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Insatiable Box Set: Books 1-4

Page 15

by Rice, Rachel E.

  Lycell impressed by her grace and strength, in his eyes, she had to be the most handsome, sensual, sexual woman he had laid eyes on, and he had seen many. He rushed to the stairs and helped her on the last step. He took her hand and led her to the table with Wilder pulling out her chair. She looked up at him and his eyes lit up. “Thank you Wilder.” His heart grew full the way she said his name.

  Wilder and Lycell sat after Adrienne. “Where is Drayton?”

  “He’ll be here, he never misses a meal,” Lycell said with a grin. At that moment in walked Drayton with his hands in his pockets and his head bent. He sat at the table on Adrienne’s right. Still silent.

  “What’s wrong Drayton? We are a family, you can tell us,” Adrienne said. Wilder and Lycell’s ears perked up, their faces changed from smiles to gloomy as they turned to Drayton.

  “I did something without getting permission,” he said sounding like a child, looking in Wilder’s eyes.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing serious,” You were always fretting about the animals you had to kill to eat. You even brought a doe home for a pet and Lycell ate it. You cried and walked around here with that same look on your face,” Wilder said to Drayton.

  “It’s far more serious than that,” Drayton said looking to Adrienne.

  “With you everything is serious,” Lycell said sipping a glass of wine. “Let us be the judge. Now get on with it and tell us.”

  Drayton looked around the room meeting everyone’s eyes then hesitated before saying, “I killed a man.” Wilder jumped to his feet. His eyes small slits. “Adrienne go to your room,” Wilder and Lycell said in unison.

  “I’m not going to my room like a child,” Adrienne shouted to Lycell and Wilder.

  “This is family business and you shouldn’t hear this,” Wilder snorted.

  “You just said I’m part of this family and now you change the rules in mid-stream. I guess it’s time to tell you that I’m going to marry Drayton.” Wilder fell into his chair. “Now. What do you think of that?” she said, her eyes wavering between Wilder and Lycell.

  Finally there was silence and then Wilder turned to Drayton. “Did you know about this marriage arrangement?”

  “Yes. Adrienne confided in me that she wanted this,” Drayton said.

  “And you didn’t try to talk her out of it?” Lycell questioned.

  “Why are you two questioning Drayton? It’s my choice and can’t you see he’s upset?” Adrienne reached for Drayton’s hand and held it as Lycell and Wilder gazed at them remembering their time with her. Their faces smoothed and they wished Drayton the same wonderful experience.

  “I was just asking,” Wilder conceded. “Now tell us what happened.”

  Drayton held Adrienne’s hand tight looking into her eyes. “We stopped at this hotel outside of Lake Tahoe returning from Adrienne’s visit with her parents.”

  “Yes, we know that. Get to the part where you killed the man,” Lycell insisted.

  “It’s not as simple as that,” Drayton said looking in Adrienne’s eyes.

  “I think I know what happened,” Adrienne said. “I revealed to Drayton why I thought I couldn’t have children. It was because I was raped by a gang of young men. I didn’t recognize their faces, it was in the dark in the apartment I shared with Paul. They were his friends.” Tears welled in her eyes but she controlled her feelings. “On entering the elevator in the hotel, I recognized the voice of one of my attackers. I told Drayton that one of the men raped me, and I told him which one,” Adrienne said searching the faces of Wilder and Lycell.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Wilder said concerned.

  “Because you left me and when you came back you were distant.”

  “What about me. You could have told me,” Lycell said putting his arms around her but she pushed away from him.

  “You were so hostile, Lycell, I couldn’t trust you before. But now I trust you and love you as I do all of you.”

  “Are you sure it was him?” Wilder asked.

  “What kind of question is that?” Drayton said turning to Wilder.

  “Let me answer the question, Drayton.” She looked in Wilder and Lycell’s direction, “I will never forget that voice and the other voices.”

  “Then it’s over. There’s nothing to be done about it now,” Lycell said.

  “I’m afraid it’s not,” Wilder said. “He’s the son of a state senator in our district. He’s conducting an investigation of all the hotel guest. There are cameras. When I read the news I didn’t connect his death to you or the hotel. He wants me to use my influence to find whoever killed his son.” Wilder’s steely eyes roamed the room looking for answers. “I have a meeting with him tomorrow.”

  Adrienne walked to Wilder kissing him on the lips, “When you are through conducting business then come to my room.” Lycell glanced at her. “You’ve had your time with me. I want to tell Wilder about the preparations for the wedding,” she held her stomach, “because as soon as I have these pups,” she said rubbing her growing stomach and glancing at Lycell, “Drayton and I will have a wedding. I need a break from you two,” she said smiling at Wilder and Lycell.

  Wilder had an idea. “You and Adrienne can go to Hawaii and stay there for a month, until we can calm things down here.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to go to Hawaii,” Adrienne said with Drayton glancing at her not saying a word. “But maybe I will go. After all, it is my wedding...I mean our wedding.” She scanned Wilder’s face, he was calm, and she strode out of the dining room, and up the stairs. The three werewolves never took their eyes off her. They were in awe of this woman.

  Wilder would wait until the meeting was over. He was eager to rush to her, after all she did say that she wanted to be with him. Or did she?

  Chapter 8

  Adrienne waited for Wilder. It had been hours. What could they have to discuss that would take so long? And why would Wilder keep her waiting when he knows she asked him to come to her room? Her mind was full with worries and questions. Does he still love her and how does he feel now that she is carrying Lycell’s pups?

  Just when she had decided to take a rest, Wilder knocked and then entered. She glanced up and saw the light in his big blue eyes. “You didn’t have to knock.”

  “I thought that was what you wanted me to do. You females...I mean humans...” He saw Adrienne’s furrowed brow. “I’m sorry Adrienne. It’s from habit.” He walked to the edge of the bed and took her hand in his. He held her palms to his mouth and kissed them with tenderness and love. “Adrienne I love you, and I love you more because I know it’s a sacrifice for a young woman to be saddled with three men.”

  It wasn’t as much a sacrifice as Wilder thought. She smiled, “I want to make the sacrifice for you because I love you so much.”

  He gazed into her eyes. “Do you love Lycell and Drayton too?” What a question she thought. Was he testing her? She turned to him and gave him a kiss.

  “I love them but in a different way. If you must know, there will never be anyone who can take the place of you. My first born males are with you. I could not love you more.” She felt Wilder’s hard manhood, it was full, bursting for release. There had to be a way to satisfy him without compromising Lycell’s unborn pups.

  Wilder’s head fell to her breasts. “They are so full,” he said his hands touching them with tender care. “Were they as beautiful when you had my babies?”

  “They were never better.” She looked at him. “I missed you so much. Don’t go away so long, but if you do, bring me with you.”

  Wilder regarded her and softly trailed his long tongue from the nape of her neck to her breasts. He eased his hand into her sheer gown and took her breasts out, looking at them as if they were a work of art. Then he slid his mouth over her nipple and sucked it gently. He raised his head and said, “They have milk and it taste wonderful.”

  “They are for the babies,” she smiled and said, “I have something for you.” She reached for his pants and he unzipped

  “Do you think we should?”

  “It’s not what you think,” she said. She held his large penis looking at it. She missed it. It was all she thought about. How it filled her completely. How she felt when he first entered her. She wanted that feeling again but thought it wasn’t wise to have him the way they had each other in the cave.

  She drew him around, and he sat on the bed. Adrienne scampered off the bed and kneeled holding on to Wilders muscular legs. Reaching, she took off his slippers. She pulled his jeans down with Wilder’s help. Werewolves never wore underwear. She threw them to the side and they landed on the chair next to the door. Then she pushed him back with his hard powerful legs hanging down. She pushed his legs apart where she held his pouch in her hands. She put her warm mouth over them and a tingle gushed through his body and his firm cock stood up.

  He held it as his breathing increased with intensity. Adrienne moved his hand away and placed hers there. She stroked it and then she moved up his hard chest and left trails of kisses down to his penis. Gently kissing the head of his dick with eager anticipation and excitement, she drew it in on each hard suck. She felt the need for him in her opening. He felt her with his fingers and she was wet with fluid. She felt Wilder’s excitement as her head bobbed up and down on his hard manhood.

  “What are you doing to me? I can’t love you any more than I do. You are making me so weak for you,” Wilder admitted.

  With a tentative smile she said, “As long as you are weak for me in bed.” Wilder understood she expected him to give in to her in bed, but not when they were outside of the room. She valued his strength and authority over her and others.

  Adrienne thought a man, or for now, a werewolf, would want this kind of relationship in bed, and she respected his position as the head Alpha in their family. He met his match when he mated with Adrienne. She was free and strong as any of the werefemales, but far superior, he thought.

  “Let me do this for you,” Adrienne said, her eyes begging to satisfy him. “I want you to be content.” She lowered her head, kissing the head of his penis once more, and this time when she felt the strong cock grow in her mouth, she knew it was only a few minutes before he released his come. He reached for it to take it out of her mouth, but she stayed his hands and the come spilled in gushes in her mouth. She raised her head and with a mouth full of his life she swallowed it.

  “It’s your life I’m taking in me,” she purred. “How can you doubt how much I love you?” The werewolf in Wilder enjoyed her gesture. She was even more daring with him than a werefemale would have been. He couldn’t help comparing them. But none could compare to Adrienne.

  Wilder’s mind was full and he welcomed the respite from thinking about outside matters. He wanted to lose himself in Adrienne. But he had to discuss his reason for bringing Mena to their home for Lycell.

  Adrienne must have suspected something and sent her away. He couldn’t tell her now when all was going so well. She was still on her knees when a knock came to the door and then it just opened. Lycell walked in.

  “I thought I told you to knock when you enter Adrienne’s room?”

  “I did, but you were too busy to hear it.” Lycell wasn’t angry. He helped her to her feet and then into the bed after he handed Wilder his pants. “It’s an emergency,” he said with narrow eyes and turned down mouth.

  “What is it?” Wilder said reaching for a clean shirt and pants. Lycell paused looking at Adrienne. He didn’t want to say in front of Adrienne but she looked into his eyes and he had to say something. She was as much a part of their family and she would never forgive him if he kept something from her.

  “It’s Mena’s father,” Lycell said raising an eyebrow and glancing in Wilder’s direction as Wilder fastened the last button on his faded sky blue shirt, and tucked his shirt into his jeans.

  “Oh what the f... Give me a phone,” Wilder said. “I don’t have...”

  “He’s not on the phone. He’s downstairs.” Wilder stopped in his tracks took a deep breath and blinked.

  “What is it?” Adrienne said looking up at Wilder.

  “It’s nothing,” Lycell said.

  “I asked Wilder,” she said switching her gaze between them. He looked at her with a worried glance and then walked out without saying a word and closed the door behind him, leaving Lycell with Adrienne.

  “What’s going on?” She said her feet on the floor, as her eyes moved up to Lycell. “No one wants to tell me. You can tell me, Lycell,” she pleaded.

  “I can’t say anything now. Get back to bed. I don’t want you to get upset.”

  “So it’s something that will upset me?” Adrienne said climbing graceless into bed with Lycell’s help. Adrienne appear to be tired more lately. Maybe it’s having babies one after another or maybe it’s the stress of the trip, Lycell thought. He knew something was wrong with her but he didn’t know what. Then he heard Wilder’s voice echo upstairs. Instinctively, Lycell knew Wilder would never raise his voice unless he was angry, and if he is angry, that is not a good sign. He kissed a sleeping Adrienne, closed the door to her room, and headed for the stairs.

  Chapter 9

  When Lycell reached the bottom of the stairs it was a shouting match between Wilder and Ramsey, Mena’s father. They turned when they heard Lycell’s footsteps hit the dark wood floor.

  “I was just informing your brother that he broke a promise and dishonored my daughter. Now no one will mate with her. He promised me that she would marry one of you and then he sends her back at the insistence of that human female,” he said not quite finished with his rant, “since when do the mighty Samsa brother’s allow a human to dictate our laws?”

  Lycell observed as Wilder grew progressively angry at the tone in Ramsey’s voice. Wilder’s ears stood straight, his brow furrowed, his large eyes narrow. Then he calmed. He took in a deep breath. Wilder cooled his hot blood. Lycell would have attacked without thinking or warning if Ramsey had said those words about Adrienne to him. But then that’s why Lycell was never the highest Alpha werewolf.

  “Since when do you dictate to me anything,” Wilder replied. “You have come to my home and speak about my mate in a disrespectful manner. I never disrespected your daughter and she was not defiled even though I could have done what I wanted to her,” Wilder warned.

  “You said that she would marry one of your brothers,” Ramsey reminded him lowering his head.

  “I had no right to dictate to them who they would mate with. They are all Alphas. They have the right to choose their mates. They refused to mate with Mena. What could I do about that?” Wilder said in a strong unapologetic voice.

  “You have the authority over all of us werewolves. If you can’t enforce your authority over your brother’s then how do you expect the packs to obey you,” Ramsey said countering his argument.

  “They are Alpha’s like me. They have equal status in my pack,” Wilder said turning away looking out into the open window with the dark staring back at him amidst the large full moon. This was not a time for wolves to fight among themselves. Their heated blood could cause a war between the packs. Lycell knew this and that is why he tried to make peace.

  Lycell stepped in and said, “It’s my fault. What do I have to do to prevent this war?”

  “Mate with my daughter and give her status in your pack.”

  “He can’t do that,” Adrienne said.

  “And why not?” Ramsey said looking up at the top of the stairs where the voice originated. Adrienne stood looking down from the railings.

  Lycell and Wilder said in unison, “Adrienne go to bed.”

  “I’m not going until you tell him why this can’t happen,” Adrienne said collapsing. Lycell and Wilder ran leaping up the stairs three steps at a time. Then Wilder took her to her room and placed her in the bed and Lycell called the doctor.

  “I’ll answer that question for you,” Drayton said walking out of the shadow of the kitchen. “We are in love with her and she’s the future o
f our pack.”

  “Wilder prevented werewolves from marrying humans and now we are fated to die out and he is planning to control our packs with his half human dogs,” Ramsey said surrounded by the powerful Samsas.

  “If I were you, I would leave. Leave now before I won’t be responsible for tearing your throat apart,” Drayton said.

  The old werewolf who had seen many battles did not scare easy, but he was no match for all of the Samsa brothers, especially during a full moon. “This is not over. I will see...” And he thought better than to telegraph his actions.

  Ramsey hurried out, then turned and shot a serious gaze at Drayton. He had seen that look in Ramsey’s eyes before. It was during a challenge by a younger werewolf.

  Drayton was a young man when his father brought him and his brothers to visit the pack in Alaska. “The werewolves of Alaska,” his father had said, “are tough, resilient, fearsome, and resistant to change. They are true werewolves. I need my sons to learn from them. These werewolves aren’t spoiled by the comforts of shelter. They seldom shift, but when they do, it is to disguise their true intentions.”

  Drayton’s father noted, “The Alaskan werewolves remain in their wolf’s state longer because of the unforgiving cold northern climate. They sleep in the cold, hunt game and eat it raw.”

  Drayton remembered the lessons taught by his father.


  When Drayton turned, he spotted Lycell running down the stairs. “Is the doctor here? He assured me he would be here in ten minutes. Lycell paced at the door like a wounded animal.

  “What is it Lycell? Is it Adrienne? Is she OK?”

  “I don’t know. She was turning blue. Her eyes rolled back and her lids closed. She felt cold.” Lycell shook when he told Drayton.

  Drayton had never seen him like that. Normally nothing affected Lycell. He remembered when their father flew them to the Alaskan wilderness when they were mere pups, and Lycell wandered away to hunt without telling anyone. A blinding snowstorm rose overnight, it was days before the pack found him, and when they did, he had fought off a bear and took over its cave as a refuge. Lycell never lost his sense of humor when his father said that he looked like hell.


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