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Accidental Slave to the Kralians

Page 5

by Cara Wylde

  Avery nodded thoughtfully. She started pacing the white, empty cell. It helped her think.

  “So, you’re pleasure slaves…”

  “Look who’s talking,” Kaylee chuckled.

  Avery glared at her, then mellowed down. She could tell them who she really was, but she had to consider the risks. Yes, these two women were from Earth, and they were obviously here against their will, but that didn’t mean it was a sensible idea to assume they would squeal with joy if she told them she was an FBI agent. Who knew what influence their masters had on them? They could rat her out the second they were released from the brig.

  “I’m sorry, I… This…” She ran her fingers through her hair, and sighed. “This is new to me. It’s… my first time on a… spaceship.”

  Grace’s big, innocent eyes filled with compassion. “We know what you’re going through, honey. Hang in there. It will get better, I promise. All you have to do is keep your head down, do as your master says, and be careful not to break any rules.”

  “How did that work out for you, Grace?” Kaylee asked bitterly.

  Grace smiled weakly. “I just wasn’t very lucky, that’s all. But it’s work out for you great, so my advice is sound.”

  “What do you mean?” Avery’s blue eyes moved from Grace to Kaylee, then back to Grace. “Who’s this master you’re talking about?”


  “He’s the worst,” Kaylee hissed between gritted teeth. “He treats his sex slaves like trash. And Grace suffers the most because she’s his favorite.” She air-quoted “favorite”.

  “He has… more than one slave?” Avery was horrified.

  Grace sighed. “Gorgan has a harem of twelve girls. Me included. He’s the only one in the Alliance who has a harem, and I was unlucky enough to get kidnapped at the wrong time, in the wrong place, by the wrong alien.”

  “Wait. I was in the conference room a few minutes ago. Which one is this Gorgan bastard?”

  “You really are new,” Kaylee said.

  “Dark green skin, black eyes, silver hair… He’s Valgan.”

  “Five alien races,” Avery whispered to herself. She would have given ten years of her life for a pen and a notepad. Her memory was good, but there were already too many details to keep track of.

  Kaylee cocked a perfectly arched eyebrow. “Who’s your master, Poppy?”

  “Two. I have two. Kryan and Aedar, the… Kralians?” She hoped she got the name of their race right.

  “Lucky!” Grace chirped. “I heard they’re cool. They won’t hurt you.”

  “Stop listening to all the gossip, silly,” Kaylee scolded her. “Everyone says Drav is reasonable, and he’s a sicko.”

  “At least, he lets your dress like a normal human being. I’m just… a body.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re you. You’re Grace Tamer, and you’re going to walk out of this a free woman. We both are.”

  “Do you guys have a plan? Also, which one is Drav?”

  “We’re working on a plan,” answered Kaylee. “Drav is the black-skinned one. Green eyes, red hair.” She pointed to her fiery curls. “And he likes red hair in his women, too.”

  “Oh, the scary one…”

  “He’s not the scariest of them,” Grace said. “If you ask me, Araime wins the prize.”


  “The ivory-skinned witch,” Kaylee hissed. “You’re right, Grace. She’s the worst!”

  “How can a woman be worse than five huge, bulky, rainbow-colored men?!”

  “She’s jealous.”

  “She’s barren.”

  “Can’t have children.”

  “That renders her useless.”

  “What?!” Avery started waving her hands in an attempt to stop them from talking at the same time. They were bombarding her with too much information. “Hold on. Start with the beginning: why are the aliens here? Why are they infiltrating our society?”

  Grace and Kaylee stared at her like she was insane. They exchanged a concerned glance, then Kaylee crossed her arms over her chest and fixed Avery with a suspicious, scrutinizing gaze.

  “You don’t know anything. How come you’re a sex slave and you don’t know anything?”

  Avery opened her mouth, closed it, shook her head, then tried again: “Err… Kryan and Aedar don’t tell me much. They’re very… secretive. Do your masters tell you everything?”

  “Are you kidding me? They’re boasting about every little thing!”

  “See,” Grace intervened shyly, “That’s why I’m telling you we’re not getting out of this alive. We know too much. And no one is coming to save us, Kay. No one.”

  “Shush! Don’t talk like that. Just trust me, okay? We’ll figure something out.”

  Avery watched and listened in silence as Grace kept on moaning and arguing, while Kaylee did her best to calm her down and encourage her. They were friends. This wasn’t the first time they were locked together in the brig while the aliens were having a meeting. It was clear that Gorgan had more than one slave. What about Drav? What about the rest? She had to help these women. She had no idea how, but she had to reach her team and tell them everything. Even if it was the last thing she did. Someone had to step up and save these women from the nightmare they were living. It was mind-blowing that neither the FBI, not the CIA even knew that the aliens had started to kidnap women and turn them into sex slaves. Or… not that she knew of…

  “Guys, guys… Guys!”

  Grace and Kaylee went silent.

  “Listen, you have to tell me everything you know. Everything you found out from… Gorgan and Drav.”

  “And why would we do that?” Kaylee squinted her eyes as if to say she was on to her. “Maybe there’s a reason you know so little. Or, maybe it’s all an act, and you’re here to spy on us and get us into trouble.”

  “Oh my God! Do you think she’s a spy?”

  “Shush, Grace. Let me handle her.”

  “No, guys! What the hell?! I’m not a spy! Would a spy walk in here completely naked?”

  “I don’t know. You tell me.”

  “No, it’s not like that… Trust me, okay? Please trust me. I want to help you.”

  How she’d gotten herself into an even worse situation was beyond her. It wasn’t enough that the aliens wanted… what did they want? Her body? Now, their sex slaves thought she was the enemy.

  “All right, all right… I’m going to tell you the truth now.” She looked around, studied the walls and the ceiling, then bit her lower lip in frustration. “Are there cameras here? Are they listening to us?”

  “I don’t know,” Grace shrugged.

  “I don’t care,” Kaylee declared. “I tell Drav he’s a sick bastard all the time. To his face. I think he likes it. Turns him on.”

  “But you can’t be sure…”

  They both shook their head, and that was that. Avery saw no other option, but to keep her mouth shut about her real identity. She couldn’t risk anything right now. As she saw it, she could as well be these girls’ only chance at escaping.

  A deep, heavy silence fell between them. Grace sat down in the middle of the floor and hugged her knees to her chest. She was barefoot. Avery could only guess Gorgan had a thing for women’s feet.

  Kaylee, however, didn’t move from where she was standing, and didn’t look away from Avery even for a second.

  “Great,” Avery thought. “You’re really not a very good actress, Poppy Tonks. You’re not.”

  She was trying to come up with a good strategy to reassure Grace and Kaylee, and convince them to give her more information, when Kryan and Aedar stepped into the room and pressed a button to release her. They were alone. Aedar was holding her invisibility collar.

  “I believe this belongs to you.”

  Avery didn’t know how to react. She was frozen in place, too afraid to get out of her cell, even though she saw the energy field was gone.

on, woman!” Kryan’s voice was much harsher than Aedar’s. “We’re going home.”

  “Home?” Avery’s voice had never sounded so small and weak.

  “Yes, back to Earth. Home. Now, move, will you?”

  She stepped out of the cell and accepted the collar from Aedar. Before reluctantly following them, she stole one last glance at Grace and Kaylee.

  Grace looked just as sad as before, but Kaylee’s expression had changed completely. She stepped dangerously close to the energy field and raised her hand as if she wanted to stop Avery.

  “I believe you,” she said.

  Avery smiled. Kaylee was a smart girl. She had noticed the awkward interaction between her and the two purple aliens, and had reached the right conclusion: no, she wasn’t a real slave, nor a spy. She was something else.


  The conference room was now empty. Neither Kryan, nor Aedar had spoken a word since they left the brig, and Avery didn’t particularly believe it was a good idea for her to start a conversation. So, the three of them walked through the stargate in silence. Once they were back in the library, Aedar pressed the same button, and the ring of white light disappeared behind the fake wall and the bookshelves attached to it.

  Kryan walked to the mini bar by his desk and took out a bottle of whiskey and three glasses.

  Aedar grabbed the shirt he had discarded earlier and threw it at Avery. She put it on gratefully. It was long enough to cover her hips, and large enough that she could wrap it around herself to cover her naked body as best as she could.

  She had never felt so humiliated in her life! Being naked and carefully scrutinized by a bunch of aliens in the past three or four hours had been the worst. She was pretty sure she’d need therapy after this. When Kryan handed her one of the glasses, she accepted it eagerly and gulped down half of the strong, amber liquid. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy the delicious burn it spread through her chest and stomach.

  “Who are you?” asked Aedar in a calm, collected voice.

  She snapped her eyes open. Her gaze skipped between them a couple of times, but it was impossible to read them. While Aedar made it a point to fix her with his intense silvery eyes, Kryan was looking at his glass, swishing the liquid around absentmindedly.

  “Don’t make me ask you again.”

  She swallowed hard.

  “I’m Poppy Tonks.”

  “Are you, now?” He smiled bitterly. “Hollywood actress Poppy Tonks. I didn’t know actresses could buy invisibility collars at the mall these days.”

  “It was a gift.” Technically, she wasn’t lying.

  “From whom?”

  “A friend who works with… the police. He was trying to impress me, I guess.”

  “Right. Let’s try again: who are you?”

  “Why were you following us?” Kryan intervened. “Why did you hide, wait for all the guests to leave, activated the collar, and spied on us?”


  “You’re an FBI agent, aren’t you?”

  Kryan finished his whiskey, placed the glass on his desk, then stepped closer to her, entering her personal space. Avery took a step back. He was so big and tall that he completely dominated her. He looked frightening in his warrior outfit, and his purple skin reminded her he was from a distant, foreign planet. And Avery had no idea how the people on that distant, foreign planet liked to treat liars.

  “I’m not.” There. She was ready to risk her own life just to protect the mission. If that didn’t make her a good agent… “I followed you because I’m a fan.”

  Kryan huffed.

  “I… I’m crazy about you… your work… your brother’s books… I… You’re practically unreachable in public. The media comes up with stories about you all day, but they have nothing real… I’ve heard from other colleagues that even if I get to star in one of your movies, I won’t see you around a lot… I just wanted…” She paused, shrugged, averted her gaze as if she was embarrassed of what she was about to say. “I guess I just wanted to find out who the real Kit Walsh and Alex Walsh are.”

  Silence. Kryan simply stared at her, his expression giving her no clue as to what was going on behind his silver eyes.

  When Aedar moved closer and stopped next to her, Avery felt trapped. Her knees started trembling. She scanned the room quickly. The door wasn’t that far away. She could make a dash for it. After all, she was a well-trained agent. She didn’t have to knock the two aliens out, she just had to take them by surprise, push them out of her way, then activate the collar, ditch Aedar’s shirt, and run for her life. Yes. She had a decent chance to succeed, reach the SPG, tell her team everything she’d learned, then go into hiding until this madness settled down. A different agent would take over her mission, and all would be well. She could do this. She could still be useful to the SPG. She didn’t have to die here and now, or… worse! Become a slave to two purple alien warriors for real.

  Then, what was holding her back?

  “You’re lying,” Aedar whispered in her ear.

  Avery closed her eye and shivered. She bit back a moan and did her best to regain her composure. What was holding her back? All she had to do was pull some Krav Maga movements on them and get out of there. In the past, she had gotten out of situations that looked bleaker and more dangerous than this one.

  “We’re not very fond of liars.” Kryan reached out to take one of her soft, blonde curls between his fingers. He played with it slowly, absentmindedly, pulling just a little bit harsher at it from time to time. “Do you know what we do to liars?”

  “N-no.” She swallowed hard. She could still do it. She could still escape. Why didn’t she want to?

  “We get into their heads and find out all their secrets.”

  What was he talking about? Torture? She remembered how Grace had said her master punished her with ten whiplashes just because she dared to cover her nakedness with her long, rich hair.

  “So, you’re going to use some sort of… lie detector? Truth machine… technology… advanced something…” She was babbling. She was so scared, and aroused at the same time, that she couldn’t think clearly. Her body had long forgotten how to respond to the direct orders of her brain. And now, her logic was beginning to fail her, too. There was no other explanation as to why her pussy had started throbbing with need the moment Kryan had touched her hair.

  “Too complicated.” Aedar leaned in until his nose touched her left cheek. He inhaled the scent of her shampoo, then pushed her hair out of the way so he’d have better access to her neck.

  He’d barely touched her, yet Avery could already feel the combination of cold and hot shivers running up and down her spine, as if they were competing in a race. Against her better judgment, she closed her eyes and allowed him to do what he wanted. It certainly didn’t seem like torture…

  Kryan cupped her right cheek and studied the tiny freckles on her nose, her rosy cheeks… looked at how her eyes moved ever so slightly underneath her closed lids… Her makeup was mostly intact.

  “Isn’t it amazing,” he whispered, “how a helpless, fragile human like her can make you feel so…”

  “… lost?”

  Their hands were all over her neck and shoulders now, touching her gently, carefully, as if they were just now discovering the sharp edges and soft curves of the female body. She didn’t know what they were doing to her, nor how. All she knew was that she felt that connection again. That frightening connection she’d felt a few hours before, when Kryan had shaken her hand, and Aedar had kissed it.


  “Easily breakable.”

  Avery knew they weren’t talking to her. To her surprise, they seemed just as shocked as her. They were going through the same thing. If she thought about it, what they were describing were her own feelings. Yes, right now, she felt lost, vulnerable, and easily breakable. But also horny. So horny, that her mind had started playing scenarios of the two brothers
taking her fast and hard. When Kryan let out a deep grunt and leaned in to capture her lips in a demanding kiss, she had her proof: they were feeling exactly what she was feeling. The connection was… telepathic? Maybe, it was even more profound than that. Empathic?

  Her body was on fire. Aedar pulled the shirt down her shoulders and arms, and started covering the back of her neck and her shoulder blades with wet kisses. Her head was swimming with unfinished thoughts, images of their hot, purple bodies covering hers, unanswered questions, and an array of fears and insecurities she couldn’t even begin to look at. Then, Kryan was kissing and biting down her jaw, making his way to her round breasts, and she couldn’t hold herself back anymore. Her hands went to his head. She threaded her fingers through his raven black hair, and pushed him down, guiding him to her nipples.

  It was insane! How did they even get to this? Three minutes ago, she was terrified and uncomfortable, and trying to come up with escape plans. The second Kryan and Aedar started touching her, all her sanity went out the window, and now she felt like she was their pleasure slave for real. And, what was even scarier, voluntarily. The impact they had on her was mind-blowing! She’d never felt so wanted, so desired, and so worshiped in her life, and it was intoxicating.

  She threw her head back and let out a shameless moan when Kryan’s lips wrapped around her right nipple. At the same time, Aedar reached her buttocks, and gently pushed her legs apart. She didn’t need more convincing than that. She spread her legs to give him all the access he wanted, and used Kryan’s strong shoulders as support in case her knees decided to give out. Kryan had already moved to her other nipple, working to turn it into a hard, dark pebble, just like the first one. She gasped when Aedar took her by surprise and shoved his tongue deep inside her pussy. He was on the floor now, between her legs, supporting himself on his right arm, while he used his left to knead and massage her hips as he licked her, swirled his tongue around her clit, then pushed it deep inside her throbbing, delicious passage.

  “Mmm… oh God!”

  Kryan silenced her with a passionate kiss. His tongue sought hers, while his fingers continued working on her hard, now wet and slippery nipples.


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