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THE COWBOY'S RULES: 3: THE SURPRISE (Cowboys After Dark Book 6)

Page 5

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Uh-huh. Statin’ a fact and makin’ an observation,” he repeated. “Is that right? Tryin’ to throw a bit of guilt my way maybe?”

  “Well, maybe just a little bit,” she giggled.

  “You know what Saturday is?” he said, leaning down and kissing her neck.

  “Um, the night of your big comeback.”

  “Comeback? Who said anythin’ about a comeback?” he asked, raising his head.

  “It kind of is. I’ll bet there’ll be masses of people lined up to see you. You’ll be swamped with fans,” she smiled.

  “I doubt that. You know the old sayin, outta sight, outta mind. I’ll bet they’ll be disappointed Mandy won’t be performin’.”

  “You’re wrong,” she argued. “I’ll bet you’ll be knee-deep in fans.”

  “You just totally diverted the conversation,” he said, “I know what you’re doin’.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “The hell you don’t. Back to my question, you know what Saturday is?”

  “You mean, as in, the day of the week?” she quipped, “of course I do, it’s Saturday.”

  “You know exactly what I mean,” he said, shaking his finger at her.

  “Do I have to say it?” she sighed.


  “Fine, maintenance day, or night, depending upon when you want to, uh, spank me. The first maintenance day since…I don’t know…whenever you stopped them,” she said quietly.

  “Have you felt neglected these last couple of nights?”

  “No, not at all. You’re all warm and snuggly in the morning, and that one day you ravaged me was enough to last me for a month,” she exclaimed, “besides I know you’ve been tired from getting your show ready.”

  “I haven’t been jumpin’ on your bones at night ‘cos I’ve been tired,” he said, staring at her, “I’ve been waitin’ for Saturday night. You’re not sayin’ you don’t want a little tough lovin’ right now, are you?” he teased, moving his hands across her breasts and pinching her nipples. “A blindfold, some ropes, some toys…”

  “I, uh, I wouldn’t say no,” she breathed, closing her eyes as his fingers tweaked her nipples.

  “That’s what I thought,” he whispered, dropping his mouth to her ear. “I’ve just been letting things settle, but when we’re outta here…”

  “Can’t we just have little something now?” she asked, feeling the familiar ache. “Maybe just the blindfold. I could worship your cock, you wouldn’t even have to sit up.”

  “Not yet,” he promised.

  “But, why?”

  “Just makin’ sure we don’t forget whose in charge around here,” he smiled.

  “Oh,” she sighed, “I should have realized. There’s always a method to your madness.”

  “Don’t forget, hon,” he said settling back and resting his head on the pillow, “when we get to the fairgrounds I’ll be needin’ your help. Marty was always with me, and without him-”

  “Whatever you need,” she promised, “anything, from getting you a cup of coffee to grooming the horses, you just tell me. I’ll be at your beck and call.”

  “I like the sound of that,” he chuckled, “but as far as the show is concerned, when we arrive you’ll walk Captain around the ring with me and Bailey. They need to smell it, see it, get a feel for it. Mickey will be doin’ the same thing, then we’ll take them out to graze, assuming there is a place, otherwise we’ll tie them to the trailer and let them eat some hay for a bit.”

  “Did you make up your mind about the stalls? Last time we talked about it you said you weren’t happy having them at the grounds.”

  “Mandy’s been usin’ the fairground stables, but the stalls there are small and I wasn’t happy about it, so she’s made arrangements at a ranch close by. I forgot to tell you, we’ll be stayin’ there as well. It’s called Rose’s Ranch. They have a few guest cabins, kinda like this place.”

  “I thought we were staying at a hotel?” she frowned.

  “Does stayin’ at a ranch bother you?”

  “That depends on what the cabins are like,” she replied, “but no, not really, as long as I’m with you.”

  “It’s better I’m close to the horses, and Mickey will be happier there than some hotel, not to mention hotel’s tend to have thin walls,” he winked.

  “True,” she smiled. “Can you please kiss my neck?”

  “Sure, but we’re refrainin’ ‘till we’re outta town,” he said softly.

  “What about our morning cuddle?”

  “That might happen, depends on how early we wake up.”

  “You’re a hard taskmaster,” she sighed.

  “That’s ‘cos you need one,” he grinned.

  “This is true,” she yawned. “You never know, you might be too tired after your performance to-”

  “Don’t bet on it,” he interrupted. “After a show I’m tired, sure, but I’m also wired, so you’d better be on your best behavior.”

  “Duly noted,” she breathed curling up against him. “I’m going to sleep now, if that’s okay with my hard taskmaster.”

  “Yep, it’s okay,” he replied, and reaching across he turned off the light, sending the room into darkness.

  “I feel for Mandy hurtin’ herself,” he murmured, “but I’m real happy to be headin’ out tomorrow.”

  “Me too,” she replied, and a knowing smile crossed her lips.


  Chad jumped from bed at the crack of dawn, eager to start off early, though he’d spent much of the day before preparing for their departure.

  “What is there left to do?” Cassie grumbled as he moved about in the dark.

  “Stuff, just stuff. Go back to sleep if you don’t want to get up.”

  But guilt won out, and she tumbled from between the sheets and showered, and while Chad was busy in his office she cooked up a full breakfast of scrambled eggs, fried tomatoes and toast.

  As he walked into the kitchen she could see by the look on his face that he was grateful, and as he sat down and began loading his plate, he winked at her across the table. His warm bear hug after he’d eaten and was about head down to the barn made it clear just how appreciative he was.

  “That was great, hon,” he purred in her ear. “Exactly how we needed to start this day.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll make a thermos of coffee for the road.”

  As she watched him leave, Mickey trotting excitedly behind, she felt a jolt of emotion, and a dawning realization.

  Now I get why Hannah loves cooking and taking care of Marty so much. Why did it take me so long to see this?

  An hour later, after saying goodbye to her horses and going over some last minute things with Hannah, she loaded her bag into the large horse van and settled into the cab, while Chad and Marty loaded Bailey and Captain. Though they could have done the trip in a standard two-horse trailer, Chad had chosen to take one of the big vans, allowing both horses a first class ride and plenty of room to move around.

  “Have you given any more thought to shooting over to see Randy on Monday?” she asked as the trailer rolled down the driveway.

  “I’ll just have to see how I feel, and it depends on what’s happenin’ at the time,” he replied, maneuvering the rig on to the road that would take them to the main highway. “Don’t forget, the clinic will be going on, and I should get back and make an appearance.”

  “You don’t have to,” she declared. “I’d love to see Randy. I think we should try to make it happen.”

  He glanced across at her.

  “Maybe you’re right,” he smiled. “Man it’s good to behind this wheel.”

  Mickey was excited too; perched up on the center console staring out the window he was panting happily. Chad had designed a special harness for him, and strapped into his doggy seat belt he wouldn’t go flying through the windshield or tumbling around the cab if there were any problems.

  “You’re gonna come up here on my lap
at some point, aren’t you boy?” she grinned, giving him a pat.

  “I think he’s too excited to curl up and nap,” Chad remarked. “He knows exactly what’s goin’ on, don’t you, Mickey.”

  The dog barked several times, but his eyes never left the road ahead.

  “I meant to ask you, how did things work out with Dan Michaels?” Cassie asked. “Did you ever get that mess straightened out? The overcharging I mean.”

  “Yep, I guess he got the message. I finally got the revised cost sheet yesterday, and blow me down if it wasn’t exactly what I told him it should be.”

  “I’m glad he saw the light,” she remarked.

  “He sure did. I hope it continues. I don’t need that kinda bull.”

  “I know,” she nodded, “you deserve to be treated better.”

  The main highway came into view, and as the big van rolled up the entrance ramp and Chad accelerated, Cassie let out a very big sigh.

  “This is fantastic. Remember our first time in a van?”

  “Remember? How could I forget? It’s not etched, it’s chiseled into my memory banks. Damn you were a brat,” he said shaking his head.

  “I wasn’t that bad,” she shot back.

  “Yes, you were. I don’t make a habit of pullin’ off to the side of the road and spankin’ a girl I just met,” he exclaimed.

  “I wondered about that,” she giggled. “I couldn’t believe it, but I think I fell in crush with you right then.”

  “It was mutual,” he grinned. “Hmmm, I might just start that maintenance spankin’ early. I need to pull over and check on the boys at some point.”

  “No, you don’t,” she argued. “You’ve got the cameras. You can see them, we can both see them.”

  “Yep, but I like them to see me too,” he retorted.

  Not knowing what to say she shifted her gaze back to the road, allowing her mind to drift, recalling their first few days together.

  “What, no smart ass comment?” he chuckled.

  “Apparently not,” she replied, “except…”

  “I knew it was too good to be true,” he chuckled. “Except what?”

  “Except, if you do stop-”

  “When I stop,” he corrected.

  “Fine, when you stop, I’ll simply stay here.”

  Chad started laughing out loud.

  “You tried that the last time. You think I can’t pull you out of this cab again?”

  “Not if I’m locked in here, besides, last time you caught me off guard,” she quipped.

  “If I didn’t know better I’d think you were actually wantin’ me to stop this van and spank your butt. I can’t ignore a challenge like that.”

  “That wasn’t a challenge,” she protested.

  “The hell it wasn’t,” he said firmly, “and I accept.”


  “Hey, no cussin’ in front of the dog.”

  She burst out laughing, and leaning past Mickey she kissed Chad on the cheek.

  “If you do get me out of here, just don’t spank me too hard.”

  “You know the rule,” he said patiently.

  “I know the rule,” she sighed rolling her eyes. “You’ll spank me as hard, and for as long as you want, but I can still put in a request.”

  “Request, as you like to say, duly noted.”

  “It still wasn’t a challenge,” she muttered settling back into her seat.

  “Uh-huh,” he grunted, “now stop your jabberin’. I need to concentrate on drivin’ this thing.”

  Cassie smiled and stared out at the road ahead, thinking about the surprise she’d set into motion, and imagining how shocked Chad would be when they returned to the ranch.

  They’d been on the road for an hour or so when a large turnout appeared ahead. As Chad slowed the rig and carefully pulled off the highway, Cassie found Mickey’s leash and began to unfasten his harness.

  “I’ll give him a quick walk while you check on the boys,” she said.

  “Sounds good,” he smiled.

  The sun was already radiating its summer heat, but it wasn’t as searing as it had been back at the ranch, and Cassie wandered with Mickey in the low, dry brush watching him happily sniff and lift his leg. A few minutes passed before she heard Chad calling her, and turning around she saw him closing up the side door of the van. She hurried back, and as she neared she saw him break into a large grin.

  “What?” she asked.

  “So much for a challenge,” he replied.

  “Oh, Chad, stop,” she scoffed. “It never was.”

  “You honestly think you can wangle out of it?” he chuckled, moving towards her.

  Staring back at him, Cassis felt her face flush.

  “Crap,” she said simply.

  “It was a good try, I’ll give you that,” he chuckled. “Put Mickey back up front.”

  She stared at him for moment, then walked to the cab and watched Mickey effortlessly bound up into the passenger seat. Turning her head she saw Chad waiting, staring at her, and breaking into a grin she impulsively jumped on to the step, pushed Mickey off the passenger seat on to his console, and climbing in hurriedly closed the door.

  “Damn, Cassie,” Chad muttered. “Why did I know it was too easy?”

  Cassie hadn’t mean to do it. It was an impetuous burst of naughtiness, and in spite of all their time together she could feel her butterflies burst to life as she stared at his reflection in the van’s large side mirror.

  She’d locked her door, so Chad had no choice but to jog around the van and jump into the driver’s seat. With Mickey between them on the console she was sure he wouldn’t reach across to her.

  “Clever girl,” he grinned.

  “Sorry?” she replied, raising her eyebrows and looking at him innocently.

  “You really wanna play this game?” he drawled. “I’ll give you once chance to change your mind and cooperate, but just one. If you don’t I’m just gonna spank you harder.”

  “Chad, what are you talking about?” she frowned. “Start the van, let’s get rolling.”

  Their eyes locked, Cassie’s full of mischief, and Chad’s full of amused determination.

  “That’s a no, then?”

  Not sure quite what to say, feeling her heart pitching against her chest, she rolled the dice…and her eyes.

  Chad glanced down at his armrest, and in that moment Cassie realized her fatal mistake.


  Her exclamation was a split-second too late, he’d already clicked the button that unlocked the doors, and set the lock to hold it place.

  “Too late,” he said softly.

  Opening his door he jumped to the road and jogged around the front of the rig, knowing Cassie wouldn’t have the time to clamber across the console and push the button to free the locking mechanism, then re-lock the doors.

  Cassie knew it too, and watching him out the window, she sat helplessly, knowing her bottom was about to feel his very hot hand.

  Shit, shit, shit. Why do I have to always push the envelope? Why?

  Her door came open, and then she shook her head for the second time.

  Shit, shit, shit, I’m such an idiot. Why didn’t I put my seat belt on?

  Chad’s strong hand gripped her wrist, and as he had done almost a year before, he yanked her from the cab, effortlessly landing her across his shoulder.

  “No, wait, Chad,” she wailed as he closed the door.

  “Seriously?” Chad exclaimed.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re not, you’re just sorry you didn’t think it through,” he retorted, and lifting his foot to rest on the step, he flipped her body down and over his thigh. “Just consider yourself lucky I’m not gonna pull your jeans down,” and knowing the protective denim would cut the sting, he began walloping her sit spot; the sensitive area where her thighs met her cheeks.

  “This should make things a tad uncomfortable for the rest of the drive,” he announced, slapping his hand down with
gusto. “I’ll save your butt cheeks for tonight.”

  “OW, OW, OW,” she howled, squirming on his thigh.

  “You yell all you want,” he said not missing a beat, “you know you’re gettin’ exactly what you asked for.”

  “I-OW-I didn’t mean-OW-OW.”

  “You didn’t mean to challenge me, you didn’t mean to try to outfox me, you didn’t mean to be totally willful?”

  “I did, I did, and I’m sorry!”

  “Of course you are, and now things are good, right?” he asked pausing his hand.

  “Yes, Sir, yes, things are good,” she gasped, “yes, good.”

  Pulling her up he clutched a fistful of her long, thick, auburn hair and tugged her head back. She was panting, her eyes were sparkling up at him, and he could feel his cock surging to life.

  “Chad,” she whispered.

  Her hunger cloaked him, and his lips were suddenly on hers, kissing her, demanding her body respond.

  As his mouth consumed her, as his fingers gripped her hair, and his arm around her waist held her captive, Cassie felt herself being swept away on a tide of erotic energy. Spreading her legs she pressed her sex against his hard, muscled leg, and grinding fervently she surrendered to her aching need.

  He knew she was close. Her muffled moans and impassioned mouth was devouring him, and her sparking zeal was contagious. She was unzipping his jeans, and when her fingers wrapped around him and pulled him free, a lightening bolt surged through his loins.

  With a quick sharpness she stroked him as her pussy continued to knead itself against his hard thigh, and moments later, completely oblivious to the cars whizzing by on the other side of the rig, unaware of anything but the fire raging between them, his cock spewed across her hand and she cried out her passion, dropping her mouth from his lips to bury her head in his shoulder.

  With the van as their support, they clung to each other, breathless and spent, until finally she lifted her head and stared up at him.

  “What was that?” she mumbled.

  “That was…no words, hon,” he muttered, and he kissed her softly, moving his mouth gently over hers.

  “I have Wet Ones,” she mumbled.


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