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THE COWBOY'S RULES: 3: THE SURPRISE (Cowboys After Dark Book 6)

Page 9

by Maggie Carpenter


  As Cassie and Chad were heading off for the evening’s show, Marty was arriving home. The few people who were attending the clinic had arrived, they’d had their briefing, and Marty knew they were now ensconced in the bar of the local hotel where having drinks and enjoying themselves. He would like to have taken Hannah and joined them, but she was up to her elbows in baking and bubbling pots.

  Pushing open the door he ambled in, a hundred delicious aromas tickling his nose, but when he poked his head in the kitchen Hannah was nowhere to be found, just the chaos to which he’d become almost accustomed.

  “Hannah?” he called.

  “I’m here,” she replied, her voice frail and small.

  Turning around he saw her leaning against the wall in a corner holding a glass of wine, her eyes puffy and red, her face wet from crying.

  “What’s wrong?” he frowned hurrying across to her.

  “I can’t do it, Marty. I’m sorry, I’ve tried, I’ve tried so hard, but it’s too much for me to tackle and I don’t know what to do.”

  A fresh wave of tears took hold, and Marty wrapped her up in his massive arms and hugged her.

  “Easy, girl, easy. Let’s get out of this kitchen and you can tell me all about it.”

  Walking her into the living room he sat her down, put her wine on the coffee table, and cuddled her into his chest.

  “Tell me what this is about,” he said tenderly. “Whatever it is, I’ll fix it.”

  “I’m not like Cassie, or Chad, or you. You’re all so smart, and you can do so many things. I can’t even cater a stupid party,” she groaned.

  “Whoa, what now? What are you talking about?”

  “I wanted you to be proud of me, and people really seem to like my cooking, and I thought if I could start a catering company you’d have something to boast about, like Chad does about Cassie. She’s such a good rider, and she does his logos and comes up with ideas for his clothes, and-”

  “You stop right there. Are you out of your mind? What on earth made you think for one minute, that I’d want you to be like Cassie. Hannah, I love you, I’m crazy about you. I never wanted you to cater, heck, I’ve just tried to give you support, that’s all. I’d much rather have you all to myself, you and your amazing food.”

  “Really?” she said, pushing back from his chest and staring up at him.

  “Yep, really. If you’re doin’ this caterin’ thing for me, you can stop it right now. I’m proud of my girl just like she is,” he said tenderly.

  “I don’t know what to do, Marty. They paid me, and I’m committed,” she groaned.

  “Did they pay you the whole amount, or just a deposit?”

  “The deposit, half.”

  “How much have you done?”

  “Um, I’ve got a few apple and pear pies frozen, some sauces…”

  “Here’s what I’m gonna do. You make me a list of what you can deliver right away, and tomorrow I’ll call them and tell them the truth, that it’s much more work than you thought it would be, but you’ll deliver what you’ve already made for them. We’ll give them back the deposit money, and they’ll have what you’ve already cooked up as a…I guess you’d say a way to make it right. They have time to find another caterer. It’s still a week away.”

  “What about the money I’ve spent-”

  “Don’t worry about that, it doesn’t matter. Education is never free,” he smiled.

  “Marty,” she sighed, “I’ve been neglecting you, I know I have. There’s laundry to be done, the house is a mess, and I’ve been so exhausted.”

  “Yep, and you know what else you need, what will help calm you down?”

  “A spanking,” she whispered.

  “Yep, a good spankin’, and then I’m gonna make you feel real good.”

  “Marty, thank you.”

  “Then you’ll clean everythin’ up, and we’ll get things back to normal, okay?”

  “Yes, wonderful,” she sighed.

  “And don’t you ever think, not for one minute, that I’m not already proud of you, or that I want you to be anyone other than yourself, okay?”

  “Okay,” she sighed.

  “Now we’re gonna go take a shower, and then you’re goin’ over my knee,” he declared pulling her to her feet.

  A short time later, after toying between her legs and soaping her breasts, he toweled her off, then led her to their bedroom; settling on the bed he leaned against the headboard and watched her crawl across his lap.

  “When was the last time I spanked you?” he asked, running his hand over her pale cheeks.

  “I’m not sure,” she squeaked.

  “That’s not good,” he said sternly. “You should always know the answer to that question. Don’t you have a datebook?”

  “I use my phone.”

  “When we deliver those dishes to the Goodman’s, we’re gonna stop at the drugstore and get you some kind of calendar. You’re gonna start keepin’ track, writin’ down when I spank you and for what.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “It was about six weeks ago, when you were in a bad mood. I came home in the middle of the day and you were real pissy. Don’t know why, but you-”

  “I remember,” she interrupted. “I was upset because Cassie had promised to give me a jumping lesson but she bailed on me at the last minute. I was so psyched up and-”

  “Yep, you were all excited and she let you down, and you took it out on me, so I took it out on your bare butt. I spanked you good then, but I’m not spankin’ you now to punish you, I’m spankin’ you now to get your head back on straight and calm you down.”

  “Yes, Sir, I understand,” she wriggled.

  “And remember, I’m proud of you,” he exclaimed slapping down his hand, “and don’t you forget it.”

  “OW, no, Sir, I won’t forget it!”

  The slow, deliberate spanking began, but every few swats he touched between her legs, fueling her need and checking her wetness.

  “Your butt’s gettin’ kinda red,” he muttered running his hand across her cheeks, “not quite red enough though.”

  Shifting her body further over his lap he began smacking in an easy rhythm, applying his hand with just enough force to create a tingling sting. She began to wriggle so he paused, sliding his fingers into her glistening sex, and finding it deliciously slippery, he began teasing her clit.

  “Oh, Sir, please will you make love to me,” she begged, squirming against his hand.

  “Is your butt nice and toasty?” he teased, moving his finger inside her.

  “Yes, yes, very,” she swore.

  “Up on your hands and knees,” he ordered.

  Crawling off his lap and getting into position, she waited, panting, aching to feel him, and as he grabbed her hips and thrust home she let out a long, soulful wail.

  “Oh, Marty, that feels so good, please fuck me hard, really hard.”

  Not needing a second invitation he did just that, pounding his cock, stroking with vigor as he slapped her backside. It had been several days since he’d enjoyed the pleasures of her cunt, and driven by his own lust and her primal cries of need, he didn’t pause until they were on the edge, then accelerating and smacking her harder he pumped them both into their tingling moments.

  As he slowly withdrew and breathlessly laid down beside her, she curled up against him, her body limp and drained.

  “Marty, my gosh, I needed that so bad,” she gasped.

  “I know, baby, so did I. We’ll get this all sorted out, and it won’t be six weeks between spankin’s again, I can promise you that.”

  “I hope not,” she confessed, “I don’t know why I need them, but I do,” and flooded with relief she sank into his warm, protective arms.


  Before leaving for the evening’s performance Chad had called Mandy, and after admitting to her part in the charade that Cassie had arranged, Mandy had jumped at the chance to help Chad during the matinee the follo
wing day.

  “I’ll also come along tonight just in case you need me, and Chad, you know our hearts were in the right place.”

  “Of course I know that, and I can’t say I’m sorry Cassie did what she did. It’s all worked out for the best.”

  “She’s a spitfire that one,” Mandy laughed. “You must have your hands full.”

  “You have no idea,” Chad replied, “but honestly, I wouldn’t change a hair on her head.”

  Driving to the fairgrounds Cassie sensed Chad was much calmer than he’d been that morning, and it buoyed her to see her confident, sexy, cowboy back behind the wheel.

  “You’re fine now, aren’t you?” she asked. “No more nerves.”

  “Yes, and no,” he grinned. “Yes, I’m fine, and no, no more nerves. Mind you, the way we spent our afternoon didn’t hurt.”

  “I agree,” she sighed, “and you knowing the truth about Mandy helped too. I was kind of uptight about that.”

  “You should have been, but you haven’t told me everything.”

  “Heck no, and you’re not getting it out of me,” she swore, “absolutely not.”

  Pulling in through the gates Cassie noticed the light was on in the trailer.

  “Wow, Mandy’s already here,” she remarked. “That was fast.”

  “Good, she can help you.”

  “Help me do what, hold a lead rope?” she quipped.

  “After the show I need to talk to the stage manager about the change in the matinee tomorrow afternoon, not to mention Rick and Alan. She can help you get Bailey and Captain back in the trailer ready to go home.”

  “Ah, right, I wouldn’t say no to that,” she agreed.

  As he slowed the van to a stop, Mandy hurried from the trailer to meet them, and though she didn’t look very happy she perked up as Mickey bounded forward.

  “Hey, you two,” she smiled. “Hey, Mickey.”

  Excited to be doing another show Mickey was full of life, jumping up and down, bouncing as he barked.

  “Hi,” Cassie said as Chad set about opening the van. “Where’s Jennifer?”

  “Jennifer is back at the ranch,” Mandy sighed. “I’m afraid we had a dramatic day.”

  “Ouch, sorry,” Cassie frowned. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No quite yet,” Mandy replied.

  Chad was already leading Bailey from the trailer, and stepping up the ramp Cassie took the lead rope and led him off. Chad followed quickly with Captain, and with Mandy between them and Mickey leading the way, they headed to the arena to have a quick walk around.

  “Mandy, have you given any thought to my suggestion about us doing a double act next summer?” Chad asked. “You’re welcome to continue to do your own show like you have been, I just thought-”

  “Sorry to interrupt you, and I wasn’t planning to talk about this until after we were all back at Horse Haven, but since you brought it up…”

  “What?” Chad frowned, knowing the look on her face did not bode well.

  “Jennifer is fed up with the traveling and she wants to settle down somewhere. She claims the stress is all too much, that we’ve taken on more than we should have, and in a way she’s right.”

  “Oh, I see,” Chad replied.

  “Wow, there really is a virus going around,” Cassie mumbled to herself.

  “I assume you’ve made your decision then,” Chad said. “You’re going to pass on next year.”

  “Yes, I am. I’m sorry, Chad, I don’t want to let you down, and as much as I hate to admit it, the back injury could easily have been a real one. I’m exhausted, and you know that’s when things can go wrong.”

  “Yep, you’re right about that, and I know how touring can take it out of you,” he said with a knowing nod of his head. “I’m happy goin’ solo, but I’m gonna cut down on the dates, and spend a couple of weeks between each show back at home.”

  “That makes sense,” Mandy agreed. “Weird how things are working out. Seems as if a ball was set in motion and it’s created all kinds of ripples.”

  “You know you have a home at Horse Haven as long as you need it,” he offered.

  “Thanks, Chad. I love it there, but Jennifer wants to live in California, somewhere with lots of sun and no snow.”

  “Personally I love the snow,” Cassie piped up, “but hey, each to his own. As long as you’re doing what you want, and you’re with the person you want to be with, you’ll be happy.”

  “Amen to that,” Chad grinned, “and now I need to get changed. Can you girls manage?”

  “I think so,” Cassie laughed.

  “Come on, Mick, let’s go.”

  As they watched Chad and Mickey jog away, Mandy turned to Cassie and hugged her warmly.

  “It’s been great finally getting to know you,” she said. “I wish I could have spent more time with you. Chad’s a really lucky guy.”

  “Thanks, Mandy, but honestly, I’m the lucky one.”

  “I guess you’re both lucky. You hold on to him, he’s one of the good guys.”

  “Believe me, I intend to. Not long to the wedding now. We’re getting married on the anniversary of the day we met.”

  “Really? I didn’t know that,” Mandy grinned. “That’s so romantic.”

  “I know. I’m not sure Chad’s aware of it. He asked me to pick a date, and that’s the date I chose.”

  “Aren’t you going to tell him?”

  “Maybe on the day. I’ll keep it as a surprise.”

  “You and your surprises,” she said shaking her head.

  “When are you heading home?” Cassie asked.

  “Tomorrow, after the show. We’d originally planned to stay the week but now Jennifer wants to get back so we can start making plans.”

  “Ah, well, prepare yourself. When you get back to the ranch you’ll be in for a bit of a shock,” Cassie grinned.

  “Really? That sounds ominous. What is it?”

  “Not saying. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “You’ve painted the house purple,” Mandy guessed.

  “Dammit, who told you!” Cassie demanded, then began cracking up. “I am so happy right now.”

  “So I see,” Mandy giggled, finding Cassie’s jocularity contagious.

  “I guess we need to get these boys back to the rig and ready for the show. We can’t have Chad standing in the ring wondering where they are.”

  “He wouldn’t be too happy,” Mandy laughed.

  “No, he wouldn’t,” Cassie grinned. “Be fun to see though.”

  “You are such a brat,” Mandy declared, staring at her with wide eyes.

  But as they left the arena and headed for the horse van, Mandy began giggling again.

  “Are you thinking about Chad standing in the ring by himself?” Cassie asked.

  “No, I’m thinking about what you said, that there’s a shock back at Horse Haven?”

  “Yes, Mandy, a shock,” Cassie grinned.

  “Poor Chad,”

  “No, not really,” Cassie giggled, “well, maybe, kind of.”

  Once again the show was a huge success, and Cassie was very grateful to have Mandy there, but not just for her help with Bailey and Captain. After the crowd had left, Chad was busy with his small crew going over the changes for the following day’s show, and Mandy stayed behind to keep Cassie company while she waited.

  They decided to hang out in the rig with the horses; it was late, and Cassie didn’t feel comfortable leaving them. Mandy was sharing her stories from the tour when they heard the sound of Chad trudging up the ramp.

  “Jennifer will have my guts for garters,” Mandy declared glancing at her watch.

  “That is the oddest sayin’. Where did it come from?” Chad frowned.

  “I have no idea,” Mandy laughed, “but now I’m curious. I’ll look it up when I get back.”

  “Thanks for your help tonight, and I’ll see you tomorrow,” Chad said, pecking her on the cheek. “Come on, Cassie, let’s get these boys home.

  While Chad closed up the van, she and Mandy hugged their goodbyes, then watched Mandy walk across to her car to make sure she got there safely. Seeing the headlights go on and the car begin to move, Cassie climbed into the cab, finding Mickey already perched on his console.

  “Man, I’m glad we had that nap this afternoon,” she remarked as Chad joined her, settling in behind the wheel. “I’m really tired.”

  “Uh-huh,” he remarked.

  “You must be totally exhausted,” she continued, “I mean, doing the show, meeting with the guys, figuring everything out for tomorrow…”

  “Not too exhausted to keep my promise,” he said, starting up the van and driving forward.

  “Um, what promise?” she mumbled.

  “The one you said you couldn’t forget because I kept reminding you,” he replied.

  “Seriously? Now? This late?”


  “Are you sure? I mean, we could wait until tomorrow.”

  “When we get back I’m gonna drop you at the cabin, then take care of the boys myself. You’re gonna take a shower and be waitin’ for me in bed, naked. Any questions?”

  “No, Sir,” she sighed. “No questions.”


  Cassie had tried to wiggle out of her maintenance spanking not because she dreaded it, quite the contrary; it was simply in her nature to test. It wasn’t something she did often, having learned that testing didn’t go down too well, but with things on the upswing between them it was simply instinctive.

  She had taken her shower, brushed her hair, and had laid down to wait. A gentle sleep had overtaken her, and when Chad ambled into the bedroom he found her laying naked on top of the bed, a single lamp casting a soft amber glow from the corner of the room; he paused, catching his breath.

  She was laying perfectly still. The shadows created by the soft illumination highlighted her natural curves, and her skin appeared to have been brushed in gold. Her thick, dark auburn hair was tousled around her head, splayed across the pillow as if by design.

  It was one of the most beautiful sights Chad had ever seen, and silently retrieving his phone he snapped the picture. Staring at the image he thought it looked like an oil painting, or a fine porcelain figurine, or a marble statue of an ancient Goddess.


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