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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 7

Page 8

by Yukiya Murasaki

  —No, I can’t kill them.

  Diablo tried thinking of a spell that would disarm without killing them, and in the space of that moment...

  A Dark Elf warrior descended from the ceiling, brandishing a broadsword. It was a woman in leather armor.


  “Rose will not allow you to approach Master!”

  Rose intercepted the warrior, but since Diablo and his companions were in close proximity, she didn’t deploy the Magimatic Sol, instead brandishing her double-bladed sword.

  But just before the attack connected...


  The Dark Elf warrior waved her sword aside. The sword’s trail turned into a shining blade which flew in Rose’s direction. It was 《Sword Slash》, a level 60 martial art that used MP to fire slashes from afar. This warrior was, evidently, rather skilled, and went to show that Dark Elves used more than just bows and arrows.

  But Rose simply bent aside, evading the flying blade.


  She evaded successfully, but the side of her dress’s skirt had been ripped in the process.

  The Dark Elf warrior landed, pointing her sword in Shera’s direction.

  “Don’t move, or else the princess—”


  With a bow in her hands, Shera was a high level Adventurer, but she froze in place when she was threatened with a sword. She lacked practical experience.

  It seemed she would be taken hostage, but before the situation could develop any further, Diablo chanted a spell.

  “《Lightning Bullet》!”

  A ball of light gouged into the Dark Elf warrior’s flank, pulverizing her leather armor with ease.


  The warrior flew back, the air knocked out of her lungs and blood dripping from her side as she slammed against the wall. The spell’s secondary effect triggered and the ball of light burst, causing additional damage.

  —Oh crap, is she dead!?

  He had to think fast, so he ended up using a spell that was swift and had considerable power to it. She was apparently a high level Warrior, but he didn’t kill her, did he?

  “Ugh... Aaah...”

  Still lying down, the warrior moaned in pain. Diablo sighed in relief, but on the surface his attitude was the exact opposite.

  “You’re quite the stubborn one. Heheheh... Who wants to be blown back next? Maybe I’ll try a dark element spell next.”

  He flapped his cloak menacingly. This piece of EX-rank equipment, the 《Sojourn of Darkness》, had the effect of inflicting the 《Fear》 status on all enemies. This warrior was, apparently, extraordinary among the others, and the Dark Elves were all visibly rattled as a result.


  “Cease this fighting!” Rafflesia raised her voice again, and everyone seemed to agree this time.

  “Heheheh... How boring.” Diablo smiled boldly. “Well, so be it. I’ve come to speak to you anyway. If you acknowledge how powerless you are, I may be inclined to show leniency.”

  The Dark Elves seemed to share the Elves’ proud nature, and many of those present ground their teeth in frustration. But Rafflesia held them in check, speaking with a calm smile.

  “Hmm... I thank you for your tolerance, honored guest. Fighting against such a powerful sorcerer is a terrifying prospect indeed. From what I hear, you felled the Lord of the Black Forest with just one spell?”

  “The Lord of the Black Forest? Ah, you mean the Black Behemoth. I hardly believe that sort of weakling deserves such a grand title.”

  The Dark Elves were growing visibly restless. They’d come to realize how much stronger the opponent they aimed their bows against was, and since Rafflesia had heard the report regarding the Black Behemoth, the fight was mostly avoided. The girl who had fired at them, despite having seen Diablo’s magic, was simply short tempered.

  —There are two patterns to a large group opening up with hostilities after all. Either the leader orders the offensive, or a soldier on the front lines loses their temper and attacks recklessly.

  “You really defeated it with magic, didn’t you... Such massive power...” Rafflesia spoke, her voice full of amazement. “Honored guest, what did you mean by ‘Demon Lord’?”

  “Exactly how it sounds. I am different from this world’s Demon Lords however, for I come from another world.”

  “Ohohoho... I see... Fascinating.”

  Rafflesia’s gaze washed over Diablo like a tongue, as if trying to evaluate him. It was unsettling.

  “Hmph... This one will tell you the rest.”

  Diablo stepped back before Rafflesia could see through him. Rem, who had been handed the initiative in the conversation, turned a gaze to those who fell in the battle.

  “...Let’s treat the wounded, first. We apologize for this uproar... We have no intention of harming or offending the Dark Elves. Please, believe us when we say so. Shera is also a friend of mine. She accompanied me here out of concern for my well-being. She may be the princess of the Elves your people hold a grudge against...but right now, she is a heartfelt attendant of mine.”

  Rafflesia nodded and gestured with one hand. The Dark Elf warrior and other wounded were carried away; and there were, indeed, only women here.

  Having confirmed the wounded had been taken away safely, Rafflesia opened her mouth to speak. “After we have pointed bows and swords at you, your fear of Princess Shera’s safety is rational enough. Allow me to apologize on the Dark Elves’ behalf.”

  Both sides had apologized, which meant Rem was now allowed to get into the nitty-gritty.

  “...I’ve heard that ritual magic capable of extracting a Demon Lord’s soul is passed down in this land.”

  “I know not of such a thing!” Rafflesia’s expression suddenly turned quite severe.

  “...That’s... I realize there must be some circumstances at play here, but perhaps you could hear of my own circumstances, first?”

  “Your circumstances, honored guest?”

  Rem placed a hand on her abdomen. “...A part of the Demon Lord Krebskulm’s soul is sealed within my body.”

  “A Demon Lord!?”

  “...Yes. I’m sure there’s no need to explain what a Demon Lord is at this point. But in ancient times, it was sealed within my ancestor by God...then passed down from mother to daughter for generations.”

  “Such a seal is upon you!?”

  “...Much has happened, but because a large amount of magical energy was infused into my body, the Demon Lord Krebskulm was resurrected.”

  The Dark Elves trembled at Rem’s words, far more visibly than when Diablo had proclaimed himself to be a Demon Lord earlier.

  “I-It cannot be... So, that resurrected Demon Lord...” Rafflesia rose to her feet.

  “...No, Diablo really is a Demon Lord from another world. He is not Krebskulm. Would an awakened Demon Lord hold a conversation with the races? According to the scriptures, he only...ravages, and destroys.”

  “Yes... That’s how it should be... It is as you say.”

  “...The Demon Lord Krebskulm is now in an incomplete form. You can think of it as being sealed in another manner.”

  “Very well.” Rafflesia sighed in relief and sat back down.

  Rem didn’t mention it was Diablo’s magical energy that had resurrected Krebskulm since, no matter how you twisted it, their actions were like a betrayal against the races. They would be credited as Demon Lord worshipers, even though they had their own reasons to act the way they had...

  Rem continued speaking. She explained that if she were to die, or have more magical energy flow into her, the remnants of Krebskulm would be unleashed. She could give birth to a daughter and have them inherit the seal, but she wanted to end this fate with her generation. She wanted to extract the Demon Lord’s remnants and dispose of it all. But she did keep it a secret that the resurrected Krebskulm had become Klem, the biscuit-loving girl.

  “...Such is my story. A trustworthy friend told me the Dar
k Elves may have a ritual magic that can help me, which has led me here, to you.”

  “Hmm... I understand your story. But I’m afraid I cannot say we truly have a ritual magic that can do away with a sealed Demon Lord’s soul.”

  Rafflesia’s attitude had become odd.

  “I don’t know the details, but does it have to do with what happened in the past?” Diablo asked what she’d meant, only to be answered by, “I really don’t know the details.”

  The way things were going, their negotiations weren’t moving along. It was like they were wandering through a maze with their eyes closed. Rem asked Rafflesia a few more times, and in the end she disclosed the Dark Elves’ circumstances.


  Rafflesia crossed her legs, her oversized breasts jiggling as she did. “Then let me tell you of our past. A story older than the last war, dating back much earlier than that—to the time when a Human king marched his army into the old Dark Elven forest in what was called a 《Crusade》.”

  Diablo’s mind filled with questions marks.

  —A Crusade? What’s that? That word never came up, not even in Cross Reverie’s lore books.

  “The Crusade really is a thing of the distant past,” Sylvie whispered. “It’s the name of an order of soldiers raised by the king of Lyferia from three generations ago.”

  It was probably so old it wasn’t even mentioned in the game’s setting and lore.

  “The Crusade’s purpose was to prevent the Demon Lord’s revival...” Rafflesia continued her story. “At least on the surface... They attacked us because the ritual magic capable of undoing the Demon Lord’s seal was passed down in our traditions.”

  It was a horrible story. Not just Rem and Shera, even Sylvie looked shocked. It appeared the majority of the races weren’t aware of this.

  “Even though we only inherited the ritual magic that was passed down to us since the times of myth... Many Dark Elves were killed by the soldiers of the Crusade. They burned down the beautiful forest we once inhabited, and what few survivors remained took to hiding in this poisoned forest.”

  “That’s... I can’t believe it...” Rem moaned.

  “When the Crusade attacked us...” Rafflesia continued her tale, her voice heavy with sorrow, “the Elves did nothing to defend us or come to our aid. Is it not natural we would resent them? King Greenwood, who had lived at that time, has passed away just recently.”

  “Father...abandoned you!?” Shera’s breath was stuck in her throat.

  “You did not know? Well, I suppose if you did, you never would have come here.”

  “They just told me the Dark Elves were scary and bad...”

  “Yes, I suppose the Elves would fear us, wouldn’t they? The grudge between us is simply that great.”

  “Ah, ooh...” Shera hung her head.

  Rem fell silent, and Sylvie’s constant smile was gone as well. Rose’s expression was as blank as ever, and she merely seemed to be cautious of her surroundings.

  Diablo, however, hated this silence. They needed to hurry these talks along, since time wasn’t currently in their favor.

  “Hmph... In that case, this is a great chance to use this ritual magic you’ve risked your life to defend, is it not? A golden opportunity, if you ask me.”

  Rafflesia seemed taken aback, and raised her voice the next moment. “This is not what we were talking about!”

  —I messed up, didn’t I...

  It seemed like what Diablo was trying to express didn’t quite come across to her. But a Demon Lord didn’t take back his words, even if they were mistaken. He had to push onward, confidently. He clicked the pommel of his war scythe against the ground.

  “So you hold a grudge against the Crusade and the Elves, no!? So what? How does that relate to me? We’ve gone to the trouble of coming here, so you will cooperate with us!”

  “Fool! You think that is any way of making a request!?”

  The fact he angered her made him panic internally, and his tone only became haughtier to compensate.

  “Hmph... We’re finally back to talking about the ‘now.’” Diablo smiled thinly. “Then allow me to revise my attitude. Would that encourage you to cooperate?”

  Rafflesia was visibly upset, but she was still in a position that commanded others. She still had the presence of mind to think rationally.

  “Does that revision mean you will resort to violence to get your way?”

  —Well, that is an option. But Rem would despise me for it, and I don’t want to resort to extortion either.

  As Diablo contemplated as such, Rem raised her voice in denial.

  “That’s absurd! I just want to solve my problem... I fully believe stabilizing this situation would benefit the races as a whole. But I think forcing someone to act against their will is wrong!”

  “That’s a very benevolent intent to have...” Rafflesia sighed. “You are a powerful sorcerer, honored guest. But if you were to threaten us with that power, I would resist you with all my might. The Dark Elves will always choose to fight over yielding to violence.”

  It wasn’t hard to imagine that this proud nature was why the Crusade nearly drove them to extinction. Diablo thought teaching others about the ritual magic was preferable to death...but everyone had their own set of values. There was a difference of race at play here, and the events of the past complicated things even more.

  “Yeah, I understand.” Sylvie nodded, seemingly convinced. “God must have entrusted the ritual magic with you because of that disposition.”

  “...Is there any way you could cooperate with me?” Rem asked.

  “Why, of course—you’ve brought your friend along after all. And she’s no ordinary friend either, but the Elven princess herself! With the King’s passing and her brothers already deceased, she is the sole heir to the royal bloodline.”

  Everyone’s gazes suddenly fixed on Shera.

  “Huh? Me?”

  “Ohoho... If you were to reclaim the trust the Dark Elves had lost toward the would make me a friend to you, honored guests. And I would gladly extend my assistance, yes?”

  Shera smiled at the sound of that offer. “Yeah, that sounds great! I don’t know a lot about what happened in the past, but being friends is a good thing!”

  “I’m pleased to hear you say that. Then, as proof of our friendship...would you yield part of Greenwood to us?”


  “In the past, we Dark Elves also lived in an abundant forest. But now we’re forced to live in these poisoned woods... Would my suggestion not do as a mark of reconciliation? If the Elves give us part of their forest...we could forgive them for not fighting against the Crusade with us. A plot of land three times the size of this forest is all we need, I believe?”

  Rafflesia directed a gaze at Shera, trying to assess her reaction.

  “Hmmm...” Shera’s expression was pensive, while Rem’s and Sylvie’s were severe.

  They demanded land in exchange for the ritual magic—but that deal was in no way acceptable.

  Diablo gripped his war scythe tightly.

  —She never intended to cooperate with us in the first place. Maybe I should resort to violence anyway, even if they resist...

  Of course, the Dark Elves sensed the shift in the atmosphere. The Dark Elven archers stood at the ready, suspense filling their expressions. Things seemed to be on the verge of exploding, when Shera clapped her hands in a dry, snapping noise.

  “Okay, I accept!”

  “Ohohoh... As I thought, you will not yi—” Rafflesia’s eyes widened in shock. “Huh? What did you just say?”

  “I said I accept.” Shera gave a carefree smile. “You said a plot of land three times the size of this village, right? I don’t really get it, but if it’s only that much, I think we can manage.”

  “S-Such foolishness! The forest is too small for the Elves as it is, and some of you are forced to live outside of it! You don’t have enough land to be able to give some away!”

p; “But if what you said is true, it only makes sense to share it with you. Isn’t living in a forest with nothing but poisonous plants horrible?”

  “That’s... Yes, of course it is...”

  “I don’t know why Father didn’t protect you—I’ll ask Mother about it later. But I think the Elves and the Dark Elves should get along.”

  “Impossible! That’s impossible!” Rafflesia shook her head. “Th-That’s right... You’re a princess, nothing more. You’re not the king. You don’t have the authority to give the forest to us. That’s your angle, yes!? You’ll go back on your words later, saying you can’t keep your promise!”

  “I’m not lying!” Shera tapered her lips grumpily.

  “Can you swear your life on it!? Can you swear it on God’s name!?”

  “Of course! So please, just help Rem!”

  “Wh-What are you...” Rem cut into the conversation with a flustered expression. “Do you even understand what you’re saying, Shera!? No, of course you don’t!”

  “You’re so mean, Rem...”

  “Stupid Shera! There’s no way the Elves would agree to let the Dark Elves claim part of their forest! Your can’t swear your life on that type of promise so thoughtlessly like that...”

  “I’m not being thoughtless. I’m not... I mean, you put your life on the line and came to save me when my brother kidnapped me... So this time, it’s my turn to help you.”

  “Th-That’s...because Diablo was...”

  “Yeah, I know. And if Diablo’s ever in trouble, let’s both work together to save him too.” Shera pumped her fists before her chest.

  “...You really are an idiot...” Rem said in a trembling voice. “What could we ever do in a situation Diablo can’t handle?”

  “Ahaha, I guess you’re right.”

  “...Are you really sure about this, Shera?”

  “Positive!” Shera nodded deeply. “I thought this through, and I have the perfect plan!”

  “If you say you swear it on God’s name, Princess Shera,” Rafflesia continued the conversation, “I’ll believe your words. In exchange for a portion of your forest, we will put the past behind us. We shall be friends, and I shall solve our Pantherian guest’s problem with the sealed Demon Lord. I swear it in God’s name.”


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