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Yes Boss

Page 1

by Kenzie Haven

  Yes, Boss

  I can’t ignore his commands, no matter how forbidden…

  By: Kenzie Haven

  Published by Smutpire Press

  Copyright 2017 All Rights reserved

  Smashwords Edition

  Other books by Kenzie

  This is part 1 of the Taken by my Billionaire Boss series. Other books in this series can be found below:

  If you enjoy this story, why not spend a few minutes browsing over Kenzie's entire naughty catalog? Don’t forget to sign up for her mailing list and follow her on Booksprout while you’re there! :)

  Yes, Boss

  * * * * *

  I thought this work retreat would be like all the others we’d been forced to attend. A campfire at night, some trust exercises, and food that I wouldn’t feed to my dog.

  How wrong I was.

  Two weeks before the retreat our firm had greeted a new boss. Tom was the exact opposite of Roger, the old crony that had to be at least one hundred years old when he retired.

  With caramel hair and the greenest of green eyes, Tom immediately made an impact around the office. He had mainly kept to himself since he began, but everyone knew what a panty-dropping smile he had.

  I was his personal assistant so I knew more than others just how charming he could be. Every time he called me into his office, I had X-rated thoughts about what he could want me for. Unfortunately, it was usually just photocopying or some other menial task.

  The weekend retreat was a chance for all of us to get to know each other outside the confines of the office. Everyone attended them begrudgingly, but this year I was looking forward to it. There was so much I wanted to learn about Tom and it would be the perfect opportunity.

  The bus pulled into the Cedarwood Lodge and we all filed out. As we did, we were each handed a bunk assignment like we were back in summer camp.

  I was sharing a room with four other women—all from the accounting department. As soon as the door shut behind us it became immediately apparent that they’d be gossiping about our new CEO all weekend.

  “I heard he had to leave his last job because he was being stalked,” Mary, the payroll clerk, said excitedly. “She was the filing girl, apparently.”

  “No.” Louise waved her hand to bat away the comment. “I heard he was charged with sexual harassment so he had to leave. He had to change states and everything, just to get another job.”

  Claire put in her two-cents-worth next. “I don’t care what he’s done, he’s as gorgeous as sin. I wouldn’t mind being sexually harassed by him.”

  The three of them giggled like schoolgirls before turning to me, expecting my input. Out of us all, I had the most contact with Tom. They probably expected some kind of inside information—not that I had any. I shrugged. “He seems nice enough.”

  “That’s all?” Claire pushed on. “Are you holding out on us, Lydia?”

  “Not at all. He keeps to himself, that’s all.” I turned away from the three ladies and started making my bed, hoping that they wouldn’t ask any more questions. Even if I did know something about Tom, I wasn’t sure I would share it with them anyway.

  The lunch bell rang out and we all met back at the dining hall. The “gourmet feast” consisted of hot dogs and soda. It wasn’t the kind of food we were all used to eating but did have that special camping feel to it.

  After we ate, groups were assigned and we all split off. Crossing my fingers finally paid off, because I was allocated to Tom’s team. We headed off into the forest to play some trust games.

  Deep in the woods our group leader paired us off. When it came down to just Tom and I, my stomach fluttered. I wanted to get to know my boss better and this weekend was supposed to be all about bonding.

  We were given a scavenger hunt list that I hoped would split us off from the group. It was meant to force us to act as a team. Given only two hours, we were told to hurry as there was a lot to be gathered.

  “Should we start at the top?” I suggested meekly.

  “As good a place as any,” Tom replied. He was wearing khaki shorts with a blue polo top that highlighted the muscles on his arms. I bet he went to the gym every lunchbreak when he religiously took his hour off.

  We set off and delved further into the woods, the murmurs of all the others disappearing into the distance. We were completely alone in the wilderness and all I could think about was the ‘bonding’ we were supposed to be doing.

  “There might be some spider webs in the cave up there,” Tom said, pointing to a black hole several feet up the trail.

  “Who puts spider webs on a scavenger hunt?”

  “It’s probably supposed to help us overcome our fear of the arachnids.”

  “I doubt you’re scared of spiders.”

  Tom shrugged. “I’m not scared of anything.”

  “Nothing?” I asked incredulously. He shrugged again and I kind of believed him.

  The few feet were quickly traversed before we reached the entrance to the cave. It was a lot bigger than I expected it to be, easily fitting us both inside.

  I searched for a cobweb or two but came up short. When I stood, Tom was directly in front of me—looking down at me with an intense gaze. “No cobwebs,” I stuttered out.

  “No,” he replied, taking a step closer to me. “What a shame.”

  His lips were on mine before I could register what was happening. My body melted against his as his tongue lapped at my mouth. I parted my lips and let him in, greedily welcoming him.

  His right hand cupped my cheek as his thumb caressed the skin there. My knees were weakening just from the kiss. If he didn’t release me soon I was going to be nothing more than a puddle on the floor.

  We kissed until there was no air left in my lungs. Tom pulled back so I could see the fire in his green eyes. They burned with desire, a look I hadn’t seen in him before. Out of all the women in the office, it made my stomach flip flop to know he was choosing me.

  “I’ve had to stare at your sexy ass for two weeks now,” Tom started, “and it’s taken every inch of my control not to slap that cute cunt.”

  The pussy that he was referring to came alive with his words. I was never one for office flings but I would gladly make an exception for this exceptional man.

  His lips pressed upon mine before I could say anything. His hands slid down the curve of my breast to land on my waist and then around to my back. He pulled me closer against him until I was completely encased in his embrace.

  He pushed a leg between mine so our bodies could get even closer. “Feel that, sexy?” His cock pressed into my hips, as hard as a rock. There had been plenty of speculation about the size of our hot CEO’s penis but I got the feeling everybody had underestimated it.

  “Mmm,” I moaned. He was making me senseless, all I could think about was that cock and how good it would feel being fucked by it.

  “Take your clothes off,” he ordered.

  We were in a cave with the rest of our office wandering around the forest all around us. It didn’t seem the best place to get naked but I could never refuse a direct order from my boss—especially not such a seductive order.

  “Yes, sir,” I replied.

  He stood back and watched me with eagle eyes. I started with my company T-shirt and black shorts. His lips curled into a smirk when he saw my underwear. Despite the boring camp, I had gone out of my way to wear my nicest red lace. It made me feel a little bit special when I had to wear such boring clothes.

  “Red, huh?” he said.

  My cheeks burned slightly, I hadn’t expected anyone to see my panties when I got dressed that morning. There was always the hope, but I never would have expected this.

  “It’s my favorite color,” I replied defen

  “It’s fucking hot. Take them off before I tear them from you.”

  I reached around to unclip my bra and let it fall from my shoulders. I let it hang there as I reached down and stepped out of my panties. Finally, the red lacy bra fell to the floor. I was completely naked in front of my boss. If it weren’t for his appreciative gaze, I may have found myself quite self-conscious.

  Tom’s eyes travelled down from my face, lingering on my chest, and finally resting on the curve of my hips. The bulge in his pants was clearly visible, even in the dimness of the cave.

  He closed the gap between us and swept me into his arms. His lips met mine again before peppering my neck with little bites. I was left on the cusp of pleasure and laughter, unsure whether to giggle or moan with excitement. I felt like doing both.

  His lethal tongue went lower until he reached my boobs. His lips sucked on my nipple as his tongue twirled little circles around the sensitive bud. My back arched, pressing my breasts against him. I would do anything so that he could take more of me into his mouth.

  He laughed, his warm breath feeling exquisite against my naked skin. He gently nibbled on my nipple before finally releasing me. We kissed again as his hand moved lower, making my stomach shudder as he skimmed over it. I gasped as his hand cupped my wet pussy. If he wasn’t already aware of how turned on I was, it would be then.

  His fingers tickled along my clit, easily gliding through my juices. My hips rocked, making the movement more intense. While Tom held me, I reached down and pulled open the zipper on his shorts. My hands slid around his cock and got a hint at how big it really was—I wasn’t disappointed.

  While he stroked my clit in long, luxurious caresses, I rubbed his cock through his trunks. I grew tired of the fabric being between us and dove deep into his underwear. His cock was soaked with precum, making the tip wet and slippery just begging for some action.

  His hips melted and his whole body temporarily weakened to my touch. My hand pumped up and down his shaft as it grew harder and thicker. It was satisfying to see this powerful man come undone with just a few delectable strokes.

  He let me go suddenly and the cold cave air encompassed my body, making me miss his warmth. I stood naked and panting while he quickly removed his clothes. With every item that he peeled away, I grew more excited. His hard abs and ripped muscles proved that he definitely looked after himself. Michelangelo could have chiseled him out of stone and brought him to life.

  As soon as he was undressed, he tugged me closer. Our bodies entwined and I quickly lost track of where all our limbs were. Tom picked me up and took a few steps to the side. I didn’t realize we were outside until the sun peeked through the top of the trees and blinded me.

  Tom laid me on the ground with his body pressing against mine. I opened my legs to him as he positioned himself between them. I took the weight of his body as our hips connected.

  His cock rubbed against my clit so our juices mixed together. I should have worried that we were in the forest and out in the open, but I couldn’t think about anything except the sexy man teasing me with his length.

  “God, you’re a sexy cunt,” Tom moaned against my skin. He sucked on my nipple, shooting a direct line of pleasure right down to my pussy. My body was a mass of sensations and every nerve tingled with happiness.

  “Fuck me,” I begged. His cock had been teasing me for too long. I needed him inside me before I couldn’t stand it anymore.

  He shifted position and his cock thrust into me with an effortless power. He plunged in while I gasped, finally realizing just how big he really was. Seeing it and fucking it were two different things. A feeling of fullness and completion washed over me as he started bucking his hips.

  Our naked bodies were exposed to anyone who might have walked by as his cock repeatedly thrust deep into my pussy. With his hand, Tom continued to toy with my clit. Our bodies slapped together and mixed with the sounds of the forest. It seemed such a natural thing to do in the lush surroundings.

  An orgasm quickly rose within me. Everything in my body became a tight coil, ready to spring loose and explode. It was only a matter of seconds before I wouldn’t be able to hold back any longer.

  “Come for me,” Tom ordered. He was so used to bossing me around in the office that this seemed like a natural extension of his power. I would happily oblige his directions. I would do whatever he said.

  His fingers followed through on the order, rubbing my clit hard so I had no choice but to obey anyway.

  The spring unwound as the orgasm ripped through me. I moaned Tom’s name like it was a prayer and let the tingling feeling of absolute joy barrel through me. Everything felt euphoric, like I was having an out of body experience.

  “Fuck, Lydia. You feel so good,” Tom said as he sped up his pace. “My cock… so hot… fuck.”

  His closed his eyes as he buried himself in me one last time. We were both awash with ecstasy now, lost in the sea of the orgasm and powerless to do anything about it.

  I relaxed every part of me while sinking into oblivion. My legs unwrapped from around him. For the first time, I noticed the leaves underneath me. They were going to stick to my ass when I eventually got up.

  Tom didn’t linger too long. He pulled off me, taking his weight on his arms while his cock slid out of me. “We should get back soon,” he said.

  “That’s probably smart. Wouldn’t want people to start missing us.”

  He stalked back to the cave and retrieved our clothes, handing me mine. I wasn’t sure what to say, whether this meant anything to him or if it was just a one-time kind of thing. He was my boss, after all. I still wanted to keep my job at the end of the day.

  I needed to keep my job. Unemployment didn’t pay the bills and I certainly had a lot of them. I was still paying off hospital bills from my appendicitis last year.

  “That was really fun,” Tom said as he dressed. It seemed a shame to cover up all those muscles. At least I finally knew what was under those clothes.

  “Yeah, it was.”

  “It has to remain our secret.”

  I liked the thought that we shared a secret. “I won’t tell anyone.”

  “Good.” He kissed me once we were dressed and started heading back to camp. I guessed we weren’t going to actually gather anything on the scavenger hunt. At least we’d bonded, and that was the point—right?

  I followed him back and pretended I couldn’t work out why we’d failed so dismally in our hunt. Claire and her partner won the game, finding everything on the list in record time. They probably had their clothes on for the entire hunt.

  When I caught Tom’s eye across the lawn, he winked at me. I tried not to read too much into it, but I wanted to. I hoped he was reliving our naked encounter and craving more, just like I was.

  It wasn’t long before we had to prepare for dinner. We were to eat around the campfire, in true bonding spirit. Tom sat across the fire from me, that cheeky sparkle still in his eye every time he glanced my way.

  I took an oversized marshmallow and heated it on the flames. It was gooey when I pulled it back and blew on it to cool it down. I noticed Tom watching me intently, so I decided to give him a show.

  Pulling the marshmallow off the stick, I started to lick it off my fingers. It was so gooey it stuck easily and was much harder to remove from my skin. I licked my fingers suggestively, pretending his cock could take their place, if he wanted it to.

  He shifted on the log he was sitting on. I could imagine his shaft getting hard and uncomfortable in his pants. His mind should be filled with erotic pictures if I was doing a good job.

  One of my co-workers sat beside me, plonking down suddenly. “What a huge waste of time this whole team bonding thing is,” Louise moaned.

  “Oh, I don’t know, it seems to make us a bit closer,” I replied as I tore my gaze away from Tom. My boss and I had become much closer since arriving at the camp.

  “You obviously haven’
t been listening to John and all his friends. It just reminds me what a bunch of wankers we work with.” She started roasting a marshmallow.

  I stole a glance at Tom and saw him staring at me intently. I decided to ignore him for now. He’d had me too easily today. I didn’t want him to think I was completely desperate—even if he did make my pussy wet with just one look.

  “Do you know what we’re doing tomorrow?” I asked. Hopefully there would be a chance for some more alone time so I could bond some more with my boss.

  Louise shrugged. “Trust exercises or some bullshit like that. I wished I’d thought to bring some alcohol. This weekend would be so much more fun with vodka.”


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