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A Weekend with the Mountain Man

Page 22

by Nicole Casey

  For the first time, I allowed a scowl to penetrate my face.

  He was ruining a perfectly lovely evening with his testosterone.

  “You talk too much,” I snapped. “I told you I was going to give you a massage. I would like to set it up properly before you come up.”

  He seemed to realize his mistake immediately, a look of contrition falling upon his face.

  “Of course,” he replied quickly. “I’m sorry. I was just playing. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a date…or a non-date…or whatever this is.”

  I was making him nervous and that made me feel slightly better.

  The control was back on my side.

  “Upstairs and the last door on the left. There’s an ensuite bathroom too.”

  I don’t know if he added that to be boastful or out of nervousness, but I didn’t comment as I spun to follow his directions.

  Rocco remained on my heels as I knew he would.

  Animals liked me, probably more than people if that was possible.

  I had always had a kinship with the four-legged beasts, hence my career choice as a dog walker.

  As Rocco sat by protectively and watched me scrounge for massage materials, I could almost hear my mother’s voice in my head.

  “A dog walker, Maya? Really? That’s something high school students do for extra prom money.”

  But I wasn’t like my mom or Vyolet or Yvette. I couldn’t imagine working a nine to five job, cleaning up other people’s messy lives, straightening out their children and being made to endure the thankless day after day.

  Vyolet had followed in my mom’s footsteps, becoming a school teacher and Yvette was a highly stressed divorce attorney.

  I couldn’t help but thinking that Yvette and Slade might hit it off – both too overworked without any outlets to enjoy life.

  I would never get out of bed in the morning if I had chosen either of those jobs.

  Yvette would benefit from a massage too, I thought wryly.

  I forced my sister out of my head and focused on what I was doing.

  “No,” I told Rocco, smoothing out a top sheet over the bed. “I would rather clean up dog poop than be hit by other people’s children no matter what mom says.”

  “That’s a charming thought,” Slade said from the doorway. “Can I come in now?”

  I smirked and nodded.

  “I can’t find a single candle in this room, but I guess I should have expected that.”

  He shrugged and ventured toward me, looking like a virgin in a brothel.

  “It needs a woman’s touch in here,” he agreed. “Can we still move forward with the project?”

  I laughed.

  “I love the way your pillow talk sounds like a board meeting,” I joked. “You have to take your clothes off.”

  His brows shot up as I perched on the edge of his California king bed, waiting patiently.

  “How about you?” he asked, and I shook my head.

  “It’s not that kind of massage,” I replied sweetly, noting the disappointment on his face. “But if you want to work on me afterward, we can discuss that…”

  I still wasn’t sure if I was going to sleep with him and I could tell he had no idea how to read me.

  I rather enjoyed the tension I was causing between us.

  “Suit yourself,” he said lightly but I could read the nervousness on his face. “Full frontal?”

  I swallowed a snort.

  “You can leave your boxers on,” I relented.

  Slowly, he slipped out of his clothes, his back slightly to me and I licked my lips subconsciously as I took in the rippling muscles of his back and pecs.

  He finds time to work out. That’s a good outlet.

  It also meant that he would have more prowess sexually.

  But I was getting ahead of myself.

  “Now what?” he asked standing before me awkwardly and I stared at him.

  “You’ve never had a massage before?”

  He shrugged and shook his head.

  “No,” he replied. “Never really thought about it.”

  This guy is going to an early grave if he keeps this up, I thought, sighing.

  “Lay down on your stomach,” I instructed, and he immediately leapt onto the bed like a little boy vying for the top bunk.

  “This will have to suffice because we don’t have a proper massage table,” I continued, straddling his buttocks as he lay starfish below me.

  I had located a bottle of baby oil in the bathroom and I delicately poured some into his hands, spreading it along his spine and kneading it in upward.

  Slade groaned aloud.

  “Oh my God! That feels so good!” he moaned.

  “I haven’t even started yet,” I giggled but as I said it, I began to apply pressure to the tissue below his defined scapula, using my knuckles to work out the knots I knew I would find imbedded in his muscles.

  He released myriad noises and at first, I thought he was hamming it up for my benefit, but I soon realized that he was in a state of pain filled pleasure as I worked.

  My movements grew harder as I moved along his neck, twisting out the incredible amount of tension I was feeling but as I worked, I could feel his body relaxing beneath me.

  A gush of wetness flushed between my thighs and I trailed my hands down toward his lower back, sliding my palms outward as my body fell lower for traction.

  “You’re amazing,” he mumbled into the pillow.

  I didn’t respond, only digging my fingers deeper and debating my next move.

  A part of me wanted to slip my hands beneath his boxers and feel what he hid behind the cloth but a stronger side of me held back.

  Subtly, I rubbed my now throbbing crotch against his thigh, pressing my button to him.

  I had the urge to release but I wasn’t sure if I should.

  Something was telling me no.

  My body was almost against his now and I allowed my breath to tease the smooth skin of his back, but he did not respond.

  Suddenly I realized he had not made a sound in several minutes.

  “Slade?” I murmured. “Are you all right?”

  There was no response.


  A little louder this time but he did not move.

  I fell to the side to stare at his face and I chuckled, shaking my head as I studied his handsome profile.

  He had fallen asleep beneath me.

  There would be no release that night.

  At least not with Slade.



  I stared at Maya for a long moment as she slept at my side, her chest rising and falling in slow, rhythmic breaths.

  She seemed peaceful, almost childlike in the pale light of the moon streaming through the window of my bedroom.

  She was a work of elusive art, Maya, indescribable in words but the feeling I got when I merely looked at her was almost spiritual.

  There are some people like that in the world; they simply draw you in and make you want to be near them and Maya had always been one of those people.

  I would be naïve to think I was the only one who had fallen under her spell. It was clear that she drew in strangers without effort but coupled with her sweetness and adorable appearance, I was sometimes stunned there was not a lineup outside the farmhouse door.

  She had been living in our makeshift commune for two years, just after she had come to work at the yoga studio.

  It had seemed like a natural next step asking her to move in since she spent so much time amongst us anyway and she had fallen into the sharing life quite easily.

  Our affair was open and accepted but like Maya, I was not the monogamous type.

  I had been married once upon a time and that relationship had scared me off to even contemplating the idea of staying with one woman ever again.

  But on nights like those, I caught myself looking at the slumbering angel in my bed and wonder if Maya couldn’t change that for me.

Of course, the thought was fleeting, and I never pursued it but deep down, I considered myself Maya’s protector.

  We had a special bond, one I hadn’t found with any other and I believe she felt the same way about me.

  Gently, I brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face cautiously as not to wake her before slipping out of the double bed and making my way into the hallway.

  I could hear voices downstairs and I wondered who was up so late.

  It was almost two o’clock in the morning and while it wasn’t unusual for someone to be burning the midnight oil, it was odd to have a group up at that hour.

  Descending the steps, I could make out the half-drunken voices of Luke and Sterling intermingled with other unfamiliar tones, chuckling amongst themselves.

  “There he is!” Sterling cheered, holding up her bottle of craft beer as I entered. “I didn’t think you were home.”

  I offered her a tight smile and gazed at the other people in my home.

  At first glance, they appeared to be strangers and I cast the engaged couple a reproving look.

  Generally I had a strict rule about who was allowed inside the common areas but as my eyes adjusted, there was something familiar about the other two people with my housemates and my mind raced trying to place them.

  I was half-asleep after all.

  “Malcolm, right?” the chubby girl asked, grinning up at me and I nodded.

  “You teach my spinning class on Tuesdays,” she provided. “I’m Cara.”

  Instantly a flash of recognition and annoyance filled me simultaneously and I turned to stare at Sterling and Luke accusingly.

  They should know better than to invite clients to the house, I thought with anger, but the couple was far too inebriated to heed my silent warning.

  As usual, they were lost in each other’s eyes as if hypnotized by the other’s face.

  It was nauseating, and I wanted to slap sense into both of them.

  “Come and have a beer,” Cara called as if I wasn’t in my own living room and perfectly capable of going anywhere I damn well pleased.

  I smiled tersely, about to shake my head as my eyes fell on the smiling but quiet stranger among the foursome.

  An uncomfortable lurch tickled my stomach.

  “You’re Troy, aren’t you?” I asked, the hairs on my neck rising inexplicably.

  He nodded eagerly.

  “You remembered,” he said with too much enthusiasm.

  I did remember him, but I didn’t want to say why.

  The last time I had seen him in the studio, he had given me a bad feeling.

  It was not just that he was openly gaping at Maya. There was something else about him, something…creepy?

  And he was sitting on the floor of my house like he belonged there.

  “Maybe I will have a beer,” I decided, plopping onto the floor, unceremoniously close to Troy, studying his face with too much interest.

  I could smell fear on anyone and Troy reeked of something I did not like.

  “Great!” Cara squealed, jumping to retrieve one from the kitchen as I studied Troy’s pudgy face.

  Sterling and Luke had begun making out as if they had forgotten then had company.

  I’ll deal with them tomorrow, I promised myself.

  “So how do you know the lovebirds over there?” I asked, trying to keep the suspicious note from my words but it was difficult, especially since Troy continued to keep his dark eyes cast downward.

  He did, however, maintain a boyish smile on his face.

  “Oh, uh, actually,” Troy started. “We, uh –”

  “Here you go,” Cara said brightly, depositing a bottle in my hand but I did not break my stare on Troy.

  “Thanks. You were saying?” I was not about to let him off the hook, but Troy took a swig of his own beer and shifted his gaze away, so I turned my attention to Cara.

  “How do you know these guys?” I asked loudly and pointedly, hoping to break apart the couple but I could see they were far too involved in their caress to pay me any mind.

  “Oh, Luke and Starla?” Cara asked.

  “Sterling,” I corrected, my heartrate beginning to race. “Yes.”

  Cara shrugged and gestured toward Troy.

  “We just met them tonight actually. But Troy recognized them from the studio, right, hon?”

  Hon? Are these two dating?

  Troy nodded quickly.

  “That’s right,” he answered, flashing me an unconvincing smile. “I just thought I would go and say hello and they suggested we come back here for a drink.”

  “How long have you two been dating?” I demanded, my tone much sharper than I had intended but I could not shake the mounting concern in my belly.

  Cara giggled.

  “We’ve been on and off for about three months, right Troy?”

  Again he nodded but he refused to meet my eyes.

  I swallowed any further inquiries, determined to see how the night play out organically.

  I had the feeling that I was going to learn a lot about the awkward man before dawn broke.

  “So tell me about yourselves,” I said, sitting back against the couch cushions from my spot on the floor. “What do you guys do?”

  Cara giggled, a sound which seemed to be her trademark.

  Unlike her date, I found something endearing about the round brunette, but my mind was far too occupied with Troy to pay her any special attention.

  “I’m a schoolteacher,” Cara volunteered.

  I arched an eyebrow.

  “Oh yeah? Where?” I asked.

  “In Oriental at Pineland Elementary,” she replied. “Third Grade.”

  I arched an eyebrow.

  “Our other roommate has a sister who teaches there,” I said but as soon as I said the words, Troy spoke, and my apprehension returned.

  “Who’s that? Maya?” he asked immediately, and I inhaled sharply but there was no taking back my rather foolish statement as Cara stared at me with interest.

  I shouldn’t have said that. Why did I say that? I cursed myself silently, but it was too late to recant.

  “Maya’s sister, yes,” I replied, my mind working to change the subject, but the floodgates had been opened.

  “Who is her sister?” Cara asked but Luke saved me from answering as Maya herself walked into the living room, wearing nothing but one of my extra-large yoga studio shirts, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

  “Are you guys having a party without me?” she joked, slumping against the doorway. Her expression brightened as she recognized Troy.

  “Oh hi!” she called sweetly, and my blood became ice chips as I watched Troy’s face melt into a puddle of desire.

  He licked his lips and smiled warmly at her.

  “Hey,” he murmured. “Did we wake you up?”

  She laughed and shook her head, turning to look at Cara.

  “Hi,” she said, extending her hand. “I’m Maya.”

  Cara eagerly took her hand and nodded.

  “I’m Cara. Troy has told me so much about you,” she gushed. “He says your classes are the best! He swears he lost twenty pounds because of you!”

  I noticed a shadow cross over her face as if sensing the falseness of the statement and she cast me an uneasy look.

  “Malcolm says you have a sister who works at Pineland like me,” Cara continued, and Maya maintained a smile, but I could sense her nervousness suddenly.

  She’s picking up on the weirdness too, I realized.

  “Yes, Vyolet,” Maya said, folding her arms over her chest.

  “Oh! I love Vyolet!” Cara squealed. “She’s so sweet.”

  Maya nodded in agreement.

  “It runs in the family,” she laughed but her eyes continued to dart toward Troy.

  “Do you want a beer, Maya?” Troy asked suddenly, jumping from his spot for the first time since I had arrived in the room.

  Cara noticed his sudden change in demeanor also and I watched as her face grow stony.
r />   Okay, I thought with some absolution. It’s not just me. The atmosphere in here is weird.

  “No, thanks,” Maya said quickly. “I just came down for a drink of water and heard the voices. Nice seeing you again, Troy. Good to meet you, Cara.”

  She turned to leave, and Troy called out.

  “Wait!” he pleaded. “Stay for one drink!”

  “I really can’t. I have clients in the morning,” Maya replied, shaking her head. “Next time, okay?”

  “One drink won’t harm anything! You’re already up!”

  The desperation in his voice was apparent and Maya looked at me, her green eyes flashing.

  I knew we had a problem.

  “Good night, Maya,” I said firmly, hoping that my tone left no room for argument. To my relief, he did not speak again as Maya left the room.

  “We should go too, Troy,” Cara said abruptly and there was no mistaking the anger in her face.

  “We don’t have to work –” he started to say but Cara cut him off midsentence.

  “It’s late and we have worn out our welcome.”

  She rose and grabbed Troy’s arm, pulling him toward the door.

  “Thanks for coming,” I offered, herding them out gratefully.

  That poor bastard is going to get an earful from her all the way home, I thought but I was happy I was not the one who had to throw him out.

  He was a client after all and he wouldn’t be the first man who had done stupid things to be close to Maya.

  Maybe the first one to bring a date, I thought ruefully, waving them off from the door. I exhaled as they got in their car and drove away, but I could read Cara’s baleful expression even through the darkness.

  Hopefully that will teach him, I thought and despite the uneasy feeling in my stomach, I closed the door and walked back into the living room.

  “Was that Maya?” Luke asked, finally pulling his face away from his fiancée’s.

  I eyed them with disgust.

  “Is that what you do? Bring clients into our private home and act like a couple of porn stars while they watch?”

  Sterling gazed at me in confusion.

  “We didn’t invite them here. Maya did.”

  I stared at her.

  “What?” I demanded. “What do you mean Maya did? Cara said you guys met tonight and you invited them back.”


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