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List of Names and Terms
Akenatzy (Occaneechi)
Aldworth, Thomas
Alligator River
Amadas, Philip
Archdale, John
Archer, Gabriel
Archivo General de Indias
e, Samuel A’Court
Ayllón, Lucas Vázquez de
Barbour, Philip
Bark Raleigh
Barlowe, Arthur
Barnwell, John
Batts, Nathaniel
Bay/Bear River Indians
Bearcroft, Philip
Beaufort (town), NC
Beaufort County, NC
Beauvoir, Pierre
Berry, Henry
Bertie County, NC
Beverely, Robert
Bladen County, NC
Bland, Edward
Blount, Chief Tom
Boyd, Col. Thomas
Brewington, C.D.
Bridenbaugh, Carl
Brown, Alexander
Bullard, Ernest M.
Bullock, William
Butler, George Edwin
Cabot, John
Campion, Thomas
Cape Fear
Cape Fear Indians
Carey, George
Carleton, Dudley
Carteret County, NC
Castor and Pollux
Challice, John
Chamberlain, John
Cheraw Indians
Cherokee Indians
Chesapeake Indians (also “Chessiopians”)
Chowanoke (Chowan) Indians
Clarendon Colony
Clifford, Lewis
cod fisheries
Coder, Dr. Kim D.
Coharie Indians
Cooke, Abraham
Cooper, Christopher
CORA tree
Coranine Indians
Coranine River (Newport River)
Coranine (village)
Corbe, Juan
Coree Indians
Craven County, NC
Croatoan Indians
Culpeper, Jonathan
Cwareuuock Indians
Cwareuuock territory
Dare, Ananias
Dare, Elyoner
Dare, John
Dare, Virginia
Dawson, Scott
Dee, John
De Graffenried, Christopher
De La Warr, Lord
de Soto, Hernando
Dial, Adolph
Diaz, Pedro
Dominica (island), traditional rendezvous at
Donne, John
“double-u” (uu) digraph
Drake, Bernard
Drake, Francis
Duplin County, NC
Durant, George
Eastward Hoe
Écija, Francisco Fernández de
Eliades, David
Elizabeth I, Queen
Emanuel, Enoch
Estes, Roberta
Fenton, Edward
Fernandez, Simon
Ferrar, John
1587 pinnace
First Colony Foundation
Fort Caroline
Fox, George
Frobisher, Martin
Frobisher, Richard
Fullwood, William
Gates, Thomas
Gates County, NC
Gilbert, Adrian
Gilbert, Bartholomew
Gilbert, Humphrey
Golden Hind
Gonzalez, Vincente
Gosnold, Bartholomew
Grady, Don A.
Grenville, Richard
Haag, William G.
Hacker, Sara (“Goody” Rolfe)
Hakluyt, Richard
Hakluyt Society
Hall, Enoch
Hall, Everett
Hall, Lucy Bullard
Hamor, Ralph
Harriot, Thomas
Harvie, child (unnamed)
Harvie, Dyonis
Harvie, Margery
Hatorask (Port Ferdinando)
Hatteras Indians
Hilton, William
Horn, James
Howe, George, Jr.
Howe, George, Sr.
“Huckleberry Historian”
hurricane of 1589
hurricane storm surge
Hyde County, NC
inlets (active)
inlets (historical)
institutionalized assumptions
Jerome, John
John Evangelist
Johnson, Chief Elias
Johnson, F. Roy
Jones County, NC
Jonson, Ben
“Kendall ring”
Kindrikers mountes
Knollys, Henry
Kupperman, Karen Ordahl
La Trinidad
Lake Mattamuskeet
Lane, Brent
Lane, Ralph
Laudonnière, René de
La Vere, David
Lawson, John
Lederer, John
Lee, W. Stephen
“Legend of the Coharie”
Little John
Loomie, Albert
Lost Colony DNA Project
Lost Colony Research Group (LCRG)
Lowrie, George
Lumbee Indians
Mace, Samuel
Machapunga Indians
Mallios, Seth
Martin, John
Mary Margaret
Matanzas Inlet
Mattamuskeet Indians
McMillan, Hamilton
McPherson, O.M.
Meherrin Indians
Menéndez de Aviles, Pedro
Menéndez Marques, Pedro
Miller, Lee
Milton, Giles
Mongoack/Mangoag Indians
Mooney, James
Moratico also Moratoc (Roanoke) River
Mouzon, Henry
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Neuse Indians
Neusiok Indians
Newport, Christopher
Norfolk County, VA
Norris, John
Northwest Passage
Nugent, Edward
Olds, Frederick
Olmos, Alonso de
Pamlico County, NC
Pamlico Indians
Pardo, Juan
Parramore, Thomas C.
Paspahegh chief
Paspahegh Indians
Pasquatank Indians
Paul, Charles
Payankatank Indians
Perquiman Indians
Phelps, David
Philip II, King
Philip III, King
“Pitch ’n’ Tar”
Plat, James
Plymouth Company
Pomouik Indians
Poole Anne
Popham, John
Pory, John
Poteskeet Indians
Powell, Andrew
Powell, Nathaniel
Powell, William S.
Powhatan (Chief)
atan Indians
Preston, Amias
Pring, Martin
Purchas, Samuel
Quinn, David Beers
Raleigh, Walter
Ratcliff, John
Raymond, George
Rayner, Marmaduke
Red Lion
Ribault, Jean
Roanoke County, VA
Robeson County, NC
Rocque, Bertrand
Rolfe, Bermuda
Rolfe, John
Rolfe, Sara “Goody” Hacker
Roseboro, NC
Rountree, Helen
Rudes, Blair
Sagan, Carl
Sampson County, NC
Sampson County Historical Society
San Miguel de Gualdape settlement
Santa Elena (St. Helena)
Saxapahaw/Sissipahau Indians
Scribner, Mathew
Sea Venture
Secota (village)
Secotan territory/tribal group
Shakespeare, William
Sicklemore, Michael
Smith, John
Smythe, Thomas
Speck, Frank
Speed, John
Spicer, Edward
Sprunt, James
Stafford, Edward
Stewart, Alexander
Strachey, William
Suarez, Alonso de Toledo
Susan Constant
Swanton, John Reed
Thomas, Robert K.
Throckmorton, Elizabeth “Bess”
Todkill, Anas
La Trinidad
Tuscarora Indians
Tuscarora War
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner
Virginia Company
Waccamaw Indians
Walsingham, Francis
Walter, Alice Granbery
Ward, Thomas
Watts, John
Waxhaw Indians
Weapemeoc Indians
Weeks, Stephen B.
Weetock Indians
Weetock River (White Oak River)
Weinock (Indian)
West, Matilda
Weymouth, George
The Lost Colony of Roanoke Page 36