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Desperate Call (New Breed Novels Book 5)

Page 17

by Martha Bourke

  “Go!” he yelled to Pax. He raised his hand and the lights and appliances started to go on and off.

  Pax ran down the hall and into the bedroom with a rogue about to run right up his ass. A bullet bit into his shoulder as he dove on top of Jesse. His ears filled with the popping sound of electricity and the screams of the rogues before he wrapped his arms around his brother and gleamed out. He materialized in the main foyer at the mansion, trying not to drop Jesse as a searing pain shot down his arm.

  “I’ve got him, my brother,” Viktor was saying as he took Jesse in his arms and quickly headed toward the back stairs.

  Pax’s head swam, the pattern of the marble floor fading in and out. And then Ana was there. “Come on. Lean on me, Valentino. That’s it.”

  “James,” Pax ground out, his throat as dry as sand paper. Where was he? Where was his mate?

  “He’s here. I felt him in the foyer just behind us.”

  And then his male’s arms were around him and Pax could finally let go.

  Evy patted the mattress next to her. “Come sit with me, my male. I need to talk to you about something.”

  That was when she saw it. Troy hesitated before sitting beside her, as though he didn’t trust her? Oh, God. He wasn’t reading her emotions. He wouldn’t do that. Maybe she’d made the wrong decision not having him at the meeting? Damn. She took his hand in hers and he stared down at them as their fingers laced together. “We were able to put the map together, so Reyn will have something to guide him. But he has to get to the Otherworld first, and I’m the only one who can take him.”

  Troy looked down into her face, eyes glowing faintly, as though he were lost. Searching. “I guess I figured you’d have to. There really isn’t anybody else.”

  “Well, I was hoping we’d get Ana’s new power figured out, but we haven’t. So it’s not really an option.”

  He nodded. “How long will it take?”

  “Hopefully, not long at all. I know through the ring that time runs differently there. It’s slower, but I won’t be able to tell by how much until I’m there. Maybe not even then.”

  His eyes went bright aqua and she took his hand. “What is it?”

  He brought her in close and laid his forehead against hers. “I’m afraid for you, Ev. You and the baby.”

  “We’ll be alright, my male. I promise you. I have defensive powers now. Believe me, I would not do this if I thought the baby would be in danger.”

  “I know you wouldn’t and I trust you, I promise. I just need you to come home to me, Ev. I need you.”

  She brought his head down to her shoulder and stroked the back of his hair. “We will, my male. I swear.”

  James sat in a chair between two beds in the surgical ward, each holding one of the Solares brothers. He sighed as he stroked Pax’s dark, wavy hair back away from his face. Helen and Diesel removed the bullet from Pax’s shoulder. It had narrowly missed his neck, and James had been a total wreck the entire time his mate was in surgery. The usual crowd had gathered outside in the hall, but he just couldn’t deal with that whole scene. Evy ended up waiting with him in Helen’s office. Goddess, they really needed to spend less time in this place.


  “Hey, you’re awake.”

  Pax coughed and James held up a cup of water with a straw for him.

  “Thanks. Jesse?”

  Diesel walked over and raised the head of the bed. “Congratulations. It’s a healthy two hundred fifty pound bouncing New Breed.”

  “Thank the Goddess. Jesus, did you really fry all those rogues, my male?”

  James’s cheeks flushed at the look of pride on his camzah’s face. “Well, more like sautéed.”

  Pax slapped the back of his thigh. “You’re such a fucking badass.”

  Diesel crossed his arms. “Try telling that to Dimitri and Viktor. They got stuck with the clean-up. What I don’t get is why the rogues were there in the first place. That’s just bizarre.”

  The brother walked off while James looked down at the floor and thought for the thousandth time that he never should have gone to see Jesse.

  “Whoa, hey.” Pax took his hand and he looked up into his male’s soft brown eyes. “You didn’t do this, baby. I did. Batiste had men at that burial somewhere and they ID’d me and probably Jesse, too. I had no business being there. I started a whole tsunami of stupid. You saved us, my male. You’re the reason we’re all here together right now.”

  Helen poked her head out of her office. “That’s enough shop talk for now. You need your rest.”

  Pax pulled James to sit next to him and ran his hand over his buzzed hair to the back of his neck. “Let’s get mated.”

  “What?” James’s heart actually skipped a beat.

  “Before I went to see Jess, Adriana asked if we’d like to share their ceremony on Saturday. So, what do you say? Make an honest male out of me?”

  James’s head started bobbing up and down like crazy. “Yes.”

  “Come here.”

  He leaned in and let Pax kiss him, even though he knew they were going to get yelled at.

  “Pax?” Jesse moaned.

  “I’m here, Jess.”

  James moved a chair out of the way and pushed Jesse’s bed next to Pax’s. Again, he was sure it was a highly illegal move in Helen’s ward, but what the hell.

  “How do you feel, little brother?”

  Jess looked down at his new body. “Not so little.”

  Pax laughed and put his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “It’s so good to see you, Jess. Even in your new bod. I’m sorry about Barcelona. I know how much you loved to play.”

  Jesse shook his head. “Honestly, I played because I could. I wanted to be like you and the admiral, but I knew I wasn’t cut out for it. Now, I finally feel like I fit in.”

  “In that case, you need a haircut.”

  James shook his head. “Oh, my God.”

  Pax spent the next few days recovering and starting Jesse’s training. James had volunteered to work with Adriana on the ceremony, even though it wasn’t really his thing. When Pax tried to talk James into at least letting him help out, his mate wouldn’t hear of it. He told him to spend time with Jesse and not to worry about a thing. As far as Pax was concerned, he was the luckiest male in the world.

  On the day of the ceremony, Pax made his way up to Adriana’s suite after a late brunch with Jesse. He knocked a couple of times before going in. Helen and Rose were already dressed and sharing some pre-ceremony champagne, while they watched Ana model her black Elie Saab crepe jumpsuit in front of the mirror. The full length sleeves and back were gorgeous paneled lace.

  Pax straightened the seams at her shoulders. “Turn around so I can see the back.”

  “What do you think, Valentino?”

  “You look incredible, sis.”

  He turned and held out a bottle of chilled sparkling cider for Evy as he eyed her gauzy, silver Valentino dress and slip. “James sent this up for you. It’s non-alcoholic. Is that the dress you decided not to wear to James’s Induction?”

  Evy smiled. “Yep. Luckily, Adriana kept it for me.”

  Adriana smiled. “I knew you’d want it for something. The embroidered hummingbirds and flowers are gorgeous. Oh, my Goddess. Is that the time? I seriously hope you have a dress for me in that garment bag, Pax.”

  “Let’s go find out.”

  He followed the female into the bedroom and closed the door.

  “I can’t believe I let you choose a dress for me. I’m getting mated in a little over an hour and I haven’t seen my dress.”

  “Nervous?” He grinned while he unzipped the bag. “I’ll give you one hint. It has something in common with Ana’s jumpsuit.”

  He watched as his friend’s big brown eyes lit up. “It’s Elie Saab?”

  “Possibly.” He carefully slipped the short sleeved beige gown out of the bag, being extra careful with the crystal embroidery. He held it up for her and she put her hands up to her face

  “I know, it’s low cut, especially with the high cut leg in front. But it’s still very elegant. And I’m sorry, but any female that looks like you on her twentieth mating anniversary should get to show off a little. You’ve earned it.”

  “Oh, Pax. It’s incredible.” She reached up and kissed his cheek.

  “Then let’s get it on you. I have a feeling we’re going to need some tape.”


  James stood outside the drawing room with Jesse and waited. He wasn’t usually the nervous type, but was kind of stressing about how things went off. Thank fuck the drawing room was lit with candles or they would need flashlights for the ceremony with the nerves he was rockin’. This was exactly why he didn’t plan shit. “Do you have the rings, Jess?”

  “Yes, I still have them.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”

  His mate’s brother clapped his back. “I think it goes with the territory. Listen, I just wanted to say thank you. I know I’ve said it a lot the last few days, but if I could have picked a time to come back into my brother’s life, it would be when I could see him as happy as he is. And you’re pretty much responsible for both.”

  James felt his face get hot. “You’re welcome. I’m really glad you’re here, Jess.”

  A hand came to rest on his shoulder and he practically flew through the ceiling. He turned around. Oh, Goddess. He was really losing it if Evy of all people could sneak up on him packing that kind of k’ul.

  “Are you alright? You look nervous. Is it about what I think it is?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, probably.”

  “He’s going to love it.”

  James took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. “You’re right.”

  “I have a message for you. Adriana’s running late. Pax is helping her with her dress.”

  Fuck. “That is so not what I wanted to hear.”

  She took his hand. “Come sit.”

  He followed his friend to the main staircase and sat down next to her. “You look beautiful, by the way.”

  “Really? Thanks.”

  “Jesse, come sit down. You’re making me nervous.”

  The male sat on the step in front of James. “You’d be nervous anyway.”

  Out of nowhere, everything went black as he felt a hand come across his eyes. He let his head fall back and groaned as Ana giggled, sitting on the stair behind him. “Guess who?”

  James arched his head back. “Um, X. Must be. You have his giggle.”

  She laughed and slid her hands down his tux, doing a drumroll on his chest. “When is this gonna start?”

  “In about ten minutes,” Troy said as he walked down the steps. “That’s the official word.”

  “Oh, come on,” James said impatiently.

  Troy lifted his hand and James recognized the gesture. The male was about to take away some of his pre-mating ceremony jitters.


  “Yeah. Gimme a little more of that.”

  Troy hit him with another shot of calm and he was in heaven. “Oh, my God. Where have you been all my life?”

  Troy laughed. “I been tryin’ to tell ya you’re with the wrong guy.”

  “Too late now.”

  James exhaled at the sound of his male’s voice. Thank fuck. He turned around and looked up as Pax started down the stairs. He was stunning in his tux. James’s thoughts went back to the day of his Induction, when he’d decided that Pax in his tux would be the best foreplay on the planet. He couldn’t believe he was finally going to get to try out his theory.

  Everyone started for the drawing room. Pax gave him a kiss and pulled him aside to fix his bow tie. They were just about to follow Richard, SE, and Jesse inside when Adriana arrived at the top of the staircase with Rose and Helen. James gasped. She looked heavenly. Pax blew her a kiss, took James’s hand, and headed into the drawing room. James and Adriana had used white for everything. The fragrant flowers and pillar candles. The altar cloth. They wanted to keep the mood as light as possible, especially with the absence of the Goddess. It actually ended up looking very fresh against all of the brothers’ tuxes.

  His male felt his cuff and looked down at his wrist. “Did you forget your cufflinks?”

  “Oh, shit. I’m sorry.” Please don’t tell me to go get them.

  Pax rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. “No worries. All I’m going to be thinking about up there is us.”

  James kissed his temple.

  Diesel cleared his throat from where he sat with his guitar. “Yo, it’s not time for the kissing yet, my brothers.”

  James laughed and blew him a sassy air kiss back.

  And then he was standing in front of the altar with his male and Jesse on the other side of him. To the right of the altar stood Richard with SE at his side. He heard the first notes of “Moon River,” the song Adriana had chosen. They all turned and Ana started down the white runner with Maya in her arms. James heard more than one gasp as Adriana finally appeared in the doorway and started her walk to the front of the room. He looked over at Richard. The brother was already wiping a stray tear.

  When she reached Richard, Reyn lit the copal incense on the altar before he opened his hands in greeting to the room. “In lak’ech.”

  “Ala k’in,” they all responded in chorus.

  “Today, I have the privilege of presiding over the matings of two amazing couples. The first, a pairing that has been together for twenty years. For the time that Richard and Adriana have been together, they have worked tirelessly on behalf of the resistance, giving up much in the process. Even, until the recent blessed surprise, a family of their own. I think we can all agree that we’re glad Ana Maya hadn’t heard about your plans, you two.”

  Everyone chuckled.

  “Our other couple is an historic one. The first New Breed mating. Pax and James, this is a day you’ve both fought hard for. I hope it has inspired you all in the same way it has me. But to them, it was never really a fight—they simply never accepted any other option. And through you both, we now have another New Breed to add to our swiftly growing family. Welcome, Jesse. If you’re anything like your brother, we have been blessed indeed.”

  Reyn lit the four candles representing the elements. “I evoke the four elements—water, earth, wind, and fire, so that their presence may strengthen and bless these unions for all time.”

  “At this time, I would like to turn the ceremony over to our two couples. Richard.”

  Richard smiled. “Thanks, Reyn. When I asked Adriana what she wanted for our anniversary, she said she wanted to celebrate with all of you, and maybe have some cake after dinner.”

  Everyone smiled and James thought how typical of the female that was.

  “But, I couldn’t let it go at that. You see, I needed to tell you, Adri, here in front of our family, that you are more to me than my mate, my dearest friend, and the mother of my child—although you are all those things. Many of you may not be aware that my family had the same reaction as many here experienced when I told them I was a shifter. They threw me out and I was homeless until SE found me six months later. I was nineteen. When Adri tells the story of the night we met shortly thereafter, she says I swooped into a party and rescued her. But the real truth is that she was my hero that night. And she has been every day since.”

  Adriana started to wipe tears, and Ana handed her a small white handkerchief while SE handed Richard a garland diamond eternity ring. Richard slipped it on her finger and everyone clapped as the female put her hand to her mate’s cheek and kissed him tenderly.

  “I love you, my male.

  As Adriana stepped back, something by Ana caught James’s attention. Whoa. Baby Maya’s big brown eyes were glowing bright gold.

  “Oh, Maya!” Ana said in surprise.

  Richard laughed and took both of his females into his arms. “I think someone’s jealous, Adri.”

  “Now that is cute,” Reyn said. “Pax and James h
ave elected to say the traditional shifter vows as they exchange rings.”

  James turned to Jesse who handed him Pax’s ring with a wide smile. Suddenly, all of the nervousness left him and excitement took its place. He took Pax’s left hand and slipped the ring part way up his ring finger.

  Pax looked into James’s eyes, then down at his hand. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. In the center of the wide white gold band was an antique cushion cut ruby that he immediately recognized as a stone from one of his father’s cufflinks. Shit. He was going to cry. Tears started coming down his cheeks and he wiped them with his free hand. He looked into James’s shimmering eyes and tried to pull himself together. But the more he tried, the worse it got. Thank the Goddess James just went right into his vows.

  “Valentino Paxton Solares, to the depths of me, I love you with my heart, my body, and my souls. Let our union be blessed that we may be one in the sacred energy that is in all things in this world and the next, for all time to come.”

  James slid the ring the rest of the way on his finger and Jesse waited for Pax to wipe his face again before smiling and handing him the other ring.

  Pax took James’s hand and slid the ring part way onto his finger. “James Nicholas Landry,” Pax cleared his throat and looked into his male’s eyes. “To the depths of me, I love you with my heart, my body, and my souls. Let our union be blessed that we may be one in the sacred energy that is in all things in this world and the next, for all time to come.” Pax pushed the ring home and took James by the nape of his neck. “Thank you for making my father a part of this. Part of us.”

  He pulled James into a long, slow, deep kiss. There was a whoop, a holler, and a bouya before he let his male come up for air. He looked over at Jesse. His baby brother was grinning from ear to ear.

  Pax pulled Jesse to him and gave him a bear hug. “Did you know about this, you traitor?”

  “Nope. I’ve only been a traitor since this morning.”


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