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Bad Benefits

Page 9

by Allie Valentine

  Was it so outrageous that she needed to get some work done and she couldn't be bothered to deal with Dent’s personal tasks today? Or maybe he was looking for her and on the warpath?

  Couldn’t be. He would have found her on the company’s instant messenger app if he needed her. She finished up with Alta Vista quickly enough and needed to move on to Wendell. She was flying today. If this kept up, she’d be all caught up and a little ahead of schedule.

  She ran back to her desk for the notes Hunter had given her on the Wendell RFP. Michelle was on a call, so Bailey waved silently.

  Her desk mate’s response was the same one as Karen’s.

  Bailey cocked her head and mouth. What's up?

  Michelle shook her head and scribbled quickly on a notepad. Oh, shit. You haven't seen?

  Seen what? Bailey shook her head.

  Michelle scribbled again. Where have you been all morning? I’ll come find you when I'm done with this call.

  Small conference room, Bailey scribbled back.

  Okay. Stay there.

  What the hell was going on? Bailey nodded then quickly sent a text to Hunter before stopping off at the bathroom. She saw she had another one from an unknown number and quickly deleted it. She’d made the mistake of opening a weird text once and given her phone a virus.

  Bailey: Do you know what's going on? Feels like everyone is staring at me. Did people see us come in together?

  She expected a text back immediately, but there was nothing. After she was done in the bathroom, she washed her hands and tugged open the door to the bathroom, unfortunately running into the one person she been trying to avoid all day. Dent.

  "You. You fucking did this.”

  Adrenaline spiked her blood and she blinked rapidly. "Mr. Dent. What did I do this time?" She had no idea what she’d done to piss him off. He hadn’t even seen her all day. Not to mention she’d been including him on all her work emails. So what was his problem?

  He used his bigger body to crowd her and she backed up until her ass was at the wall. "You think you're going to fucking ruin me? You're nothing. You’re an intern. I will see you fired for this."

  Fear quickly chased the adrenaline, and all her internal censors screamed GTFO. Get the fuck out, Bailey. Run for the hills.

  They were in the middle of the hallway, for the love of God. He couldn't really hurt her, could he?

  "I really don’t know what you're talking about.” She ducked out from under his arm and tried to walk down the hallway. But he followed.

  "You really expect me to believe that? You think you can ruin my career?"

  Clearly something had happened. But she didn’t have a clue. Was that what Michelle had been trying to tell her? Bailey walked more quickly. If she could just get down to the main hallway, someone would see her. Somebody would help her. If not, she would just walk straight to HR. That seemed like a really good plan right about now.

  "Mr. Dent, I assure you I don't know what in the world—"

  “You’re out of your goddamned mind if you think I’m going to lie down while you ruin me."

  When he grabbed the front of her blouse, Bailey’s mind whirled. Holy shit. How the hell was she going to get out of this one?

  Fuck him.

  What the hell had Brent done? You did this. You fucked that shit right up.

  Fuck. Hunter had to get to Bailey. Brent was only supposed to play the first thirty seconds of that video. Instead, he’d blasted the whole damn thing, including the part where Dent called out Bailey’s name. It had gone out over the company's text server. So every single person who worked at Bold Horizons got that video sent to their phone.

  He had to find Bailey. She was going to kill him. Holy fuck. Saying she’d be humiliated didn’t even scratch the surface. He needed to get to her before anyone else told her what the hell was going on.

  Hunter could almost be guaranteed that she wouldn't have gotten the message herself. For starters, she probably didn't charge her phone last night. Secondly, it would've come from an undisclosed number, and she probably wouldn’t open it. Not after what happened the last time.

  She’d gotten a virus and managed to infect the whole company’s text server as well. So now, if her text alert didn’t come from a name in her contacts, she didn’t open it. Plus, she didn't always check her texts right away.

  That meant he probably still had some time. Sweat poured from his brow as he ran from his office down one floor to Bailey’s desk, but she wasn't there. He glanced at Michelle, who was on the phone, and wrote her a quick Post-it note. Have you seen Bailey?

  She scribbled back. She's in the small conference room. I wanted to warn her about the text before she sees it.

  Hunter nodded. That's what I'm trying to warn her about.

  Michelle wrote back quickly. You better hurry. Because everyone’s seen it and Dent is on the warpath.

  Fuck. What was that asshole going to do to her?

  Hunter knew he’d fucked up. What he should've done was gone straight to HR, disclosed the relationship and dealt with whatever ramifications there were. But oh no, he’d tried to be slick. He’d wanted to teach Dent a lesson for going after Bailey. And now that shit was backfiring big time.

  He ran past the small conference room but she wasn't there. Where the fuck was she? Okay. Think. Think! Where would Bailey go? Maybe she went to get coffee?

  He needed to be on the offensive, to get in front of this. He sent a quick text to his boss. And outlined the problem.

  Hunter: Not sure if you’ve seen the video yet but I think Dent is going to go after Bailey. Given the workload, we need to make sure she stays on the team.

  The response was immediate.

  Stephen: I agree. What the hell was with that video? That's just…

  Hunter: I'll explain everything later over drinks. Right now, I need help managing the Dent situation.

  Stephen: You mean how you and Bailey are seeing each other?

  Oh shit. He knew?

  Hunter: I guess I should've said something before.

  Stephen: Nope. Not my business if you want to date interns. But do me a solid and let HR know that you already disclosed to me so there's no hint of impropriety. In the meantime, I’d get Bailey out of the office.

  Hunter: That's not a bad idea. Now if only I can find her.

  Hunter tucked his phone back in his pocket and then turned left. What he saw had his blood running cold. Fuck. Dent had Bailey cornered in the hallway, pressed up against the glass. He was in her face screaming at her about how he was going to ruin her career.

  Hunter didn't even think. Logic was not in the equation. All he could think about was saving Bailey. When he reached them, he grabbed Dent by the back of the collar and spun him around.

  "If I were you I would get your fucking hands off my girlfriend."

  Dent’s face was a mask of blotchy red patches. His eyes bugged wide, and his thin lips contorted into a snarl. "Oh, of course the boyfriend comes to save the day. You think I didn't know you were fucking her in the supply closet? The both of you are canned. I'm going to see to it.”

  Hunter placed himself in between Dent and Bailey. He didn't even look at Bailey when he said, "Baby, I need you to walk down to HR, and do not move until I come get you."

  "Hunter, what's going on?"

  "Just do as I tell you. Do it now."

  But she didn't move quickly enough and Dent lunged. Hunter really had no choice. And also, it felt fucking incredible to let loose a punch. To be honest, there was no way it was going to be a fair fight. Hunter practiced Muy Thai three days a week. Dent was middle-aged, balding, pudgy, and hadn’t seen the inside of a gym in several years, if ever. It was no match, but Hunter gave zero fucks. That asshole had gone after his woman.

  His fist connected with Dent’s nose, and Hunter heard the crunch. The blood followed soon after. Dent stumbled back, and held his nose, screeching. But instead of seeing he was beaten, he lunged after Bailey again.

had no choice. He snatched the other man by his collar, backed him up against the wall and let loose another round of hits. "Stay put, you asshole."

  Behind him, Bailey screeched. "Hunter, Stop it. What the fuck is happening?"

  When Dent sagged against the wall, Hunter turned until his gaze met hers. "A video of Dent calling out your name went out on the company’s servers about thirty minutes ago. Everyone’s seen it."

  The color drained from her face. And she sagged back against the wall. "So everyone heard?"

  Hunter locked his jaw and nodded.

  "But how did anyone see it? I didn't even know that I’d taken a video."

  He was spared from answering, because he saw the moment realization dawned.

  "Baby, I'm so sorry—"

  She wasn't listening. Placing her hand along the wall for support, she stumbled down the hall towards HR.


  Bailey couldn't feel a thing by the time she made it home. She was so numb after what happened that she thought she might not feel anything ever again.

  Dent’s attack had been bad enough. The way he’d come after her? He’d really wanted to hurt her. Every few minutes or so her hands would start to shake again and she’d curl them up into fists so that she didn't scream or cry. What did she do to ask for any of this?

  And then there was Hunter. The video everyone was busy laughing at, he’d been the one who had it. So how had it gotten out? Had he blasted it on purpose? Why would he do that? And here she thought she was falling in love.

  No. You were falling in lust. Just because the guy’s good in bed doesn't make him a great guy. And she knew that. Despite everything that happened today, there was still a part of her that wanted to believe in him. Wanted to believe that he wouldn’t intentionally hurt her. It had to be a mistake.

  On top of everything else, Bailey had to figure out what the hell she was going to do about her job. Despite what Sally in HR had said, she knew her job was probably in jeopardy. There was no way she could continue to work here. They'd heard what Dent was saying. They’d seen what he was doing. They'd heard her name. That was next-level horrifying.

  Like the exorcist combined with that chick from the Ring, married to Freddy, horrifying. Would she ever be able to look any of them in the eye again?

  But you didn't do anything wrong. But that wouldn't matter to a lot of people. On the other hand, she wasn't willing to throw away the two years she’d put into working at Bold Horizons. She had a shot at a guaranteed job after graduation. How many incoming college juniors could say that? But could she be brave enough to go back to the office? Brave enough to walk by Dent’s office?

  Not that he would be there, of course. Security had finally come to collect him. She'd been separated from him while his exit interview was conducted immediately. After that, the police were called. Which was just another level of humiliation. They’d been talking to Hunter when she eventually left the office.

  Her heart had squeezed and she’d wanted to run to him. But she hadn’t. There would be no comfort there.

  There was a knock at her door, and Baily deliberately ignored it, burrowing deeper under her comforter with her Oreos.

  "Bailey, I know you're in there. Please open the door."

  Hunter? Seriously? He thought she was going to open the door to him? She stayed quiet. Maybe he’d just go away. She wasn’t ready to talk to him yet.

  "Bay, I know I fucked up. I am so sorry. I was jealous and overprotective and wanted Dent gone. I didn't want him bothering you so I took the irritated boyfriend approach instead of the smart one. And I'm really sorry about that. That video was supposed to stop at thirty seconds.”

  Tears welled in her eyes and she called out. “Why would you put that out there?”

  “Fuck. I know I'm sorry isn't enough. I love you. I would never intentionally hurt you."

  “You what?” There it was again, that squeezing of her heart muscle. It was hardly fair. Because he was so having a John Cusack boom-box moment and her heart wanted to relish it, but she was still angry, horrified, sad and humiliated.

  He kept talking. "I know I don't deserve you. But I will tell you that I love everything about you. I love that you can’t take a selfie to save your damn life. I love that every time you eat Indian food your nose runs, but you still eat it as often as possible. I love that you wake up with your hair matted to your forehead because you sweat in your sleep. Do you hear me? I even love you when you're sweaty."

  Mrs. Potts next door banged on the wall that separated their two apartments. Bailey heard the other woman shout, "Sweetheart, if you don't want him, I'll take him off your hands."

  Bailey groaned and threw off the covers. She padded over to her door and yanked it open. "Hunter. I can't do this. Do you understand how I feel?"

  He shook his head. "I will never understand how you feel. You were blindsided. I know how scared I was. I can’t imagine how afraid you were. I will make it up to you in a million different ways if I can. Please don’t give up on me."

  "Why did you do this? Did you want to prove that you had the bigger dick?"

  Classic Hunter, his lips twitched when she said that. And hers almost did too. It was a reflex with them. "No. I didn't want to prove that I had the bigger dick. Although, c’mon, it's obvious. But he saw us coming out of the supply closet."

  Her eyes rounded. “What? Why didn’t you say something?"

  "You were already skittish and I didn't want you freaking out again. Besides, at most, he saw us leave the supply closet at the same time. For all he knew we were in there grabbing supplies. We weren’t loud."

  Bailey flushed as she remembered why they hadn't been that loud. Her mouth had been otherwise occupied. Either with Hunter's dick in her mouth, or his hand or his lips encapsulating her moans. "But he saw us walk out together?"

  "Yeah. He didn't look thrilled about it. But I didn’t think there was much he could do. And he had nothing to go on. But then you told me the shit he’d put you through and I just reacted.”

  "I had no idea he saw us."

  "The other night, you were so upset. I just wanted to kick his ass. Your boss being a dick is par for the course. But all that stuff about him standing too close and undressing you with his eyes worried me. I don't know what he heard in the supply closet, but I knew I had to do something." He held up his hands. "I did the wrong thing. But I was only trying to protect you."

  "Hunter, I’m about to be fired."

  "No, you're not. There's no way HR would do that. It's not your fault he's got you in his spank bank."

  She shuddered in revulsion. "Can we not do that?"

  He shrugged. "Sorry."

  "Hunter, you can't run in and try and solve my problems for me."

  "What would you have me do? I love you.”

  “I love you too, but this is important. We need to talk things out.”

  He grinned. “You love me?”

  “Of course I do.” Her heart melted. She knew he was trying to help her. And he was right, Dent had been horribly inappropriate. "You did all this for me?"

  He nodded. "Yes. You’re it for me, Bailey. Have been since the day you turned up. I am not letting you go. I am not walking away from this. I will bring you cookies and ice cream every day. I will send you quotes from Sex and the City every day. I will text you Modern Family gifs every day. I just want to be in your life. Even if you're too angry to take me back as your boyfriend. I can't lose Bailey my best friend."

  She searched his gaze and saw the truth in there. He wasn't going to run. He loved her. The truth of it was, she loved him too. "Want to come in for some ice cream?"

  A grin broke out over his beautiful face. And he pulled her close as he slid his lips over hers. "I've got something for you that’s a whole lot better than cookies and cream."

  Relief washed through Hunter. She wasn’t kicking him to the curb. With a tremor, he reached for her. He’d panicked when he had finished giving his statement and he couldn’t find
her. Michelle had finally found him and told him she’d headed home.

  “Can I kiss you?” His voice was thick and gravelly. Fuck, he needed her to want him. To trust him again.

  “You can always kiss me, Hunter.”

  As always, the moment she was in his arms, she melted right into him, pressing her body against his. It was so easy to get lost in her the moment their lips met, because the desire and lust took hold, overwhelming him.

  The little mewling sounds she made as he backed her against the wall drove him crazy. He kicked the door shut with his foot, even as he attempted to devour her whole. She tasted sweet and a little like chocolate, and he couldn’t get enough of her. Every lick, every moan, drove him to the edge. Two hours ago, he’d been terrified that Dent would hurt her. An hour ago, he’d been afraid he’d lost her forever. Now with her in his arms, he knew he was never letting her go.

  Hastily, Bailey reached for his belt and he stopped her. “Hey,” he murmured against her lips. “I’m supposed to be giving you the hottest orgasms of your life. Taking my time. After what I did…”

  She kissed him softly. “You will be giving me the hottest orgasms of my life. But all I need is you. Not some proof of how sorry you are. I need bossy Hunter, if you don’t mind.”

  Her eyes held a glimmer of mischief and had him harder than steel.

  “Now, just what does a girl have to do to get the man she loves back?” She tugged his belt out of its buckle.

  “Seems like you have an idea or two about how to do that?”

  “I just might.”

  A deep growl rumbled in his throat when she drew his zipper down. “Bailey, I—”

  She reached into his pants and his boxers and wrapped her fingers around his already stiff erection. Fuck. What had he been thinking about a minute ago? Hunter couldn’t remember. All the blood used to power his brain was now powering his dick. He gritted his jaw as his eyelids fluttered closed.


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