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PACO_Night Rebels Motorcycle Club

Page 11

by Chiah Wilder

  Anger weaved around him, choking him. He’d been too confident in his control over her and was sure she’d never run. A few times in the past, he’d done the same and she was always there in the morning, waiting for instructions. It used to make him feel smug as hell when he’d see her each morning. “I broke that fuckin’ bitch,” he muttered. But something had changed to make her take the chance and escape.

  In the beginning she’d tried a few times, but after he punished her good, she stopped and life had been fine. Her ass gave him a good life, and he’d just struck a deal with Victor, but the bitch had gone and fucked it all up. Victor had paid him a load of money for her, and now she was gone. “Fuck!”

  While he tapped numbers into his phone, he walked over to the window and looked down at the parking lot. Some johns were leaving from different rooms, each of them rushing down the stairs with hands in pockets and heads down. A couple of drug sales were going down in the corner of the lot near the dumpster.

  “This is Bobby. Is she back home?”

  “She’s not with you?” the voice replied.

  “If she were, I wouldn’t be calling you. You made a deal with Erik and me eight years ago, and it still stands. Did the bitch call home?”

  “No. How did she get away after all these years?”

  “This cunt cost me a shitload of money, and I’m either gonna get it from her or from you. You call me the minute you hear from her. If you try and double-cross me, I’ll kill everyone in your family before I get to you.”

  “I’ll let you know. She’s bound to come home.”

  A beep signaled an incoming call. “I gotta go. Don’t fuck me over.” Bobby clicked off and stiffened when he saw Victor’s number. What the fuck am I gonna tell him?

  “Yo,” he said as smoothly as he could muster.

  “Where’s my fucktoy?” Victor asked.

  “She’s sick with the chills and a really bad sore throat. She woke me up around five this morning complaining about it. It may be strep. She’s had it before.”

  “Why isn’t she here as agreed?” Victor’s voice was cold and detached.

  “I just told you. She’s really sick. She can hardly get out of bed. I’m gonna take her to the doctor and get her some antibiotics. You want her healthy and full of energy, don’t you?”

  “I want her. I fucking paid for her. Bring her to me now.”

  Sweat ran down the back of his neck and sides of his face, and it felt like his mouth was stuffed with a hundred cotton balls. He went over to the sink and poured a glass of water, drinking several large gulps.

  Gripping the edge of the bathroom counter, he breathed heavily. “I just wanna make sure your merchandise is in first-class shape.”

  “I’ll deal with her.”

  “It’s not that. I’ve got a reputation to uphold. I can’t be delivering a sick slave. She’ll be ready to go in a day or two.” He wiped his brow with a washcloth, then ran it over the back of his neck. “I’ll send Crystal and Amber Jade over to your place to show you a good time. It’s on the house. I’ll bring Misty when she’s better.”

  A long, strained pause. Bobby’s heart pounded against his rib cage as he waited for Victor to say something. He wanted to keep talking, but he knew that was a sure sign of a nervous person, and he couldn’t let Victor know his nerves were a tangled mess.

  “I want my fucktoy by tomorrow morning no matter what shape she’s in. It’ll cost you ten thousand dollars for the delay. Make sure you bring it and her. I’ll play with the other two sluts. Bring them to me.”

  Relief spread over him like a tidal wave. “That’s fair. I’ll have her to you in the morning with the money. I’ll send the other bitches to you now.”

  Victor clicked off. Bobby had bought some time.

  After sending Crystal and Amber Jade to Victor’s mansion, he drove around the small town searching for Misty. Where the hell is she? As he played the events of the last twenty-four hours in his mind, he homed in on the asshole who’d broken his nose. He’d planned on going to the doctor that morning, but the bitch had fucked that up for him as well.

  As he thought about the night before, he’d remembered that the jerk and Misty were talking when he’d gone out on the patio. Maybe she knew him and they’re in on this together. But where would she have met him? Bobby always kept her on a tight leash.

  A trucker? Maybe.

  He turned into the driveway for Satin Dolls. He’d casually ask around to see if anyone knew who the fucker was.

  It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dimness of the place. Two women danced on stage, and others were escorting men to the private lap dance rooms. One of the West Avenue Bandits, Chubby, came over to him and bumped fists. They chatted for a few minutes before Bobby asked if he remembered the guy from the night before. Chubby told him he didn’t. Bobby knew it was a long shot that anyone would remember the jerk since the place had been packed, but he figured the women may since the guy had the looks females went crazy for.

  Going behind the curtain, several dancers waved at him as they adjusted their costumes or put finishing touches on their faces and hair. He went over to a blonde who was dusting shimmering powder over her shoulders and cleavage.

  “Hiya, Della.”

  “Bobby. I didn’t think you’d be here today. How’s your nose?”

  “Okay. I wanted to ask you about a dude who was here last night. A tall guy with brown hair a little past his collar. Had some earrings on and a bunch of tats. He was back here.”

  “I remember him. He was gorgeous. I promised him a good time, but he was looking for your girlfriend, Misty.”

  His chest tightened. “Did he ask for her by name?”

  “Yeah. He seemed to only want her. I told him I didn’t know where she was but to stick around after my dance and I’d give him a better time, but he just left.”

  “Do you know who he was?”

  “No. I’ve never seen him before.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I’d definitely remember seeing someone that good-looking. Why all the questions?”

  “He shortchanged me.”

  “That’s not good. Tell Chubby or Gizmo.”

  “I’ll take care of it myself. Don’t tell anyone, okay?”

  Darting her eyes around, she shook her head. “I won’t.”

  But the way she said it told Bobby she’d be telling Chubby about their conversation before he even made it to his car. It was only a matter of time before Victor found out about it, and he’d know something was up. Bobby was sure that Misty and the asshole had planned all this, and chances were high she wasn’t in Silverado anymore. Spending any more time looking for her would be futile and dangerous. He was a sitting duck waiting for Victor’s thugs to shoot at him. He had to get out of town.

  He rushed back to the motel.

  Chapter Twelve

  “I told Roughneck that we have to move on this quickly,” Steel said.

  Paco looked around the room and saw the members weighing what Steel had just said. Those words meant war with two gangs who probably didn’t play by the same rules as bikers. It meant possible lockdowns, casualties, and death.

  It’d been a while since the Night Rebels had engaged in an all-out war. The measures they took with the Skull Crushers and Satan’s Pistons had been warnings but not declarations of war. This would be different. It wasn’t just about the turf—it was about the lifestyle. There was no doubt in Paco’s or any of his brothers’ minds that women were being trafficked in the surrounding area, and the Night Rebels wouldn’t tolerate that under any circumstances. They knew the Insurgents were on the same page with them when it came to sexual slavery, but Night Rebels preferred to handle the situation in the south on their own. As long as the Fallen Slayers were on board, they could manage it.

  As the talk shifted from beating the asses of these gangs to the Insurgents’ charity poker run, Paco’s mind went to Misty. He had to admit that he’d been attracted to her si
nce the first time he saw her. He shook his head. She was really playing havoc with his emotions. It’d been a long time since he’d had real feelings for a woman. After Cassie, he’d encased his heart in steel, and in all those years nothing had threatened its imprisonment until Misty. But how can I even think about getting involved with her when all she’s done is lie to me since I’ve met her? Paco suspected she’d stolen money from Bobby when she took off. He wasn’t sure what made her run when she had, but he knew she was keeping things from him.

  The pounding gavel drew Paco back to the meeting. Members pushed their chairs back and headed out of the room, talking to one another in low voices.

  “I knew we could count on all the brothers,” Steel said as he put the gavel in its box.

  “Can we count on all the Fallen Slayers members?” Paco asked.

  Steel nodded. “From the way Roughhouse and Patriot were talking, I think we can. We gotta get together with Knuckles and Diablo and get a plan in motion. Chains is already doing the research on both gangs. We have to hit hard and fast. Surprise is the best defense.”

  “Agreed. I’ll come up with some strategies. All that combat in Afghanistan will come in handy. I’ll have Rooster help out. He did a tour in Iraq years ago. But Brick has to work with Diablo on the plan. Knuckles isn’t the brightest and he’ll drive Diablo fucking crazy.”

  Nodding, Steel sniggered. “I’ll tell Roughhouse. One thing is for sure. We’ve got the arms and supplies. The fuckers won’t forget this. We should add more security cameras around the place. Army’s got a buddy who’s gonna build a steel-enforced wall around the clubhouse. I’ve been thinking that while this is going on, we gotta have a lockdown.”

  Paco chuckled. “I can’t see Breanna and Raven embracing that. Fallon’s easygoing, though I’m not too sure about Hailey.”

  Steel jutted out his chin and narrowed his eyes. “Doesn’t matter if the old ladies want it or not. It’s for survival. Breanna will just have to deal with it. All of them will.”

  They walked down the hallway. “You sticking around?” Paco asked.

  “Just for a drink. Then I’ve gotta get back to my woman and show her some loving. It’s been too long.”

  Paco laughed. “I hear you. I’ll have a drink with you before you take off. I’ve got some stuff to do, so I’m cutting out soon.”

  The members were already in full swing in the main room, drinking, laughing, and having fun with the club girls. Steel and Paco went over to the bar and picked up the shots the prospect had waiting for them.

  “Why the hell did you leave Silverado early?” Army asked.

  “I didn’t want the club to be without a prez or VP the whole weekend,” Steel answered for Paco. Army stared over Paco’s shoulder and whistled.

  As Paco turned around, he heard Sangre asking, “Isn’t that the stripper from Satin Dolls? What the fuck’s she doing here?”

  Shotgun elbowed Paco. “You didn’t tell us she was a stripper, bro.”

  “Way to go,” Skulls said.

  When Misty walked into the room, she took his breath away: her indigo knit top hugged her round breasts, her faded jeans fit snugly around her hips, her long hair spilled loosely about her shoulders, and her face had a rosy glow. She looked beautiful. Their eyes locked and a spark of desire flared in the pit of his stomach. As she came up to him, her lips parted, lips that were made for sinning, and he felt a tug in his jeans.

  Steel spun around, then looked at Paco. “Why the hell is she here?”

  “She was in a bad way. I’m just helping her out temporarily.”

  Misty stopped in her tracks, only a short reach from him. It was like she sensed the tension between the men.

  Army shook his head. “You’re bringing shit to the club because of a two-bit stripper? If Los Malos or the West Avenue fucks find out you took one of their strippers, it’ll fuckin’ jeopardize all of our plans.”

  “He’s right,” Steel said.

  With his chin high, his legs planted wide, Paco shook his head. “She doesn’t work for them.”

  “Maybe not, but we’ve found out some more stuff in the last couple of days about the prez of Los Malos. He’s got the hots for her, so I’m sure he’s not gonna like that you took her away,” Sangre said.

  “What the fuck were you thinking, dude? We got a whole bunch of strippers at Lust if you wanna fuck someone.” Army picked up his beer bottle.

  Paco ripped the bottle out of his hand and flung it against the wall behind the bar. Amber shards of glass flew everywhere, and dark brown liquid streaked down the wall. “I don’t need you to fucking question my decisions. If you got a problem, let’s go outside and settle it. And don’t you talk shit about her.”

  Steel stepped between the two. “I’m with Army and the rest on this. You shouldn’t have brought her to the club.” Turning to Army, he said, “And I agree with Paco—show her respect.”

  Paco glanced over at Misty and she avoided his look. Pushing her hair over her face, it was like she was trying to make herself invisible. His insides pulled. “I said I fucking own this. If you want her gone, then I’ll get a place and go with her until she gets back on her feet.”

  Surprise rolled over the brothers’ faces. Steel cleared his throat. “You don’t have to do that, bro. We’re not against you helping her out or her staying. It’s just we got a touchy situation in Silverado, and we don’t want to start shit with these assholes sooner than we’re ready.”

  “I get that,” Paco said.

  “Did anyone see you with her?” Steel asked.

  “No. I just ran into her when I was riding through the town.”

  Steel motioned for Misty to come over. With ashen face and trembling lips, she came and stood next to Paco. He slipped her hand in his; it was clammy and cold. He squeezed it lightly and she leaned against him.

  “Have you told anyone you’re here?” Steel asked.

  “No,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper.

  “Did you tell anyone you were leaving Silverado?” Steel said.

  She shook her head. “I didn’t plan any of this. Paco just saw me on the side of the road. Can I go now?”

  Steel and the others stared at her for a couple of minutes, and Paco felt her body shaking. He bent down and whispered in her ear, “It’s okay. Nothing’s gonna happen to you. I’m here.”

  “Go on,” Steel said.

  Paco winked at her, and she smiled weakly and rushed out of the room. “Thanks,” he said to the men.

  “If we find out she’s been lying, you’ll have to step aside while we deal with her,” Steel replied.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Paco asked.

  “It means you’re too involved with her not to be biased,” Sangre answered.

  “I’m not involved with her or anyone. I’m just helping her out, that’s all.”

  “Yeah… keep telling yourself that shit.” Army laughed but moved away as if anticipating Paco’s fist on his jaw.

  Anger curled around Paco’s nerves. “If you don’t shut the fuck up, asshole, I’m gonna make sure you do.”

  Before Army could react, Steel looked hard at Paco. “Just make sure the club isn’t jeopardized in any way.”

  He stepped back, his fists clenched. “How the fuck could you think I’d put the club in jeopardy?” He slammed his fist down on the bar. “We’re talking about the brotherhood. Fuck!”

  “Chicks can mess up a guy,” Sangre said.

  “No chick’s messing me up. Don’t ever think that I’d endanger the brotherhood.”

  “You’re overreacting. I meant to make sure she isn’t lying to us. I’m not questioning your loyalty,” Steel said.

  Glancing at the brothers, he saw smirks on their faces, and he wanted to take them all on. He knew they thought he was hooked on Misty, but they were wrong. He was just helping her out. The fact that his cock wanted inside her pussy didn’t mean squat. I’m a man, for fuck’s sake. He’d feel that way about any pretty woman who
was staying in his room. It didn’t mean he was involved with her, or that he wanted to be.

  “No one knows she’s here. She isn’t lying,” he grumbled. Of that he was certain, but all the other load of crap she’d told him? She’s definitely lying about that shit.

  As he walked away, he heard Shotgun say, “Never seen him this hooked before,” and the other men guffawed.

  Fuck them. He went up to his room.

  When he opened the door, he saw Misty stuffing her newly bought clothes in plastic bags. “You going someplace?”

  “I don’t want to be a bother to you anymore. I didn’t mean to cause any problems with you and your club.”

  “You’re not a bother, and the prez says you can stay, so take your shit outta those bags.”

  “Are they going to beat me?” Her voice quivered.

  He jerked his head back. “Why the hell would they? Did you lie to them? Does anyone know you’re here?”

  “No. I’m trying to get away from Bobby and all that. Why would I tell him I’m here?”

  “Just asking. We don’t beat women, so you’re good.”

  Misty sank down on the bed, her body shaking from her sobs. He watched her, rubbing his chin between his thumb and index finger, feeling helpless. He was the type of guy who came up with solutions and fixed problems, but if he wasn’t able to, it made him impatient and annoyed. A crying woman always made him uncomfortable, but at that moment an ache throbbed inside him and it pissed him off. I don’t need any of this.

  She grabbed for the tissue box and took out a few, blowing her nose and wiping her cheeks. “Sorry for the mini meltdown,” she said raggedly.

  “Feel better?” An overall weighted feeling pressed down on him.

  She rose from the bed. “Yeah.” Picking up the plastic bags, she shoved some socks into them. “I think it’s best if I go.”

  “Are you trying to get me to beg you to stay?”

  Dropping the bag, her fingers flew to her chest. “What? No. Never. I don’t want you to think that.”


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