Book Read Free

In His Arms

Page 13

by Yasmin Sullivan


  “Hey, Mom.”

  “How’s my girl? How’s my grandson?”

  “We’re fine, Mom. But we need to talk.”

  “Why, honey? What’s wrong?”

  Michelle had to figure out how to find out what she needed to know without giving too much information.

  “Mom, do you have any idea how Lucius got my home number? Have you given it to anyone?”

  “Did he call you, honey? He probably just realizes what he’s missing and wants you back. Don’t you pay him any mind. His mother says he’s not doing so well. With the economy being what it is, his construction business isn’t taking in what it used to.”

  “You’ve been talking to Mrs. Vaughn?”

  “She tells me that without his wife and son to keep him at least somewhat stable, Lucius has been getting himself into all kinds of trouble. He’s been drinking more and has had fights in bars.”

  Michelle knew this pattern well. The more things spiraled out of control, the more aggressive Lucius became and the more he partied and drank. The more he drank, the more desperate and aggressive he became and the more things spiraled out of control. When things picked up, he would level out. He would come home more; he would be less evil spirited with his men at work. He didn’t care about her then, either, but he was less of a terror.

  “He probably wants what he didn’t know he had,” her mother said. “See how things come around?”

  If his business wasn’t doing well, he would be even angrier about having to pay alimony and child support. Maybe if she could make it on her own, he would leave her alone. But none of this answered her question.

  “Mom, did you give anyone my number? Did you give it to Mrs. Vaughn?”

  “She just wanted to speak with her grandbaby, honey. She said she wouldn’t tell it to a living soul. Hasn’t she called you yet?”

  “She hasn’t, but he has. Mom, we agreed that no one could have that number.”

  Once Lucius got the number and figured out what area she was in, he could have done some kind of online search to get her address, or he could have figured she’d be in touch with Nigel and kept tabs on him.

  “He just wants you in his pocket. But don’t worry, honey. That’s not going to happen.”

  Michelle hung up without giving her mother any additional details. She was more despondent than when she’d started.

  Back downstairs, she took her seat next to Rashad, who put his arm around her.

  “You were right, Nigel. My mother gave my number to his mother so she could speak to her grandchild, and here we are.”

  “I hope they find him soon,” Regina said.

  And then what? Michelle thought. It would be a brief reprieve at best.

  “They will,” Rashad said and rubbed her shoulders. “Don’t look so worried.”

  Michelle tried to smile.

  “I’m sorry to drag you all into this,” she said. Then she looked at Nigel and Regina. “I just wanted you to know that he was about and might look here.”

  “How long are you staying with Rashad?”

  “Until they find him,” Rashad said.

  “A few days,” Michelle said.

  “We’re more than willing to have you here,” Regina reiterated.

  Regina got up and began clearing the dishes. Michelle got up to help.

  “I’ll be okay at home. But thanks.”

  When they left Nigel and Regina’s, it was late. Andre slept on the way to Rashad’s house, and Michelle put him to bed once they got inside.

  She and Rashad stayed up for a little while. She had a final paper to finish, and he had to catch up on some things he hadn’t gotten done at work. Michelle was comfortable sharing his little den with him. She felt safe there, and she liked being in Rashad’s space. And just watching him when he was giving Andre attention let her know what she’d been missing during her marriage.

  After Rashad kissed her good-night, Michelle checked on Andre and got in the bathtub off the guest bedroom to take a real bath for a change.

  Being there with Rashad felt like being on vacation, but she knew her “vacation” had to end soon. She didn’t want to stay until Rashad started to miss his own space and his own life. She loved being there, but she didn’t want to become a bother.

  The next day, she got Andre to school, came back to do some studying, got to class, picked up Andre and got dinner on the stove. She could get used to this.

  While she started on the dishes, Rashad found something on television for Andre and Shaka to watch and then came to help her. When she was on the last dish, he moved behind her and encircled her in his arms, kissing her neck. He moved a hand to her breast, and her whole body responded to his touch, her hips pressing back against his. He hummed in her ear, and the low, masculine sound sent ripples down her back and into her groin. Yes, she could really get used to this.

  He released her and smiled. She leaned up and kissed him briefly. Then he wrapped his arm around her, and they went into the living room.

  “Round two of Perfection,” he announced.

  “Yeah,” Andre agreed.

  Shaka yelped, as well.

  When Andre started to get tired, Michelle watched as Rashad lifted her son to his shoulder and rocked him. She followed as Rashad brought Andre to their bedroom. Rashad made a game of changing Andre’s clothes and asked him if he had brought a book of bedtime stories.

  She and Rashad took turns reading and making funny voices for the characters until Andre drifted off.

  Before he left her, Rashad looked at her with such passion in his eyes that it made her hold her breath. Then he told her where he would be if she needed him and kissed her gently before leaving her room. She could definitely get used to this.

  Michelle stared after him. This man was moving her heart.

  Chapter 14

  Rashad went into his den but left the door ajar in case Michelle or Andre needed him. Shaka followed him in and curled up on his doggy bed in the corner.

  Rashad was still chuckling from reading the story to Andre with Michelle. They’d put on corny voices for the characters and probably had had more fun doing it than groggy little Andre had had listening.

  He loved having them all up in his space, and he wished that Michelle were with him then—alone in this room. He’d been wanting her more and more, and tonight he was dying to make love to her. He knew to put on the brakes with Andre there, but that didn’t stop him from dreaming.

  And he wouldn’t trade having Andre there for anything. Rashad often played with his nieces and nephews, but this was his first real indication of what it would be like to raise a child, and he liked taking care of Andre. In fact, it was his first real indication of what it would be like to be with Michelle and Andre full-time, and he liked taking care of them both.

  He caught up on some work and got ahead a little because the next afternoon he had taken off so that they could go see his brother Marcus. Michelle had a lawyer in Charleston. She needed someone in the D.C. area, too.

  When they got there, Marcus was already expecting them. They planned for a meeting at Marcus’s firm and then lunch together at a restaurant downtown. Marcus hugged them both when they came in, and he winked at his baby brother on the sly.

  Marcus was the second oldest of the four brothers and was the peacemaker of the bunch. He generally agreed with Derrick (the eldest) but was perhaps more diplomatic in his expression because he was less judgmental. Today he was handling something for his baby brother, so though he was warm and genial, he was also serious and attentive. He took off his navy blazer and leaned forward against his large walnut desk. He motioned Rashad and Michelle into two of the brown leather chairs facing the desk, and then they sat down to the business at hand.

le started to give a summary of what had been happening. Marcus stopped her and called in one of his colleagues who had done more work with her type of case; then he told her to start over.

  When Michelle was finished, the other lawyer ran off a checklist of things that her lawyer should do.

  “My lawyer’s done all of that,” Michelle said. “I need to know what else I can do. I need to know whether I need a lawyer here. I need to know how much time he’ll get when he’s finally arrested.”

  “The amount of time differs by state and according to what he gets convicted for. Our best bet in this case would be aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon, which has a maximum sentence of ten years in D.C. That means he could get anywhere up to ten years. Ten years is not automatic,” the lawyer clarified.

  Michelle nodded in understanding.

  “You don’t need a lawyer in D.C. right now. Your lawyer at home seems to have things covered. When he’s arrested and a trial comes up, I can consult with your lawyer, if needed, regarding D.C. statutes. In terms of what you can do, I can refer you to a victim-witness advocate.”

  “I already have an appointment to see one tomorrow,” Michelle said.

  “Then you’re covering all the bases. Why don’t you come to my office with me so I can give you some information I have on harassment and assault under D.C. law.”

  “Yes. Thank you,” Michelle said.

  “We’ll be right back,” the lawyer said.

  When they had gone, Marcus gave his little brother a stern look.


  “I didn’t say anything.”

  “Don’t start on me today,” Rashad said.

  “Are you sure you want to get involved with this, baby bro? This is some—”

  “Oh. Oh. This from the one who’s always chiding me to get serious.”

  “I’m not telling you what to do,” his brother said. “Look, I like her a lot. But I’m also concerned for you. I just want to make sure you’re thinking about what you’re getting into before—”

  Rashad held up his hand. “I’m thinking about it. I’m thinking about it a lot.”

  Marcus sat back in his chair. “So you’re really into this woman.”

  Rashad smiled and kicked his leg over the arm of the chair across from his brother. “I really am.”

  “Well, take it slowly. Okay?”

  “Too late for that.”

  “Then just be careful with this ex-husband of hers running around loose out there. He’s dangerous. And this isn’t play.”

  “I am. I will.”

  Marcus looked at Rashad and smiled. “You might finally be growing up.”

  “See,” Rashad said. “Now you’re starting.” But then he smiled back nevertheless.

  When Michelle came back, the three went to lunch. Then Michelle headed on to school, and Rashad went back to work. He’d be staying late to make up for lost time on his current project, and he couldn’t wait to get home. Having Michelle and Andre there was like having a family to go home to—a son to play with and teach stuff to, a wife to love. Rashad liked the setup.

  He didn’t get to play with Andre that night because he got home too late. He was just in time to help put Andre down. Then Michelle dished out a pork chop and some pasta for him and kept him company while he ate. They watched the ten o’clock news on television in the living room downstairs, and both were getting groggy before it was over.

  Michelle turned off the news and got up.

  “We better get some sleep,” she said.

  She smiled and reached out her hand to pull him up. But her smile made him really want to play. Instead of getting up to meet her, he pulled her down onto his lap and into his arms. He had been wanting to feel her body against his for a long time, and now that he had her close, his body flamed.

  She took hold of his neck and kissed him deeply. Perhaps she had been wanting him, too.

  “Thank you for this week,” she said quietly.

  “Don’t thank me. I want to be here for you,” he said and then reclaimed her lips.

  She had changed into her home clothes before he got there, and she had on a long-sleeved blue T-shirt with a blue sweater and navy leggings. He slipped his hand inside her sweater and found one of her breasts.

  She let out a breath and covered his hand with hers, pressing it to her chest as it kneaded her breast into a hard peak. Her mouth opened under his, and her hips tilted on his thighs. Yes, she had definitely been wanting him, too.

  He had taken off his tie when he hit the front door. Michelle undid two of his buttons and ran her fingers along his chest, bewitching him. When she found one of his nipples and squeezed it between her fingers, his sex leaped, and he pulled her against the hard bulge building against her hip.

  She reached between them and ran her fingers over his crest again. He murmured quietly and stirred beneath her. This woman knew how to turn him on.

  Rashad pulled his lips from hers and brought her neck to his mouth, running his tongue along her collarbone before kissing the center of her throat. He moved his hand down from her breast over her stomach to the valley between her legs. He wished she had on a dress so that he could touch her freely; instead, he began to massage her through the knit weave of her leggings. Her head fell back, and her knees drew open to allow his caress. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she sighed heavily.

  Her hand still played between them, making him want to pull her into a straddle and ride against her. He repossessed her mouth to stop himself from moaning, and he kneaded her center harder, until her hips were rotating over his lap, driving him to distraction.

  They toyed with each other until they were both wet and wanting, both ready for each other, both breathing hard.

  When Shaka leaped on her lap, it jolted them both. He made a seat there, wagging his tail.

  They both turned to the little terrier, then back to each other.

  “We should stop,” she said, glancing up the steps.

  “I know,” he conceded. “I guess it’s time for bed.”

  Rashad scooped his hand under Shaka’s belly and lifted him from Michelle’s lap. With his other hand, he steadied her as she stood up, still weak with pleasure. He wanted nothing more than to touch her until that pleasure consumed her and then peel off her clothes and start again. He wanted nothing more than to carry her to his room, to his bed, and feel her naked body against his all night. He wanted nothing more than this woman.

  Rashad refocused his mind and tried to calm his body. In time, he told himself.

  He climbed the stairs with her hand in his. He dipped his head into his guest room to check on Andre, who was fast asleep, and left Michelle at the door with a brief kiss. Yes, he liked this setup.

  * * *

  The next morning before going to work Rashad went with Michelle to Greenbelt to see the victim-witness advocate. She told them the same thing that the others had told them, except that she added one additional possibility—one that Rashad didn’t like.

  “If you need to relocate, either temporarily or permanently, I can provide you with assistance in doing that. I can also help you communicate with the police and the legal system, and I can put you in touch with a variety of agencies that provide services for women in your position. Counseling can be an important part of the recovery process for—”

  “What do I do now to protect my son?”

  “Short of relocating, you can let the police do their job.”

  Rashad and Michelle talked about it all the way home.

  “What about Andre’s schooling? What about my finals? My job?”

  “Stay with me,” Rashad said. “I love having you there.”

  “I don’t think that’s what she meant,” Michelle responded.

  “Andre can transfer schools. We can

  “I’ll still be in the same general area. All he has to do is follow Nigel or Regina until I go to see them. If he isn’t caught—”

  “He will be caught. He has to go home sometime. He has to use his credit cards eventually. Hey, he’ll probably call to check on his company or to speak to his mother at some point, too. Can we talk to the detective about checking those records?”

  “I’ll call him when I get home. But...I don’t know. I’m tired of having to hide. I’m tired of waiting to have my life back, even my own bed.”

  “Let’s think about this a bit and talk more tonight.”

  Rashad dropped Michelle off at home, saw that she got inside safely and headed to work. He was disturbed by the thought of her leaving—relocating. But then what would he do if something happened to Andre? Or to her? It seemed perfect that she and Andre stay with him. It made fantastic sense. But he could hear in her tone that she was already itching for her own place—her own bed, as she put it.

  They talked more that night, but they didn’t reach a conclusion on the idea of relocation. In fact, the only thing that came out as certain was that Michelle would be going home on Sunday night.

  “We only brought clothes for a week, and I’m back to work next week. This wasn’t supposed to be permanent. We don’t want to overstay our welcome,” she said and held up her hand to stop him from interrupting. “And if we need to stay somewhere else, we’ll stay with Nigel and Regina for a bit.”

  She wouldn’t hear any opposition, so he left it alone—at least for the night.

  The next day, Saturday, they slept in a little, had a late breakfast and ran some errands. He needed some groceries, office supplies and a few bulk items, mainly paper supplies. She needed things from the pharmacy, and Andre was along for the ride. After errands, they spent some time working—her on school, him on work and Andre on the computerized tablet that Rashad had given him.

  When Andre got restless, Rashad took him out into the backyard with Shaka, and being that there still wasn’t any snow yet, they spent the time making progress on a brick barbecue pit installation that Rashad had gotten for his last birthday from his brothers and had never finished. Once they were tired of that, they played fetch with Shaka for a while and then did some rearranging in Rashad’s garage. All of this was to give Michelle some quiet time to get her studying done.


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