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Book 1: The Crown Prince (The Kid Emperor of Occultoria)

Page 19

by Jason W. Chan

  Chapter 9 - On the Border of Purgatorio: The Land of Ghosts

  On the way to the Village of Pluckley, Kent, England, where Province 1: Purgatorio was located, Max was lost in his anxious thoughts.

  Who controlled the Lord Chancellor and tried to assassinate him? Was it the same person who had written a message in the dark skies demanding that he give up his throne? Did all this have anything to do with his aunt, the Empress, who had mysteriously vanished?

  So many questions yet no satisfactory answers.

  But Max knew one thing for sure: the assassination attempt was proof that someone wanted him dead. But who? And why? Who had the most to gain from his death?

  All these questions swirled in his mind when they landed in a field.

  As Max disembarked, Ariel said, “Your griffin will stay here and wait for us. Griffins normally don’t like to go into your provinces. It’s because they know how dangerous it is.”

  In response, Damien backed away.

  The cat continued, “Eddie should be with us shortly. In the meantime, I’ll fill you in on what you have to know about Purgatorio.”

  Max stared straight ahead. They were in the English countryside, in a field. Directly ahead of them was a forest, but not just any forest. It looked like a magical, enchanted forest. Even a forbidden forest, with its branches that looked like fingers, clawing toward the sky. Under the bright glare of the full moon, the forest took on a mysterious and mystical appeal.

  On the way there, Max had been thinking only about the assassination attempt, but as he stood on the border of Purgatorio, he was suddenly overwhelmed by what he would have to do. Somehow, one way or another, he would have to storm the province, demand to see its leader and then somehow defeat her or persuade her to rejoin the Empire. It was going to be a difficult mission. That much he knew.

  “Hey, numbskull,” said the cat. “Pay attention. This is life or death for you.”

  Jolted from his thoughts, Max scowled at Ariel. “Why don’t you ever call me ‘Your Imperial Highness? Everyone else does.’”

  The cat shrugged. “I’m blunt. I just call it as I see it. And the way I see it, you haven’t earned the title yet. You’re letting it get to your head.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, all your life, you’re just some nobody kid who was shuffled from foster family to foster family. And then, one day, out of the blue, you discover you’re royalty and it’s overwhelming. The position, the fancy title, the clothes, the bodyguards, everyone’s groveling and bowing down to you - it’s easy to let it all go to your head.”

  Max opened his mouth, but then shut it. He knew that Ariel was right. He had been just a nobody kid until his discovery. He should stay humble, and not expect everyone to bow down to him. It was just that everybody had treated him like the royal boy that he was since his arrival. He knew he was special, but he decided he wasn’t going to let it get to his head.

  Ariel cocked her head to the side. “Don’t you think I know you? I’ve been with you all your life. Suddenly becoming a somebody - it’s overwhelming. It’s important to stay humble.”

  Max knew she was right, but his pride prevented him from admitting it.

  So he retorted, “Yeah, you were with me all my life but you didn’t bother to let me know about my supernatural family.”

  The cat glared at him but said nothing.

  After a brief silence, the cat finally spoke. “I had my reasons. But suffice it to say that greatness is not located in one’s blood. It’s in your actions and your deeds. It’s in your personality. It has nothing to do with royal birth and everything to do with your actions.”

  Max thought about it. He knew the cat was right. People should be judged by how they behaved, not how royal their parents were.

  Ariel continued, “I’ll call you Your Imperial Highness when I think you’ve earned it. Now, let’s focus on more important matters now. As I was saying, while we’re waiting, I’ll fill you in on this province. Purgatorio is a dark, cold place. It’s also known as the Land of Eternal Darkness, because the sun never shines here. Even when it’s day, it’s dark and cold.”

  A cold breeze brushed Max’s skin and he shivered. It was indeed cold.

  As he scanned the horizon, a silver light glimmered.

  Ariel pointed a paw at it. “That’s the Haunted Forest. Very few people from the Natural World ever go in there, mostly because they heard that it’s haunted. Also, there’s a force field. Force fields prevent unauthorized travel between the two worlds. Two things can happen when people of the Natural World try to break through to the Supernatural World. One: they pass through and end up instantly on the other side. Or two: they simply vanish.”

  “Vanish?” repeated Max.

  “Yes. That’s why people tend to vanish when they try to enter the Bermuda Triangle. That’s where one of your provinces is located. They always disappear when they get too close, so there wouldn’t be any mixing of the two worlds.”

  Max gazed at the twinkling forest. In front of a tree trunk, a face of a beautiful girl flashed briefly and then vanished.

  He pointed at the tree trunk. “Did you see that?”

  “That face?” said the cat, licking her paws. “Yes. You see, Purgatorio is a place for the souls that refuse to depart into the afterlife, for whatever reason. Some died in a state of such extreme emotion that their souls linger on Earth, determined to get another chance at life, even though they never could. They all want something they were never able to get in life. Revenge, fame, wealth, fortune, love. These emotions eventually consume them inside, and all they could think about is getting what they want.”

  “How powerful are they?” Max asked, thinking of the hideous queen.

  “Very,” said the cat.

  Max felt a shiver crawl up his spine.

  Ariel said, “Don’t worry. You got your own powers to help you. Your Glove of Vulcan. Good thing ghosts are afraid of fire.”

  Max inspected the Glove of Vulcan on his hand. He wondered whether this weapon was enough to defeat a powerful spirit queen.

  Ariel said, “We’re just waiting for Eddie Draco now.”

  Now sooner had she said that than Eddie come tumbling down from the skies. He was in his dragon form, but he was quickly changing back into his bumbling human form.

  Eddie landed facedown on the muddy ground, right in front of Max.

  The dragon spirit lifted his pudgy, mud-smeared face to look at the Crown Prince. “My lord prince,” he said, getting up. “I’m so sorry I’m late. I was training and I lost track of time and then I got lost on my way here....”

  Max raised one hand to silence him. “It’s OK. Please rise, Eddie.”

  The young prince inspected his ragtag crew and what a ragtag crew it was.

  It consisted of Eddie, a bumbling and clumsy dragon spirit with mud on his face who couldn’t control his own transformation; a tiny, fat, lazy cat, who - although knowledgable about the Supernatural World - doesn't seem to have any major power that could help in a fight except for clawing and scratching; and Max himself, a young and inexperienced Crown Prince, supposed ruler of the Supernatural World, but still very green and very untrained.

  How am I ever going to defeat the Queen of Purgatorio? Max wondered.

  Ariel pointed a paw at the foreboding forest. “Alright, let’s go. Into the Haunted Forest.”

  Max let out a breath slowly.

  He turned around and petted his loyal griffin’s sleek fur. “Bye, bye. Thanks for your service.”

  The griffin backed away, making a whimpering sound as he stared into the forest.

  Max knew how his griffin felt.

  The young prince was scared too.

  The wind grew stronger and a newspaper was blown into his face.

  Max read it.

  The headline was that of a few days earlier.

  More dead bodies found in the Haunted Forest.

  Max’s eyes widened.

m within the Haunted Forest, wailing voices blended into one another. They shrieked and howled.

  The cat nodded. It was as though she had heard it all before.

  Max’s skin began to develop goosebumps.

  He suddenly had a burning desire to be in Learning Assistance instead of at the border of the Land of Ghosts.

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