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THE COWBOY'S RULES: 3: THE SURPRISE (Cowboys After Dark Book 6)

Page 14

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Chad, you are so my Knight In Shining Armor, I love how protective you are, even if it is annoying sometimes.”

  “Good, get used to it, ‘cos it’s never gonna change,” he said firmly. “Hey, Mickey, in the gator, I want you to stick with Cassie.”

  Mickey jumped into the area in the back while Cassie and Chad pulled their bags from the van, putting them where there was room, then climbed in the front. As Chad began to drive slowly up the road, he couldn’t stop staring at the amazing sight of the roof being put over his arena.

  “So, Chad, you got your surprise, when do I get mine?” Cassie asked.

  “Ah,” Chad grinned. “The one that comes with the crop.”

  “It seems to me that the crop should be conspicuously absent,” she suggested.

  “Is that so? And why would you think that?” he asked, shooting her a look.

  “Because…I think a roof over the arena is worthy of a respite from such things,” she declared.

  “Oh, Cassie,” he said solemnly, “I’m afraid you’ve got that totally wrong. It’s just the opposite. Such a big surprise, one that was kept secret and required so much plottin’ and plannin’, that’s gonna mean far more sessions with the crop, and the paddle, and most definitely my hand.

  “What? Why?”

  “Because I can’t let you think I’m corruptible. What you’re suggestin’ is…let me put it like this…you can’t bribe your way out of bendin’ the rules, or bein’ a brat. Nope, I have to keep things real strict from now on.”

  “Shit,” she muttered.

  “Oops, you know how I feel about cussin’. That’s not a good idea,” he warned.

  They’d reached the parking area for the construction site, and as he climbed from the gator he checked his watch.

  “Ten minutes,” he said firmly.

  “Real strict?” she repeated.

  “Yep,” he nodded, “real strict, and you’re gettin’ your present tonight.”


  Dan Michaels wasn’t at the site, but a passing worker assured Chad he’d be back before the end of the day. As he wandered around the house he was astonished how much had been accomplished in the short time he’d been gone, and there seemed to be twice as many laborers. “We’ll be laying the floors tomorrow.”

  He turned around and found himself facing a tall, burly man who looked to be in his 40’s.

  “Hi, I’m Jim Bridger, I’m the new foreman here. I assume you’re Chad Douglas?”

  “Yep, that’s me, good to meet you,” Chad nodded. “Is it my imagination or are there a whole lot more guys here.”

  “We finished a job last week so Dan pulled everyone that was on that one to this one, including me. I understand there’s going to be a wedding here. We need to finish quick so the planning can start. We can’t have an unhappy bride,” he chuckled.

  “No, we don’t want that,” Chad remarked, and it looks like your threats worked, Cassie. Damn, they’ve done a lot.

  “So I guess you’d like to see the new closet. Let me show you.”

  Confused, but not wanting the foreman to know, Chad followed the large man to the master suite and discovered that they hadn’t broken down the already constructed wall to expand the space, but had added on to the opposite side of the bathroom; the result was two closets, a his and hers.

  “She’ll love this, it’s perfect,” Chad muttered.

  “We were relieved when she finally called us,” the foreman said. “When we didn’t hear back from you we had to put it on hold, but there were plenty of other things we could keep moving on.”

  “Great job,” Chad frowned. So Cassie saw the voice mails then deleted them? Ah, because she didn’t want to take the chance that someone might say something about the roof goin’ on the arena if I called back. Damn!

  “Sorry I couldn’t call you myself,” Chad apologized. “I was in the middle of a tight performance schedule”

  “Oh, no problem, it all worked out, and your fiance is happy. She’s getting just what she wanted.”

  “Yes, she is,” Chad replied, and she’s gonna get a lot more tonight. A whole lot more! “Is there anything else you need to show me or tell me?”

  “Just that we’ll be finishing ahead of schedule, probably be done here the middle of next week.”

  “Really? That’s great news,” Chad said feeling a flood of relief.

  “With two crews things are happening really fast,” Jim continued. “Come up here in a couple of days and you’ll be surprised how much further along we’ll be.”

  “I will. Tell Dan I stopped by. I’ll be around if he needs me.”

  Walking back to the parking area he saw Cassie sitting in the gator waiting for him, and as he climbed in he reached across and pecked her on the cheek.

  “What was that for?” she smiled.

  “Good call on the closet,” he said pointedly.

  “Oh, right,” she said softly. “Sorry about deleting the voice mails. When I saw they were from Dan I had to-”

  “I know exactly what you had to do, but that was really crossin’ a line girl.”

  “What choice did I have?”

  “What if one of those voice mails had been about somethin’ other than the closet?”

  “But none of them were. I asked Dan when I called if there was anything else he needed to talk to you about and there wasn’t. I couldn’t let you talk to anyone here, they could have given away the whole roof thing. Like I said, what choice did I have?”

  “Dunno, but there has to be some kind of punishment for that, Cassie.”

  “It’ll be worth it,” she huffed. “Keeping my surprise a surprise will be worth it.”

  “You’re a dynamo, I’ll give you that,” he said, shaking his head as she started up the gator. “A difficult dynamo, but a dynamo.”

  “You mean like I’m a brat, but a luscious brat?” she giggled.

  “Exactly, and both of you need to be taken in hand,” he said sternly. “You need some time when you’re not allowed any kind of control, and you’re not allowed to be a brat, not even for a second.”

  It was more the glint in his eye that sent the shiver down her spine, and the sudden desire to be kneeling in front of him, to be quiet and submissive, and accept whatever he had to offer, was sweeping through her.

  He saw it, the drop of the eyes, the subtle softening of her energy, and he knew she wanted to step away from being the challenging, demanding, in charge girl that she’d been. In spite of the spankings he’d delivered, she’d still been covertly managing the roof over the arena, and dealing with Dan Michaels; she’d been in charge and in control.

  Cassie drove them home, Chad carried their bags into the house, and as they unpacked Chad noticed she was unusually quiet.

  “You’re feelin’ it, aren’t you, Cassie? The need to be on your knees?” he asked softly.

  “Yes,” she breathed, “it’s almost overwhelming, I need it so bad.”

  “I know, hon,” he nodded. “I have to go and talk to Jeb and Eddie, catch up on things,” he said as he changed clothes, “but I’ll be back in a little while, and don’t go poking around that package, you hear?”

  “I won’t, I promise,” she smiled.

  As he turned and walked from the room, she sighed as the submissive ache began to swallow her up.

  I’m so glad you’re back, totally back. I need to be under your spell, I need to be tied up and blindfolded, I need it so much.

  Taking a quick shower, resisting the temptation to drop her fingers between her legs, she let the hot water splash across her body and forced her mind to think about something else.

  I need to talk to Hannah, see what’s happening with her, and we need to work out a schedule for the horses. I can’t wait to start jumping Shelby. I have to talk to her about setting fences for me while I’m riding.

  Toweling off and dressing in a fresh pair of shorts and shirt, she was about to head off when she noticed Mickey was passed out on
his rug by the fireplace.

  “You want to come with me or stay here?” she asked.

  Mickey answered by the slow lifting of his head and a yawn.

  “I guess that’s means you’re down for the count. You take your nap, you deserve it,” she said stroking his head.

  Walking briskly through the house, feeling the anticipation of the night ahead creeping up on her, she shook herself, forcing her thoughts back to Hannah and all the things they had to discuss, but when she went out the kitchen door to jump in the gator it was gone.

  “Shoot, I guess Chad took it,” she muttered, and walked back to change into walking shoes.

  It was then that she saw it.

  An envelope, her name scrawled across the front sitting innocently on the counter. It was sealed, and tearing it open she found one of Chad’s personal note cards. His message was handwritten, and as she began to read she could feel her pulse quicken.

  My Dearest Cassie:

  Yes, you succeeded in surprising me. Big Time. Thank you doesn’t begin to say what I feel. Such planning, such effort, and what lines you crossed to make it all happen.

  Now you need to be reined in. The best way to thank you, to show you what’s in my heart, is to give you what you want and what you need.

  The gator is gone because you’re not going anywhere today. You’re gonna think about your body and my control of it, and what I might do to you later. You’re gonna decide how to dress for me, what will please me the most.

  If you’re hungry you can eat something now, but you’re to spend the rest of the day in our room. I know you want to talk to Hannah, but make it quick, then no more phone calls.

  You will doze, you will touch yourself, but don’t you dare climax. You will bathe, you will think about nothing but me and what’s in store. When I return that’s where I want to find you, on the bed, or in the tub.

  Lovin’ you…


  Cassie felt the goosebumps pop on her skin, and the butterflies burst to life.

  I’d better eat something now, then call Hannah, then I’ll go into our room. This is a first. He said he was going to surprise me and he has. I sure as hell didn’t expect this.


  Standing inside the largest compartment in the horse van, Chad could imagine Cassie in the kitchen, her heart skipping as she’d read the note. He could imagine her eating something slowly at the table, her mind filled with visions of the night ahead, and he could almost hear the phone conversation with Hannah.

  Chad’s got something planned for tonight, I can’t talk. I’ll call you tomorrow.

  The words will have tumbled out of her, and she and Hannah will have giggled for a minute before ending their call.

  Staring down at the fresh shavings and the large blanket laying across them, he smiled a wicked smile, then moving to the rope tied around the bars he checked the knots.

  “Almost ready,” he muttered, “now where’s that…ah…there it is.”

  Moving a few steps away he lifted the mounting block he’d whisked away from the tack room, driving it to the van in the back of the gator. It was made from strong plastic, had three steps, and was used by students who needed help climbing into the saddle.

  Placing it against the wall under the ropes he stood back, studied it for a minute, then changed his mind and moved it against the far wall.

  The top step of the mounting block was hinged, and when lifted it revealed a deep compartment. Normally used for such things as water bottles, lead ropes, lunge lines and spurs, Chad was using it for shackles, the new short, thick riding crop, a blindfold with thick foam around the edges, and everything else he thought he might need for his evening with Cassie.

  Checking his watch he saw he’d been gone over an hour.

  You should be out of the tub, you should be layin’ on that bed gettin’ real hot by now.

  The thought sent a wave of energy to his cock, and grinning, he stepped back and looked at the compartment making sure he’d not forgotten anything.

  I’ll be bringin’ the wine and the water bottles with me…the rope’s in place…shavin’s are thick…feel like I’m forgettin’ somethin’…damn…the collar.

  While Cassie had been in the shower, Chad had ducked back into the bedroom and retrieved his supplies, placing them in a duffle bag to take to the van, but he’d forgotten the collar.

  “What have I got here that I can use?” he mumbled, then broke into a smile. “Of course, Mickey!”

  Jumping out of the van he moved around to the cab, and climbing into the passenger seat he opened the glove box; Mickey’s leather collar and leash were sitting where he’d left them.

  “This will feel a bit different around your neck,” he grinned, and carrying them back to the van he dropped them into the mounting block. “I guess that’s it, I just have to lock this baby up.”

  Making sure everything was secure, he jumped in the gator and headed home, checking in with Jeb and Eddie on his way. The construction crew in the arena had shut down for the day, and Jeb and Eddie were getting ready to drive the hay out to the horses in the paddocks.

  “You’re still doin’ Cassie’s barn, right?” Chad asked as he pulled the Gator to a stop.

  “Yes, Sir,” Eddie replied. “Really enjoyin’ it. Hannah comes up sometimes, but me and Cassie’s horses, we get along just great. I’ve memorized all their supplements, but just in case I wrote it them on a board in the feed room, and I know to give Shelby carrots first or she gets real mad.”

  “Sounds like you have everythin’ under control there, Eddie. Good job.”

  “Thanks, Chad,” he smiled. “I’m real happy here, thanks so much for givin’ me a shot.”

  “You just keep on doin’ what you’re doin’. If you wanna move on to the ranch there may be a cabin openin’ up soon. We’ll see what happens.”

  “I’d really like that,” Eddie nodded, “I’d really that a lot.”

  “All right fellas, thanks for takin‘ care of things while I was away. I’ll see you in the mornin’.”

  Satisfied everything was in hand, he climbed back into the gator and headed up to the house.

  I hope you’re wearin’ somethin’ slinky and sexy and layin’ on the bed, girl, ‘cos if you’re not, your butt will be red sooner than I’d planned.

  In their bedroom Cassie was exactly where Chad had hoped she would be, and she’d chosen a red satin slip with back lace, a black thong, and black thigh-high stay-up stockings. She’d artfully applied her makeup, carefully brushed her hair, closed the drapes, and pulling back the blankets had laid down to wait on the cool, cotton sheets.

  Naughty lingerie had always made her feel sexy, and after allowing her mind to wander to some very wicked things Chad had done in the past, she ran her fingers over the soft, silky fabric of her slinky slip, finally drifting into a light doze. Images of handcuffs and ropes were floating around her head when she heard the soft footsteps in the hallway. Stirring awake she found her fingers resting between her legs.

  As Chad paused in the doorway taking in the scintillating sight, his cock burst into life.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Leave your hand right where it is,” he ordered as she began to move it from the gusset of her thong. “Spread wider.”

  She stared over at him as she parted her legs, and felt her heart begin to thump. He had crossed his arms and was leaning his shoulder against the door jamb, one foot over the other. His hat was still on, and with his intense gaze she thought he’d never looked sexier…or more dominant.

  “You could be on the cover of a cowboy romance novel,” she purred.

  “That right?” he said softly. “You could be on the cover of any kinda romance novel, as long as it was sexy as hell. Tell me how you’re feelin’?”

  “I’ve been laying here dreaming all kinds of things,” she sighed, “things you’ve done, things you might do, and I’m so hot.”

  “Let’s see,” he remarked qu
ietly, and moving forward he sat on the side of the bed. “Pull the crotch of your panties aside.”

  Slipping her fingers inside the elastic she moved it out of the way, and he touched inside her pussy lips, eliciting a gasp and a squirm.

  “Slick, very slick,” he murmured. “Stay just like that.”

  Running his hand along the inside of her thigh brought a deep moan, but when he slapped his palm sharply against the milky white skin, he was rewarded with a yelp.

  “Don’t drop that gusset,” he warned, moving his palm to her opposite thigh. He gently caressed, then slapped again, and she wriggled, tensing her legs. “I’m glad you’ve had a restful afternoon,” he crooned, traveling his hand up her torso to her breasts. “You needed to decompress from the weekend, but mostly you needed to rest up for tonight.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she squeaked.

  “You’ll have no control tonight, no say about anything, understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she sighed, feeling a wave of relief.

  “Say it.”

  “I’ll have no control tonight, no say about anything,” she whispered.

  “Let go of the gusset and uncover one of your tits.”

  Lifting her hand she lowered the spaghetti strap from her shoulder, exposing her right breast. He stared it a moment, and Cassie closed her eyes eagerly waiting for the touch of his lips. Chad saw the anticipation, and instead moved his mouth to the opposite, luscious mound, tonguing through the flimsy fabric, causing her nipple to pucker against the thin, wet satin.

  Cassie groaned, lifting her chest, which caused him to raise his head and sit up.

  “Leave your slip like it is and get on your hands and knees, and keep those eyes closed,” he directed.

  His voice had remained soft, but she could feel his determination to totally dominate her, to possess her, to make her feel completely owned, and it was fueling her ache, her craving for him to do exactly that.

  Rolling over she lifted herself up, and it was only seconds before she felt his hand grasp her one, naked, hanging breast. He squeezed, gripping it tightly, and she began to pant as the pain sizzled.


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