing her lips and she gasped in response as his tongue slipped between her folds.

  He took his time to taste her, covering every inch of her glistening pleated sex with his mouth as he expertly stroked her from end to end. His breath quickened as slender fingers tangled through his hair, guiding and urging as he slowly worked his way up to the sensual button, nestled against her pelvic bone. She began to writhe in abandon, rocking against his mouth as he suckled her. The moans of pleasure spilled from her lips as he kept the slow and deliberate pace, raking his tongue gently over her again and again.

  He finally released her, leaving her trembling and broken against the white silk sheets. He stole a glance into her smoldering eyes as he leaned in to kiss her. His tongue slipped past her teeth, offering her a taste of herself and she eagerly accepted him into her mouth. Positioning himself at her opening, he began to rock against her, pushing himself deeper inside with each smooth thrust until he was held perfectly snug between her slick walls.

  Her entire frame trembled as he claimed her. Each agonizing stroke pushed further into her depths, heating her to her core as he rained passionate kisses over her face and throat. She wrapped her silken legs around his hips, pulling him to her as she rose to each thrust. He took her slowly, barely containing the passion and need to possess her until he heard the frantic plea. “Judas,” she whimpered, as perfectly manicured nails bit into the flesh of his back. He abandoned all control, allowing the release to wash over him, even as her walls gripped him with their own urgency in rhythmic spasms of bliss until they both lay breathless. Still inside of her, he shifted the weight of his massive form, keeping her against him as he drifted off to sleep.

  She felt him slip away from her some time later. Her eye peeked open. She watched him walk down the hall and she couldn't help but follow. She was several steps behind as he descended the huge wooden staircase that led down to the living room. He was already crossing into the kitchen before she was half way down the stairs and though she wasn't trying to sneak, he wasn't aware of her behind him. Something told her not to follow.

  CHAPTER five

  He stepped out onto the patio, wearing nothing but his navy blue boxers and lit a cigarette as he sat down on the back step, staring out at the blackness. If there was a chill outside, he didn't feel it. His mind was reeling from all that had happened over the past few days and though he didn't regret it, he did feel that she deserved so much better than him. If she only knew the things he was capable of doing, she would never have allowed him to touch her.

  A day rarely slipped by that he didn't call the service to send him a girl. The redhead he managed to make time for this morning reminded him of his wife, and he nearly sent her away but she had lips that were meant for sucking, and that was exactly what he used her for, right there in his office.

  His appetite was strong and his tastes varied and no matter how much he tried to resist, he knew that those small daily releases were the only thing that stopped the beast that lurked within. It was always present and rarely unleashed. He knew that he would die to protect Adessa from ever having to experience that side of him. The response of her body as she writhed beneath him had been intoxicating, allowing him to forget, and for that, he was thankful. He gave her all he had, but it wasn't him. He gave her the man he wished he could be.

  The one he would be if he could choose. He would be husband, and he would care for her, but he knew he would never be faithful. It just wasn't in him. Most of his life had been centered around guarding his secret. He could pull it off.

  Leanna had been the only woman who had ever accepted him completely. She allowed him to use her in any way he needed, and whether she enjoyed him or not, she endured it. For him. She gave herself completely and without complaint. She didn't judge him and had only wanted his happiness. He was happy and he gave her the world in return.

  He would never love another woman the way he loved her. He couldn't imagine anyone ever giving him that level of acceptance and to him, it wasn't worth it to try. Adessa wasn't an exception. She was inexperienced and he knew that she would leave him if she ever found out the truth. Women like her believed in fairy tales and he was determined to be hers.

  He crushed out his third cigarette almost an hour later and quietly went back inside. He had finally started to feel the chill as it set deep in his bones. As he entered the living room, he saw her there, curled up on the sofa. He couldn't help but go to her and pull her into his arms. She shifted to make herself comfortable against him and though her eyes were on him, she said nothing.

  They sat there in the embrace, warming each other until she finally asked “Judas, are you alright?”

  “Of course,” he said softly before adding “It's just a lot of changes so quickly.”

  “Have I upset you?” she asked hesitantly.

  “No, you're perfect. I promise.” he said as he pushed a stray tendril from her eyes. "What we shared was perfect."

  “Thank you.”, she said softly, but she didn't sound convinced. "I've just never had someone make me feel like that and then just leave. Or just make me feel like that. Or just leave," she was babbling now and he cut her off.

  “It's just how I process things. Sometimes I just need to step back and look at things. It's no big deal, doll. I'm here,” he said as he shifted them both against the sofa. He knew with time, she would understand that about him. He wasn't used to having someone try to interpret his every move, but he knew that as a woman, she would do it anyway. She was seeking reassurance and he would do his best to give it to her.

  “Is it too much?” she persisted.

  He took a deep breath. “No, it's not. I want this. I want you.”

  Her mouth curved into a faint smile as she reached up to stroke his hair. "I want this too. And, you. And whatever comes."

  “Good, because you're stuck with me.” He hated conversations like these, and he had his fair share with Leanna, but it was all part of the deal and he would take all of her. Even the insecure plain Jane she thought she was. Not that he was under any illusions. He knew that if given a reason, she could unleash the fire th
at he knew was buried within.

  He had sensed that it was there as he made love to her, and he hoped for her sake that it stayed contained. If her inner desires were ever recognized, she would be painting a clear target on herself. God help them both.

  "All I ask is that you tell me if you ever get upset with me," she said quietly.

  "Of course I will, doll. Since when do I hold back?" Never. All the time.

  She accepted his answer with a small nod. "I just want the chance to work through problems and not have you feel the need to run off," she opened up, and though her words stung, he knew that

  wasn't what she was talking about. The reference was to her bastard of an ex who abandoned her.

  "I promise, doll. I will talk to you. Not IF, but WHEN. Because you know, eventually we won't see eye to eye," he told her, honestly.

  "I know," she said, lowering her eyes.

  "You promise me something in return. When that day comes, you won't take any shit. If my hard head isn't listening, you might need a thick skillet," he told her, not quite teasing.

  She smiled, "I'll keep that in mind."

  "Let's go back to bed," he said, scooping her up into his arms.

  She nodded, giving a weak smile as she wrapped her arms securely around his neck. He carried her all the way and though he was already aching to make love to her again, he just held her in his arms as she slept. His words had soothed her and he though sleep didn't come for him, he was content.

  The next couple of weeks seemed to fly. Judas freed up every moment he could to be with her. They were settling into a routine now and since she only worked three days a week, she had plenty of time to tend to the house and develop a system for the chores. She was enjoying her new domestic duties immensely and she had even started to feel like a wife. A role she didn't connect with nor enjoy the first time around. Judas always made time to take her places and she could never wait to see him.


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